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電子ジャーナル/欧文誌 F-J

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 和文誌
- F1000Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2005-Current)
- Faculty Dental Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2010-(360 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:360日
- Familial Cancer. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Families in Society. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-Oct 2007)
- Families, Systems & Health: The Journal of Collaborative Family HealthCare. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2000-Mar 2006)
- Family & Community Health. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1999-Aug 2007)
- Family & Community Health. (LWW) (年月:1978-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Family Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1997-Oct 2011)
- Family Medicine. (Society of Teachers of Family Medicine) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:32-Current) FREE
- Family Medicine and Community Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2013-Current)
- Family Planning Perspectives. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1990-Nov 2001)
- Family Practice. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:13(1)-20(6))
- Family practice. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1984-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Family Practice Management. (American Academy of Family Physicians) (年月:1998- (Free after 13 months) 巻号:5- (Free after 13 months)) Free after 13 months
- Family Practice Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1998-Current)
- Family Process. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2000-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- Family Process. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1999-Dec 2012)
- Family Process. (Wiley) (年月:1997-2007 巻号:Vol.36-46)
- Family Relations. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Family Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Sep 2009)
- FAO Food and Nutrition Paper. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2013)
- FarmaJournal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2016-Current)
- FASEB BioAdvances. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- FASEB Journal. (Wiley) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:11-Current)
- Fast Facts : Acne. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Jan 2004)
- Fast Facts : Ankylosing Spondylitis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Jan 2004)
- Fast Facts : Anxiety, Panic and Phobias. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Jan 2006)
- Fast Facts : Asthma. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2010)
- Fast Facts : Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2011)
- Fast Facts : Bipolar Disorder. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2010)
- Fast Facts : Bladder Cancer. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Jan 2006)
- Fast Facts : Bladder Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2011)
- Fast Facts : Bleeding Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Jan 2004)
- Fast Facts : Brain Tumors. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2011)
- Fast Facts : Breast Cancer. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2012)
- Fast Facts : Cardiac Arrhythmias. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2010)
- Fast Facts : Celiac Disease. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2009)
- Fast Facts : Chronic and Cancer Pain. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2011)
- Fast Facts : Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2009)
- Fast Facts : Colorectal Cancer. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2010)
- Fast Facts : Contraception. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2009)
- Fast Facts : Dementia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2009)
- Fast Facts : Depression. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2011)
- Fast Facts : Diabetes Mellitus. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2009)
- Fast Facts : Diabetes Mellitus. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2012)
- Fast Facts : Diseases of the Pancreas and Biliary Tract. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Jan 2006)
- Fast Facts : Disorders of the Hair and Scalp. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2010)
- Fast Facts : Dyspepsia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Jan 2003)
- Fast Facts : Eating Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2012)
- Fast Facts : Eczema and Contact Dermatitis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Jan 2004)
- Fast Facts : Endometriosis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Jan 2003)
- Fast Facts : Epilepsy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2009)
- Fast Facts : Erectile Dysfunction. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2008)
- Fast Facts : Glaucoma. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2010)
- Fast Facts : Gynecologic Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2012)
- Fast Facts : Headaches. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Jan 2002)
- Fast Facts : Hyperlipidemia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2010)
- Fast Facts : Hypertension. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2010)
- Fast Facts : Infant Nutrition. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Jan 2003)
- Fast Facts : Inflammatory Bowel Disease. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2008)
- Fast Facts : Irritable Bowel Syndrome. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Jan 2003)
- Fast Facts : Liver Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Jan 2006)
- Fast Facts : Low Back Pain. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Jan 2003)
- Fast Facts : Lymphoma. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2008)
- Fast Facts : Menopause. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Jan 2005)
- Fast Facts : Minor Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2008)
- Fast Facts : Multiple Sclerosis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Jan 2006)
- Fast Facts : Obesity. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2009)
- Fast Facts : Obstructive Sleep Apnea. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Jan 2004)
- Fast Facts : Ophthalmology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Jan 2006)
- Fast Facts : Osteoarthritis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2009)
- Fast Facts : Osteoarthritis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2012)
- Fast Facts : Osteoporosis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2009)
- Fast Facts : Parkinson's Disease. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2011)
- Fast Facts : Prostate Cancer. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2012)
- Fast Facts : Psoriasis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2008)
- Fast Facts : Religion and Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2008)
- Fast Facts : Renal Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Jan 2006)
- Fast Facts : Respiratory Tract Infection. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Jan 2003)
- Fast Facts : Rheumatoid Arthritis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2011)
- Fast Facts : Rhinitis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Jan 2007)
- Fast Facts : Schizophrenia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Jan 2007)
- Fast Facts : Sexually Transmitted Infections. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Jan 2007)
- Fast Facts : Skin Cancer. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Jan 2005)
- Fast Facts : Smoking Cessation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Jan 2007)
- Fast Facts : Soft Tissue Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Jan 2006)
- Fast Facts : Specific Learning Difficulties. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Jan 2003)
- Fast Facts : Thyroid Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Jan 2006)
- Fast Facts : Travel Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-Jan 2001)
- Fast Facts : Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Highlights 2010-2011. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2011)
- Fast Facts: Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Highlights, 2011-12.. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2012)
- Fathering. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2003-Dec 2016)
- Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2013-Current 巻号:1(3)-Current)
- FDA Consumer. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1998-Mar 2007)
- FDA Consumer. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1988-Mar 2007)
- FEBS Journal. (Wiley) (年月:2005-(12 months ago) 巻号:272-(12 months ago)) Content older than 1 year. リンク先で継続前誌 European journal of biochemistry (1967-2004年)アクセス可
- FEBS Letters. (Elsevier) (年月:1968-2015 巻号:1-589) Free. 2016年よりWiley
- FEBS Letters. (Wiley) (年月:1968-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化
- FEBS Open Bio. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2011-Current)
- FEBS Open Bio. (Wiley) (年月:2011-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal
- Federal Probation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2002-Current)
- The Federal Register / FIND. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2005-Current)
- Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery. (LWW) (年月:2010-2018 巻号:16-24) 継続前誌: Journal of Pelvic Medicine & Surgery
- Feminist Legal Studies. (Springer) (年月:1993-1996 巻号:1-4)
- FEMS Microbiology Ecology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1996-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2014 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- FEMS Microbiology Letters. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1996-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2013--31-Dec-2014 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- FEMS Microbiology Reviews. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1996-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2013--31-Dec-2014 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- FEMS Yeast Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2003-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Fems Yeast Research. (Wiley) (年月:2001-2014 巻号:1-14) Free
- Fermentation. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2015-Current)
- Ferroelectric Letters Section. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1983-1996 巻号:1-22(1))
- Ferroelectrics. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1970-1996 巻号:1-189)
- Fertility Research and Practice. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Fertility and sterility. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1995-Current 巻号:63-Current)
- Fertility Today Magazine. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2006-Apr 2008) 欠:01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2007
- Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy. (Karger) (年月:1986-2013 巻号:1-34) 継続前誌: Fetal Therapy (1986-1989年)
- Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Dec 2015)
- Fetal and Maternal Medicine Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2001-Nov 2014)
- Fetal and Pediatric Pathology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:23-Current) 継続前誌も利用可 Pediatric Pathology & Molecular Medicine (1998-2003年); Pediatric Pathology & Laboratory Medicine (1997年)
- Few-Body Systems. (Springer) (年月:1986-1996 巻号:1-21)
- FIA研究懇談会会誌. (J-STAGE) (年月:2003-Current) FREE
- Fiber & Integrated Optics. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1977-1996 巻号:1-15)
- Fibre Chemistry. (Springer) (年月:1969-1996 巻号:1-28)
- Fibrinolysis. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1987-1994 巻号:Vol.1-8)
- Fibrogenesis and tissue repair. (BioMed Central) (年月:2008-2016 巻号:1-9) FREE
- Fibrogenesis & Tissue Repair. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2016)
- FierceBiomarkers. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Dec 2013)
- FierceDrugDelivery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Sep 2015)
- FierceEMR. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Sep 2015)
- FierceHealthcare. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Sep 2015)
- FierceHealthIT. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2012-Sep 2015)
- FierceHealthPayer. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Sep 2015)
- FierceMedicalDevices. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Sep 2015)
- FierceMobileHealthcare. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Sep 2015)
- FiercePracticeManagement. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Sep 2015)
- FierceVaccines. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Sep 2015)
- Filaria Journal. (PubMed Central) (年月:2002-2007 巻号:1-6) Changed title to Parasites and Vectors since 2008
- Filaria Journal [NLM-MEDLINE]. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2005-Nov 2005)
- Fire Technology. (NII-REO) (年月:1965-1999 巻号:1(1)-35(4))
- Fire Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Nov 2000)
- Fire Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Fire Technology. (Springer) (年月:1965-1996 巻号:1-32)
- Firstline. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Mar 2020)
- Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. (NII-REO) (年月:1986-1999 巻号:1(1)-21(4))
- Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. (Springer) (年月:1986-1996 巻号:1-15)
- Fisheries Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2005-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Fishes. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2016-Current)
- Fisioterapia Brasil. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Flavour. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2017)
- Flavour and Fragrance Journal. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.11-24,25(1))
- Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal. (Springer) (年月:1988-1996 巻号:1-8) 誌名変遷: International journal of flexible manufacturing systems (1988-2007) → Flexible services and manufacturing journal (2008)-
- Flora. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Apr 2004)
- The Florida Entomologist. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2002-Dec 2020)
- Florida Nurse. (CINAHL) (年月:Sep 2004-Current)
- The Florida Nurse. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1998-Current)
- Florida Scientist. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Flow, Turbulence and Combustion. (Springer) (年月:1949-1996 巻号:1-56) 誌名変遷: Applied scientific research. A (1949-1966) → Applied scientific research (1966-1998) → Flow, turbulence and combustion (1998-)
- Fluid Dynamics. (Springer) (年月:1966-1996 巻号:1-31)
- Fluids and barriers of the CNS. (Biomed Central) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE 継続前誌含む
- Fluids and Barriers of the CNS. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Fly. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2007- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:1- (Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1998-Mar 2010)
- Folding and Design. (Current Biology) (年月:1996-1998 巻号:1-3) Incorporated into Structure in 1999. Articles 1996-1998 are free.
- Folia Anatomica Japonica. (J-STAGE) (年月:1922-1935) FREE
- Folia Biologica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Current)
- Folia Clinica en Obstetricia y Ginecologia. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2004-Nov 2010)
- Folia Cryptogamica Estonica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jan 2018)
- Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Current)
- Folia Malacologica. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2009-Dec 2012)
- Folia Medica. (Plovdiv Medical University) (年月:2010-Current 巻号:52(2)-Current) Open Access
- Folia Medica. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2008-Current)
- Folia Medica Indonesiana. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Current)
- Folia Microbiologica. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Folia Morphologica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Folia Neuropathologica. (Termedica) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:43-Current) FREE. This journal is open access. However, a free registration must be completed in order to access the articles.
- Folia Oecologica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2004-Jan 2018)
- Folia Parasitologica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-(90 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:90日
- Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica. (Karger) (年月:1949-2013 巻号:Vol.1-65)
- Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1998-Jul 2015)
- Folia Primatologica. (Karger) (年月:1963-2013 巻号:Vol.1-84)
- Folia Primatologica. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1998-Oct 2015)
- Folia Zoologica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Nov 2012)
- Food / Nahrung. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2006/1/31 巻号:Vol.40-47,48(1-3))
- Food and Agricultural Immunology. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1998-Dec 2000)
- Food Biophysics. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2006-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Food Insight. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1999-Current)
- Food Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1997-Current)
- Food & Nutrition Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jan 2018)
- Food and Nutrition Research. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:40-Current) FREE. Näringsforskning (1996-2001) →Scandinavian Journal of Nutrition (2002-2005)
- Food Production, Processing and Nutrition. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- Food Safety. (J-STAGE) (年月:2013-Current) FREE
- Food Science & Nutrition. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Food Science and Technology International, Tokyo. (J-STAGE) (年月:1995-1998 巻号:V.1-4) FREE
- Food Technology and Biotechnology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- The Foot. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1991-1994 巻号:1-4)
- Foot & Ankle Orthopaedics. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2016-Current)
- Foot and Ankle Surgery. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1994-1994 巻号:1)
- Foreign Language Annals. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2009 巻号:Vol.29-42)
- Forensic Anthropology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Current)
- Forensic Examiner. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2006-Dec 2013)
- Forensic Science. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1972-1977 巻号:1-11) Continued as Forensic Science International
- Forensic Science Communications. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2010-Apr 2010)
- Forensic Science International. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1978-Current 巻号:12-Current) Formerly known as Forensic Science
- Forensic Science International (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(60 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-1999--31-Dec-2000 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:60日
- Forensic Science Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Forensic Sciences Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Formal Aspects of Computing. (Springer) (年月:1989-1996 巻号:1-8)
- Formal Methods in System Design. (Springer) (年月:1992-1996 巻号:1-9)
- Formulary. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Dec 2013)
- Fortean Times. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Forum der Psychoanalyse. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1999-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2001 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Forum for Social Economics. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1997-Oct 2011)
- Foundation News & Commentary. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-Nov 1996)
- Foundation of Nursing Studies: Improvement Insights. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2014-Jul 2018)
- Foundation University Journal of Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Jan 2020)
- Foundations of Physics. (Springer) (年月:1970-1996 巻号:1-26)
- Foundations of Physics Letters. (Springer) (年月:1988-1996 巻号:1-9)
- Foundations of Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Foundations of Science. (Springer) (年月:1995-1996 巻号:1-1)
- Frattura ed Integritá Strutturale. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2007-Jul 2019)
- Free Radical Biology and Medicine. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1987-2018 巻号:3-129) 継続前誌:Advances in Free Radical Biology & Medicine. 継続前誌:Journal of Free Radicals in Biology & Medicine.
- Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry. (NII-REO) (年月:1969-1999 巻号:244(1)-365(8)) 欠245-335
- Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2002-Current)
- Frontier Nursing University Quarterly Bulletin. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2015-Current)
- Frontiers of Health Services Management. (LWW) (年月:1984-2018 巻号:1-35)
- Frontiers of Health Services Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1987-Current)
- Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2009-Current)
- Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2007-Current)
- Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience. (PubMed Central) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2007-Current)
- Frontiers in cellular neuroscience. (PubMed Central) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2007-Current)
- Frontiers in computational neuroscience. (PubMed Central) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Frontiers in Dentistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2019)
- Frontiers in Environmental Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2013-Current)
- Frontiers in evolutionary neuroscience. (PubMed Central) (年月:2009-2013 巻号:1-5)
- Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2008-Current)
- Frontiers in human neuroscience. (PubMed Central) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2013-Current)
- Frontiers in integrative neuroscience. (PubMed Central) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Frontiers in Marine Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2014-Current)
- Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2008-Current)
- Frontiers in molecular neuroscience. (PubMed Central) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Frontiers in Neural Circuits. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2007-Current)
- Frontiers in neural circuits. (PubMed Central) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2007-Current)
- Frontiers in neuroanatomy. (PubMed Central) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Frontiers in neuroenergetics. (PubMed Central) (年月:2009-2014 巻号:1-6)
- Frontiers in neuroengineering. (PubMed Central) (年月:2008-2015 巻号:1-8)
- Frontiers in Neuroinformatics. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2007-Current)
- Frontiers in neuroinformatics. (PubMed Central) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Frontiers in Neurorobotics. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2007-Current)
- Frontiers in neurorobotics. (PubMed Central) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Frontiers in Neuroscience. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2007-Current)
- Frontiers in neuroscience. (PubMed Central) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Frontiers in systems neuroscience. (PubMed Central) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Frontiers in zoology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Frontiers in Zoology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Frontiers of Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2007-Jan 2019)
- Frontline Gastroenterology. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2010-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Frontline gastroenterology. (PubMed Central) (年月:2010-(12 Months ago) 巻号:1-(12 Months ago)) Free. after 12 months
- Fujita Medical Journal. (J-STAGE) (年月:2015-Current) FREE
- Fukushima Journal of Medical Science. (Fukushima Society of Medical Science) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:Vol.49-Current) 本学リポジトリ
- Fukushima journal of medical science. (PubMed Central) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:61-Current)
- Fullerene Science and Technology. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1993-1996 巻号:1-4) リンク先は継続後誌:Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanostructures
- Functional Analysis and Its Applications. (Springer) (年月:1967-1996 巻号:1-30)
- Functional & Integrative Genomics. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2002-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Functional Neurology. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2006-Jul 2019)
- Functional Neurology, Rehabilitation, and Ergonomics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Oct 2016)
- Fund Raising Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1987-Oct 2002)
- Fundamental Toxicological Sciences. (J-STAGE) (年月:2014-Current) FREE
- Fungal Biology and Biotechnology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Fungal Diversity. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Dec 2018)
- Future Cardiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Jan 2021) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-May-2020; 01-Sep-2020--30-Nov-2020
- The Future of Children. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1998-Current)
- Future Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2019-Current)
- Future Medicinal Chemistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Dec 2020)
- Future Microbiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2006-Jan 2021) 欠:01-May-2020--15-May-2020; 01-Jun-2020--30-Jun-2020; 01-Aug-2020--30-Sep-2020
- Future Neurology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Jul 2015)
- Future Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2005-Dec 2020)
- Future Virology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Mar 2021)
- The Futurist. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1988-Jul 2015)
- FUUAST Journal of Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2011-Current)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 和文誌
- Gaceta médica de México. (Unidad de Congresos del Centro Médico Nacional) (年月:2001- 巻号:Vol.137-) FREE
- Gaceta Sanitaria. (Elsevier España) (年月:1987-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open access
- Gait & posture. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1993-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- GANN Japanese Journal of Cancer Research. (J-STAGE) (年月:1959-1984) FREE
- Gastric Cancer. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2002-Jan 2019)
- Gastroenterology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1995-Current 巻号:108-Current)
- Gastroenterology Nursing. (LWW) (年月:1989-Current 巻号:12(2)-Current) 継続前誌: SGA Journal (1977-1988年)
- Gastroenterology Research and Practice. (Hindawi) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:2008-Current) open access journal
- Gastrointestinal Cancer : Targets and Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2018)
- Gastrointestinal cancer research : GCR. (PubMed Central) (年月:2007-2014 巻号:1-7)
- Gastrointestinal Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2021-Current)
- Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1971-Current 巻号:18-Current)
- Gates Open Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2017-Current)
- Gay and Lesbian Issues and Psychology Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2007-Apr 2013)
- Gayana. Botanica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Gender & Behaviour. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2008-Current)
- Gene expression. (PubMed Central) (年月:1991-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Gene Expression to Genetical Genomics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2015) 欠:01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2012
- Gene Function & Disease. (Wiley) (年月:2000-2002 巻号:Vol.1-3)
- Gene Regulation and Systems Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Jan 2018)
- Gene Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- General Dermatology : an Atlas of Investigation and Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Jan 2007)
- General Hospital Psychiatry. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1979-1994 巻号:1-16)
- General Medicine. (J-STAGE) (年月:2000-2015) FREE
- General Psychiatry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2018-Current)
- General relativity and gravitation. (Springer) (年月:1970-1996 巻号:1-28) 継続前誌: Bulletin on general relativity and gravitation(1962-1969)
- Generations. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1990-Current)
- Genes. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2010-Current)
- Genes & cancer. (Impact Journals) (年月:2010-Current 巻号:1-Current) Free
- Genes and Development. (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press) (年月:1987-Current 巻号:Vol.1-Current)
- Genes and Environment. (BioMed Central) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:37-Current) v36(2014年)まではJ-STAGE
- Genes and Environment. (J-STAGE) (年月:2006-2014 巻号:V.28-Current) FREE
- Genes and Environment. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Genes & Genetic Systems. (J-STAGE) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:V.71-Current) FREE
- Genes and Immunity. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2000-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Genes and nutrition. (BioMed Central) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:2-Current) FREE
- Genes & Nutrition. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Genes To Cells. (Wiley) (年月:1996-(6 months ago) 巻号:1-(6 months ago)) 6か月経過後Free化
- Genes, Brain and Behavior. (Wiley) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:1-(2 years ago),21-Current) Free: Content older than 2 years. 2022年オープンアクセス化
- Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer. (Wiley) (年月:1989-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.1-48,49(1))
- GENESIS. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 1998-Jan 2012)
- Genesis. (Wiley) (年月:2000-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.26-47,48(1))
- Genetic Counseling. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Oct 2016)
- Genetic Epidemiology. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.13-33,34(1))
- Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. (Springer) (年月:1953-1996 巻号:1-43)
- Genetic vaccines and therapy. (BioMed Central) (年月:2003-2012 巻号:1-10) FREE
- Genetic Vaccines and Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2012)
- Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs. (ProQuest) (年月:May 1998-Nov 2006)
- Genetica. (NII-REO) (年月:1919-1999 巻号:1(1)-107(1/3))
- Genetica. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Genetica. (Springer) (年月:1919-1996 巻号:1-98)
- Genetics. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1916-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Genetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2004-Dec 2020)
- Genetics in medicine. (Elsevier) (年月:1998-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化
- Genetics in Medicine. (LWW) (年月:2000-2003 巻号:2-5)
- Genetics in Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2001-Dec 2021) 欠:01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2003; 01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2010; 01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2012
- Genetics and Molecular Biology. (Sociedade Brasileira de Genética) (年月:1998-Current 巻号:21-Current) FREE
- Genetics Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2001-Jan 2020)
- Genetics Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2021-Current)
- Genetics Research International. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jan 2019)
- Genetics, Selection, Evolution. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2005; 01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2008
- The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review. (Springer) (年月:1990-1996 巻号:15-21)
- Genitourinary Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1985-Dec 1997)
- Genitourinary Medicine. (PubMed Central) (年月:1985-1997 巻号:61-73) 継続前誌: British journal of venereal diseases. 継続後誌: Sexually transmitted infections
- Genome. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1998-Jun 2007)
- Genome Biology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open access
- Genome Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Genome Informatics. (J-STAGE) (年月:1990-2011) FREE
- Genome Medicine. (BioMed Central) (年月:2009-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE. All research articles are free; subscription may be required for other content.
- Genome Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Genome Research. (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press) (年月:1991- (Free after 6 months) 巻号:1- (Free after 6 months)) Free: after 6 months
- Genomics. (Elsevier) (年月:Dec 2005-Current 巻号:86(6)-(18 months ago),114-Current) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:18か月間. 2022年オープンアクセス化
- Genomics and Applied Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2018)
- Genomics and Health Impact [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2018-Current)
- Genomics Insights. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2018)
- Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics. (Elsevier) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:1-Current) ScienceDirect
- Geo Journal of Tourism and Geosites. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- Geochemical Transactions. (BioMed Central) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Geochemical Transactions. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Geo-Eco-Marina. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Geografijos Metrastis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- GeoJournal. (Springer) (年月:1977-1996 巻号:1-40)
- Geo-Marine Letters. (Springer) (年月:1981-1996 巻号:1-16)
- Geomatics, Natural Hazards & Risk. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2017-Dec 2019)
- Geometriae Dedicata. (Springer) (年月:1972-1996 巻号:1-63)
- Geometric and functional analysis : GAFA. (Springer) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-6)
- Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dymanics. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1970-1996 巻号:1-83) 継続前誌:Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (1970-1976年)含む
- Georgia Journal of Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-Current)
- Georgia Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1995-Current)
- Georgia Nursing. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 1998-Current)
- Georgian International Journal of Science, Technology and Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Oct 2014)
- Georgian Mathematical Journal. (Springer) (年月:1994-1996 巻号:1-3)
- Geospatial Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2006-Current)
- Geotechnical and Geological Engineering. (Springer) (年月:1983-1996 巻号:1-14)
- Geriaction. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2005-Mar 2007)
- Geriatric Nephrology and Urology. (NII-REO) (年月:1991-1999 巻号:1(1)-9(3))
- Geriatric Nephrology and Urology. (Springer) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-6(1-2))
- Geriatric Orthopaedic Surgery & Rehabilitation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2016-Current)
- Geriatrics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2021-Current)
- Geriatrics & gerontology international. (Wiley) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) 日本老年医学会
- German medical science : GMS e-journal. (PubMed Central) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Germs. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2011-Sep 2022)
- Gerontologist. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1961-2018 巻号:1-58)
- Gerontology. (Karger) (年月:1957-Current 巻号:1-59,64-Current) 継続前誌: Gerontologia (1957-1975年)
- Gerontology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-Dec 2015)
- Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Gerontology & geriatric medicine. (Sage) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal
- GeroScience. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Dec 2018)
- GeroScience. (PubMed Central) (年月:2017-Current 巻号:39-Current) 継続前誌もリンク先でアクセス可 Age: v20-22 (1997-1999) → Journal of the American Aging Association: v23-26(2000-2003) → Age: v27-38(2005-2016)※刊行12か月後Free化 → GeroScience: v39(2017-)
- Gestalt Review. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2008-May 2017)
- Ghana Medical Journal. (Ghana Medical Association) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:39-Current) FREE
- The Gifted Child Quarterly. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2004-Jul 2010)
- GigaScience. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2016)
- Ginekologia Polska = Polish Gynecology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Giornale Italiano di Endodonzia. (Elsevier) (年月:2011-2018 巻号:25-32) ScienceDirect
- Glass and Ceramics. (Springer) (年月:1956-1996 巻号:13-53)
- Glia. (Wiley) (年月:1988-Jan. 2017 巻号:1-64,65(1))
- Global Advances in Health and Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Global Biodiversity. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1991-Apr 1999)
- Global Bioethics. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2017-Current)
- Global Biogeochemical Cycles. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Oct 2012)
- Global Change Biology. Bioenergy. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2009-Current)
- Global Cosmetic Industry. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 1994-Sep 2007)
- Global Health Action. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2011-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2012
- Global Health Action. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Global Health & Medicine. (J-STAGE) (年月:2019-2019) FREE
- Global Health Promotion. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1998-Current)
- Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Jan 2020)
- Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2021-Current)
- Global IP News. Healthcare Patent News. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2013-Current)
- Global IP News. Medical Patent News. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2013-Current)
- Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Global Journal of Health Education and Promotion. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2016)
- Global Journal of Research on Medicinal Plants & Indigenous Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jul 2018)
- Global journal of transfusion medicine. (Medknow) (年月:2016-Current 巻号:1-Current) PDFへのアクセスは購読が必要. open access
- Global Pediatric Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017
- Global Programme for the Prevention and Control of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2011)
- Global Public Health : An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access: v18(2023)-
- Global Security : Health, Science and Policy. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2016-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal.
- Global Social Welfare. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2014-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Global Spine Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2018-Current)
- Global spine journal. (SAGE Publications) (年月:2011-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal.
- Globalization and Health. (BioMed Central) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Globalization and Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Glycative Stress Research. (J-STAGE) (年月:2014-Current) FREE
- Glycobiology. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:6(1)-13(2)) 欠あり
- Glycobiology. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1996-(12 months ago) 巻号:6-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化
- Glycobiology Insights. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2017)
- Glycoconjugate Journal. (NII-REO) (年月:1984-1999 巻号:1(1)-16(12))
- Glycoconjugate Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Glycoconjugate journal. (Springer) (年月:1984-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Glycosylation & Disease. (Springer) (年月:1994-1994 巻号:1)
- GMO Biosafety Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2016)
- Gondola : Ensenanza Aprendizaje de las Ciencias. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Jan 2019)
- GP. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2003-Jun 2015)
- Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology. (NII-REO) (年月:1854-1999 巻号:1(1)-237(12))
- Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Graefe's archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology. (Springer) (年月:1854-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Graft. (Sage) (年月:2001-2003 巻号:Vol.4-6) FREE (SAGE/CLOCKSS提供)
- Graphs and Combinatorics. (Springer) (年月:1985-1996 巻号:1-12)
- Great Lakes Fishery Commission. Annual Report. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1956-Jan 2012) 欠:01-Jan-1984--31-Dec-1994
- Great Lakes Fishery Commission. Miscellaneous Publications. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1981-Current) 欠:01-Jan-1982--31-Dec-1991; 01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-1997; 01-Jan-1999--31-Dec-2002; 01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2005; 01-Jan-2009--31-Dec-2009; 01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2015; 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019
- Great Lakes Fishery Commission. Special Publication. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1979-Current) 欠:01-Jan-1980--31-Dec-1981; 01-Jan-1992--31-Dec-1992; 01-Jan-1996--31-Dec-1998; 01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2002; 01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2004; 01-Jan-2006--31-Dec-2006; 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011; 01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2015; 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018
- Great Lakes Fishery Commission. Technical Report. (ProQuest) (年月:May 1961-May 2011) 欠:01-Jan-1970--31-Dec-1992; 01-Jan-1994--31-Dec-1998; 01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2004; 01-Jan-2006--31-Dec-2009
- Great Plains Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1991-(1095 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-1995--31-Dec-1997 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:1095日
- Ground Water. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-Sep 2005)
- Group. (Springer) (年月:1977-1996 巻号:1-20)
- Group Decision and Negotiation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Group Decision and Negotiation. (Springer) (年月:1992-1996 巻号:1-5)
- Group & Organization Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1987-Dec 2007)
- Growth Factors. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:14-Current)
- Guident. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2012-Current)
- Gülhane Tip Dergisi. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2002-Current)
- Güncel Pediatri. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2012-Jan 2019)
- Gut. (BMJ Publishing Group) (年月:1960-Current 巻号:Vol.1-Current)
- Gut. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1960-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Gut Microbiome. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2020-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Gut Pathogens. (BioMed Central) (年月:2009-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Gut Pathogens. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Gynäkologisch-geburtshilfliche Rundschau. (Karger) (年月:1964-1997 巻号:1-37) 継続前誌: Gynäkologische Rundschau (1964–1991年)
- Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation. (Karger) (年月:1895-2013 巻号:1-76) Monatsschrift für Geburtshülfe und Gynäkologie (1895-1945年) → Gynaecologia (1946-1969年) → Gynecologic Investigation (1970-1977年)
- Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Dec 2015)
- Gynecologic Oncology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1972-Current 巻号:Vol.1-Current)
- Gynecologic oncology reports. (Elsevier) (年月:2014-Current 巻号:10-Current) Open Access (ScienceDirect)
- Gynecologic Oncology Research and Practice. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2019)
- Gynecological Endocrinology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2003-Jan 2008)
- Gynecological Endocrinology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:11-Current) Open Access: v39(2023)-
- Gynecological Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2004-Current)

A | B | C | D | E| F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Z | 和文誌
- H&HN: Hospitals & Health Networks. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1995-Dec 2017)
- Hand (NewYork). (PubMed Central) (年月:2006-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) Free. after a 12-month delay
- Haematologica. (Ferrata Storti Foundation) (年月:1994-Current 巻号:79-Current) Free site
- The Hand. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1969-1983 巻号:1-15) Continued as The Journal of Hand Surgery: British & European Volume
- HARA : the Hospital Accounts Receivable Analysis. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2007-Oct 2015)
- Harm Reduction Journal. (BioMed Central) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Harm Reduction Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Harvard Educational Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1988-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Harvard Health Letter. (CINAHL) (年月:Oct 1990-Current)
- Harvard Health Publications. Ask the expert.. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2008-Sep 2009)
- Harvard Health Publications. Ask Harvard Medical School Video Series. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2009-May 2010)
- Harvard Health Publications. Harvard Commentaries on Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2001-Nov 2017)
- Harvard Health Publications. Harvard Health Letter.. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2013-Current)
- Harvard Health Publications. Harvard Heart Letter. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Harvard Health Publications. Harvard Medical School Glossary of Health Terms. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2012)
- Harvard Health Publications. Harvard Men's Health Watch. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Current)
- Harvard Health Publications. The Harvard Mental Health Letter. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Jan 2022) 欠:01-Jan-2013--31-Dec-2020
- Harvard Health Publications. Harvard Reviews of Health News. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Apr 2017)
- Harvard Health Publications. Harvard Women's Health Watch. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Current)
- Harvard Health Publications. Health Topics A-Z. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019; 01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2022
- Harvard Health Publications. Quirky Body Series. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2009-Jan 2011)
- Harvard Health Publications. Special Health Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2007-Current)
- Harvard Mental Health Letter. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1994-Mar 2012)
- Harvard Papers in Botany. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2020-Current)
- Harvard review of psychiatry. (LWW) (年月:1993-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Harvard Review of Psychiatry. (NII-REO) (年月:2001-2002 巻号:9(1)-10(6))
- Harvard Women's Health Watch. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1994-Current)
- Haseki Tip Bulteni. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2015-Sep 2019)
- Hastings Center Report. (CINAHL) (年月:Jul 1990-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- The Hastings Center Report. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1988-Sep 2012)
- Hawaii Nurse. (CINAHL) (年月:May 1995-Sep 2000)
- Hayati Journal of Biosciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2012-Oct 2017)
- Haydarpaşa Numune Medical Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2020-Current)
- HCV Next. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2014-Nov 2018)
- He@lth Information on the Internet. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2003-Jun 2006)
- Head and Face Medicine. (BioMed Central) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Head & Face Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Head & Neck. (Wiley) (年月:1989-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.11-31,32(1)) 継続前誌:Head & Neck Surgery
- Head and Neck Oncology. (OA Publishing) (年月:2009-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Head & Neck Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2012)
- Head & Neck Surgery. (Wiley) (年月:1978-1988 巻号:Vol.1-10) 継続後誌:Head & Neck
- Healio Gastroenterology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Healio Rheumatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2016-Current)
- Health Affairs. (Project Hope) (年月:1981- (Free after 36 months) 巻号:1- (Free after 36 months)) Free after 36 months
- Health Affairs. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1981-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Health at a Glance. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-(180 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2016; 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018; 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Health At Every Size. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-Nov 1995)
- Health & Beauty Close-Up. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Health Behavior and Policy Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2020-Current)
- Health and Behavior Sciences. (J-STAGE) (年月:2018-2018) FREE
- Health Care Analysis. (NII-REO) (年月:1993-1999 巻号:1(1)-7(4))
- Health Care Analysis. (Springer) (年月:1993-1996 巻号:1-4)
- Health Care Analysis : HCA. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Health Care Financing Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1987-Oct 2009)
- Health Care Food & Nutrition Focus. (LWW) (年月:2001-2003 巻号:18-20(12))
- Health Care for Women International. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1997-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- Health Care for Women International. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:18-Current)
- Health Care Management Review. (LWW) (年月:1976-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Health Care Management Science. (NII-REO) (年月:1998-1999 巻号:1(1)-2(4))
- Health Care Management Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Health Care Manager. (CINAHL) (年月:Sep 1999-Dec 2005)
- The Health Care Manager. (LWW) (年月:2000-2020 巻号:18(3)-39) 継続前誌: Health Care Supervisor
- Health Care Renewal [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2018-Current)
- Health Care Strategic Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1991-Nov 2007)
- Health Care Supervisor. (LWW) (年月:1982-1999 巻号:1-18(2)) 継続後誌: Health Care Manager
- Health Data Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1999-Jan 2019)
- Health Economics. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2009/03/31 巻号:Vol.5-17,18(1-3))
- Health Economics, Policy and Law. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Health Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1995-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Health Education Research. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:11(1)-18(6))
- Health Education Research. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1986-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Health emergency and disaster nursing. (Disaster Nursing Global Leader Degree Program) (年月:2014-Current 巻号:1-Current) Free
- Health Emergency and Disaster Nursing. (J-STAGE) (年月:2014-Current) FREE
- Health Equity. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Feb 2021)
- Health Expectations. (CINAHL) (年月:Jun 1998-Current)
- Health Expectations. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2016-Current)
- Health Expectations. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2017-Aug 2017)
- Health expectations : an international journal of public participation in health care and health policy. (Wiley) (年月:1998-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- Health Facilities Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Current)
- Health Forum Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1987-Jul 2003)
- Health and Hygiene. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1998-Dec 2008)
- Health Industry Today. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-Jul 2001)
- Health Information & Libraries Journal. (Wiley) (年月:2001-(3 years ago) 巻号:18-(3 years ago)) Free: Content older than 3 years
- Health Information Management Journal. (CINAHL) (年月:Apr 2005-May 2016)
- Health Information on the Internet. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2007-Dec 2008)
- Health Information Science and Systems. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Health & justice. (BioMed Central) (年月:2013-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open access
- Health Law Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-Jan 2014)
- Health Law Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2004-Sep 2014)
- The Health Lawyer. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2007-Current)
- Health Libraries Review. (Wiley) (年月:1984-2000 巻号:1-17) リンク先は、継続後誌: Health Information & Libraries Journal
- Health Management Technology. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1998-(3 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:3 months
- Health Management Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1987-Sep 2018)
- Health Manpower Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-Jan 1998)
- Health Marketing Quarterly. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1995-Jan 1998)
- Health News. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1995-Oct 2001)
- Health Physics. (LWW) (年月:1958-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Health Policy and Planning. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:11(1)-18(4))
- Health Policy and Planning. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1986-(1 year ago) 巻号:1-(1 year ago)) Free: after 12 months
- Health Progress. (ProQuest) (年月:May 1998-Current)
- Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Current)
- Health Promotion International. (NII-REO) (年月:1998-2003 巻号:13(1)-18(4))
- Health Promotion International. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1986-Current 巻号:1-Current) 継続前誌: Health promotion (1986-1989年)
- Health Promotion Journal of Australia. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2010-Sep 2020)
- Health Promotion Perspectives. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2019
- Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2013-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access Journal.
- Health Psychology Open. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Health and quality of life outcomes. (BioMed Central) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Health Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1998-(12 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12日
- Health Research Policy and Systems. (BioMed Central) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Health Research Policy and Systems. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Health S A. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2008-Jan 2019)
- Health SA Gesondheid. (Elsevier) (年月:2015-2017 巻号:20-22) ScienceDirect
- Health Science Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Current)
- The Health Service Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2010-Feb 2015)
- Health Services Insights. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Health Services Management Research. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2001-Aug 2006)
- Health Services Management Research. (Sage) (年月:1999-2019 巻号:12-32)
- Health Services & Outcomes Research Methodology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Health & Social Care in the Community. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1998-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- Health & Social Work. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1990-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- Health & Social Work. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1994-Nov 2012)
- Health Sociology Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2006-Jan 2017)
- Health Sociology Review. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:10(2)-Current) 継続前誌: Annual Review of Health Social Science (1997-2000年) も利用可
- Health Statistics Quarterly. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2007-Apr 2012)
- Health and Stress. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Jul 2016)
- Health Systems. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2012-Nov 2017)
- Health Systems Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-Nov 1997)
- Health Values: The Journal of Health Behavior, Education & Promotion. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1990-Dec 1995)
- Health, Culture and Society. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jan 2017) 欠:01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2016
- Health, Risk & Society. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 1999-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- Health, Risk & Society. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1999-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- HealthBlawg [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2018-Current)
- Healthcare Benchmarks and Quality Improvement. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Dec 2011)
- Healthcare Counselling & Psychotherapy Journal. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2004-Current)
- Healthcare Design. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2006-Current)
- Healthcare Executive. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1991-Current)
- Healthcare Financial Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1987-Current)
- Healthcare Informatics. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2006-Oct 2018)
- Healthcare Interventions Journal. (CINAHL) (年月:Jun 2014-Jul 2014)
- Healthcare policy = Politiques de santé. (PubMed Central) (年月:2005-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) Free. after 12 months
- Healthcare Risk Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Healthcare Transformation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2018)
- Healthcare Traveler. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2003-Dec 2013)
- HealthFacts. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1994-Jul 2009)
- HealthFacts. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 1997-Jul 2009)
- HealthSkills Weblog [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2018-Current)
- Healthy Aging & Clinical Care in the Elderly. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2016)
- Healthy Aging & Clinical Care in the Elderly. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2017)
- The Hearing Journal. (LWW) (年月:1994-2018 巻号:47-71)
- The Hearing Review (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2000-Current)
- Hearing, Balance & Communication. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2013-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- Hearing, Balance and Communication. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2013-Current 巻号:11-Current) 継続前誌: Audiological Medicine (2003-2012年) も利用可
- Heart. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1996-(90 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:90日
- Heart. (PubMed Central) (年月:1996-2007 巻号:75-93) 含・継続前誌: British heart journal (1939-1995年)
- Heart Asia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jul 2019)
- Heart Disease. (LWW) (年月:2001-2003 巻号:3-5)
- Heart Failure Reviews. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-1999 巻号:1(1)-4(4))
- Heart Failure Reviews. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1997-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-1998 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Heart Failure Reviews. (Springer) (年月:1996-1996 巻号:1(1-3))
- Heart International. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2008; 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018
- Heart rhythm. (ScienceDirect) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Heart and Vessels. (NII-REO) (年月:1985-1999 巻号:1(1)-14(6))
- Heart and Vessels. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-Dec 2018)
- Heart and Vessels. (Springer) (年月:1985-1996 巻号:1-11)
- Heart Views. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Hearts. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2021-Current)
- Heat and Mass Transfer. (Springer) (年月:1968-1996 巻号:1-31)
- HEC Forum. (NII-REO) (年月:1989-1999 巻号:1(1)-11(4))
- HEC Forum. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1999-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- HEC Forum. (Springer) (年月:1989-1996 巻号:1-8)
- Helgoland Marine Research. (Springer) (年月:1937-1996 巻号:1-40)
- Helicobacter. (Wiley) (年月:1996-1997 巻号:1-2)
- Helminthologia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-(180 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2007; 01-Jan-2009--31-Dec-2009 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Helvetica Chimica Acta. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.79-92,93(1))
- HEM/ONC Today. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Hematological Oncology. (Wiley) (年月:1983-2009/3/31 巻号:Vol.1-26,27(1))
- Hematology : the American Society of Hematology Education Program. (American Society of Hematology) (年月:2000-(1 year ago) 巻号:2000-(1 year ago)) Free. after 12 months
- Hematology and Cell Therapy. (Springer) (年月:1996-1996 巻号:38(2-6))
- Hematology Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2009-Current)
- Hematology/Oncology and Stem Cell Therapy. (Elsevier) (年月:2008-2021 巻号:1-14) ScienceDirect
- Hemoglobin : international journal for hemoglobin research. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:21-Current)
- Hemostasis Laboratory. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jul 2014)
- Hepatic Medicine : Evidence and Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Hepatic Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Sep 2020)
- Hepatitis B Annual. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2012)
- Hepatitis Monthly. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2010-Feb 2020)
- Hepatology. (LWW) (年月:1981-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Hepatology. (Wiley) (年月:1981-2022 巻号:1-76) 2023年LWWへ
- Hepatology Communications. (LWW) (年月:2017-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Hepatology Communications. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2017-Current)
- Hepatology communications. (Wiley) (年月:2017-2022 巻号:1-6) open access journal. 2023年LWWへ
- Hepatology Forum. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2020-Current)
- Hepatology International. (PubMed Central) (年月:2007-2011 巻号:1-5(2))
- Hepatology international.. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2007-Jan 2019)
- HERD : Health Environments Research & Design Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2007-Jul 2017)
- Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice. (BioMed Central) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:5-Current) FREE
- Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Current)
- Hereditas. (BioMed Central) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:152-Current) Free. 2014年まではWiley
- Hereditas. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Hereditas. (Wiley) (年月:1920-2014 巻号:1-151) Free. 2015年以降はBioMed Centralより出版
- Heredity. (Nature) (年月:1947-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化
- Heredity. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Hernia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1999-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2000 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Herpetologica. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2004-(180 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2006--31-Dec-2010 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Herpetological Monographs. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-(180 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2022 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Herpetological Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1998-Sep 2004)
- Herpetozoa. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2019-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2021
- Herz. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- HFSP Journal : Frontiers of Interdisciplinary Research in the Life Sciences. (PubMed Central) (年月:2007-2010 巻号:1-4)
- Hidrobiologica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Jan 2020) 欠:01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019
- High Ability Studies. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1998-Dec 2000)
- High Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Prevention. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Dec 2017)
- High Pressure Research : An International Journal. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1988-1996 巻号:1-15(3))
- The High School Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Higher Education. (Springer) (年月:1972-1996 巻号:1-32)
- Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation. (Springer) (年月:1988-1996 巻号:1-9) 誌名変遷: LISP and symbolic computation(1988-1998) → Higher-order and symbolic computation(1998-)
- Hand in Hand. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1999-Current)
- Hippocampus. (Wiley) (年月:1991-2012 巻号:Vol.1-22)
- Hiroshima journal of medical sciences. (Hiroshima University School of Medicine) (年月:1981-Current 巻号:30-Current) Free
- Hiroshima Journal of Medical Sciences. (J-STAGE) (年月:2017-Current) FREE
- Hispanic Health Care International. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2005-Dec 2015)
- The Histochemical Journal. (NII-REO) (年月:1968-1999 巻号:1(1)-31(12))
- Histochemistry and Cell Biology. (NII-REO) (年月:1958-1999 巻号:1(1)-112(6))
- Histochemistry and Cell Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Histochemistry and Cell Biology. (Springer) (年月:1958-1996 巻号:1-106)
- Histopathology. (Wiley) (年月:1977-Jan. 2017 巻号:1-69,70(1-2))
- História, ciências, saúde--Manguinhos. (Casa De Oswaldo Cruz) (年月:1994-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2001-Nov 2012)
- A History of Chemical and Biological Weapons. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2010)
- History of Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2019-Jul 2019)
- History of Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2011-Dec 2016)
- HIV Impact. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2000-Jul 2004)
- HIV Medicine. (Wiley) (年月:1999-(2 years ago) 巻号:1-(2 years ago)) Free: Content older than 2 years
- HIV Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Sep 2009-Current)
- HIV Research & Clinical Practice. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access.
- HIV Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Nov 2010)
- HIV/AIDS : Research and Palliative Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- HLG Nursing Bulletin. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Hoitotiede. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2011-Current)
- Holistic Integrative Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2022-Current)
- Holistic Nursing Practice. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1999-Dec 2005)
- Holistic Nursing Practice. (LWW) (年月:1986-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Home & Community Health Special Interest Section Quarterly / American Occupational Therapy Association. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2006-Dec 2015)
- Home Health Care Services Quarterly. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:16-Current)
- Home Healthcare Now. (LWW) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:33-Current) 継続前誌: Home Healthcare Nurse (1983-2014年)
- Home Healthcare Nurse. (LWW) (年月:1983-2014 巻号:1-32) 継続後誌: Home Healthcare Now
- Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Hong Kong journal of nephrology : official journal of the Hong Kong Society of Nephrology = 香港腎科醫學雜誌. (Elsevier) (年月:1999-2016 巻号:1-19) ScienceDirect
- Hong Kong Journal of Ophthalmology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Current)
- Hong Kong Journal of Radiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2005-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2006--31-Dec-2006; 01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2017
- Hong Kong medical journal. (Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Press) (年月:1995-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Hong Kong Medical Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1995-Current)
- Hormone and Metabolic Research. (Thieme) (年月:1969-1999 巻号:1-31)
- Hormone Research in Paediatrics. (Karger) (年月:1970-2013 巻号:1-80) Hormones (1970-1972年) → Hormone Research (1973-2009年)
- Hormone Research in Paediatrics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Dec 2015)
- Horticulture Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Jan 2021)
- Hospital Access Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Hospital Case Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Hospital Chronicles. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2020)
- Hospital Employee Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Hospital Food & Nutrition Focus. (LWW) (年月:1985-1993 巻号:2-9(5))
- The Hospital and health review. (PubMed Central) (年月:1921-1924 巻号:1-3)
- Hospital & Health Services Administration. (LWW) (年月:1985-1997 巻号:30-42) 継続後誌: Journal of Healthcare Management (1998年-)
- Hospital Infection Control & Prevention. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Hospital Law Newsletter. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1998-Dec 2005)
- Hospital Materials Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1991-Aug 2009)
- Hospital Materiel Management Quarterly. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1987-Feb 2001)
- Hospital Medicine Alert. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Feb 2018)
- Hospital Peer Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Hospital Practice. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:32-Current)
- Hospital Topics. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1990-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- Hospital Topics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1997-Oct 2010)
- Hospital Topics. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:75-Current)
- Hospitals & Health Networks. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1988-Dec 2017)
- Hosts and Viruses. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2014-Aug 2020)
- Housing, Care and Support. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2003-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- HPB : the official journal of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association. (PubMed Central) (年月:2001-2016 巻号:3-18)
- HPB surgery : a world journal of hepatic, pancreatic and biliary surgery. (Hindawi) (年月:1988-2018 巻号:1-2018) FREE
- HRMagazine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1991-Current)
- Hrvatska Revija za Rehabilitacijska Istrazivanja. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- HSJ.co.uk. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2010-Mar 2015)
- HSS journal : the musculoskeletal journal of Hospital for Special Surgery. (PubMed Central) (年月:2005-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) Free: after 12 months.
- HSS Journal; the Musculoskeletal Journal of Hospital for Special Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2005-Dec 2018)
- Hu Li Za Zhi. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2011-Current)
- The HUGO Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Jan 2015)
- HUGO journal. (PubMed Central) (年月:2009-2015 巻号:3-9) 継続前誌: Genomic Medicine も閲覧可 (2007-2008年) v1-2
- Human Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1994-Current)
- Human Brain Mapping. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2021-Current)
- Human Brain Mapping. (Wiley) (年月:1993-Current 巻号:1-Current) 2020年オープンアクセス化
- Human Development. (Karger) (年月:1958-2013 巻号:1-56) 継続前誌: Vita Humana (1958-1964年)
- Human Development. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Oct 2015)
- Human and Ecological Risk Assessment. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2003-Nov 2007)
- Human Ecology. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1997-Oct 2019)
- Human Ecology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1996-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Human Ecology. (Springer) (年月:1972-1996 巻号:1-24)
- Human and Experimental Toxicology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Dec 2015)
- Human Factors. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-Feb 2007)
- Human Fertility : an international, multidisciplinary journal dedicated to furthering research and promoting good practice. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1998-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Human Genetics. (NII-REO) (年月:1964-1999 巻号:1(1)-105(6))
- Human Genetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-1999--31-Dec-1999 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Human Genetics. (Springer) (年月:1964-1996 巻号:1-98)
- Human Genome Variation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2014-Current)
- Human Genomics. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2003-Current)
- Human Heredity. (Karger) (年月:1948-2013 巻号:1-76) 継続前誌: Acta Genetica et Statistica Medica (1948/1950–1968年)
- Human Heredity. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Sep 2015)
- Human immunology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1980-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Human Molecular Genetics. (NII-REO) (年月:1998-2003 巻号:7(1)-12(24))
- Human Molecular Genetics. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1992-(1 year ago) 巻号:1-(1 year ago)) Free: after 12 months
- Human Movement Science. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1982-1994 巻号:1-13)
- Human Mutation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2022 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Human Mutation. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.7-30,31(1))
- Human Nature. (NII-REO) (年月:1990-1999 巻号:1(1)-10(4))
- Human Nature : An Interdisciplinary Biosocial Perspective. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Human Organization. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1996-Current)
- Human Parasitic Diseases. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2017) 欠:01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2012
- Human Pathology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1970-2020 巻号:1-106)
- Human Pathology: Case Reports. (Elsevier) (年月:2014-2021 巻号:1-25) ScienceDirect
- Human Performance Measurement. (J-STAGE) (年月:2009-Current) FREE
- Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental. (Wiley) (年月:1986-2010/1/31 巻号:1-24,25(1))
- Human Relations. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-Dec 2007)
- Human Reproduction. (NII-REO) (年月:1998-2003 巻号:11(1)-18(12)) 欠あり
- Human Reproduction. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1986-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Human Reproduction Update. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2002 巻号:2(1)-8(6))
- Human Reproduction Update. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1995-(1 year ago) 巻号:1-(1 year ago)) Free: after 12 months
- Human Resource Development Quarterly. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1995-Jul 2005) 欠:01-Jan-2003--30-Sep-2004
- Human Resource Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1999-Jul 2005)
- Human Resource Management. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.35-48,49(1))
- Human Resource Management (1986-1998). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1986-Oct 1998)
- Human Resource Management (pre-1986). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1972-Oct 1985)
- Human Resources for Health. (BioMed Central) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Human Resources for Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Human Studies. (Springer) (年月:1978-1996 巻号:1-19)
- Human Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2005-Current)
- Human vaccines and immunotherapeutics. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access. 2005-2011年は継続前誌 Human Vaccines
- Human and Veterinary Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2009-Current)
- Humanitas. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Husserl Studies. (Springer) (年月:1984-1996 巻号:1-13)
- Hydrobiologia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Hydrobiologia. (Springer) (年月:1948-1996 巻号:1-341)
- Hygeia : Revista Brasileira de Geografia Médica e da Saúde. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2005-Sep 2019)
- Hyperfine Interactions. (Springer) (年月:1975-1996 巻号:1-103)
- Hypertension. (American Heart Association) (年月:1979-Current 巻号:1-Current) (Atypon)
- Hypertension. (LWW) (年月:1979-Current 巻号:1-Current) (Ovid)
- Hypertension : an Atlas of Investigation and Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2009)
- Hypertension in Pregnancy. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:16-Current) Open Access: v42(2023)-
- Hypertension Research. (J-STAGE) (年月:1992-2004 巻号:V.15-27) FREE
- Hypertension Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2009-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2010--31-Dec-2014 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Hypertension Research in Pregnancy. (J-STAGE) (年月:2013-Current) FREE
- Hypoxia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jan 2020)
- Hystrix. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Current)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 和文誌
- iAdvance Senior Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1991-Oct 2017) 欠:01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2003
- Iatreia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Iatreia. (Universidad De Antioquia) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:18-Current) FREE
- IBMS BoneKEy. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2004-Jan 2017) 欠:01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2014
- Ichthyological Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Jan 2019) 欠:01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2001
- Ichthyology & Herpetology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2005-Current)
- Iconographia mycologica. (Springer) (年月:1959-1984 巻号:1-53)
- IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1976-Mar 2012) 欠:01-Jan-1984--31-Dec-1984; 01-Jan-1986--31-Dec-1986
- IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications. (J-STAGE) (年月:2012-Current) FREE
- IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering. (Wiley) (年月:2006-2008/1/31 巻号:Vol.1-2,3(1)) 電気学会
- IET Nanobiotechnology. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2008-Sep 2014)
- IET Systems Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2012-Oct 2014)
- Ife Psychologia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- iForest. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- IIOAB Letters. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jan 2013)
- IJU Case Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2019-Current)
- Illiesia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Mar 2019)
- Illinois State Academy of Science. Transactions. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Illuminations. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- IMA Fungus. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Medicine and Biology. (NII-REO) (年月:2001-2003 巻号:18(1)-20(3)) 欠あり
- Imagination, Cognition and Personality. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1998-Jul 2008)
- Imaging Economics (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2014-Dec 2014)
- Imaging in Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2009-Feb 2014)
- Imaging & Therapy Practice. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2000-Jun 2020)
- i-Manager's Journal on Educational Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2007-Current)
- Immunity. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1994-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Immunity and Ageing. (BioMed Central) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Immunity and Ageing. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Immunity, Inflammation and Disease. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2013-Current)
- Immunity, Inflammation and Disease. (Wiley) (年月:2013-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access
- Immuno-analyse & Biologie Spécialisée. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1989-1994 巻号:4-9) Formerly known as Trait-d'Union; Title discontinued as of 2014
- Immunobiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2001-Jan 2005)
- Immunogenetics. (NII-REO) (年月:1974-1999 巻号:1(1)-50(5/6))
- Immunogenetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Immunogenetics. (Springer) (年月:1974-1996 巻号:1-45(1-2))
- Immunologic Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Immunological Investigations : A Journal of Molecular and Cellular Immunology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:26(3)-Current)
- Immunology. (Wiley) (年月:1996-(Free after 12 months) 巻号:Vol.87-(Free after 12 months)) ※Free after 12 months
- Immunology and Cell Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2000-Jan 2019)
- Immunology and Immunogenetics Insights. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2018)
- Immunology Letters. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1979-1994 巻号:1-43)
- Immunology today. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1980-2000 巻号:1-21) Continued as Trends in Immunology
- Immunome Research. (BioMed Central) (年月:2005-2010 巻号:1-6) FREE
- Immunome Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:19-Current)
- ImmunoTargets and Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Immunotherapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Apr 2021)
- Immunotherapy Insights. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2012)
- Implant Dentistry. (LWW) (年月:1992-2019 巻号:1-28)
- Implementation Science. (BioMed Central) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Implementation Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Implementation Science Communications. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2020-Current)
- Impressions. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2000-Current)
- In Practice. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1979-Dec 2020)
- In Session: Psychotherapy in Practice. (Wiley) (年月:1996-1999 巻号:Vol.2-4)
- In Silico Pharmacology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2013-Current)
- In Vitro. (NII-REO) (年月:1965-1999 巻号:1(1)-35(6))
- In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Dec 2018)
- In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Animal. (NII-REO) (年月:1991-1999 巻号:27(1)-35(10))
- Inclusion. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2013-Current)
- Index de Enfermera. (年月:2004-Current 巻号:13(44-45)-Current) FREE
- Indian Journal of Anesthesia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Indian Journal of Cancer. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Current)
- Indian Journal of Cerebral Palsy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jul 2016)
- Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1997-Jan 2019)
- Indian Journal of Clinical Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Indian Journal of Community Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Indian Journal of Contemporary Dentistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jan 2014)
- Indian journal of critical care medicine. (MedKnow Publication) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:7-Current) FREE
- Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Dec 2018)
- Indian Journal of Dental Research. (Medknow) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:16(4)-Current) FREE (ただし、PDFファイルは閲覧できません)
- Indian Journal of Dental Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Indian Journal of Dermatology. (Medknow Publications) (年月:1974-Current 巻号:19-Current) FREE (ただし、PDFファイルは閲覧できません)
- Indian Journal of Dermatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Nov 2020)
- Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology. (Medknow Publications) (年月:1961-Current 巻号:27-Current) FREE (ただし、PDFファイルは閲覧できません)
- Indian Journal of Dermatopathology and Diagnostic Dermatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jan 2014)
- Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2013-Current)
- Indian Journal of Hematology and Blood Transfusion. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2007-Dec 2018) 欠:01-Jan-2009--31-Dec-2012
- Indian Journal of Human Genetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Apr 2014)
- Indian Journal of Life Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2017)
- Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology. (Medknow Publications) (年月:1993-Current 巻号:11(4)-Current) FREE (ただし、PDFファイルは閲覧できません)
- Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jul 2020)
- Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Nov 2020)
- Indian Journal of Medical Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1998-Dec 2008)
- The Indian Journal of Medical Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Indian Journal of Medical Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Jul 2013)
- Indian Journal of Microbiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2007-Dec 2018)
- Indian Journal of Multidisciplinary Dentistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2010-Jul 2019)
- Indian Journal of Nephrology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Indian Journal of Nuclear Medicine : IJNM. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. (Medknow Publications) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:7-Current) FREE (ただし、PDFファイルは閲覧できません)
- Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Indian Journal of Ophthalmology. (Medknow Publications) (年月:1953-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE (ただし、PDFファイルは閲覧できません)
- Indian Journal of Ophthalmology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Indian Journal of Oral Health and Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jul 2021)
- Indian Journal of Orthopaedics. (Medknow Publications) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:36-Current) FREE (ただし、PDFファイルは閲覧できません)
- Indian Journal of Orthopaedics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Nov 2019)
- Indian Journal of Otolaryngology. (NII-REO) (年月:1950-1999 巻号:2(1)-52(1))
- Indian Journal of Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jan 2019)
- Indian Journal of Otology. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2013-Current)
- Indian Journal of Palliative Care. (CINAHL) (年月:Jun 2006-Current)
- Indian Journal of Palliative Care. (Medknow Publications) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:9-Current) FREE (ただし、PDFファイルは閲覧できません)
- Indian Journal of Palliative Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology. (Medknow) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:51-Current) FREE (ただし、PDFファイルは閲覧できません)
- Indian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology : an Official Organ of Indian Association of Pathologists & Microbiologists. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Current)
- The Indian Journal of Pediatrics. (NII-REO) (年月:1936-1999 巻号:3(1)-66(6))
- Indian Journal of Pharmacology. (Medknow Publications) (年月:1969-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE (ただし、PDFファイルは閲覧できません)
- Indian Journal of Pharmacology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Current)
- Indian Journal of Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2011-Current)
- Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jul 2014)
- Indian Journal of Plant Physiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2013-Dec 2018)
- Indian journal of Plastic Surgery. (Medknow Publications) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:34-Current) FREE (ただし、PDFファイルは閲覧できません)
- Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Sep 2018)
- Indian Journal of Positive Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2012-Current)
- Indian Journal of Psychiatry. (Medknow Publications) (年月:1958-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Indian Journal of Psychiatry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-May 2020)
- Indian Journal of Public Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging. (Medknow Publications) (年月:1999-Current 巻号:9-Current) FREE (ただし、PDFファイルは閲覧できません)
- The Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Indian Journal of Respiratory Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2013-Jul 2017)
- Indian Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2015-Current)
- Indian Journal of Stomatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2019)
- Indian Journal of Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Jan 2019)
- Indian Journal of Urology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Indian journal of urology : IJU. (Medknow Publications) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:16-Current) FREE (ただし、PDFファイルは閲覧できません)
- Indian Pacing and Electrophysiology Journal. (PubMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Indian Pediatrics. (年月:1992-Current 巻号:29-Current) FREE
- Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2010-Current)
- Indo-Iranian Journal. (Springer) (年月:1957-1996 巻号:1-39)
- The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Digestive Endoscopy. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2015-Dec 2019)
- Indonesian Journal of Human Nutrition. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Jan 2020) 欠:01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019
- Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:35-Current)
- Industrial Health. (J-STAGE) (年月:1963-Current 巻号:V.1-Current) FREE
- Industrial Health. (National Institute of Industrial Health) (年月:2011-Current 巻号:49-Current) Free. 労働安全衛生総合研究所
- Industrial & Labor Relations Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1988-Oct 2001)
- Industrial and Organizational Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2015-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Industrial Psychiatry Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Infant and Child Development. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.8-18,19(1))
- Infant Mental Health Journal. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2008/1/31 巻号:Vol.17-28,29(1))
- Infants & Young Children. (LWW) (年月:1988-2018 巻号:1-31)
- Infants & Young Children: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Early Childhood Intervention. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1999-Aug 2007)
- Infectio : revista de la Asociación Colombiana de Infectología. (年月:2006-Current 巻号:10-Current) FREE
- Infectio.ro. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Jan 2018)
- Infection. (NII-REO) (年月:1973-1999 巻号:1(1)-27(6))
- Infection. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Infection. (Springer) (年月:1973-1996 巻号:1-24)
- Infection and Drug Resistance. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Infection Ecology & Epidemiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020
- Infection and Immunity. (American Society For Microbiology) (年月:1970-(6 months ago) 巻号:1-(6 months ago)) Free: after 6 months
- Infectious Agents and Cancer. (BioMed Central) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Infectious Agents and Cancer. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Infectious Disease Alert. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Infectious Disease News. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Infectious Disease Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2009-Current)
- Infectious Diseases. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:47-Current) 継続前誌: Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases (1997-2014年) も利用可
- Infectious Diseases in Children. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jun 2020)
- Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice. (LWW) (年月:1992-2018 巻号:1(4)-26)
- Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology. (Hindawi Publishing) (年月:1993-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2003-Current)
- Infectious Diseases Newsletter. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1981-1993 巻号:1-12) Incorporated into Antimicrobics and Infectious Diseases Newsletter
- Infectious Diseases of Poverty. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Infectious Diseases and Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2012-Oct 2019)
- Infectious Diseases: Research and Treatment. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Inflammation. (NII-REO) (年月:1975-1999 巻号:1(1)-23(6))
- Inflammation. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1999-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Inflammation. (Springer) (年月:1975-1996 巻号:1-20)
- Inflammation and Regeneration. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Inflammation Research. (NII-REO) (年月:1969-1999 巻号:1(1)-48(12))
- Inflammation Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2001 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Inflammation Research. (Springer) (年月:1969-1996 巻号:1-45)
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease : an Atlas of Investigation and Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2011)
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease Monitor. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2010-Jan 2014)
- Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. (LWW) (年月:2001-2017 巻号:7-9,21-23)
- Inflammatory bowel diseases. (Oxford University Press) (年月:2017-2018 巻号:23-24)
- Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. (Wiley) (年月:2006-2010 巻号:12-16(1))
- InflammoPharmacology. (NII-REO) (年月:1991-1999 巻号:1(1)-7(4))
- Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses. (Wiley) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access
- Inform. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1997-Mar 2000)
- Informatica Medica Slovenica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Informatics for Health and Social Care. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:33-Current) 継続前誌: Medical Informatics and the Internet in Medicine (1999-2007年); Medical Informatics (1997-1998年) も利用可
- Informatik-Spektrum. (Springer) (年月:1985-1996 巻号:8(3)-19(6))
- Information and Media Technologies. (J-STAGE) (年月:2006-2017) FREE
- Information Systems Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1999-Dec 2009)
- Information Technology & Libraries. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2006-Current)
- Information Technology & People. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1995-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Informes Psicológicos. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2010--31-Dec-2011
- Inhalation Toxicology : International Forum for Respiratory Research. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:9-Current)
- Injury. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1969-1994 巻号:1-25)
- Injury Epidemiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2014-Current)
- Injury Prevention. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1995-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Injury Prevention. (PubMed Central) (年月:1995-2007 巻号:1-13)
- Innovations in clinical neuroscience. (PubMed Central) (年月:2011-Current 巻号:8-Current) 継続前誌: Psychiatry もリンク先で閲覧可能 v1-7 (2004-2010)
- Innovative Higher Education. (Springer) (年月:1976-1996 巻号:1-21(1-2))
- Innovative Romanian Food Biotechnology. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2007-Nov 2015)
- Inorganic Chemistry. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:35-Current)
- Inorganics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Inpharma Weekly. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2008-Dec 2008)
- Inquiry. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1997-Jan 2020)
- Inquiry : a journal of medical care organization, provision and financing. (Sage) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:38-Current) open access journal
- InScope. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2022-Current)
- InScope. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2009-Current)
- Insectes Sociaux. (Springer) (年月:1954-1996 巻号:1-43)
- Insects. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Inside the Brain [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2018-Current)
- Inside Case Management. (LWW) (年月:1995-2003 巻号:1(11)-10) 継続後誌: Lippincott's Case Management
- Inside Childbirth Education. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 2012-Dec 2013)
- Inside MS. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 1992-Sep 2007)
- Inside MS. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1997-Aug 2007)
- Inside PFAS Policy. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2022-Current)
- Inside Surgery [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2018-May 2018)
- Inside TeleHealth. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2022-Current)
- InsideHealthPolicy.com's Daily Brief. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2013-Current)
- InsideHealthPolicy.com's FDA Week. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- InsideHealthPolicy.com's Health Exchange Alert. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2013-Current)
- InsideHealthPolicy.com's Inside Health Reform. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- InsideOSHAOnline. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Insight. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2011-Oct 2012)
- Insight: The Journal of the American Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurses. (CINAHL) (年月:Aug 2013-Current)
- Insights into Imaging. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2012-Current)
- Instructional Science. (Springer) (年月:1972-1996 巻号:1-24)
- Instrumentation Science and Technology. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1968-1996 巻号:1-24)
- Integral Equations and Operator Theory. (Springer) (年月:1978-1996 巻号:1-32)
- Integral Transforms and Special Functions. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1993-1996 巻号:1-4)
- Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2005-Oct 2009)
- Integrated Ferroelectrics. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1992-1996 巻号:1-13)
- Integrated Healthcare Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2019-Current)
- Integrated Pest Management Reviews. (Springer) (年月:1996-1996 巻号:1-1)
- Integrative and comparative biology. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1996-(1 year ago) 巻号:36-(1 year ago)) Free: after 12 months back to 1 Jan 1996
- Integrative Journal of Medical Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Integrative Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2011-Current)
- Integrative Medicine Alert. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Integrative Medicine Insights. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Jan 2017)
- Integrative Medicine: A Clinician's Journal. (CINAHL) (年月:Oct 2006-Current)
- Integrative Psychological & Behavioral Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2000-Oct 2001)
- Integrative Respiratory Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2020-Jan 2020)
- Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2010-Current)
- Intensiv-und Notfallbehandlung. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Intensive Care Medicine. (NII-REO) (年月:1975-1999 巻号:1(1)-25(12))
- Intensive Care Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Intensive Care Medicine. (Springer) (年月:1975-1996 巻号:1-22)
- Intensive Care Medicine Experimental. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2013-Current)
- Intensive & Critical Care Nursing. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2003-(60 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:60日
- Interacao em Psicologia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Jan 2020)
- InterAction. (CINAHL) (年月:Sep 2004-Jul 2016)
- Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery. (Oxford University Press) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:1-Current) Free site
- Interchange. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2005; 01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2011 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Interchange. (Springer) (年月:1970-1996 巻号:1-27)
- Interciencia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-Current)
- Interdisciplinary Information Sciences. (J-STAGE) (年月:1994-Current) FREE
- Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases. (Hindawi) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Interdisciplinary Science Reviews. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1976-1996 巻号:1-21)
- Interdisciplinary Sciences, Computational Life Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2009-Jan 2019)
- Interdisciplinary Toxicology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2008-Jan 2019)
- Interface-Comunicacao, Saude, Educacao. (年月:1997-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Interface Science. (Springer) (年月:1993-1996 巻号:1-4)
- Interior Design. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1996-May 2010)
- Interiors. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-Jun 2001)
- Internal and Emergency Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2006-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Internal Medicine. (J-STAGE) (年月:1992-Current 巻号:V.31-Current) FREE
- Internal Medicine Alert. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- International Anesthesiology Clinics. (LWW) (年月:1962-2018 巻号:1-56)
- International Angiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1998-Jun 2010)
- International Applied Mechanics. (Springer) (年月:1966-1996 巻号:2-32)
- International Archives of Allergy and Immunology. (Karger) (年月:1950-2013 巻号:1-162) 継続前誌: International Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology (1950-1991年)
- International Archives of Allergy and Immunology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Dec 2015)
- International Archives of Medicine. (PubMed Central) (年月:2008-2014 巻号:1-7) The journal no longer participates in PMC.
- International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health. (NII-REO) (年月:1930-1999 巻号:1(1/2)-72(8))
- International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health. (Springer) (年月:1930-1996 巻号:1-69(1-2))
- International archives of otorhinolaryngology. (Thieme) (年月:2012-Current 巻号:16(2)-Current) open access journal.
- International Biomechanics. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2014-Current)
- International Biomechanics. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2014-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal.
- International braz j urol : official journal of the Brazilian Society of Urology. (年月:2003-Current 巻号:29-Current) FREE
- International Breastfeeding Journal. (BioMed Central) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- International Breastfeeding Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- International Clinical Neuroscience Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2014-Jul 2020)
- International Clinical Psychopharmacology. (LWW) (年月:1986-2018 巻号:1-33)
- International Contact Lens Clinic. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1989-1994 巻号:Vol.16-21)
- International Dental & Medical Journal of Advanced Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2020)
- International Drug Therapy Newsletter. (LWW) (年月:1966-2007 巻号:1-42(5)) 継続後誌: Psychopharm Review
- International Executive. (Wiley) (年月:1996-1997 巻号:Vol.38-39) 継続後誌 Thunderbird International Business Review
- International Family Planning Perspectives. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2000-Dec 2008)
- International Food Risk Analysis Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2014)
- International Geosphere Biospehere Programme: A Study of Global Change. Papers on Global Change IGBP. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2018)
- International Heart Journal. (J-STAGE) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:V.46-Current) FREE
- International History of Nursing Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Apr 2003)
- International Immunology. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2002 巻号:8(1)-14(12))
- International Immunology. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1989-(2 year ago) 巻号:1-(2 year ago)) Free: after 24 months
- International Insolvency Review. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2009/1/31 巻号:Vol.5-17,18(1))
- International Journal of Emergency Services. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2007 巻号:Vol.10-21)
- International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. (Springer) (年月:1985-1996 巻号:1-11)
- International Journal of Advances in Rheumatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Oct 2011)
- International Journal of Affective Engineering. (J-STAGE) (年月:2013-Current) FREE
- International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2012-Current)
- International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2013-Current)
- International Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- International Journal of Angiology. (Springer) (年月:1992-1996 巻号:1(2)-5(1-4))
- International journal of angiology : official publication of the International College of Angiology, Inc. (PubMed Central) (年月:2007-(12 months ago) 巻号:16-(12 months ago)) generally available in PMC after a 12-month delay (embargo).
- International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1991-1994 巻号:1-4)
- International Journal of Applied and Basic Medical Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2011-Current)
- International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- International Journal of Aquaculture. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- International Journal of Aquatic Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2015-Current)
- International Journal of Arrhythmia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- International Journal of Arts & Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2011-Jan 2020)
- International Journal of Astrobiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- International Journal of Audiology. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2002-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- International Journal of Audiology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:41-Current) 継続前誌: Audiology (1997-2001年) も利用可
- International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1994-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. (NII-REO) (年月:1994-1999 巻号:1(1)-6(4))
- International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2009 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. (BioMed Central) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- International Journal Bioautomation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Current)
- International Journal of Biodiversity. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Jan 2018)
- International Journal of Bioengineering and Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2017)
- International Journal of Bioengineering, Neurosciences and Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jul 2012)
- International Journal of Bioinformatics and Biological Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2013-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2015
- The International Journal of Biological Markers. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- International Journal of Biological Sciences and Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018
- International Journal of Biomaterials. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- International Journal of Bio-Medical Computing. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1970-1994 巻号:Vol.1-37)
- International Journal of Biomedical Imaging. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- International Journal of Biomedical Soft Computing and Human Sciences: the official journal of the Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association. (J-STAGE) (年月:1995-Current) FREE
- International Journal of Biometeorology. (NII-REO) (年月:1957-1999 巻号:1(1)-43(3))
- International Journal of Biometeorology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2003-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- International Journal of Biometeorology. (Springer) (年月:1962-1996 巻号:1-40)
- International Journal of Bioprinting. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- International Journal of Biosciences and Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- International Journal of Biosciences, Agriculture and Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- International Journal of Biosciences, Alternative and Holistic Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2017)
- International Journal of Biosciences, Healthcare Technology and Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2020) 欠:01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019
- International Journal of Biosciences, Psychiatry and Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2018)
- The International Journal of Biostatistics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jul 2017)
- International journal of blood transfusion and immunohematology. (Edorium) (年月:2011-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access
- International Journal of Breast Cancer. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- International Journal of Brief Therapy and Family Science. (J-STAGE) (年月:2011-2019) FREE
- International Journal of Cancer. (Wiley) (年月:1966-(1 year ago) 巻号:1-(1 year ago)) Content older than 12 months back to 1996
- International Journal of Cancer Research and Prevention. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Oct 2017)
- International Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2016)
- International Journal of Cardiology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1981-1994 巻号:1-47)
- The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging. (NII-REO) (年月:1985-1999 巻号:1(1)-15(6))
- The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1999-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging. (Springer) (年月:1985-1996 巻号:1-12) 誌名変遷: International journal of cardiac imaging(-2000) → International journal of cardiovascular imaging(2001-)
- International Journal of Care Coordination. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2003-Dec 2005)
- International Journal of Caring Sciences. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- International Journal of Caring Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- International Journal of Cell Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- International Journal of Chemical Kinetics. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.28-41,42(1))
- International Journal of Chemical Modeling. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Oct 2017)
- International Journal of Child and Adolescent Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- International Journal of Child Health and Human Development. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- International Journal of Childbirth Education. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 1991-Apr 2019)
- International Journal of Childbirth Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1990-Oct 2016)
- International Journal of Choice Theory and Reality Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2010-Current)
- International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. (Dove Press) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- International Journal of Circumpolar Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Oct 2011)
- International Journal of Circumpolar Health (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- International Journal of Clinical Case Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2018)
- International Journal of Clinical Dental Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2018) 欠:01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2015; 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017
- International Journal of Clinical Dentistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- International journal of clinical and laboratory research. (Springer) (年月:1971-1996 巻号:1-26) 含: La Ricerca in clinica e in laboratorio(1971-1991). 現誌名: Clinical and experimental medicine(2001-)
- International journal of clinical monitoring and computing. (Springer) (年月:1984-1996 巻号:1-13) 継続後誌: Journal of clinical monitoring and computing(1998-)
- International Journal of Clinical Oncology. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-1999 巻号:1(1)-4(6))
- International Journal of Clinical Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- International Journal of Clinical Oncology. (Springer) (年月:1996-1996 巻号:1-1)
- International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1998-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- International journal of clinical pharmacy. (Springer) (年月:1979-1996 巻号:1-18) Pharmacy world & science (-2010年) → International journal of clinical pharmacy (2011年-)
- International Journal of Clinical Reviews. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2010-Oct 2012)
- International Journal of Clinical Rheumatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2006-Jun 2015)
- International Journal of Clinical Transfusion Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2009-Current)
- International Journal of Colorectal Disease. (NII-REO) (年月:1986-1999 巻号:1(1)-14(6))
- International Journal of Colorectal Disease. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-Dec 2018)
- International Journal of Colorectal Disease. (Springer) (年月:1986-1996 巻号:1-11)
- International Journal of Community Based Nursing & Midwifery. (CINAHL) (年月:Jul 2014-Current)
- International Journal of Comparative Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- International Journal of Computer Mathematics. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1964-1996 巻号:1-62)
- International Journal of Computer Vision. (Springer) (年月:1987-1996 巻号:1-20)
- International Journal of Conflict Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1996-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- International Journal of Contemporary Dental & Medical Reviews. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Jan 2018)
- International Journal of Contemporary Dentistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2018)
- International Journal of Contemporary Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jan 2014)
- International Journal of Contemporary Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jan 2014)
- International Journal of Cosmetic Science. (Wiley) (年月:1979-1997 巻号:1-19)
- International Journal of Crashworthiness. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2005-Sep 2006)
- International Journal of Dental Health Concerns. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2016)
- International Journal of Dental Hygiene. (CINAHL) (年月:May 2003-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- International Journal of Dental and Medical Specialty. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2014-Current)
- International Journal of Dentistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- International Journal of Dermatology. (Wiley) (年月:1963-1997 巻号:2-36) The quality of the scans for some of the earlier volumes of this journal are low quality.
- International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Nov 2019)
- International Journal of Developmental Disabilities. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2012-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 Months
- International Journal of Developmental Disabilities. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2012-Current 巻号:58-Current)
- International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Mar 2014)
- International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries. (PubMed Central) (年月:2008-2010 巻号:28-30(2))
- International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries. (Springer) (年月:1981-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- International Journal of Disability Management Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2010-Jan 2020) 欠:01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018
- International Journal of Early Childhood. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- International Journal of Earth Sciences. (Springer) (年月:1910-1996 巻号:1-85)
- International Journal of Eating Disorders. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.19-42,43(1))
- International Journal of Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Oct 2012)
- International Journal of Ecology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- International Journal of Education & Literacy Studies. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- International Journal of Emergency Medicine. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- International Journal of Emergency Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2008-Dec 2010)
- International Journal of Emergency Medicine. (PubMed Central) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- International Journal of Emergency Medicine (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2008-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2010--31-Dec-2010
- International Journal of Emotional Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2013-Current)
- International Journal of Endocrine Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2017-Jun 2020)
- International Journal of Endocrinology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1971-1996 巻号:1-65)
- International Journal of Environmental Health Research. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 1997-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. (MDPI) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access Journal
- International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- International Journal of Epidemiology. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:25(1)-32(6)) 欠あり
- International Journal of Epidemiology. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1972-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare. (LWW) (年月:2014-2018 巻号:12-16)
- International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare. (LWW) (年月:2005-2014 巻号:3-12(1)) 継続後誌: International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare
- International Journal of Evolutionary Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2017)
- International journal of experimental pathology. (PubMed Central) (年月:1990-(12 months ago) 巻号:71-(12 months ago)) Free: after 12 months. 継続前誌も閲覧可能(1920-1990年)
- International Journal of Fertility & Sterility. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2010-Apr 2020)
- International Journal of Food Safety, Nutrition, Public Health and Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2020
- International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1996-Nov 2000)
- International Journal of Food, Nutrition and Public Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2020)
- International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling. (Springer) (年月:1978-1996 巻号:2-19)
- International Journal for Educational Media and Technology. (J-STAGE) (年月:2007-2007) FREE
- International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- International Journal for Equity in Health. (BioMed Central) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- International Journal for Equity in Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- International Journal for Human Caring. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2003-Current)
- International Journal for Parasitology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1971-1994 巻号:11-24)
- International Journal for Parasitology: Drugs and Drug Resistance. (Elsevier) (年月:Dec 2011-Current 巻号:1(1)-Current) ScienceDirect
- International Journal for Philosophy of Religion. (Springer) (年月:1970-1996 巻号:1-40)
- International Journal for Quality in Health Care. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:8(1)-15(6))
- International Journal for Quality in Health Care. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1989-Current 巻号:1-Current) 継続前誌: Quality assurance in health care (1989-1993年)
- International Journal for the Semiotics of Law. (Springer) (年月:1988-1996 巻号:1-9)
- International Journal of Fracture. (Springer) (年月:1965-1996 巻号:1-82)
- International Journal of Game Theory. (Springer) (年月:1971-1996 巻号:1-25)
- International Journal of General Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- International Journal of Genomics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.11-24,25(1))
- International Journal of Group Psychotherapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1998-Jan 2017)
- International Journal of Gynecological Cancer. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1991-(180 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-1996--31-Dec-2000 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- International Journal of Gynecological Pathology. (LWW) (年月:1982-2018 巻号:1-37)
- International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- International Journal of Health Economics and Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- International Journal of Health Geographics. (BioMed Central) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- International Journal of Health Geographics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- International Journal of Health Governance. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2021 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- The International Journal of Health Planning and Management. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.11-24,25(1))
- The International Journal of Health, Wellness and Society. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- International Journal of Healthcare Management. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2012-Current 巻号:5-Current) 継続前誌: Journal of Management & Marketing in Healthcare (2007-2011年) も利用可
- International Journal of Hematologic Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2018-Dec 2020)
- International Journal of Hematology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- International Journal of Hepatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- International Journal of Hispanic Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jul 2013)
- International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology. (Wiley) (年月:1989-1995 巻号:Vol.1-6)
- International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2016-Current)
- International journal of immunopathology and pharmacology. (Sage) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:13-Current) open access
- International Journal of Implant Dentistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2015-Current)
- International journal of implant dentistry. (Springer) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal
- International Journal of Impotence Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- International Journal of Infectious Diseases. (Elsevier) (年月:Jul 1996-Current 巻号:1(1)-Current) ScienceDirect
- International Journal of Infectious Diseases. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Jan 2001)
- International Journal of Inflammation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- International Journal of Insect Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2018)
- International Journal of Instructional Media. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Oct 2005)
- International Journal of Integrated Care. (Ubiquity Press) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:1-Current) open-access
- International Journal of Interferon, Cytokine and Mediator Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2016)
- International Journal of KAATSU Training Research. (J-STAGE) (年月:2005-Current) FREE
- International Journal of Kinesiology & Sports Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders. (CINAHL) (年月:Sep 1998-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1978-1994 巻号:Vol.1-17)
- International Journal of Legal Medicine. (NII-REO) (年月:1922-1999 巻号:1(1)-113(1))
- International Journal of Legal Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- International Journal of Legal Medicine. (Springer) (年月:1922-1996 巻号:1-109)
- International Journal of Leprosy and Other Mycobacterial Diseases. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1996-Dec 2005)
- International Journal of Life Sciences and Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2021
- International Journal of Marine Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- International Journal of Market Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1996-Oct 2002)
- International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1970-1996 巻号:1-27)
- International Journal of Medical Biochemistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2021-Current)
- International Journal of Medical and Biological Frontiers. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2017)
- International Journal of Medical and Dental Case Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- International Journal of Medical Dentistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2012-Current)
- International Journal of Medical Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- International Journal of Medical Microbiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2002-Mar 2005)
- International Journal of Medical Sciences. (Ivyspring International Publisher) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- International Journal of Medical Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- International Journal of Medical Sciences and Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020
- International Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Jan 2019)
- International Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2019)
- International Journal of Men's Health. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2004-Mar 2017)
- International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2022-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. (Wiley) (年月:2002-Feb. 2017 巻号:11-25,26(1)) リンク先で、継続前誌: Australian and New Zealand Journal of Mental Health Nursing (~2001年)閲覧可
- International Journal of Mental Health Systems. (BioMed Central) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- International Journal of Mental Health Systems. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2002-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2021
- International Journal of Microbiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- International Journal of Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Computer-Aided Engineering. (Wiley) (年月:1996-1997 巻号:Vol.6-7)
- International Journal of Migration, Health, and Social Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- International Journal of Molecular and Cellular Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2019)
- International Journal of Molecular Ecology and Conservation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2016)
- International Journal of Molecular Evolution and Biodiversity. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-May 2016)
- International Journal of Molecular Imaging. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2017)
- International Journal of Molecular Medical Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2016)
- International Journal of Molecular Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- International Journal of Molecular Medicine. (Spandidos Publications) (年月:2006- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:17- (Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- International Journal of Molecular Sciences. (MDPI) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- International Journal of Molecular Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2000-Current)
- International Journal of Molecular Zoology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2011-Feb 2016)
- International Journal of Morphology. (年月:2003-Current 巻号:21-Current) FREE
- International Journal of Mycobacteriology. (Elsevier) (年月:2012-2016 巻号:1-5) ScienceDirect
- International Journal of Nanomedicine. (Dove Press) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- International Journal of Nanomedicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011
- International Journal of Neonatal Screening. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2020-Current)
- International Journal of Nephrology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular Disease. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2001-Dec 2014)
- International Journal of Neuroscience. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:89-Current)
- International Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Biology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1973-1986 巻号:1-12) Continued as International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part B. Nuclear Medicine and Biology
- International Journal of Nursing Education. (CINAHL) (年月:Jul 2009-Current)
- International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2020) 欠:01-Jan-2013--31-Dec-2013
- International Journal of Nursing Knowledge. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Oct 2010)
- International Journal of Nursing Practice. (Wiley) (年月:1997-Feb. 2017 巻号:3-22,23(1))
- International Journal of Obesity. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- International Journal of Obesity Supplements. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2011-Jul 2020) 欠:01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017
- International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Current)
- International Journal on Applied Bioengineering. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2017)
- International Journal on Disability and Human Development. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Oct 2017)
- International Journal of Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- International Journal of Oncology. (Spandidos) (年月:2006- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:28- (Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- International Journal of Oral Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2009-Current)
- International Journal of Oral-Medical Sciences. (J-STAGE) (年月:2002-Current) FREE
- International Journal of Organ Transplantation Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2012-Current)
- International Journal of Organizational Analysis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1996-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- International Journal of Palliative Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2002-Sep 2015)
- International Journal of Pancreatology. (NII-REO) (年月:1986-1999 巻号:1(1)-26(3))
- International Journal of Parallel Programming. (Springer) (年月:1972-1996 巻号:1-24)
- International journal of pediatric endocrinology.. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2020)
- International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics. (ProQuest) (年月:May 1998-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-1999--31-Dec-2000; 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2002; 01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2004 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- International Journal of Peptides. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2017)
- International Journal of Person Centered Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2011-Current)
- International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Nov 2010)
- International Journal of Pharmacokinetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Dec 2018)
- International Journal of Pharmacology and Biological Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2010-Aug 2017)
- International Journal of Physiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jan 2014)
- International Journal of Phytoremediation. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2003-Jul 2007)
- International Journal of Phytoremediation. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2004-2007 巻号:6-9)
- International Journal of Plant Genomics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2017)
- International Journal of Plant Genomics. (PubMed Central) (年月:2007-2017 巻号:2007-2017)
- International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society. (Springer) (年月:1987-1996 巻号:1-10(1-2))
- International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1995-1996 巻号:1-3(1))
- The International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1971-1996 巻号:1-34)
- International Journal of Population Geography. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2009/03/31 巻号:Vol.2-9)
- International Journal of Preventive Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- International Journal of Primatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- International Journal of Primatology. (Springer) (年月:1980-1996 巻号:1-17)
- International Journal of Prisoner Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2010--30-Sep-2011 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- International Journal of Probiotics & Prebiotics. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2010-Aug 2016)
- International Journal of Psychiatric Nursing Research. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2005-Oct 2008)
- International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-Jul 2008)
- International Journal of Psychoanalysis. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2006-Dec 2020)
- International Journal of Psychological Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2008-Aug 2020)
- International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2001-Current)
- International Journal of Psychology Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Oct 2017)
- International Journal of Psychotherapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1997-Nov 2000)
- International Journal of Public Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Dec 2018)
- International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences and Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Mar 2016)
- International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-Being. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019
- International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.57-109,110(1))
- International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part B. Nuclear Medicine and Biology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1986-1992 巻号:13-19) Formerly known as International Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Biology; Continued as Nuclear Medicine and Biology
- International Journal of Radiation Biology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:71-Current)
- International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1975-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- International Journal of Radiation Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2009-Current)
- International Journal of Reality Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2006-Oct 2009)
- International Journal of Rehabilitation Research. (LWW) (年月:1978-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2007-Current)
- International Journal of Retina and Vitreous. (BioMed Central) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:1-Current) Free.
- International Journal of Retina and Vitreous. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering. (Wiley) (年月:1998-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.8-19,20(1))
- International Journal of Rheumatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011
- International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.6-19,20(1-2))
- International Journal of Safe Patient Handling & Mobility (SPHM). (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2017-Current)
- International Journal of Salt Lake Research. (Springer) (年月:1992-1996 巻号:1-5)
- International Journal of Satellite Communications. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.14-20)
- International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking. (Wiley) (年月:2003-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.21-27,28(1))
- International Journal of Sexual Health. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:19-Current) 継続前誌: Journal of Psychology & Human Sexuality (1997-2007年) も利用可
- International Journal of Shoulder Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Apr 2016)
- International Journal of the Society of Materials Engineering for Resources. (J-STAGE) (年月:1993-Current) FREE
- International Journal of Speech Technology. (Springer) (年月:1995-1995 巻号:1-1)
- International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 2008-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:10(3)-Current) 継続前誌: Advances in Speech Language Pathology (1999-2007) も利用可
- International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2007-Dec 2012)
- International Journal of Sport and Health Science. (J-STAGE) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:V.1-Current) FREE
- International Journal of Sports Medicine. (Thieme) (年月:1980-1999 巻号:1-20)
- International journal of sports physical therapy. (PubMed Central) (年月:2011-Current 巻号:6-Current) 継続前誌: North American Journal of Sports Physical Therapy. v1-5 (2006-2010) もリンク先で閲覧可能
- International Journal of Sports Sciences and Fitness. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- International Journal of STD & AIDS. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Sep 2006)
- International Journal of STEM Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2014-Current)
- International Journal of Stomatology & Occlusion Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2008-Sep 2016)
- International Journal of Stress Management. (Springer) (年月:1994-1996 巻号:1-3)
- International Journal of Super Species Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2012)
- International journal of surgery. (Elsevier) (年月:2004-(2 years ago) 巻号:2-(2 years ago)) 2年経過後Free化. ScienceDirect. 2023年LWWへ
- International Journal of Surgical Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- International Journal of Surgical Pathology. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1998-Jan 2005)
- International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. (Microbiology Society) (年月:1951- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:1- (Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- International Journal of Technology and Design Education. (Springer) (年月:1990-1996 巻号:1-36)
- International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications. (Hindawi) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:2008-Current) FREE
- International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- International Journal of Telerehabilitation. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2012-Jan 2020)
- International Journal of Theoretical Physics. (Springer) (年月:1968-1996 巻号:1-35)
- International Journal of Therapies and Rehabilitation Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2017)
- International Journal of Therapy & Rehabilitation. (CINAHL) (年月:May 2003-Sep 2015)
- International Journal of Thermophysics. (Springer) (年月:1980-1996 巻号:1-17)
- International Journal of Tourism Research. (Wiley) (年月:1999-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.1-11,12(1))
- International Journal of Transgender Health. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2020-Current 巻号:21-Current) 継続前誌: International Journal of Transgenderism (2005-2019年) 含む
- International Journal of Trichology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- International Journal of Tropical Insect Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2004-Dec 2018)
- International Journal of Tryptophan Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. (年月:1997- (Free after 24 months) 巻号:1- (Free after 24 months)) Free after 24 months
- International journal of urology. (Wiley) (年月:1994-Jan 2017 巻号:1-24(1))
- International Journal of Value-Based Management. (Springer) (年月:1988-1996 巻号:1-9)
- International Journal of Vascular Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- International Journal of Wireless Information Networks. (Springer) (年月:1994-1996 巻号:1-3)
- International Journal of Yoga. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- International Journal of Zoology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- International Labour Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1987-Dec 2015)
- International Maritime Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- International maritime health. (Via Medica Media sp. zo.o. VM) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:56-Current) Free
- International Marketing Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- International Materials Reviews. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1956-1996 巻号:1-41) Metallurgical Reviews (1956-1971年) → International Metallurgical Reviews (1972-1975年) → International Metals Reviews (1976-1986年) → International Materials Reviews (1987年-)
- International Medical Case Reports Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- International Microbiology. (年月:2004-Current 巻号:7-Current) FREE
- International midwifery. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2005-Aug 2009)
- International Nursing Review. (Wiley) (年月:1998-Current 巻号:45-Current)
- International Ophthalmology. (NII-REO) (年月:1978-1999 巻号:1(1)-23(3))
- International Ophthalmology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- International Ophthalmology. (Springer) (年月:1978-1996 巻号:1-20(1-5))
- International Ophthalmology Clinics. (LWW) (年月:1961-2018 巻号:1-58)
- International Orthopaedics. (NII-REO) (年月:1977-1999 巻号:1(1)-23(6))
- International Orthopaedics. (PubMed Central) (年月:1997-2014 巻号:21-38(8))
- International Orthopaedics. (Springer) (年月:1977-1996 巻号:1-20(1-5))
- International Perspectives on Sexual & Reproductive Health. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2009-Dec 2020)
- International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1998-Jan 2020)
- International Pest Control. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Sep 2018)
- International Phonetic Association. Journal of the International Phonetic Association. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- International Psychogeriatrics. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1990-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- International Public Health Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- International Review of Cytology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1952-1999 巻号:1-195) Continued as International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology
- International Review of Education. (Springer) (年月:1955-1996 巻号:1-42)
- International Review of Psychiatry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1997-Nov 2000)
- International Review of Psychiatry. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:9-Current)
- International Reviews of Immunology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:14-Current)
- International Reviews in Physical Chemistry. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1981-1996 巻号:1-15)
- International Scholarly Research Notices. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Jan 2021) 欠:01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2019
- International Seminars in Surgical Oncology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2004-2010 巻号:1-7) FREE
- International Seminars in Surgical Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2009)
- International Student Journal of Nurse Anesthesia. (CINAHL) (年月:Apr 2009-Current)
- International Studies in the Philosophy of Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1998-Oct 2000)
- International Symposium on Affective Science and Engineering. (J-STAGE) (年月:2018-Current) FREE
- International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products. (J-STAGE) (年月:1964-2006) FREE
- International Symposium on Eucommia ulmoides. (J-STAGE) (年月:2007-2007 巻号:V.1) FREE
- International Tax and Public Finance. (Springer) (年月:1994-1996 巻号:1-3)
- International Urogynecology Journal. (NII-REO) (年月:1990-1999 巻号:1(1)-10(6))
- International Urogynecology Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- International Urogynecology Journal. (Springer) (年月:1990-1996 巻号:1-7)
- International Urology and Nephrology. (NII-REO) (年月:1969-1999 巻号:1(1)-31(6))
- International Urology and Nephrology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- International Urology and Nephrology. (Springer) (年月:1969-1996 巻号:1-28)
- International Wildlife. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1998-Jan 2002)
- Intervencion Psicosocial. (年月:2006-Current 巻号:15-Current) FREE
- Intervención Psicosocial. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-Current) 欠:01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-2014
- Intervention. (LWW) (年月:2006-2016 巻号:4-14)
- Interventional Cardiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2009-Jul 2015)
- Interventional Cardiology : an Atlas of Investigation and Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Jan 2004)
- Interventional Neurology. (Karger) (年月:2012-2013 巻号:Vol.1-2)
- Interventional neuroradiology. (PubMed Central) (年月:1999-(12 months ago) 巻号:5-(12 months ago)) Free: after 12 months
- Interventional Radiology. (J-STAGE) (年月:2016-Current) FREE
- Intervirology. (Karger) (年月:1973-2013 巻号:Vol.1-56)
- Intervirology. (ProQuest) (年月:May 1995-Nov 2015)
- Intractable & Rare Diseases Research. (J-STAGE) (年月:2012-Current) FREE
- Invasive Plant Science and Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Inventiones mathematicae. (Springer) (年月:1966-1996 巻号:1-127(1))
- Inverse Problems in Engineering. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1994-1996 巻号:1-4(2)) リンク先は継続後誌:Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering
- Invertebrate Neuroscience. (NII-REO) (年月:1995-1999 巻号:1(1)-4(1))
- Invertebrate Neuroscience. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-Dec 2020) 欠:01-Jan-1999--31-Dec-2002
- Invertebrate Neuroscience. (Springer) (年月:1995-1996 巻号:1-2(1-3))
- Investigación y educación en enfermería. (Facultad de Enfermería de la Universidad de Antioquia) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:23-Current) FREE
- Investigación y Educación en Enfermería. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Investigaciones Marinas. Valparaiso. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2005-Nov 2007)
- Investigational New Drugs. (NII-REO) (年月:1983-1999 巻号:1(1)-17(4))
- Investigational New Drugs. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Investigational New Drugs. (Springer) (年月:1983-1996 巻号:1-14)
- Investigative Genetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2016)
- Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. (Association For Research In Vision And Ophthalmology (Arvo)) (年月:1962-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Investigative radiology. (LWW) (年月:1966-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- InVet (Buenos Aires). (年月:2005-Current 巻号:7-Current) FREE
- Invisibilia (Podcast). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Iowa Board of Nursing Newsletter. (CINAHL) (年月:Nov 1999-Current)
- Iowa Nurse Reporter. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2005-Current)
- Iowa orthopaedic journal. (PubMed Central) (年月:1981-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- i-Perception. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2016-Current)
- Iranian Biomedical Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Iranian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2009-Current)
- Iranian Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Aug 2014)
- Iranian Journal of Immunology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2008-Current)
- Iranian Journal of Kidney Diseases. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2007-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2009
- Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2010-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019; 01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2021
- Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences. (Shiraz University, Medical School) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:26(3-4)-Current) FREE
- Iranian Journal of Nuclear Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Iranian Journal of Parasitology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Iranian Journal of Pediatrics. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2010-Feb 2020)
- Iranian Journal of Psychiatry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Iranian Journal of Public Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Iranian Journal of Radiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Nov 2019)
- Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Feb 2020)
- IRB Advisor. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Irish Journal of Medical Science. (NII-REO) (年月:1922-1999 巻号:1(1)-168(10))
- Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2013-(365 days ago))
- The Irish Journal of Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Sep 2011) 欠:01-Jan-2010--31-Dec-2010
- Irish Medical Times. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Current)
- Irish Veterinary Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Irrigation and Drainage Systems. (Springer) (年月:1986-1996 巻号:1-10)
- Irrigation Science. (Springer) (年月:1978-1996 巻号:1-17(1))
- ISBT science series. (Wiley) (年月:2006-2021 巻号:1-16)
- Ischemic Stroke : an Atlas of Investigation and Treatment. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2009)
- iScience. (Cell Press) (年月:2018-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE. (ScienceDirect / Open Access)
- Islets. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2009-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access.
- ISME Communications. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2022-Current)
- The ISME journal. (Nature) (年月:2007-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化
- The ISME Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2007-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1965-1996 巻号:1-32) 継続前誌:Isotopenpraxis Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies (1965-1994年)含む
- Israel Journal of Health Policy Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Israel Journal of Psychiatry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Current)
- Israel Medical Association journal : IMAJ. (Israeli Medical Association) (年月:1999-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- ISRN Allergy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2014)
- ISRN Botany. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2014)
- ISRN Cardiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2014)
- ISRN Dentistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2014)
- ISRN Dermatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2014)
- ISRN Ecology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2014)
- ISRN Endocrinology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2014)
- ISRN Gastroenterology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2014)
- ISRN Hematology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2014)
- ISRN Microbiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2014)
- ISRN Molecular Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2014)
- ISRN Neurology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2014)
- ISRN Nursing. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2014)
- ISRN Obstetrics and Gynecology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2014)
- ISRN Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2014)
- ISRN Otolaryngology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2014)
- ISRN Pathology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2014)
- ISRN Pediatrics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2014)
- ISRN Pharmacology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2014)
- ISRN Psychiatry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2014)
- ISRN Pulmonology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2014)
- ISRN Rheumatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2014)
- ISRN Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2014)
- ISRN Urology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2014)
- ISRN Veterinary Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2014)
- ISRN Zoology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2014)
- Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 1998-Dec 2015)
- Issues in Law & Medicine. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 1990-Current)
- Issues in Law & Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1999-Oct 2019) 欠:01-Jan-2013--31-Dec-2013
- Issues in Mental Health Nursing. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:18-Current)
- Issues in Science and Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-Current)
- İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2018-Apr 2019)
- Istanbul Medical Journal = Istanbul Tip Dergisi. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- Istanbul Ticaret Universitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2014-Current)
- IT Health Care Strategist. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-Sep 2002)
- Italian Botanist. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2021
- Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020
- The Italian Journal of Neurological Sciences. (NII-REO) (年月:1979-1999 巻号:1(1)-20(6))
- Italian Journal of Pediatrics. (BioMed Central) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:34-Current) FREE
- Italian Journal of Pediatrics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- IUBMB Life. (Wiley) (年月:1996-(1 year ago) 巻号:39-(1 year ago)) Free: Content older than 12 months. 継続前誌: Biochemistry and molecular biology international(~1999年)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 和文誌
- JA Clinical Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2015-Current)
- JAAPA : official journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants. (LWW) (年月:2005-2018 巻号:18-31)
- JACC: Basic to translational science. (Elsevier) (年月:2016-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging. (Elsevier) (年月:Jan 2008-(12 months ago) 巻号:1(1)-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化. ScienceDirect
- JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions. (Elsevier) (年月:Feb 2008-(12 months ago) 巻号:1(1)-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化. ScienceDirect
- JACS Au. (American Chemical Society) (年月:2021-Current 巻号:1-Current) オープンアクセス
- JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. (LWW) (年月:1999-Current 巻号:21-Current) 継続前誌:Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes & Human Retrovirology
- JAMA : Journal of American Medical Association. (American Medical Association) (年月:1883-Current 巻号:Vol.1-Current)
- JAMA Français. (年月:2003-2008 巻号:289-300) FREE (AMA/CLOCKSS提供)
- JAMA Health Forum. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2020-Current)
- JAMA Internal Medicine. (American Medical Association) (年月:2013-Current 巻号:Vol.173-Current) 継続前誌: Archives of Internal Medicine (~2012) もリンク先で閲覧できます
- JAMA network open. (American Medical Association) (年月:2018-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access
- JAMA Network Open. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Current)
- JAMA Ophthalmology. (American Medical Association) (年月:2013-Current 巻号:Vol.131-Current) 継続前誌: Archives of Ophthalmology (~2012) もリンク先で閲覧できます
- JAMA Psychiatry. (American Medical Association) (年月:2013-Current 巻号:Vol.70-Current) 継続前誌: Archives of General Psychiatry (~2012) もリンク先で閲覧できます
- JAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2004-Dec 2017)
- Japan Medical Association journal : JMAJ. (Japan Medical Association) (年月:2001-2016 巻号:44(4)-59) 57(2)から電子版のみ。(44(1-3)はAMJ)
- Japanese Archive of cases conference of clinical nuclear medicine. (J-STAGE) (年月:2019-2019) OPEN ACCESS
- Japanese Clinical Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2018)
- Japanese Clinical Medicine. (Sage) (年月:2010-2019 巻号:1-10) open access journal
- Japanese dental science review. (Elsevier) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:44-Current) FREE
- Japanese Heart Journal. (J-STAGE) (年月:1960-2004 巻号:V.1-45) FREE
- Japanese Journal of Cancer Research GANN. (J-STAGE) (年月:1985-1987) FREE
- Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:26,29(11)-33(10))
- Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1971-(6 months ago) 巻号:1-(6 months ago)) Free: after 6 months
- Japanese Journal of Comprehensive Rehabilitation Science. (J-STAGE) (年月:2010-Current) FREE
- Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases. (J-STAGE) (年月:2012-Current) FREE
- Japanese journal of infectious diseases. (National Institute of Infectious Diseases) (年月:1999-Current 巻号:52(4)-Current) Free. 国立感染症研究所
- Japanese journal of mathematics. New series. (J-STAGE) (年月:1975-2005) FREE
- Japanese Journal of Medical Science and Biology. (J-STAGE) (年月:1952-1998) FREE
- Japanese Journal of Medicine. (J-STAGE) (年月:1961-1991 巻号:V.1-30) FREE
- Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology. (年月:1997-2003 巻号:41-47) Free
- Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Jan 2019)
- The Japanese Journal of Pharmacology. (J-STAGE) (年月:1951-2002 巻号:V.1-90) FREE
- Japanese Journal of Radiology. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2011-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 Months
- Japanese Journal of Radiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Japanese journal of social services. (J-STAGE) (年月:1997-2009) FREE
- Japanese Journal of Trauma and Emergency Medicine. (J-STAGE) (年月:2010-2012) FREE
- Japanese Journal of Tropical Medicine. (J-STAGE) (年月:1969-1970) FREE
- Japanese journal of veterinary research. (The Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University) (年月:1953-Current 巻号:1-Current) Free (北海道大学). Vol.1は「獣医学研究」
- The Japanese Medical Journal. (J-STAGE) (年月:1948-1951) FREE
- Japanese Psychological Research. (J-STAGE) (年月:1954-1995) FREE
- Japanese Review of Cultural Anthropology. (J-STAGE) (年月:1998-Current) FREE
- JAREM. Journal of Academic Research in Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2011-Current)
- JBI database of systematic reviews and implementation reports. (LWW) (年月:2012-2019 巻号:10(57)-17) 継続前誌: JBI library of systematic reviews. 継続後誌: JBI evidence synthesis
- JBI evidence synthesis. (LWW) (年月:2020-Current 巻号:18-Current) 継続前誌: JBI database of systematic reviews and implementation reports
- JBI library of systematic reviews. (LWW) (年月:2003-2012 巻号:1-10(56)) 継続後誌: JBI database of systematic reviews and implementation reports
- JBI Reports. (LWW) (年月:2003-2004 巻号:1-2) 継続後誌: International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare (2005-2014年)
- JBIC Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-1999 巻号:1(1)-4(6))
- JBJS Case Connector. (LWW) (年月:2011-2018 巻号:1-8)
- JBJS Essential Surgical Techniques. (LWW) (年月:2011-2018 巻号:1-8)
- JBJS Journal of Orthopaedics for Physician Assistants. (LWW) (年月:2013-2018 巻号:1-6)
- JBJS Reviews. (LWW) (年月:2013-2018 巻号:1-6)
- JBMR Plus. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2017-Current)
- JBRA Assisted Reproduction. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2015
- JCO clinical cancer informatics. (American Society of Clinical Oncology) (年月:2017-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- JCO clinical cancer informatics. (LWW) (年月:2017-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- JCO global oncology. (American Society of Clinical Oncology) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal. 2015-2019年のタイトルは Journal of Global Oncology.
- JCO global oncology. (LWW) (年月:2020-Current 巻号:6-Current)
- JCO oncology practice. (American Society of Clinical Oncology) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:1-Current) 2005-2019年の誌名は Journal of Oncology Practice
- JCO oncology practice. (LWW) (年月:2020-Current 巻号:16-Current) 継続前誌: Journal of oncology practice
- JCO precision oncology. (American Society of Clinical Oncology) (年月:2017-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- JCO precision oncology. (LWW) (年月:2017-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- JCR: Journal of Clinical Rheumatology. (LWW) (年月:1995-2018 巻号:1-24)
- JCSM Clinical Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2020-Current)
- JCSM Rapid Communications. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2021-Current)
- Jewish History. (Springer) (年月:1986-1996 巻号:1-10)
- JGH Open. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2017-Current)
- JK Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2009-Current)
- JMA journal. (Japan Medical Association) (年月:2018-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access Journal.
- JMA Journal. (J-STAGE) (年月:2018-2020) OPEN ACCESS
- JMIR Aging. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Current)
- JMIR Biomedical Engineering. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- JMIR Cancer. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- JMIR Cardio. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- JMIR Dermatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Current)
- JMIR Diabetes. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- JMIR Formative Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- JMIR Human Factors. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- JMIR Medical Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- JMIR Medical Informatics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- JMIR Mental Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2014-Current)
- JMIR mHealth and uHealth. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Current)
- JMIR Perioperative Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Current)
- JMIR Public Health and Surveillance. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- JMIR Research Protocols. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- JMIR Serious Games. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- JMM case reports. (Microbiology Society) (年月:2014-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access.
- JMR, Journal of Marketing Research. (ProQuest) (年月:May 1987-Nov 2002)
- JMR, Journal of Marketing Research (pre-1986). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1964-Nov 1985)
- JNET: Journal of Neuroendovascular Therapy. (J-STAGE) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:V.1-Current) FREE
- JOCEPS: The Journal of Chi Eta Phi Sorority. (CINAHL) (年月:Sep 2004-Current)
- Joe Weider's Muscle & Fitness. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1995-Jun 2018)
- Johns Hopkins Advanced Studies in Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Jun 2008-Jun 2008) 6(2)のみ閲覧可
- Joint Genome Institute News [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2018-Current)
- The Joint Letter. (LWW) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:2-9(5)) 継続後誌: Bone & Joint
- JONA's Healthcare Law, Ethics, & Regulation. (LWW) (年月:1999-2014 巻号:Vol.1-15)
- JOR Spine. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2018-Current)
- Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial. (年月:2001-Current 巻号:37(4)-Current) FREE
- Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia. (年月:2004-Current 巻号:30-Current) FREE
- Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria. (年月:2006-Current 巻号:55(2)-Current) FREE
- Jornal de Pediatria. (年月:2001-Current 巻号:77(2)-Current) FREE
- Jornal de Pediatria. (Elsevier) (年月:Jan 2013-Current 巻号:89(1)-Current) ScienceDirect
- Jornal de Pneumologia. (年月:1999-Current 巻号:25(6)-Current) FREE
- Jornal Vascular Brasileiro. (年月:2005-Current 巻号:4(3)-Current) FREE
- Journal of 3D Printing in Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Sep 2020)
- Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. (NII-REO) (年月:1973-1999 巻号:1(1)-27(6))
- Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. (Springer) (年月:1973-1996 巻号:1-24)
- Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1996-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1995-Nov 2003)
- Journal of the Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Journal of Accident & Emergency Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1994-Nov 2000)
- Journal of Accident and Emergency Medicine. (PubMed Central) (年月:1994-2000 巻号:11-17) 継続前誌: Archives of Emergency Medicine. 継続後誌: Emergency Medicine Journal : EMJ
- Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. (LWW) (年月:1988-1994 巻号:1-7) 継続後誌:Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes & Human Retrovirology. 現誌名:JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes.
- Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes & Human Retrovirology. (LWW) (年月:1995-1999 巻号:8-20(5)) 継続前誌:Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 継続後誌:JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes.
- Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies. (Elsevier) (年月:Sep 2008-Current 巻号:1(1)-Current) ScienceDirect
- Journal of acute care physical therapy. (LWW) (年月:2010-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of Addiction Medicine. (LWW) (年月:2007-2018 巻号:1-12)
- Journal of Addictions Nursing. (LWW) (年月:1989-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of Addictions & Offender Counseling. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1998-Oct 2013)
- Journal of addictions & offender counseling. (Wiley) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:17(2)-Current)
- Journal of Addictive Diseases. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:16-Current)
- Journal of Adhesion. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1969-1996 巻号:1-59)
- Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1987-1996 巻号:1-10)
- Journal of Adolescent and Family Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2009-Jan 2020) 欠:01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2013
- Journal of Adult Development. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Adult Development. (Springer) (年月:1994-1996 巻号:1-3)
- The Journal of Adult Protection. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2003-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Advanced Clinical and Research Insights. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2014-Current)
- Journal of Advanced Medical and Dental Sciences Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Journal of Advanced Nursing. (Wiley) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:25-Current)
- Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology and Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Journal of Advanced Science. (J-STAGE) (年月:1989-Current) FREE
- Journal of Advertising. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1987-Dec 2013)
- Journal of Advertising (pre-1986). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1972-Jan 1985)
- Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2000-Dec 2018)
- Journal of Affective Disorders. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1979-1994 巻号:1-32)
- Journal Africain d'Hepato-Gastroenterologie. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Jan 2017)
- Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2009-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of aging and physical activity. (Health Science) (年月:1993-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics. (Springer) (年月:1988-1996 巻号:1-9)
- Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:118-Current)
- Journal of Agrobiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2010-Jun 2013)
- Journal of AHIMA. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-May 2020)
- Journal of AHIMA (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2021-Current)
- Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Dec 2012)
- Journal of Alcohol & Drug Education. (CINAHL) (年月:Sep 1993-Current)
- Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1996-Apr 2022)
- Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics. (Springer) (年月:1992-1996 巻号:1-5)
- Journal of Allergy. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1929-1970 巻号:1-46) Continued as Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
- Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1971-Current 巻号:47-Current) Formerly known as Journal of Allergy
- Journal of Allied Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2002-Current)
- Journal of Ambulatory Care Management. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1999-Dec 2005)
- Journal of Ambulatory Care Management. (LWW) (年月:1978-2018 巻号:1-41)
- Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. (LWW) (年月:1995-2009 巻号:34-48)
- Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1979-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. (LWW) (年月:1989-2012 巻号:1-24) 継続後誌: Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (2013-2018年)
- Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. (LWW) (年月:1993-2018 巻号:1-26)
- Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Sep 2003)
- Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science. (American Association for Laboratory Animal Science) (年月:1997- (Free after 6 months) 巻号:36-(Free after 6 months)) Free after 6 months
- Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. (LWW) (年月:2013-2018 巻号:25-30) 継続前誌: Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
- Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1999-Feb 2009)
- Journal of the American Audiology Society. (LWW) (年月:1975-1979 巻号:1-5(3)) 継続後誌: Ear & Hearing
- Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. (American Board of Family Medicine) (年月:1988-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE. 継続前誌含む
- Journal of the American Chemical Society. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:118-Current)
- Journal of the American Chiropractic Association. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2004-Oct 2013)
- Journal of the American College of Cardiology : JACC. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1983-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2021-Current)
- Journal of American College Health. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1994-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- Journal of American College Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-Nov 2010)
- Journal of American College Health. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:45(4)-Current)
- Journal of the American College of Radiology : JACR. (ScienceDirect) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of the American College of Surgeons. (LWW) (年月:1997-2018 巻号:185-227)
- Journal of the American Heart Association. (Wiley-Blackwell) (年月:2012-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access journal.
- Journal of the American Herbalists Guild. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2006-Current)
- Journal of American Insurance. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1988-Oct 1990)
- Journal of the American Medical Directors' Association. (LWW) (年月:2005-2005 巻号:6)
- Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1996-(1 year ago) 巻号:3-(1 year ago)) Free after 12 months
- Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2001-Mar 2006)
- Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2012-Jun 2020)
- Journal of the American Nutrition Association. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2022-Current 巻号:41-Current) 継続前誌: Journal of the American College of Nutrition (1997-2021年) も利用可
- Journal of the American Osteopathic Association. (American Osteopathic Association) (年月:1971- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:70(5)- (Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- Journal of the American Society for Information Science. (Wiley) (年月:1986-2000 巻号:Vol.37-51)
- Journal of the American Society for Information Science (1986-1998). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1986-Dec 1998)
- Journal of the American Society for Information Science (pre-1986). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1970-Nov 1985)
- Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. (Wiley) (年月:2001-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.52-59,60(1-3)) 継続前誌: American Society for Information Science (1986-2000年) もアクセス可
- Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:1990-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry. (Elsevier) (年月:1990-2010 巻号:1-21) Free (ScienceDirect). Transferred to Springer as of 2011
- Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Jan 2019)
- Journal of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand. (ScienceDirect) (年月:2001-2005 巻号:1-5)
- Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. (LWW) (年月:1990-2022 巻号:1-33)
- Journal of the American Statistical Association. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1992-Dec 2005)
- Journal of the American Statistical Association. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1888-1996 巻号:1-91) Publications of the American Statistical Association (1888-1911年) → Quarterly Publications of the American Statistical Association (1912-1921年) → Journal of the American Statistical Association (1922年-)
- Journal of the American Venereal Disease Association. (LWW) (年月:1974-1976 巻号:1-3(2)) 継続後誌: Sexually Transmitted Diseases (1977年-)
- Journal of the American Water Resources Association. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2002-Oct 2009)
- Journal of Amino Acids. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2017)
- Journal of analytical methods in chemistry. (PubMed Central) (年月:2012-Current 巻号:2012-Current) 継続前誌閲覧可: Journal of Automatic Chemistry: v1-20 (1978 to 1998), Journal of Automated Methods and Management in Chemistry: v21-2011 (1999-2011)
- Journal of Analytical Science and Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2013-Current)
- Journal of anatomy. (Wiley) (年月:1997-(2 years ago) 巻号:190-(2 years ago)) Free. Content older than 2 years
- Journal of Andrology. (Wiley) (年月:1980-2012 巻号:1-33) Free
- Journal of Anesthesia. (NII-REO) (年月:1987-1999 巻号:1(1)-13(4))
- Journal of Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine (JAPM). (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2014-Jan 2019)
- Journal of Anesthesia, Analgesia and Critical Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2021-Current)
- Journal of Animal Ecology. (Wiley) (年月:1998-(2 years ago) 巻号:67-(2 years ago)) Free: Content older than 2 years
- Journal of Animal Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1997-Mar 2021)
- Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2012-Current)
- The Journal of Antibiotics. (J-STAGE) (年月:1966-2004) FREE
- Journal of Antibiotics. (Nature) (年月:2005-(1 year ago) 巻号:58-(1 year ago)) 1年経過後Free化. 1968~2004年はJ-Stage
- Journal of Antibiotics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:37(1)-52(6)) 欠あり
- Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1975-(1 year ago) 巻号:1-(1 year ago)) Free: after 12 months
- Journal of the Anus, Rectum and Colon. (J-STAGE) (年月:2017-Current) FREE
- Journal of Anxiety Disorders. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1987-1994 巻号:1-8)
- Journal of Appalachian Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- Journal of Applied Animal Nutrition. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Jan 2019) 欠:01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018
- Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2005-Dec 2015)
- Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. (PubMed Central) (年月:1968-2012 巻号:1-45) The publisher no longer participates in PubMed Central.
- The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1995-Dec 2007)
- Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2000-Current)
- Journal of applied clinical medical physics. (Wiley) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access journal
- Journal of Applied Ecology. (Wiley) (年月:1998-(2 years ago) 巻号:35-(2 years ago)) Free: Content older than 2 years
- Journal of Applied Econometrics. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.11-24,25(1))
- Journal of Applied Electrochemistry. (Springer) (年月:1971-1996 巻号:1-26)
- Journal of Applied Glycoscience. (J-STAGE) (年月:1999-Current 巻号:V.46-Current) FREE
- Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. (Springer) (年月:1965-1996 巻号:6-37)
- Journal of Applied Microbiology. (Wiley) (年月:1997-(3 years ago) 巻号:82-(3 years ago)) Free: Content older than 3 years back to Jan 1st 1997. 2023年よりOUP
- Journal of Applied and Natural Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Journal of Applied Oral Science. (年月:2003-Current 巻号:11-Current) FREE
- Journal of Applied Phycology. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1997-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-1999; 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2004; 01-Jan-2006--31-Dec-2006; 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2012 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Applied Phycology. (Springer) (年月:1989-1996 巻号:1-8)
- Journal of Applied Physiology. (American Physiological Society) (年月:1948- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:1- (Free after 12 months)) Free: after 12 months
- Journal of Applied Polymer Science. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.59-114,115(1-2))
- Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1998-Current)
- Journal of Applied Research on Children. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Journal of Applied Spectroscopy. (Springer) (年月:1965-1996 巻号:2-63)
- Journal of Applied Statistics. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1974-1996 巻号:1-23)
- Journal of Applied Toxicology. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.16-29,30(1))
- Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Stress and Recovery. (Springer) (年月:1992-1996 巻号:1-5)
- Journal of Aquatic Physical Therapy. (CINAHL) (年月:Sep 2013-Current)
- The Journal of aquatic physical therapy. (LWW) (年月:1993-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory. (Springer) (年月:1994-1996 巻号:1-3)
- Journal of Archaeological Research. (Springer) (年月:1993-1996 巻号:1-4)
- Journal of Arrhythmia. (Elsevier) (年月:2005-2017 巻号:21(3)-33) Open access. (ScienceDirect)
- Journal of Arrhythmia. (J-STAGE) (年月:2005-2012 巻号:V.21-Current) FREE
- Journal of Arrhythmia. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2005-Current)
- The Journal of Arthroplasty. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1986-1994 巻号:1-9)
- Journal of Arthropod-Borne Diseases. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Journal of Artificial Organs. (NII-REO) (年月:1998-1999 巻号:1(1)-2(2))
- Journal of Artificial Organs. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1998-Jan 2019)
- Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. (NII-REO) (年月:1984-1999 巻号:1(1)-16(10))
- Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. (PubMed Central) (年月:1997-(12 months ago) 巻号:14-(12 months ago)) Free: after 12 months
- Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. (Springer) (年月:1984-1996 巻号:1-13)
- Journal of Assistive, Rehabilitative and Therapeutic Technologies. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jan 2014)
- Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. (LWW) (年月:1929-1950 巻号:4-25) 継続前誌: Bulletin of the Association of American Medical Colleges (1926-1928年); 継続後誌: Medical Education (1951年)
- Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2000-Dec 2018) 欠:01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2001
- Journal of the Association for Vascular Access. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2008-Dec 2017)
- Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care. (LWW) (年月:2005-2018 巻号:16-29)
- Journal of Asthma. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:34-Current)
- Journal of Asthma and Allergy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Journal of Atherosclerosis Research. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1961-1969 巻号:1-10) Continued as Atherosclerosis
- Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis. (J-STAGE) (年月:1994-Current 巻号:V.1-Current) FREE
- Journal of Athletic Training. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1997-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Journal of Athletic Training. (PubMed Central) (年月:1992-(12 months ago) 巻号:27-(12 months ago)) Free: after 12 months
- Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry. (Springer) (年月:1983-1996 巻号:1-25)
- Journal of Atmospheric Electricity. (J-STAGE) (年月:2009-2017) FREE
- Journal of Atoms and Molecules. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2011-Jan 2019)
- Journal of Audiological Medicine. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2000-Dec 2002)
- Journal of the Australasian Rehabilitation Nurses' Association (JARNA). (CINAHL) (年月:Jul 2005-Current)
- Journal of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2003-Current)
- Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders. (CINAHL) (年月:Sep 1993-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. (NII-REO) (年月:1971-1999 巻号:1(1)-29(6))
- Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. (Springer) (年月:1971-1996 巻号:1-26)
- Journal of Autoimmune Diseases. (BioMed Central) (年月:2004-2009 巻号:1-6) FREE
- Journal of Autoimmunity. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1988-1994 巻号:1-7)
- Journal of automated methods and management in chemistry. (PubMed Central) (年月:1999-2011 巻号:21-25;2005-2011)
- Journal of Automated Reasoning. (Springer) (年月:1985-1996 巻号:1-17)
- Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Oct 2019) 欠:01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2017
- Journal of B.U.ON. : official journal of the Balkan Union of Oncology. (Imprimatur Publications) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:8(4)-Current) Open Access Journal.
- Journal of Bacteriology. (American Society for Microbiology) (年月:1916-(6 months ago) 巻号:1-(6 months ago)) Free: after 6 months
- Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians & Surgeons. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Apr 2020)
- Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Nov 2017)
- Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1970-1994 巻号:1-25)
- Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Current)
- Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1999-Jul 2005)
- Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.9-22,23(1))
- Journal of Behavioral Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2001 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Behavioral Education. (Springer) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-6)
- Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research. (LWW) (年月:2000-2004 巻号:27-31(1))
- The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1992-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2005--30-Sep-2009 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Behavioral Medicine. (NII-REO) (年月:1978-1999 巻号:1(1)-22(6))
- Journal of Behavioral Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Behavioral Medicine. (Springer) (年月:1978-1996 巻号:1-19)
- Journal of Behavioral Optometry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Sep 2012)
- Journal of Behavioural Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Current)
- Journal of Best Practices in Health Professions Diversity. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2015-Current)
- Journal of Binocular Vision and Ocular Motility. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2018-Current 巻号:68-Current) 継続前誌: American Orthoptic Journal (1997-2017年) も利用可
- Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010 巻号:Vol.11-23,24(1)) リンク先は継続前誌を含む
- Journal of Biochemical Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2020)
- Journal of Biochemical Toxicology. (Wiley) (年月:1998-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.11)
- The Journal of Biochemistry. (J-STAGE) (年月:1922-2004) FREE
- The Journal of Biochemistry. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-1997 巻号:119(1)-122(6))
- Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in the Post Genomic Era. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2013)
- Journal of Bioeconomics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes. (NII-REO) (年月:1970-1999 巻号:1(1)-31(6))
- Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes. (Springer) (年月:1970-1996 巻号:1-28)
- Journal of Biological Chemistry. (American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) (年月:1905-2020 巻号:1-295)
- Journal of Biological Chemistry. (Elsevier) (年月:1905-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open access
- Journal of biological dynamics. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal.
- Journal of Biological Engineering. (BioMed Central) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Journal of Biological Engineering. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Journal of Biological Macromolecules. (J-STAGE) (年月:2012-Current) FREE
- Journal of Biological Physics. (NII-REO) (年月:1973-1999 巻号:1(1)-25(4))
- Journal of Biological Physics. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Biological Physics. (PubMed Central) (年月:1997-(12 months ago) 巻号:23-(12 months ago)) Free: after 12 months
- Journal of Biological Physics. (Springer) (年月:1973-1996 巻号:1-22)
- Journal of Biological Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Journal of Biological Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2008
- Journal of Biological Response Modifiers. (LWW) (年月:1982-1990 巻号:1-9)
- Journal of Biological Standardization. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1973-1989 巻号:1-17) Continued as Biologicals
- Journal of Biology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2002-2010 巻号:1-9) FREE
- Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1989-1996 巻号:1-7)
- Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering. (J-STAGE) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:V.1-Current) FREE
- Journal of Biomechanics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-(60 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:60日
- Journal of Biomechanics. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1968-1994 巻号:1-27)
- Journal of Biomedical Discovery and Collaboration. (PubMed Central) (年月:2006-2016 巻号:1-7)
- Journal of Biomedical Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Jan 2018)
- Journal of Biomedical Engineering. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1979-1993 巻号:1-15) Continued as Medical Engineering & Physics
- Journal of Biomedical Informatics. (Academic Press) (年月:2001-(12 months ago) 巻号:34-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:1年間. ScienceDirect
- Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.30-63)
- Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.30-91A,92A(1))
- Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.33-91B,92B(1))
- Journal of Biomedical Science. (BioMed Central) (年月:2009-Current 巻号:16-Current) FREE
- Journal of Biomedical Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Journal of Biomedical Science. (Springer) (年月:1993-1996 巻号:1-3)
- Journal of Biomedical Semantics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Journal of Biomedicine & Biotechnology. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2006-Dec 2012)
- Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials, and Biomedical Engineering. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2008-Nov 2020)
- Journal of Biomolecular NMR. (NII-REO) (年月:1991-1999 巻号:1(1)-15(4))
- Journal of Biomolecular NMR. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Biomolecular NMR. (Springer) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-8)
- Journal of biomolecular techniques : JBT. (PubMed Central) (年月:1999-Current 巻号:10-Current)
- Journal of Biopesticides. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-6)
- Journal of Biophysics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2017)
- Journal of Biorepository Science for Applied Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2017) 欠:01-Jan-2013--31-Dec-2013
- Journal of Biorheology. (J-STAGE) (年月:2014-Current) FREE
- Journal of Biosciences. (NII-REO) (年月:1979-1999 巻号:1(1)-24(4))
- Journal of Biosciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Biosecurity, Biosafety and Biodefense Law. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jan 2017)
- Journal of Biosocial Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Biotech Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Journal of Blood Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery. (LWW) (年月:1922-1947 巻号:4-29) 継続前誌: Journal of orthopaedic surgery. 継続後誌: The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume.
- Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-Dec 2005)
- The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume. (LWW) (年月:1948-2018 巻号:30-100) 継続前誌: Journal of bone and joint surgery
- Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism. (NII-REO) (年月:1988-1999 巻号:6(1)-17(4))
- Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism. (Springer) (年月:1995-1996 巻号:6-14)
- Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. (Wiley) (年月:1997-(12 months ago) 巻号:12-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化
- Journal of Botany. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2019)
- Journal of Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Injury. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2014)
- Journal of Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Injury. (Thieme) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal.
- Journal of The British Contact Lens Association. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1978-1994 巻号:Vol.1-17)
- Journal of Bronchology. (LWW) (年月:1994-2008 巻号:1-15) 継続後誌: Journal of Bronchology & Interventional Pulmonology
- Journal of Bronchology & Interventional Pulmonology. (LWW) (年月:2009-2018 巻号:16-25) 継続前誌: Journal of Bronchology (1994-2008年)
- Journal of Burn Care & Rehabilitation. (LWW) (年月:1980-2003 巻号:1-24) 継続後誌: Journal of Burn Care & Research
- Journal of Burn Care & Research. (LWW) (年月:2012-2017 巻号:33-38) 継続前誌: Journal of Burn Care & Rehabilitation
- Journal of Business & Economic Statistics. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1983-1996 巻号:1-14)
- Journal of Business Ethics. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1987-Current)
- Journal of Business Ethics. (Springer) (年月:1982-1996 巻号:1-15)
- Journal of Business Ethics (1986-1998). (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1986-Dec 1987)
- Journal of Business Ethics (pre-1986). (ProQuest) (年月:May 1982-Dec 1985)
- Journal of Business and Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1999-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Business and Psychology. (Springer) (年月:1986-1996 巻号:1-11(1-2))
- The Journal of Business Strategy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1993-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2010-Current)
- Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle. (Wiley) (年月:2010-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of the California Dental Hygienists' Association. (CINAHL) (年月:Oct 2004-Current)
- Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. (PubMed Central) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:15-Current) 含・継続前誌: Canadian child and adolescent psychiatry review (2003-2005年)
- Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 1996-Current)
- The Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1998-Dec 2010)
- Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association. (PubMed Central) (年月:1978-Current 巻号:22-Current)
- Journal of Cancer. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- Journal of Cancer Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2001-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2006 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Cancer Epidemiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology. (NII-REO) (年月:1904-1999 巻号:1(1/5)-125(12))
- Journal of Cancer Research & Clinical Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology. (Springer) (年月:1904-1996 巻号:1-122)
- Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics. (Medknow Publications) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE (ただし、PDFファイルは閲覧できません)
- Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Journal of Cancer Survivorship. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2011-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 Months
- Journal of Cancer Survivorship. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2007-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Cannabis Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1982-1996 巻号:1-15)
- Journal of Carcinogenesis. (Medknow Publications) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE (ただし、PDFファイルは閲覧できません)
- Journal of Cardiac Arrhythmias. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1988-Current)
- Journal of Cardiac Failure. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1994-1994 巻号:1)
- Journal of Cardiac Rehabilitation. (LWW) (年月:1981-1985 巻号:1-5) 継続後誌:Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation. 現誌名:Journal of cardiopulmonary rehabilitation and prevention
- Journal of cardiology. (Elsevier) (年月:2008-(12 months ago) 巻号:51-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:1年間 日本心臓病学会
- Journal of cardiology cases. (Elsevier) (年月:2010-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化. ScienceDirect 日本心臓病学会
- Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation. (LWW) (年月:1985-2006 巻号:5(9),6-26) 継続前誌:Journal of cardiac rehabilitation. 継続後誌:Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation & Prevention
- Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation & Prevention. (LWW) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:27-Current) 継続前誌:Journal of cardiopulmonary rehabilitation
- Journal of Cardiothoracic Anesthesia. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1987-1990 巻号:1-4) Continued as Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia
- Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery. (BioMed Central) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1991-1994 巻号:5-8) Formerly known as Journal of Cardiothoracic Anesthesia
- Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2021-Current)
- Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Oct 2012)
- Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 1990-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance. (BioMed Central) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:10-Current) FREE
- Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine. (LWW) (年月:2006-2018 巻号:7-19)
- Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1999-Dec 2005)
- Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. (LWW) (年月:1986-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology. (LWW) (年月:1979-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of Cardiovascular Risk. (LWW) (年月:2001-2003 巻号:8-10(3)) 継続後誌:European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation
- Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1998-Jun 2010)
- Journal of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Journal of Career Development. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Jul 2005)
- Journal of Caring Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2013-Current)
- Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. (LWW) (年月:1986-2017 巻号:12-43(1))
- Journal of Cell Biology. (Rockefeller University Press) (年月:1955-Current 巻号:Vol.1-Current)
- Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2007-Jan 2019)
- Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling. (PubMed Central) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of Cell Death. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2018)
- Journal of Cell and Molecular Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2010-Dec 2014)
- Journal of Cell Science. (Company of Biologists) (年月:1966-Current 巻号:1-Current) リンク先で継続前誌 "Quarterly journal of microscopical science" (1853~1965年) 閲覧可
- Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. (Wiley) (年月:1982-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.18-108,109(1)) 継続前誌:Journal of supramolecular structure and cellular biochemistry
- Journal of Cellular and Comparative Physiology. (Wiley) (年月:1932-1965 巻号:Vol.1-66) 継続後誌:Journal of cellular physiology
- Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Jan 2006)
- Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. (Wiley) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:4(3)-Current) open access journals
- Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2000-Current)
- Journal of Cellular Physiology. (Wiley) (年月:1966-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.67-221,222(1)) 継続前誌:Journal of cellular and comparative physiology
- Journal of Central Nervous System Disease. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2000-Dec 2015)
- Journal of Character Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Current)
- Journal of Chemical Biology. (PubMed Central) (年月:2008-2017 巻号:1-10) The journal merged with Chemistry Central Journal in 2018.
- Journal of Chemical Crystallography. (Springer) (年月:1971-1996 巻号:1-26)
- Journal of Chemical Dependency Treatment. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2006-2006 巻号:8(2))
- Journal of Chemical Ecology. (NII-REO) (年月:1975-1999 巻号:1(1)-25(12))
- Journal of Chemical Ecology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Chemical Ecology. (Springer) (年月:1975-1996 巻号:1-22)
- Journal of Chemical Education. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2010-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of Chemical Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-Dec 2000)
- Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:41-Current)
- Journal of Chemical Health & Safety. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2006-2019 巻号:13-26)
- Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:1996-2004 巻号:36-44) 継続後誌: Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling (2005-)
- Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:45-Current) 継続前誌: Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences (1975~2004)
- Journal of Chemical Metrology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Current)
- Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of Cheminformatics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Journal of Chemometrics. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.10-23,24(1))
- Journal of Chemotherapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2011-Dec 2015)
- Journal of Chemotherapy. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:9-Current)
- Journal of Child and Adolescent Group Therapy. (Springer) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-6)
- Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Nov 2010)
- Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2000-Feb 2021)
- Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:5(3)-Current)
- Journal of Child and Family Studies. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Child and Family Studies. (Springer) (年月:1992-1996 巻号:1-5)
- Journal of Child Language. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Child Neurology. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1996-Oct 2000)
- Journal of Child Sexual Abuse. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1995-Dec 1997)
- Journal of Children's Orthopaedics. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2007-Current)
- Journal of Children's Orthopaedics. (PubMed Central) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of Children's & Young People's Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 2008-Mar 2008)
- Journal of Chinese Medicine. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 2005-Current)
- The Journal of Chinese Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2008-Jun 2014)
- Journal of Chiropractic Education. (年月:1999-Current 巻号:13(2)-Current) Open access
- Journal of Chiropractic Medicine. (PubMed Central) (年月:2002-(6 months ago) 巻号:1-(6 months ago)) Free: after 6 months.
- Journal of Christian Nursing. (LWW) (年月:1984-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of Circadian Rhythms. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2014)
- Journal of Circadian Rhythms. (Ubiquity Press) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Journal of Circulating Biomarkers. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jan 2016)
- Journal of Classification. (Springer) (年月:1984-1996 巻号:1-13)
- Journal of Clinical Anesthesia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-(60 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:60日
- Journal of Clinical Apheresis. (Wiley) (年月:1982-2010 巻号:Vol.1-25)
- Journal of Clinical and Basic Cardiology. (Krause & Pachernegg) (年月:1998-Current 巻号:1998-Current) FREE
- Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition. (J-STAGE) (年月:1986-Current 巻号:V.1-Current) FREE
- Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. (Dr. Hemant Jain for Premchand Shantidevi Research Foundation) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:81-Current)
- Journal of Clinical Engineering. (LWW) (年月:1976-2018 巻号:1-43)
- Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-(60 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:60日
- Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hematopathology. (J-STAGE) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:V.41-Current) FREE
- Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1994-1994 巻号:Vol.1) 継続後誌:Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine
- Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology. (LWW) (年月:1979-2018 巻号:1-52)
- The Journal of Clinical Hypertension. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2021-Current)
- Journal of Clinical Immunology. (NII-REO) (年月:1981-1999 巻号:1(1)-19(6))
- Journal of Clinical Immunology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Clinical Immunology. (Springer) (年月:1981-1996 巻号:1-16)
- Journal of Clinical Investigation. (American Society for Clinical Investigation) (年月:1924-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open access
- Journal of Clinical Investigation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2002-Current)
- Journal of Clinical Investigation. (PubMed Central) (年月:1924-(3 Months ago) 巻号:1-(3 months ago)) Free: after 3 months.
- Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2019-Current)
- Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis. (Wiley) (年月:1987-Current 巻号:1-Current) オープンアクセス化
- Journal of Clinical Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- Journal of Clinical Microbiology. (American Society for Microbiology) (年月:1975-(6 months ago) 巻号:1-(6 months ago)) Free after 6 months
- Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing. (NII-REO) (年月:1984-1999 巻号:1(1)-15(7/8))
- Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2004-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing. (Springer) (年月:1985-1996 巻号:1-12) 誌名変遷: Journal of clinical monitoring(1985-1997) → Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing(1998-)
- Journal of Clinical Movement Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2022) 欠:01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2021
- Journal of Clinical Neuromuscular Disease. (LWW) (年月:1999-2018 巻号:1-20(2))
- Journal of Clinical Neuro-Ophthalmology. (LWW) (年月:1981-1993 巻号:1-13) 継続後誌:Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology
- Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology. (LWW) (年月:1984-2018 巻号:1-35)
- Journal of Clinical Oncology. (American Society of Clinical Oncology) (年月:1983-Current 巻号:Vol.1-Current)
- Journal of clinical oncology. (LWW) (年月:1983-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of Clinical Pathology. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1947-(180 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-1999 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Journal of Clinical Pathology. (PubMed Central) (年月:1947-2007 巻号:1-60)
- The Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2014-Current)
- Journal of Clinical Pharmacy & Therapeutics. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1998-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2023-Current)
- Journal of Clinical and Preventive Cardiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Current)
- Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. (Physicians Postgraduate Press) (年月:1999-Current 巻号:60-Current)
- Journal of Clinical Psychology. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.52-65,66(1))
- Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings. (NII-REO) (年月:1994-1999 巻号:1(1)-6(4))
- Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2022-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings. (Springer) (年月:1994-1996 巻号:1-3)
- Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology. (LWW) (年月:1981-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of Clinical Research in Pediatric Endocrinology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2015-Current)
- Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. (American Academy of Sleep Medicine) (年月:2005- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:1- (Free after 12 months)) Free. after 12 months
- Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2017-Current)
- Journal of Clinical Ultrasound. (Wiley) (年月:1973-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.1-37,38(1))
- Journal of Cluster Science. (Springer) (年月:1990-1996 巻号:1-7)
- The Journal of Coagulation Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2011)
- Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2017)
- Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1987-Jul 2016)
- Journal of College Counseling. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2003-Oct 2013)
- Journal of College Student Development. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:1999-2010 巻号:1-12) 継続後誌: ACS Combinatorial Science
- Journal of Commercial Biotechnology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2001-Current)
- Journal of Communication. (NII-REO) (年月:1998-2003 巻号:48(1)-53(4))
- Journal of communication in healthcare. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of Communication Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.6-19,20(1))
- Journal of Community Health. (NII-REO) (年月:1975-1999 巻号:1(1)-24(6))
- Journal of Community Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1991-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Community Health. (Springer) (年月:1975-1996 巻号:1-21)
- Journal of Community Health Nursing. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:14-Current)
- Journal of Community Hospital Internal Medicine Perspectives. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Nov 2021)
- Journal of Community Nursing. (年月:1998-Current 巻号:12-Current) FREE. All articles are free. A registration, however, must be done in order to access documents.
- Journal of Community Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2005-Current)
- Journal of Community Nursing. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2004-Current)
- Journal of Community Positive Practices. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Journal of Community Psychology. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.24-37,38(1))
- Journal of Comorbidity. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Apr 2021)
- Journal of Comparative Family Studies. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1994-Oct 2014)
- Journal of Comparative Neurology. (Wiley) (年月:1891-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.1-517,518(1-2)) 継続前誌:Journal of comparative neurology and psychology
- Journal of Comparative Neurology and Psychology. (Wiley) (年月:1904-1910 巻号:Vol.14-20) 継続後誌:Journal of comparative neurology
- Journal of Comparative Pathology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1965-1994 巻号:Vol.75-111) 継続前誌:Journal of Comparative Pathology and Therapeutics
- Journal of Comparative Pathology and Therapeutics. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1888-1964 巻号:Vol.1-74) 継続後誌:Journal of Comparative Pathology
- Journal of Comparative Physiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Comparative Physiology A. (NII-REO) (年月:1924-1999 巻号:1(1/2)-185(6))
- Journal of Comparative Physiology A. (Springer) (年月:1924-1996 巻号:1-180(1)) 誌名変遷: Zeitschrift für vergleichende Physiologie(1924-1972) → Journal of comparative physiology(1972-1974) → Journal of comparative physiology A(1974-)
- Journal of Comparative Physiology B. (NII-REO) (年月:1984-1999 巻号:154(1)-169(8))
- Journal of Comparative Physiology B. (Springer) (年月:1984-1996 巻号:154-166)
- Journal of Comparative Physiology. B, Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2003-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Compassionate Healthcare. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2018)
- Journal of Computational Chemistry. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.17-30,31(1-2))
- Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1992-1996 巻号:1-5)
- Journal of Computational Neuroscience. (NII-REO) (年月:1994-1999 巻号:1(1/2)-7(3))
- Journal of Computational Neuroscience. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Computational Neuroscience. (Springer) (年月:1994-1996 巻号:1-3)
- Journal of Computational Science and Technology. (J-STAGE) (年月:2007-2013 巻号:V.1-Current) FREE
- Journal of Computed Tomography. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1977-1988 巻号:1-12) Continued as Clinical Imaging
- Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography. (LWW) (年月:1977-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design. (NII-REO) (年月:1987-1999 巻号:1(1)-13(6))
- Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design. (Springer) (年月:1987-1996 巻号:1-10)
- Journal of Concussion. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- The Journal of Conflict Resolution. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1995-Dec 2007)
- The Journal of Conflict Resolution (1986-1998). (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1986-Dec 1994)
- The Journal of Conflict Resolution (pre-1986). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1957-Dec 1985)
- Journal of Congenital Cardiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- Journal of Conservative Dentistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- The Journal of Consumer Affairs. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1987-Oct 2009)
- The Journal of Consumer Affairs (1986-1998). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1986-Jul 1986)
- The Journal of Consumer Affairs (pre-1986). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1972-Jul 1985)
- The Journal of Consumer Marketing. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1987-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Consumer Policy. (Springer) (年月:1977-1996 巻号:1-19)
- Journal of Contemporary Athletics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy. (Termedia) (年月:2009-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE. This journal is open access. However, a free registration must be completed in order to access the articles.
- Journal of Contemporary European Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Current)
- Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1997-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-1998 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy. (Springer) (年月:1968-1996 巻号:1-26)
- Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. (LWW) (年月:1988-2018 巻号:8-38)
- Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1998-Oct 2001)
- Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2003-Dec 2010)
- The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1970-Current)
- Journal of Continuing Education Topics & Issues. (CINAHL) (年月:Nov 2004-Current)
- Journal of Co-ordination Chemistry. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1971-1996 巻号:1-40)
- Journal of Coronary Artery Disease. (J-STAGE) (年月:2019-Current) FREE
- Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2009/3/31 巻号:Vol.7(1-3),8-19,20(1-3))
- Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:4-Current) 継続前誌: Journal of Cutaneous Laser Therapy (1999-2001年) も利用可
- Journal of Counseling and Development : JCD. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1988-Oct 2013)
- Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. (LWW) (年月:1990-2018 巻号:1-29)
- Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1987-1994 巻号:15-22) Formerly known as Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery
- Journal of Craniovertebral Junction & Spine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Journal of Criminal Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Critical Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2003-(60 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:60日
- Journal of Critical and Intensive Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2010-Current)
- Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology. (NII-REO) (年月:1986-1999 巻号:1(1)-14(4))
- Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology. (Springer) (年月:1986-1996 巻号:1-11)
- Journal of Cryptology. (Springer) (年月:1988-1996 巻号:1-9)
- Journal of Cultural Diversity. (CINAHL) (年月:Nov 2002-Current)
- Journal of Cultural Diversity. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1998-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020
- Journal of Cultural Economics. (Springer) (年月:1977-1996 巻号:1-20)
- Journal of Current Ophthalmology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Journal of Current Pharma Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2010-Current)
- Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Journal of Cutaneous Immunology and Allergy. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2019-Current)
- Journal of Cutaneous Pathology. (Wiley) (年月:1974-Jan. 2017 巻号:1-43,44(1))
- Journal of Cystic Fibrosis. (Elsevier) (年月:2002-(2 years ago) 巻号:1-(2 years ago)) 2年経過後Free化. ScienceDirect
- Journal of Cytology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- The Journal of Dairy Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Dairy Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2002-Feb 2010)
- Journal de Gestion et d'Économie Médicales. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2010-Jan 2017)
- Journal de la Société Ouest-Africaine de Chimie. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2014-Current)
- The Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2001 巻号:1(1)-6(4))
- Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1996-(1 year ago) 巻号:1-(1 year ago)) Free: after 12 months back to 1 Jan 1996
- Journal of Dental & Allied Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jul 2018)
- Journal of Dental Hygiene. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2001-Current)
- Journal of Dental Hygiene. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Oct 2010)
- Journal of Dental Hygiene (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Journal of Dental Implants. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2011-Current)
- Journal of Dental Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1996-Oct 2010)
- Journal of Dental Research, Dental Clinics, Dental Prospects. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Journal of Dentofacial Anomalies and Orthodontics. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2012-Dec 2018)
- The Journal of Dermatologic Surgery and Oncology. (LWW) (年月:1975-1994 巻号:1-20) 継続後誌: Dermatologic Surgery (1995年-)
- Journal of Dermatological Case Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Apr 2017)
- Journal of Dermatological Science. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1990-1994 巻号:Vol.1-8)
- Journal of Dermatological Treatment. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:8-Current) Open Access: v34(2023)-
- The Journal of Dermatology. (Wiley) (年月:1974-1996 巻号:1-23)
- Journal of the Dermatology Nurses' Association. (LWW) (年月:2009-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics. (LWW) (年月:1980-2018 巻号:1-39)
- Journal of Developmental Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2013-Current)
- Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2009-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities. (Springer) (年月:1988-1996 巻号:1-8)
- Journal of Diabetes Investigation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Journal of Diabetes Investigation. (Wiley) (年月:2010-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of Diabetes and its Complications. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-(60 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:60日
- Journal of Diabetes and its Complications. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1992-1994 巻号:6-8) Formerly known as Journal of Diabetic Complications
- Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2017)
- Journal of Diabetes Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Journal of diabetes research. (PubMed Central) (年月:2013-Current 巻号:2013-Current) 継続前誌: Experimental diabetes research 等もアクセス可 (2000-2012年)
- Journal of Diabetic Complications. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1987-1991 巻号:1-5) Continued as Journal of Diabetes and its Complications
- Journal of Dietary Supplements. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:5-Current) 継続前誌: Journal of Nutraceuticals, Functional & Medical Foods (1997-2007年) も利用可
- Journal of Difference Equations and Applications. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1995-1996 巻号:1-2)
- Journal of Digital Imaging. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Disability Policy Studies. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2001-Mar 2010)
- Journal of Drug Addiction, Education, and Eradication. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jul 2015)
- Journal of Drug Evaluation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Nov 2004)
- Journal of Drug Issues. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1971-Oct 2018) 欠:01-Jan-1988--01-Jul-1995
- Journal of Drug Policy Analysis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jul 2017)
- Journal of Drug Targeting. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:4(5)-Current)
- Journal of Dual Diagnosis : research and practice in substance abuse comorbidity. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems. (Springer) (年月:1995-1996 巻号:1-2)
- Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations. (Springer) (年月:1989-1996 巻号:1-8)
- Journal of Early Childhood and Infant Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2012)
- Journal of Early Intervention. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-Dec 2017)
- Journal of East Asian Linguistics. (Springer) (年月:1992-1996 巻号:1-5)
- Journal of Eating Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Journal of Echocardiography. (J-STAGE) (年月:2003-2008 巻号:V.1-6) FREE
- Journal of Ecobiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Nov 2011)
- Journal of Ecological Anthropology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Jan 2020)
- Journal of Ecology. (Wiley) (年月:1998-(2 years ago) 巻号:86-(2 years ago)) Free: Content older than 2 years
- Journal of Economic Entomology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2014-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Economic Growth. (Springer) (年月:1996-1996 巻号:1-1)
- The Journal of Economic Perspectives. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1997-Apr 2019)
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- Journal of Ecosystems and Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2001-Jan 2020) 欠:01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2014; 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019
- Journal of Ecotoxicology & Environmental Monitoring. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Nov 2011)
- The Journal of ECT. (LWW) (年月:1998-2018 巻号:14-34) 継続前誌: Convulsive Therapy
- Journal of Education and Ethics in Dentistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jul 2017)
- Journal of Education and Health Promotion. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Journal of Education & Teaching in Emergency Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2001-Dec 2009)
- Journal of educational evaluation for health professions. (National Health Personnel Licensing Examination Board of the Republic of Korea) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE. 継続前誌含む
- Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Current)
- The Journal of Educational Research. (ProQuest) (年月:May 1996-Nov 2010)
- Journal of the Egyptian National Cancer Institute. (Elsevier) (年月:Mar 2011-Current 巻号:23(1)-Current) ScienceDirect
- Journal of the Egyptian National Cancer Institute. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2019-Current)
- Journal of Elasticity. (Springer) (年月:1971-1996 巻号:1-45)
- Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1995-Jan 1998)
- Journal of Electrocardiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Nov 2009)
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- Journal of Electron Microscopy. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2002 巻号:45(1)-51(5)) 欠あり
- Journal of Electron Microscopy. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1953-1995 巻号:1-44)
- Journal of Electronic Testing. (Springer) (年月:1990-1996 巻号:1-9)
- Journal of Electrophoresis. (J-STAGE) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:V.49-Current) FREE
- Journal of Elementary Science Education. (Springer) (年月:1989-1996 巻号:1-8)
- Journal of EMDR Practice and Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jul 2016)
- Journal of Emergencies, Trauma and Shock. (Medknow Publications) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE (ただし、PDFファイルは閲覧できません)
- Journal of Emergencies, Trauma and Shock. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Journal of Emergency Medicine Case Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Oct 2018)
- Journal of Emergency Nursing. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2013-(60 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:60日
- Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1998-Mar 2010)
- Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2006-Dec 2012)
- Journal of Employment Counseling. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1998-Dec 2013)
- Journal of Enabling Technologies. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Endocrinology. (BioScientifica) (年月:2005- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:185- (Free after 12 months)) Free: after 12 months
- Journal of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes of South Africa. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:9-Current) open access journal.
- Journal of Endodontics. (LWW) (年月:2005-2005 巻号:31)
- Journal of Endourology Case Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2018)
- Journal of Endovascular Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2004-Dec 2014)
- Journal of Energetic Materials. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1983-1996 巻号:1-14)
- Journal of Energy Bioscience. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jul 2013)
- Journal of Engineering Mathematics. (Springer) (年月:1967-1996 巻号:1-30)
- Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics. (Springer) (年月:1965-1996 巻号:8-69)
- Journal of Enterostomal Therapy. (LWW) (年月:1980-1990 巻号:7-17(6))
- Journal of the Entomological Research Society. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2003-Current)
- Journal of Environment and Engineering. (J-STAGE) (年月:2006-2013) FREE
- Journal of Environmental Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2011-Current)
- The Journal of Environmental Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1997-Oct 2010)
- Journal of Environmental Health. (CINAHL) (年月:Jul 1993-Current)
- Journal of Environmental Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-Current)
- Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2013-Jan 2017)
- Journal of Environmental and Public Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Journal of Environmental Quality. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Jan 2015)
- Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1995-Current 巻号:Vol.26-Current)
- Journal of Environmental Science for Sustainable Society. (J-STAGE) (年月:2007-Current) FREE
- Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2017-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2019; 01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2021
- Journal of enzyme inhibition and medicinal chemistry. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:11(3)-Current) open access. 継続前誌 Journal of Enzyme Inhibition (-2001年)
- Journal of epidemiology. (Elsevier) (年月:2017-2017 巻号:27) open access journal (ScienceDirect) 他の巻号はJ-Stageでご利用ください
- Journal of Epidemiology. (J-STAGE) (年月:1991-Current 巻号:V.1-Current) FREE
- Journal of Epidemiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2009-Current)
- Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1979-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. (PubMed Central) (年月:1979-2007 巻号:33(2)-61) 継続前誌: Epidemiology and community health 等も閲覧可 (1947-1979年) v1-33(1)
- Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (1978). (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1978-Dec 1978)
- Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health. (Elsevier) (年月:2011-2017 巻号:1-7) ScienceDirect
- Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2015-Current)
- Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Jan 2001)
- Journal of ET Nursing. (LWW) (年月:1991-1993 巻号:18-20(5))
- Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) 継続前誌: Drugs & Society (2001年) も利用可
- Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine. (BioMed Central) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology. (Wiley) (年月:1991-1997 巻号:1-9)
- Journal of European CME. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019
- Journal of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2006-Current)
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- Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-Sep 2018)
- Journal of Evolutionary Biology. (Wiley) (年月:1988-(2 years ago) 巻号:1-(2 years ago)) Free: Content older than 2 years
- Journal of Evolutionary Economics. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2003-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-1999--31-Dec-2001 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Evolutionary Economics. (Springer) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-6)
- Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2005-Mar 2014)
- Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. (PubMed Central) (年月:1958-2012 巻号:1-98)
- Journal of Experimental Biology. (Company of Biologists Limited) (年月:1923-(6 months ago) 巻号:1-(6 months ago)) Free after 6 months
- Journal of Experimental Botany. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:47(1)-54(393)) 欠あり
- Journal of experimental botany. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1996-(1 year ago) 巻号:47-(1 year ago)) Free after 12 months back to 1 Jan 1996
- Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research. (BioMed Central) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:27-Current) FREE
- Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Journal of Experimental Criminology. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2005-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- The Journal of Experimental Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Oct 2010)
- Journal of Experimental Medicine. (Rockefeller University Press) (年月:1896-Current 巻号:Vol.1-Current)
- Journal of Experimental and Molecular Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Apr 2020) 欠:01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2004; 01-Jan-2006--31-Dec-2006; 01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2017
- Journal of Experimental Neuroscience. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2014-Current)
- Journal of Experimental Psychopathology. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2016-Current)
- Journal of Experimental Stroke & Translational Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2015)
- Journal of Experimental Zoology. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:Vol.274-294)
- Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Comparative Experimental Biology. (Wiley) (年月:2004-2006 巻号:Vol.295-305)
- Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology. (Wiley) (年月:2007-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.307-311A,313A(1))
- Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution. (Wiley) (年月:2003-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.295-312,314B(1))
- Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Extracellular Vesicles. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jan 2018)
- Journal of extracellular vesicles. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2012-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- Journal of the Faculty of Radiologists. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1949-1959 巻号:1-10) Continued as Clinical Radiology
- Journal of Family and Economic Issues. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1998-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Family and Economic Issues. (Springer) (年月:1978-1996 巻号:1-17)
- Journal of Family Nursing. (Sage) (年月:1999-Current 巻号:5-10,27-Current)
- The Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-Oct 2017)
- Journal of Family & Reproductive Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2009-Current)
- Journal of Family Strengths. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2004; 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2010
- Journal of Family Studies. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2005-Nov 2017)
- Journal of Family Therapy. (Wiley) (年月:1979-(15 years ago) 巻号:1-(15 years ago)) 刊行15年後にFree化
- Journal of Family Violence. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2005-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Family Violence. (Springer) (年月:1986-1996 巻号:1-11)
- Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery Open Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1995-Current)
- Journal of Financial Services Research. (Springer) (年月:1987-1996 巻号:1-10)
- Journal of Fluorescence. (NII-REO) (年月:1991-1999 巻号:1(1)-9(4))
- Journal of Fluorescence. (Springer) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-6)
- Journal of Food and Drug Analysis. (Elsevier) (年月:2013-2020 巻号:21(2)-28(1)) ScienceDirect
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- Journal of Food Protection. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 1988-(180 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-1989--31-Dec-1996; 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-2008 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Journal of Foot and Ankle Research. (BioMed Central) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Journal of Foot and Ankle Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Journal for the Education of the Gifted. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1978-Dec 2018)
- Journal for General Philosophy of Science. (Springer) (年月:1970-1996 巻号:1-27)
- Journal for Healthcare Quality. (LWW) (年月:1980-2018 巻号:2-40)
- Journal for Immunotherapy of Cancer. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2013-Current)
- The Journal for Nurse Practitioners. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2005-(60 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:60日
- Journal for Nurses in Professional Development. (LWW) (年月:2013-Current 巻号:29-Current) 継続前誌: Journal of Nursing Staff Development
- Journal for Nurses in Staff Development-JNSD. (LWW) (年月:1998-2012 巻号:14(3)-28) 継続前誌: Journal of Nursing Staff Development (1985-1998) 継続後誌: Journal for Nurses in Professional Development (2013-)
- Journal for Research in Mathematics Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-Jul 2003)
- Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2007-Jul 2019)
- Journal for Specialists in Group Work. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2006-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Jul 2010)
- Journal of Forensic Dental Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Sep 2019)
- Journal of Forensic Nursing. (LWW) (年月:2005-2018 巻号:1-14)
- Journal of Forensic Nursing. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2005-Mar 2009)
- Journal of Forensic Practice. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2003-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Journal of the Forensic Science Society. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1960-1994 巻号:Vol.1-34) Continued as Science & Justice
- Journal of Forensic Sciences. (Wiley) (年月:2006-2007 巻号:Vol.51-52)
- Journal of Forestry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-Nov 2021)
- Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications. (Springer) (年月:1994-1996 巻号:1-2)
- Journal of Free Radicals in Biology & Medicine. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1985-1986 巻号:Vol.1-2) 継続後誌:Free Radical Biology and Medicine
- Journal of Functional Biomaterials. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2021-Current)
- Journal of Fungi. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2015-Current)
- Journal fur Gastroenterologische und Hepatologische Erkrankungen. (年月:2003-Current 巻号:2003-Current) FREE
- Journal fur Hypertonie. (年月:1997-Current 巻号:1997-Current) FREE
- Journal fur Kardiologie. (年月:1994-Current 巻号:1994-Current) FREE
- Journal fur Klinische Endokrinologie uns Stoffwechsel: Austrian Journal ofClinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. (年月:2008-Current 巻号:2008-Current) FREE
- Journal fur Mineralstoffwechsel: Orthopdie-Osteologie-Rheumatologie. (年月:1994-Current 巻号:1994-Current) FREE
- Journal fur Neurologie, Neurochirurgie und Psychiatrie. (年月:2000-Current 巻号:2000-Current) FREE
- Journal für praktische Chemie, Chemiker-Zeitung. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2000 巻号:338-342) 継続後誌 Advanced synthesis & catalysis
- Journal fur Reproduktionsmedizin und Endocrinologie: Journal of Reproductive Medicine and Endocrinology. (年月:2004-Current 巻号:2004-Current) FREE
- Journal of Fusion Energy. (Springer) (年月:1981-1996 巻号:1-15)
- Journal of Gambling Studies. (NII-REO) (年月:1985-1999 巻号:1(1)-15(4))
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- Journal of Gastroenterology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Gastroenterology. (Springer) (年月:1966-1996 巻号:1-31) 継続前誌:Gastroenterologia Japonicaを含む
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- Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery. (NII-REO) (年月:1997-1999 巻号:1(1)-3(6))
- Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Gender Studies. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1997-Nov 2000)
- Journal of Gene Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-Dec 2007)
- Journal of Gene Medicine. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.1-11,12(1))
- The Journal of General and Applied Microbiology. (J-STAGE) (年月:1955-Current 巻号:V.1-Current) FREE
- Journal of General and Family Medicine. (J-STAGE) (年月:2015-2016) FREE
- Journal of General and Family Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2000-Current)
- Journal of general and family medicine. (Wiley) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access. 継続前誌 General Medicine (2000-2015.06)含む 日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会
- Journal of General Internal Medicine. (NII-REO) (年月:1986-1999 巻号:1(1)-14(12))
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- Journal of General Internal Medicine. (PubMed Central) (年月:1997-(12 months ago) 巻号:12-(12 months ago)) Free: after 12 months
- Journal of General Internal Medicine. (Wiley) (年月:1997-2006 巻号:12-21)
- Journal of General Physiology. (Rockefeller University Press) (年月:1918-Current 巻号:Vol.1-Current)
- Journal of General Plant Pathology : JGPP. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2002-Jan 2019)
- Journal of General Procedural Dermatology & Venereology Indonesia. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2015-Current)
- The Journal of General Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-Oct 2010)
- Journal of general virology. (Microbiology Society) (年月:1967-(1 year ago) 巻号:1-(1 year ago)) Free. after 12 months
- Journal of Genes and Cells. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Jan 2020)
- Journal of Genetic Counseling. (NII-REO) (年月:1992-1999 巻号:1(1)-8(6))
- Journal of Genetic Counseling. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1998-Dec 2018)
- Journal of Genetic Counseling. (Springer) (年月:1992-1996 巻号:1-5)
- Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2019-Current)
- The Journal of Genetic Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1994-Oct 2010)
- Journal of Genetics. (NII-REO) (年月:1910-1999 巻号:1(1)-78(3))
- Journal of Genetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1997-Dec 2018)
- Journal of Geodesy. (Springer) (年月:1976-1996 巻号:50-71(1)) 誌名変遷: Bulletin géodésique(1924-1942) → Bulletin Géodésique(1946-1975) → Journal of geodesy(1976-)
- Journal of Geometry. (Springer) (年月:1971-1996 巻号:1-62)
- Journal of Geophysical Research. Biogeosciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Oct 2012)
- Journal of Geriatric Mental Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Journal of geriatric physical therapy. (LWW) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:24-Current)
- Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Jul 2012)
- Journal of Gerontological Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2003-Dec 2010)
- Journal of Gerontological Nursing. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1975-Current)
- Journal of Gerontology (parent jnl of Series A and Series B). (Oxford University Press) (年月:1946-1994 巻号:1-49) (parent jnl of Series A and Series B)
- Journal of Glaucoma. (LWW) (年月:1992-2018 巻号:1(2)-27)
- Journal of Global Health. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Journal of Global Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Journal of global health. (PubMed Central) (年月:2011-Current 巻号:1-Current) Free
- Journal of Global Infectious Diseases. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Journal of global oncology. (LWW) (年月:2015-2019 巻号:1-5)
- Journal of Global Optimization. (Springer) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-9)
- Journal of GXP Compliance. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Oct 2012)
- Journal of Gynecologic Oncology Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Jun 2005-Sep 2018)
- Journal of Gynecological Endoscopy and Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jul 2011)
- Journal of Happiness Studies. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation. (LWW) (年月:1986-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- The Journal of Headache and Pain. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2000-Current)
- The Journal of Health Administration Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Current)
- Journal of Health Care Compliance. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2002-Current)
- Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1996-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Health Education Teaching Techniques. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Jan 2015)
- Journal of Health and Human Services Administration. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2000-Current)
- Journal of Health Organization and Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Health Politics, Policy & Law. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1997-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1997-Apr 2000)
- Journal of Health Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Current)
- Journal of Health Research and Reviews in Developing Countries. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Journal of Health Science. (J-STAGE) (年月:1999-2011 巻号:V.45-57) FREE
- Journal of Health Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Journal of Health Services Research & Policy. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2003-Jul 2006)
- Journal of Health and Social Behavior. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1992-Jun 2013)
- Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2000-Current)
- Journal of Healthcare Management. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2000-Dec 2016)
- Journal of Healthcare Management. (LWW) (年月:1998-2018 巻号:43-63) 継続前誌: Hospital & Health Services Administration (1985-1997年)
- Journal of Healthcare Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1987-Current)
- Journal of Helminthology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Hematology and Oncology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Journal of Hematology & Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Journal of Hematopathology. (PubMed Central) (年月:2008-2010 巻号:1-3(1))
- Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Sciences. (Springer) (年月:1993-1996 巻号:1-3) 誌名変遷: Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery (1993-2009) → Journal of hepato-biliary-pancreatic sciences(2010-)
- Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery. (NII-REO) (年月:1993-1999 巻号:1(1)-6(4))
- Journal of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Journal of Hepatology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1985-1994 巻号:1-21)
- Journal of Herbal Pharmacotherapy. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2002-2008 巻号:2-7)
- Journal of Heredity. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:87(1)-94(6)) 欠あり
- Journal of Heredity. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1996-(1 year ago) 巻号:87-(1 year ago)) Free: after 12 months back to 1 Jan 1996
- Journal of Herpetology. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1998-Jun 2004)
- Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry. (Wiley) (年月:1997-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.34-46,47(1))
- Journal of Heuristics. (Springer) (年月:1995-1996 巻号:1-2(1-2))
- Journal of High Resolution Chromatography. (Wiley) (年月:1998-2000 巻号:Vol.21-23) 継続後誌:Journal of separation science
- Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry. (Sage) (年月:1953- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:1- (Free after 12 months)) Free: after 12 months
- Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.32-45,46(1))
- Journal of the History of Biology. (NII-REO) (年月:1968-1999 巻号:1(1)-32(3))
- Journal of the History of Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of the History of Biology. (Springer) (年月:1968-1996 巻号:1-29)
- Journal of the History of Ideas. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2002-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:51(1)-58(4))
- Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1946-1995 巻号:1-50)
- Journal of HIV/AIDS Prevention in Children & Youth. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2005-2008 巻号:6-9) 継続前誌: Journal of HIV/AIDS Prevention & Education for Adolescents & Children (2002-2004年) も利用可
- Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of hand and microsurgery. (PubMed Central) (年月:2009-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of Holistic Nursing. (Sage) (年月:1999-Current 巻号:17-22,39-Current)
- Journal of the Hong Kong College of Radiologists. (年月:2001-2007 巻号:4(2)-10) Articles 2001-2007 are free.
- Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1999-Aug 2007)
- Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing. (LWW) (年月:1999-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of Hospital Infection. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1980-1994 巻号:1-28)
- Journal of Hospital Medicine. (Wiley) (年月:2006-2008/1/31 巻号:Vol.1-2,3(1))
- The Journal of hand surgery. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1976-2021 巻号:1-46)
- The Journal of Hand Surgery: British & European Volume. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1984-1994 巻号:9-19) Formerly known as The Hand; Continued as The Journal of Hand Surgery: European Volume
- Journal of hand therapy. (LWW) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:21-Current)
- Journal of Hand Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2001-(60 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:60日
- Journal of Hand Therapy. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1987-1994 巻号:1-7)
- Journal of Human Ergology. (J-STAGE) (年月:1972-Current) FREE
- Journal of Human Genetics. (Nature) (年月:1977-(5 years ago) 巻号:22-(5 years ago)) 5年経過後Free化
- Journal of Human Genetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Human Growth and Development. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- Journal of Human Hypertension. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences. (Medknow Publications) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE (ただし、PDFファイルは閲覧できません)
- Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- The Journal of Human Resources. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1987-Oct 1998)
- Journal of Human Virology. (LWW) (年月:1999-2002 巻号:2-5(1))
- Journal of Hymenoptera Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020
- Journal of Hypertension. (LWW) (年月:1983-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Immune Based Therapies and Vaccines. (BioMed Central) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Journal of Immune Based Therapies and Vaccines. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2011)
- Journal of Immunoassay. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1980-1996 巻号:1-17) リンク先は継続後誌:Journal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry
- Journal of Immunology. (American Association of Immunologists) (年月:1916-Current 巻号:Vol.1-Current)
- Journal of immunology research. (Hindawi) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:10-Current) FREE
- Journal of Immunology Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Journal of Immunotherapy. (LWW) (年月:1997-2018 巻号:20-41) 継続前誌: Journal of Immunotherapy with Emphasis on Tumor Immunology
- Journal of Immunotherapy : Official Journal of the Society for Biological Therapy. (LWW) (年月:1991-1992 巻号:10-12) 継続前誌: Journal of Biological Response Modifiers; 継続後誌: Journal of Immunotherapy with Emphasis on Tumor Immunology
- Journal of Immunotherapy with Emphasis on Tumor Immunology. (LWW) (年月:1993-1996 巻号:13-19(5)) 継続前誌: Journal of Immunotherapy; 継続後誌: Journal of Immunotherapy
- Journal of Immunotoxicology. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2017-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2019
- Journal of Inborn Errors of Metabolism and Screening (JIEMS). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Jan 2019)
- Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry. (Springer) (年月:1983-1996 巻号:1-26) 誌名変遷: Journal of inclusion phenomena(1983-1988) → Journal of inclusion phenomena and molecular recognition in chemistry(1989-1998) → Journal of inclusion phenomena and macrocyclic chemistry(1999-)
- Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2013-Jul 2017)
- Journal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2020)
- Journal of the Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons. (年月:1996-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- The Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2019-Current)
- Journal of Indian Philosophy. (Springer) (年月:1970-1996 巻号:1-24)
- Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry. (Medknow Publications) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:14-Current) FREE (ただし、PDFファイルは閲覧できません)
- Journal of the Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. (NII-REO) (年月:1986-1999 巻号:1(1)-23(6))
- Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Dec 2020)
- Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. (Springer) (年月:1986-1996 巻号:1-17)
- Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Apr 2009)
- Journal of Infection. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1979-1994 巻号:1-29)
- Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy. (NII-REO) (年月:1995-1999 巻号:1(1)-5(4))
- Journal of infection prevention. (PubMed Central) (年月:2014-(12 months ago) 巻号:15-(12 months ago)) Free. after 12 months.
- Journal of Infectious Diseases. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1904-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of Inflammation. (BioMed Central) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Journal of Inflammation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Journal of Inflammation Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1980-1996 巻号:1-17)
- Journal of infrared, millimeter and terahertz waves. (Springer) (年月:1980-1996 巻号:1-17) 2008年までの誌名: International journal of infrared and millimeter waves
- Journal of Infusion Nursing. (LWW) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:24(4)-Current) 継続前誌:Journal of Intravenous Nursing (1988-2001)
- Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease. (NII-REO) (年月:1978-1999 巻号:1(1)-22(8))
- Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1999-Nov 2018)
- Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease. (Springer) (年月:1978-1996 巻号:1-19)
- Journal of Injury and Violence Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Journal of Innate Immunity. (Karger) (年月:2009-2013 巻号:Vol.1-5)
- Journal of Innate Immunity. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2008-Oct 2015)
- Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials. (Springer) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-6) 誌名変遷: Journal of inorganic and organometallic polymers(1991-2004) → Journal of inorganic and organometallic polymers and materials(2005-)
- Journal of Insect Behavior. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Insect Behavior. (Springer) (年月:1988-1996 巻号:1-9)
- Journal of Insect Conservation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Insect Science. (Oxford University Press) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) Free site
- Journal of Instructional Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2003-Dec 2013)
- Journal of Integrated Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2003-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability. (CINAHL) (年月:Jun 1996-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1997-Sep 2000)
- Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:22-Current)
- Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 1992-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- Journal of Intelligent Information Systems. (Springer) (年月:1992-1996 巻号:1-7)
- Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. (Springer) (年月:1990-1996 巻号:1-7)
- Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems. (Springer) (年月:1988-1996 巻号:1-17)
- Journal of Intensive Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Journal of Interaction Science. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2013-Dec 2016)
- Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2016)
- Journal of Interdisciplinary Dentistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Journal of Interdisciplinary Nanomedicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2016-Dec 2019)
- Journal of Interferon & Cytokine Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1998-Dec 2018)
- Journal of Internal Medicine. (Wiley) (年月:1997-(2 years ago) 巻号:241-(2 years ago)) Free: Content older than 2 years back to Jan 1st 1997
- The Journal of International Advanced Otology. (Mediterranean Society for Otology and Audiology) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access.
- The Journal of International Advanced Otology. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2010-Current)
- Journal of the International AIDS Society. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2004-Current)
- Journal of the International AIDS Society. (PubMed Central) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:6-Current)
- Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Current)
- Journal of the International Clinical Dental Research Organization.. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Journal of International Consumer Marketing. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1995-Apr 1997)
- Journal International de Bioéthique et d'Éthique des Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2010-Dec 2017)
- Journal of International Dental and Medical Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Journal of International Medical Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1979-Current) 欠:01-Jan-1980--31-Dec-2017
- Journal of international medical research. (Sage) (年月:1999-Current 巻号:27-Current) open access journal
- Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of International Oral Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2011-Current)
- Journal of International Society of Preventive & Community Dentistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2013-Current)
- Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. (BioMed Central) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access
- Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Journal of Interprofessional Care. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 1999-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- Journal of Interprofessional Care. (ProQuest) (年月:May 1998-Nov 2000)
- Journal of Interprofessional Care. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:11-Current)
- Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Interventional Cardiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Jan 2020)
- Journal of Intravenous Nursing. (LWW) (年月:1988-2001 巻号:11-24(3)) 継続前誌:NITA. 継続後誌:Journal of Infusion Nursing
- The Journal of Invasive Fungal Infections. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Oct 2011)
- The journal of investigative dermatology. (Elsevier) (年月:1938-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化. ScienceDirect
- The Journal of Investigative Dermatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-Dec 2015)
- The Journal of Investigative Dermatology. Symposium Proceedings. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2000-Nov 2015)
- The journal of investigative dermatology. Symposium proceedings. (Elsevier) (年月:1997-(12 months ago) 巻号:2-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化. ScienceDirect
- Journal of Investigative Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-(219 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:219日
- Journal of Investigative Medicine High Impact Case Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Journal of Investigative Surgery. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:10(3)-Current) Open Access: v36(2023)-
- Journal of Japan Academy of Midwifery. (CINAHL) (年月:Apr 2010-Current)
- Journal of the Japanese Physical Therapy Association. (J-STAGE) (年月:1998-2015 巻号:V.1-Current) FREE
- Journal of Kidney Cancer and VHL. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Journal of King Abdulaziz University. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2016
- Journal of King Abdulaziz University. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jul 2018)
- Journal of Knowledge Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Journal of Korean Critical Care Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Jun 2012-Current)
- Journal of Korean Medical Science. (Korean Academy of Medical Sciences) (年月:1986-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Journal of Korean Neurological Society. (Korean Neurosurgical Society) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:26-Current) FREE
- Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.38-52,53(1))
- Journal of Laboratory Physicians. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Oct 2019)
- The Journal of Laryngology and Otology. (Cambridge University Press) (年月:2006-2015 巻号:120-129)
- The Journal of Laryngology and Otology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2010-Apr 2020)
- Journal of law and the biosciences. (Oxford University Press) (年月:2014-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- Journal of Law and Health (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1993-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-1994--31-Dec-1996 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Learning Disabilities. (ProQuest) (年月:May 1997-May 2010)
- Journal of Legal Medicine. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 1999-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- Journal of Legal Medicine. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:18-Current)
- Journal of Legal Nurse Consulting. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2005-Current)
- Journal of Leisure Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-Oct 2020) 欠:01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017
- Journal of Leukocyte Biology. (Wiley) (年月:1984- (24 months ago) 巻号:35- (24 months ago)) Free. after 24 months. 2023年よりOUP
- Journal of Life Care Planning. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2006-Current)
- Journal of Limnology. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2005-Feb 2020)
- Journal of lipid research. (Elsevier) (年月:1959-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open access
- Journal of Liposome Research. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:7-Current)
- Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1978-1996 巻号:1-19) 継続前誌:Journal of Liquid Chromatography (1978-1995年)含む
- Journal of Logic, Language and Information. (Springer) (年月:1992-1996 巻号:1-5)
- Journal of Low Temperature Physics. (Springer) (年月:1969-1996 巻号:1-105)
- Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease. (LWW) (年月:1997-2018 巻号:1-22)
- Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1967-1996 巻号:1-33) 継続前誌:Journal of Macromolecular Science: Part A Chemistry (1967-1991年)含む
- Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B: Physics. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1967-1996 巻号:1-35)
- Journal of macromolecular science. Reviews in macromolecular chemistry and physics. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1966-1996 巻号:1-36) リンク先は継続後誌:Polymer Reviews
- Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. (Wiley) (年月:1991-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of Mammalian Evolution. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Mammalian Evolution. (Springer) (年月:1993-1996 巻号:1-3)
- Journal of the Mammalogical Society of Japan. (J-STAGE) (年月:1987-1995) FREE
- Journal of Mammalogy. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-Aug 2015)
- Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-1999 巻号:1(1)-4(4))
- Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia. (Springer) (年月:1996-1996 巻号:1-1)
- The Journal of Management Development. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Management and Organization. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Current)
- Journal of Managerial Issues. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1997-Current)
- Journal of Managerial Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Manipulative & Physiological Therapeutics. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 1995-Sep 2009)
- Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2001-Dec 2009)
- Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy. (PubMed Central) (年月:2007-(12 months ago) 巻号:15-(12 months ago)) Free: after 12 months
- Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:5-Current)
- Journal of Marine Science and Technology. (Springer) (年月:1995-1996 巻号:1-1)
- Journal of Marine Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2020)
- Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-Current)
- Journal of Market Access & Health Policy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020
- Journal of Market-Focused Management. (Springer) (年月:1996-1996 巻号:1-1)
- Journal of Marketing. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1986-Oct 2002)
- Journal of Marketing (pre-1986). (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1936-Oct 1985) 欠:01-Jan-1952--31-Dec-1952; 01-Jan-1957--31-Dec-1957; 01-Jan-1959--31-Dec-1959
- Journal of Marriage and Family. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1988-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Mass Spectrometry. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.31-44,45(1))
- Journal of Materials Science : Materials in Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Materials Science Letters. (Springer) (年月:1982-1996 巻号:1-15)
- Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. (Springer) (年月:1990-1996 巻号:1-7)
- Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine. (NII-REO) (年月:1990-1999 巻号:1(1)-10(12))
- Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine. (Springer) (年月:1990-1996 巻号:1-7)
- Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2003-Dec 2007)
- The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:11-Current) Open Access: v36(2023)- 継続前誌: Journal of Maternal-Fetal Medicine (1997-2001年) も利用可
- Journal of Mathematical Biology. (NII-REO) (年月:1974-1999 巻号:1(1)-39(6))
- Journal of Mathematical Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Mathematical Biology. (Springer) (年月:1974-1996 巻号:1-34)
- Journal of Mathematical Chemistry. (Springer) (年月:1987-1996 巻号:1-20)
- Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision. (Springer) (年月:1992-1996 巻号:1-6)
- Journal of Mathematical Sciences. (Springer) (年月:1973-1996 巻号:1-82)
- Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1973-1986 巻号:1-14) Continued as Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery
- Journal of Medical & Allied Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Journal of Medical Biochemistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Jan 2019)
- Journal of Medical Biography. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2003-Aug 2006)
- Journal of Medical Case Reports. (BioMed Central) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Journal of Medical Case Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences. (J-STAGE) (年月:1997-Current) FREE
- Journal of Medical Discovery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Journal of Medical Education. (LWW) (年月:1951-1988 巻号:26(3)-63) 継続前誌: Medical Education; 継続後誌: Academic Medicine
- Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:21-Current)
- Journal of Medical Entomology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Medical Ethics. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1975-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Journal of Medical Ethics. (PubMed Central) (年月:1975-2007 巻号:1-33)
- Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Journal of Medical Genetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Journal of Medical Genetics. (PubMed Central) (年月:1964-2007 巻号:1-44)
- Journal of Medical Humanities. (NII-REO) (年月:1980-1999 巻号:2(1)-20(4))
- Journal of Medical Humanities. (Springer) (年月:1980-1996 巻号:2-17) 誌名変遷: Bioethics quarterly(1980-1981) → Journal of bioethics(1982-1984) → Journal of medical humanities and bioethics(1985-1988) → Journal of medical humanities(1989-)
- Journal of Medical Hypotheses and Ideas. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jul 2015)
- Journal of Medical Internet Research. (JMIR Publications) (年月:1999-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE. Only HTML version of the articles is free; PDF version must be payed.
- Journal of Medical Internet Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-Current)
- The Journal of Medical Investigation. (J-STAGE) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:V.51-Current) FREE
- Journal of the Medical Library Association. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2006-Current)
- Journal of the Medical Library Association. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Current)
- Journal of the Medical Library Association. (PubMed Central) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:90-Current) 継続前誌: Bulletin of the Medical Library Association
- Journal of Medical Microbiology. (Microbiology Society) (年月:1968- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:1- (Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- Journal of Medical Physics. (Medknow Publications) (年月:1978-Current 巻号:3-Current) FREE (ただし、PDFファイルは閲覧できません)
- Journal of Medical Physics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- The Journal of Medical Practice Management : MPM. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
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- Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health. (Wiley) (年月:2000-Jan. 2017 巻号:45-61,62(1)) 継続前誌: Journal of Nurse-Midwifery
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- Journal of Near-Death Studies. (Springer) (年月:1987-1993 巻号:6-11)
- Journal of Negative Results in Biomedicine. (BioMed Central) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access
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- Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease. (LWW) (年月:1876-Current 巻号:3-Current) 継続前誌:Chicago Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease
- Journal of Network and Systems Management. (Springer) (年月:1993-1996 巻号:1-4)
- Journal of Neural Transmission. (NII-REO) (年月:1950-1999 巻号:1(1/2)-106(11/12))
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- Journal of Neuroscience Nursing. (LWW) (年月:1986-2019 巻号:18-51(1)) 継続前誌: Journal of Neurosurgical Nursing
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- Journal of Nurse-Midwifery. (Wiley) (年月:1997-1999 巻号:42-44) 継続後誌: Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health
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- Journal of Nursing Measurement. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2005-Aug 2016)
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- Journal of Nursing Scholarship. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Current)
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- Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology and Geriatrics. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2011-Current 巻号:30-Current) 継続前誌: Journal of Nutrition For the Elderly (1997-2010年) も利用可
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- Journal of Ophthalmic Inflammation and Infection. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
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- Journal of Organizational Moral Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Sep 2011)
- Journal of Ornithology. (Springer) (年月:1853-1996 巻号:1-137) 2003年までの誌名はJournal für Ornithologie
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- Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. (LWW) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:34-Current)
- Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1997-Sep 2018)
- Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery. (Sage Publications) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:8-Current) FREE
- Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research. (BioMed Central) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal
- Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma. (LWW) (年月:1987-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of Orthopaedics and Spine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jan 2019)
- Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2000-Current)
- Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. (PubMed Central) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:2(3),7(2)-Current)
- The Journal of Orthopedic Surgery. (LWW) (年月:1919-1921 巻号:1-3) 継続前誌: The American journal of orthopedic surgery. 継続後誌: Journal of bone and joint surgery. 現誌名: The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume.
- Journal of Orthopedics. (年月:2004-2012 巻号:1-9) FREE
- Journal of Orthopedics. (PubMed Central) (年月:2013-(12 months ago) 巻号:10-(12 months ago)) Free. after 12 months
- Journal of Orthoptera Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- Journal of Osaka Dental University. (J-STAGE) (年月:1990-Current) FREE
- Journal of Osteoporosis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Journal of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2012
- Journal of Ovarian Research. (BioMed Central) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Journal of Ovarian Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2022-Jan 2022)
- Journal of Pain Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:16-Current) 継続前誌: The Hospice Journal (1997-2001年) も利用可
- Journal of pain and symptom management. (Elsevier) (年月:1986-(3 years ago) 巻号:1-(3 years ago)) 3年経過後Free化. ScienceDirect
- Journal of Paleolimnology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Paleolimnology. (Springer) (年月:1988-1996 巻号:1-16)
- Journal of Paleontology. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Palliative Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1998-Jul 2017) 欠:01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2016
- Journal of Pancreatic Cancer. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2015-Jan 2021)
- The Journal of Parapsychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1995-Current)
- The Journal of Parasitology. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2000-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Journal of Parkinsonism & Restless Legs Syndrome. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Journal of Participatory Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- The Journal of Pathology. (Wiley) (年月:1969-Jan. 2017 巻号:97-240,241(1-2)) リンク先で継続前誌 Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology (~1968年)も閲覧可能
- The Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology. (Wiley) (年月:1892-1968 巻号:1-96) 継続後誌:The Journal of Pathology
- Journal of Pathology Informatics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jan 2022)
- The Journal of Pathology: Clinical Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- The Journal of Pathology: Clinical Research. (Wiley) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- Journal of Patient Experience. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2016-Current)
- Journal of patient experience. (Sage) (年月:2014-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access
- Journal of Patient Safety. (LWW) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2014-Dec 2017)
- Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition. (LWW) (年月:1982-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of pediatric genetics. (PubMed Central) (年月:2012-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) generally available in PMC after a 12-month delay (embargo).
- Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. (LWW) (年月:1995-2018 巻号:17-40) 継続前誌: American Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
- Journal of Pediatric Neurology. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2004-Jan 2018)
- Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing. (Sage) (年月:2003-2004 巻号:20(4-6),21)
- Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1964-Current)
- Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics. (LWW) (年月:1981-2018 巻号:1-38)
- Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics B. (LWW) (年月:1992-2018 巻号:1(2),2-27)
- Journal of Pediatric Psychology. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:21(1)-28(8)) 欠あり
- Journal of Pediatric Psychology. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1976-(1 year ago) 巻号:1-(1 year ago)) Free: after 12 months
- The Journal of Pediatric Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2016-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2020
- Journal of pediatric surgery. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1995-Current 巻号:30-Current)
- Journal of Pediatric Surgical Nursing. (LWW) (年月:2014-2018 巻号:3-7)
- Journal of Pelvic Medicine & Surgery. (LWW) (年月:2003-2009 巻号:9-15) 継続前誌:Journal of Pelvic Surgery; 継続後誌: Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery
- Journal of Pelvic Surgery. (LWW) (年月:1995-2002 巻号:1(4)-8) 継続後誌:Journal of Pelvic Medicine & Surgery
- Journal of Pension Benefits. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Current)
- Journal of Peptide Science. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.2-15,16(1))
- Journal of Perinatal Education. (PubMed Central) (年月:1999-(12 months ago) 巻号:8-(12 months ago)) Free. after 12 months
- Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1999-Dec 2005)
- Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing. (LWW) (年月:1987-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of Perinatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Periodontology & Implant Dentistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2019
- Journal of Perioperative Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2018-Current)
- The Journal of Perioperative Practice. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-Dec 2013)
- The Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1987-Apr 2002)
- Journal of Personality Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1987-Dec 2017)
- Journal of Personalized Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Journal of Pest Science. (Springer) (年月:1925-1996 巻号:1-69)
- Journal of Pesticide Science. (J-STAGE) (年月:1975-Current 巻号:V.1-Current) FREE
- Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2017-Current)
- Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Journal of Pharmaceutical Care in Pain & Symptom Control. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-2001 巻号:5-9)
- Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
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- Journal of Pharmacobio-Dynamics. (J-STAGE) (年月:1978-1992 巻号:V.1-15) FREE
- Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics. (NII-REO) (年月:1973-1999 巻号:1(1)-27(6))
- Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
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- Journal of Pharmacological Sciences. (Elsevier) (年月:Jan 2015-Current 巻号:127(1)-Current) ScienceDirect
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- Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. (American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics) (年月:(5 years ago)-(1 year ago)) 刊行後1年~5年の文献にアクセス可
- Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. (年月:1998-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access
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- Journal of Phenomenological Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1997-(1825 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-1999--31-Dec-2002 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:1825日
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- The Journal of photographic science. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1953-1996 巻号:1-44) リンク先は継続後誌:The Imaging Science Journal
- The Journal of Physical Chemistry. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:1996-1996 巻号:100)
- The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:101-Current)
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- Journal of Physical Education and Sport. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2011-Current)
- Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1988-Nov 2016)
- The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine. (J-STAGE) (年月:2012-Current) FREE
- Journal of Physical Therapy. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2013-Jan 2014)
- Journal of physical therapy education. (LWW) (年月:1987-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of Physical Therapy Education (American Physical Therapy Association, Education Section). (CINAHL) (年月:Apr 2004-Apr 2018)
- Journal of Physical Therapy Science. (J-STAGE) (年月:1995-Current 巻号:V.7-Current) FREE
- Journal of Physician Assistant Education. (LWW) (年月:1999-2018 巻号:10-29)
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- Journal of PHYSIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY and Applied Human Science. (J-STAGE) (年月:2000-2005 巻号:V.19-24) FREE
- The Journal of Physiological Sciences. (J-STAGE) (年月:2006-2008) FREE
- The Journal of Physiological Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- The Journal of Physiological Sciences. (Springer) (年月:2009-Current 巻号:59-Current) open access
- The Journal of Physiology. (Wiley) (年月:1997-(1 year ago) 巻号:501-(1 year ago)) Free Content older than 1 year
- Journal of physiotherapy. (Elsevier) (年月:2010-Current 巻号:56-Current) Open Access
- Journal of Pioneering Medical Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2011-Jan 2018)
- Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
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- Journal of Plant Interactions. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2017-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018
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- Journal of Plant Protection Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2008-Current)
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- Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2010-Current 巻号:44-Current) Scandinavian Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Hand Surgery (1997-2009年) も利用可
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- Journal of Polymers and the Environment. (Springer) (年月:1993-1996 巻号:1-4)
- Journal of Population Economics. (Springer) (年月:1988-1996 巻号:1-9)
- Journal of population therapeutics and clinical pharmacology = Journal de la thérapeutique des populations et de la pharamcologie clinique. (Canadian Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:11-Current) FREE
- Journal of Porous Materials. (Springer) (年月:1995-1996 巻号:1-3)
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- Journal of Postgraduate Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Current)
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- Journal of Pre-Clinical and Clinical Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Current)
- Journal of Pregnancy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Journal of Prenatal Diagnosis and Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2010)
- Journal of Prenatal Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2017)
- Journal of Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology & Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1986-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:14-Current)
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- Journal of Primary Prevention. (NII-REO) (年月:1980-1999 巻号:1(1)-20(2))
- Journal of Primary Prevention. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- The Journal of Primary Prevention. (Springer) (年月:1980-1996 巻号:1-17(1-2))
- Journal of Productivity Analysis. (Springer) (年月:1989-1996 巻号:1-7)
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- Journal of prosthetics and orthotics : JPO. (American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists) (年月:1989-(2 years ago) 巻号:1-(2 years ago)) Free. after 2 years
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- Journal of Proteome Research. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- The Journal of Protozoology Research. (J-STAGE) (年月:2005-Current) FREE
- The Journal of protozoology research. (National Research Center for Protozoan Diseases) (年月:1991-Current 巻号:1-Current) Free
- Journal of Psychiatric Administration and Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jul 2017)
- Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2005-Dec 2015)
- Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2016-Jan 2022)
- Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. (Wiley) (年月:1997-Feb. 2017 巻号:4-23,24(1))
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- Journal of Psychiatry & Law. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2006-Jul 2012)
- Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience. (PubMed Central) (年月:1991-Current 巻号:16-Current)
- Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience : JPN. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1999-Current)
- Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1998-Dec 2010)
- Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:29-Current)
- The Journal of Psychodrama, Sociometry, and Group Psychotherapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Jan 2020) 欠:01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2004; 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2010; 01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2012; 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019
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- Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. (NII-REO) (年月:1971-1999 巻号:1(1)-28(6))
- Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. (Springer) (年月:1971-1996 巻号:1-25)
- Journal of Psychological and Educational Research. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2011-Current)
- Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2016-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- The Journal of Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-Jan 2010)
- Journal of Psychology and Christianity. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2006-Current)
- Journal of Psychology in Chinese Societies. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2008-Jul 2010)
- Journal of Psychology and Theology. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1999-Dec 2019)
- Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. (Springer) (年月:1979-1996 巻号:1-18)
- Journal of Psychosocial Nursing & Mental Health Services. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2003-Dec 2010)
- Journal of Psychosocial Nursing & Mental Health Services. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1963-Current) 欠:01-Jan-1967--31-Dec-1976
- Journal of Psychosocial Oncology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:14(4)-Current)
- Journal of Psychosocial Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2010-Current)
- Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2003-Dec 2007)
- Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:18-Current) Open Access: v44(2023)-
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- Journal of Public Health. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1979-(1 year ago) 巻号:1-(1 year ago)) Free: after 12 months. Community Medicine (1979-1989年) → Journal of Public Health Medicine (1990-2003年) → Journal of Public Health (2004年-)
- Journal of Public Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
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- Journal of Public Health Policy. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Public Mental Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2003-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1998-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Quantitative Criminology. (Springer) (年月:1985-1996 巻号:1-12)
- Journal of Radiation Research. (J-STAGE) (年月:1960-2012 巻号:V.1-Current) FREE
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- Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. (Springer) (年月:1968-1996 巻号:1-214)
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- Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2002-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.27-40,41(1))
- Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1999-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Rational-Emotive and Cognitive-Behavior Therapy. (Springer) (年月:1983-1996 巻号:1-14)
- The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics. (Springer) (年月:1988-1996 巻号:1-13)
- Journal of Receptor, Ligand and Channel Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2018) 欠:01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017
- Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:17(4)-Current)
- Journal of reconstructive microsurgery. (Thieme) (年月:2000-2018 巻号:16-34)
- Journal of reconstructive microsurgery open. (Thieme) (年月:2016-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access journal.
- Journal of Refractive Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1985-Current)
- Journal of Refractive Surgery Case Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2021-Current)
- Journal of Regulatory Economics. (Springer) (年月:1989-1996 巻号:1-10)
- Journal of Rehabilitation. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1995-Current)
- Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. (Foundation of Rehabilitation Information) (年月:1969-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access. Scandinavian journal of rehabilitation medicine(-2000年)
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- Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development. (Rehabilitation Research and Development Service, Dept. of Veterans Affairs) (年月:1964-Current 巻号:10-Current) FREE
- Journal of Relationships Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2011-Jan 2020)
- Journal of Religion and Health. (NII-REO) (年月:1961-1999 巻号:1(1)-38(4))
- Journal of Religion and Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
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- Journal of Renal Care. (CINAHL) (年月:Jul 2006-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
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- Journal of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System : JRAAS. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
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- Journal of Reproductive & Infant Psychology. (CINAHL) (年月:Jul 1996-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
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- Journal of Research in Childhood Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1997-Jul 2009)
- Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2019)
- Journal of Research in Music Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1999-Jul 2010)
- Journal of Retailing. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1987-Current) 欠:01-Jan-1994--30-Jun-2006
- Journal of Risk and Insurance. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1997-Dec 2013)
- Journal of Risk and Uncertainty. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1997-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-1998 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Risk and Uncertainty. (Springer) (年月:1988-1996 巻号:1-13)
- Journal of the Royal Society Interface. (PubMed Central) (年月:2004-(12 month ago) 巻号:1-(12 month ago)) Free. after 12 months
- Journal of the Royal Society Interface. (Royal Society) (年月:(10 years ago)-(1 year ago)) Free.
- Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine (JRSM). (Sage) (年月:2000- (Free after 36 months) 巻号:93- (Free after 36 months)) Free after 36 months
- Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1995-Dec 2013)
- Journal of Rural Medicine. (J-STAGE) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:V.1-Current) FREE
- Journal of Russian Laser Research. (Springer) (年月:1980-1996 巻号:1-17)
- Journal of Scheduling. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- The Journal of School Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-Dec 2008)
- Journal of School Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2004-Current)
- The Journal of School Nursing. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2005-Feb 2016)
- Journal of Science and Arts. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2009-Current)
- Journal of Science Education and Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Science Education and Technology. (Springer) (年月:1992-1996 巻号:1-5)
- Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.70-89,90(1-2))
- Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2007-(60 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:60日
- Journal of Science Teacher Education. (Springer) (年月:1994-1996 巻号:1-7)
- Journal of Science and Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2010-Jul 2010)
- Journal of Scientific Computing. (Springer) (年月:1986-1996 巻号:1-11)
- Journal of Scientific Perspectives. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Apr 2021)
- Journal of the Scientific Society. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Journal of second language writing. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1995-Current 巻号:4-Current)
- Journal of Separation Science. (Wiley) (年月:2001-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.24-32,33(1)) 継続前誌:Journal of high resolution chromatography
- The Journal of Sex Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-Nov 2006)
- The Journal of Sex Research. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:34-Current)
- Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Arthroplasty. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1992-1994 巻号:1-3)
- Journal of Siberian Federal University. Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2013-Current)
- Journal of Signal Processing Systems. (Springer) (年月:1989-1996 巻号:1-14) 誌名変遷: Journal of VLSI signal processing(1989-1996) → Journal of VLSI signal processing systems for signal, image, and video technology(1996-2007) → Journal of signal processing systems(2008-)
- Journal of Signal Transduction. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2016)
- Journal of Skin Cancer. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Journal of Sleep Research. (Wiley) (年月:1992-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化
- Journal of Smoking Cessation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2011-Dec 2020)
- Journal of Smoking Cessation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2021-Current)
- Journal of Smooth Muscle Research. (J-STAGE) (年月:1991-Current 巻号:V.27-Current) FREE
- Journal of smooth muscle research. (PubMed Central) (年月:2013-Current 巻号:49-Current) 日本平滑筋学会
- Journal of Social Behavior and Personality. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Jan 2005)
- Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1983-Dec 2017)
- Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:6-Current)
- Journal of Social Policy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- The Journal of Social Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1994-Nov 2010)
- Journal of Social Work Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Oct 2012)
- Journal of Social Work Practice. (CINAHL) (年月:May 2003-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- Journal of Social Work Research and Evaluation. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2005-Oct 2005)
- Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. (Springer) (年月:1993-1996 巻号:1-7)
- Journal of Solution Chemistry. (Springer) (年月:1972-1996 巻号:1-25)
- Journal of the South African Veterinary Association. (AOSIS) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:68-Current) open access
- Journal of the South African Veterinary Association. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- The Journal of Special Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1997-May 2010)
- Journal of Special Education Research. (J-STAGE) (年月:2013-Current) FREE
- Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing Research. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 1997-Current)
- Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2010-Sep 2022)
- Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1997-Dec 2009)
- Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. (PubMed Central) (年月:2005-(12 months ago) 巻号:28-(12 months ago)) Free. after 12 months
- The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:20-Current)
- Journal of Spinal Disorders. (LWW) (年月:1988-2001 巻号:1(4)-14) 継続後誌:Journal of spinal disorders & techniques
- Journal of Spinal Disorders & Techniques. (LWW) (年月:2002-2015 巻号:15-28) 継続前誌: Journal of Spinal Disorders (1988-2001年); 継続後誌: Clinical Spine Surgery (2016年-)
- Journal of Sport Behavior. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1994-Current)
- Journal of sport and health science. (Elsevier) (年月:2012-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open access
- Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1999-Mar 2010)
- Journal of Sports Science & Medicine. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2013-Current)
- Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. (Dept. of Sports Medicine, Medical Faculty of Uludag University) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Journal of Sports Science & Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2002-Current)
- Journal of St. Marianna University. (J-STAGE) (年月:2015-Current) FREE
- Journal of St. Marianna University. (St. Marianna University Society of Medical Science) (年月:2010-Current 巻号:1-Current) Free
- Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1972-1996 巻号:1-56(1))
- Journal of Statistical Physics. (Springer) (年月:1969-1996 巻号:1-85)
- Journal of Stem Cells. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Journal of Stomal Therapy Australia. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2011-Current)
- Journal of Stomal Therapy Australia. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2019-Dec 2019)
- Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. (LWW) (年月:1987-2018 巻号:1-32)
- Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2005-Jun 2011)
- Journal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Current)
- Journal of Structural Chemistry. (Springer) (年月:1960-1996 巻号:1-37)
- Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics. (J-STAGE) (年月:2000-2001 巻号:V.1-2) FREE
- Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2000-Dec 2016)
- Journal of Substance Abuse. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1988-1994 巻号:1-6) Title discontinued as of 2002
- Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1984-1994 巻号:1-11)
- Journal of Substance Use. (CINAHL) (年月:Apr 2003-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- Journal of Substance Use. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1999-Current 巻号:4-Current) 継続前誌: Journal of Substance Misuse (1997-1998年) も利用可
- The Journal of Supercomputing. (Springer) (年月:1987-1996 巻号:1-10(1-3))
- Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism. (Springer) (年月:1988-1996 巻号:1-9) 誌名変遷: Journal of superconductivity(1988-2005) → Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism(2006-)
- Journal of Supramolecular Structure. (Wiley) (年月:1972-1980 巻号:Vol.1-14) 継続後誌:Journal of supramolecular structure and cellular biochemistry. 現誌名:Journal of cellular biochemistry
- Journal of supramolecular structure and cellular biochemistry. (Wiley) (年月:1981-1981 巻号:Vol.15-17) 継続前誌:Journal of supramolecular structure. 継続後誌:Journal of cellular biochemistry
- Journal of Surgical Oncology. (Wiley) (年月:1969-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.1-100,101(1))
- Journal of Surgical Research. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1961-1994 巻号:1-57)
- Journal of Surgical Technique and Case Report. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jul 2015)
- Journal of Systemic Therapies. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1981-Dec 2017)
- Journal of Systems Chemistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2010-Apr 2015)
- Journal of Systems Integration. (Springer) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-6)
- Journal of Tea Science Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2017)
- The Journal of Technology Transfer. (Springer) (年月:1984-1996 巻号:1-21)
- Journal of Tehran University Heart Center. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Jan 2006)
- Journal of Theoretical Probability. (Springer) (年月:1988-1996 巻号:1-9)
- Journal of Theory Construction & Testing. (CINAHL) (年月:Nov 2002-Current)
- Journal of Therapeutic Ultrasound. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2018)
- Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. (Springer) (年月:1969-1996 巻号:1-47)
- The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1995-Current 巻号:109-Current)
- Journal of Thoracic Imaging. (LWW) (年月:1985-2018 巻号:1-33)
- Journal of Thoracic Oncology. (Elsevier) (年月:Jan 2006-(12 months ago) 巻号:1(1)-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化. ScienceDirect
- Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. (Elsevier) (年月:2003-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化
- Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis. (NII-REO) (年月:1994-1999 巻号:1(1)-8(3))
- Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1998-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis. (Springer) (年月:1994-1996 巻号:1-3)
- Journal of Thyroid Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Journal of Tissue Engineering. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017
- Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2023-Current)
- Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2001-Jan 2012)
- Journal of Toxicologic Pathology. (J-STAGE) (年月:1988-Current 巻号:V.1-Current) FREE
- The Journal of Toxicological Sciences. (J-STAGE) (年月:1976-Current 巻号:V.1-Current) FREE
- Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2005-2007 巻号:68-70)
- Journal of Trace Elements in Experimental Medicine. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2004 巻号:Vol.8(4)-17)
- Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2001-Jul 2004)
- Journal of Trainology. (J-STAGE) (年月:2012-Current) FREE
- Journal of Transcatheter Valve Therapies. (J-STAGE) (年月:2019-Current) OPEN ACCESS
- Journal of Translational Medicine. (BioMed Central) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal
- Journal of Translational Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Journal of Transpersonal Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Current)
- Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery. (LWW) (年月:2012-Current 巻号:72-Current) 継続前誌: Journal of Trauma-Injury Infection & Critical Care
- Journal of Trauma Management and Outcomes. (BioMed Central) (年月:2007-2016 巻号:1-10) Open Access
- Journal of Trauma Management & Outcomes. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2016)
- Journal of Trauma Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Jul 2005-Current)
- Journal of Trauma Nursing. (LWW) (年月:1995-Current 巻号:2-Current)
- Journal of Trauma Nursing. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1998-Apr 2010)
- Journal of Trauma-Injury Infection & Critical Care. (LWW) (年月:1961-2011 巻号:1-71) 継続後誌: Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery
- Journal of Traumatic Stress. (Springer) (年月:1988-1996 巻号:1-9)
- Journal of Traumatic Stress. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2016 巻号:9-29)
- Journal of Travel Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1998-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2011; 01-Jan-2013--31-Dec-2016 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Travel Medicine. (Wiley) (年月:1994-2015 巻号:1-22) Free: Content older than 1 year (2016 OUPへ移管)
- Journal of Tropical Ecology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Tropical Pediatrics. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:42(1)-49(6))
- Journal of Tropical Pediatrics. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1955-1995 巻号:1-41) The Journal of Tropical Pediatrics (1955 through 1959-06) → The Journal of Tropical Pediatrics and African Child Health (1959-12 through 1967-03) → The Journal of Tropical Pediatrics (1967-06 through 1970) → The Journal of Tropical Pediatrics and Environmental Child Health (1971-1979) → The Journal of Tropical Pediatrics (1980-)
- Journal of Tropical Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2011-Jan 2017)
- Journal of the Turkish Academy of Dermatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2007-Current)
- Journal of The Turkish German Gynecological Association. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2010-Current)
- Journal of Turkish Sleep Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2016-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020
- The Journal of Turkish Spinal Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2019-Current)
- Journal of ultrasound. (PubMed Central) (年月:2007-(12 months ago) 巻号:10-(12 months ago)) Free: after 12 months
- Journal of Urban Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1998-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine. (NII-REO) (年月:2001-2003 巻号:78(1)-80(4))
- Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine. (PubMed Central) (年月:1998-(12 months ago) 巻号:75-(12 months ago)) Free after 12 months. 継続前誌 (Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 1925-1997年) もアクセス可
- Journal of Urological Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2016-Current)
- Journal of Urology. (LWW) (年月:1917-2018 巻号:1-200)
- Journal of Validation Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2006-Oct 2012)
- The Journal of Value Inquiry. (Springer) (年月:1967-1996 巻号:1-30)
- Journal of Vascular Diagnostics and Interventions. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jan 2020)
- Journal of Vascular & Interventional Radiology. (LWW) (年月:1996-2006 巻号:7-14,16-17)
- Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1990-1994 巻号:1-5)
- Journal of Vascular Research. (Karger) (年月:1964-2013 巻号:1-50) Angiologica (1964-1973年) → Blood Vessels (1974-1991年)
- Journal of Vascular Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1996-Sep 2015)
- Journal of Vascular Surgery. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1984-(24 months ago) 巻号:1-(24 months ago)) 2年経過後Free化
- Journal of Vector Borne Diseases. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2009-Current)
- Journal of Vector Ecology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2009-Dec 2020)
- Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins. (年月:2003-Current 巻号:9-Current) FREE
- Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins Including Tropical Disease. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2018)
- Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. (Sage) (年月:1989- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:Vol.1- (Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. (Wiley) (年月:1987-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- Journal of Veterinary Medical Science. (J-STAGE) (年月:1991-Current 巻号:V.53-Current) FREE
- Journal of Veterinary Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Journal of Vietnamese Studies. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2006-Oct 2012)
- Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2009 巻号:Vol.2-15)
- Journal of Viral Hepatitis. (Wiley) (年月:1994-1997 巻号:1-4)
- Journal of Virological Methods. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1980-1994 巻号:1-50)
- Journal of Virology. (American Society for Microbiology) (年月:1967-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2000-Dec 2000)
- Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:28-Current) 継続前誌: Journal of Audiovisual Media in Medicine (1997-2004年) も利用可
- Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Dec 2012)
- Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Nov 2019)
- Journal of Visualized Experiments : JoVE. (PubMed Central) (年月:2006-2018 巻号:1-140)
- Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. (CINAHL) (年月:Aug 2000-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- Journal of vocational rehabilitation. (Health Science) (年月:1991-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Journal of Voice. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1987-1994 巻号:Vol.1-8)
- Journal of Water Chemistry and Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2007-Sep 2018)
- Journal of Water and Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2003-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Wilderness Medicine. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1990-1994 巻号:1-5) Continued as Wilderness & Environmental Medicine
- Journal of Wildlife Diseases. (Wildlife Disease Association) (年月:1965- (Free after 18 months) 巻号:1(3)- (Free after 18 months)) Free after 18 months
- Journal of Wildlife Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Jan 2012)
- Journal of Women & Aging. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1995-Dec 1998)
- Journal of women's health physical therapy. (LWW) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:29-Current)
- Journal of Women's Imaging. (LWW) (年月:2001-2005 巻号:3-7(3))
- Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1981-1996 巻号:1-16)
- Journal of Workplace Learning. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of World Prehistory. (Springer) (年月:1987-1996 巻号:1-10)
- Journal of Wound, Ostomy & Continence Nursing. (LWW) (年月:1994-Current 巻号:21-Current)
- Journal of wrist surgery. (PubMed Central) (年月:2012-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) available in PMC after a 12-month delay (embargo).
- Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1989-1994 巻号:1-4) Transferred to IOS Press as of 1997
- Journal of Youth and Adolescence. (NII-REO) (年月:1972-1999 巻号:1(1)-28(6))
- Journal of Youth and Adolescence. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1992-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Journal of Youth and Adolescence. (Springer) (年月:1972-1996 巻号:1-25)
- Journal of Zhejiang University. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2005-Dec 2018)
- Journal of Zhejiang University. Science B. (PubMed Central) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:6-Current) 継続前誌: Journal of Zhejiang University. Science v5 (2004) も閲覧可
- Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2021-Current)
- Journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1995-2018 巻号:50-73) 1946-1994年はJournal of Gerontology
- Journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1996-2018 巻号:51-73) 1946-1994年はJournal of Gerontology
- JPEN, Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1996-Nov 2008)
- JPO Journal of Prosthetics & Orthotics. (LWW) (年月:1988-2018 巻号:1-30)
- JRSM Cardiovascular Disease. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2008-Current)
- Jung Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Oct 2012)
- Jurnal Medical Brasovean. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 和文誌