現在位置: 図書館 > 電子ジャーナル欧文誌 > K-Z
電子ジャーナル/欧文誌 K-Z

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 和文誌

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 和文誌
- Lab Animal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Labmedicine. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2011-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Labor Law Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2004-Dec 2021)
- Laboratory Animal Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- Laboratory Animals. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Jul 2006)
- Laboratory Animals. (Sage) (年月:1967-2018 巻号:1-52) Free. after 36 months
- Laboratory Investigation. (Elsevier) (年月:1980-(12 months ago) 巻号:80-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化
- Laboratory Investigation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Laboratory Techniques in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1969-1999 巻号:1-28) Title discontinued as of 2009
- Lamp. (CINAHL) (年月:Jul 2008-Current)
- The Lamp. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2004-Sep 2007)
- The Lancet. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-(90 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:90日
- The Lancet. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1823-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- The Lancet Global Health. (Elsevier) (年月:Jul 2013-Current 巻号:1(1)-Current) ScienceDirect
- The Lancet Infectious Diseases. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2001-(60 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:60日
- The Lancet Neurology. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2002-(60 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:60日
- Lancet Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2000-(60 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:60日
- The Lancet. Neurology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:2002-2021 巻号:1-20)
- The Lancet. Oncology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:Vol.1-Current)
- The lancet. Psychiatry. (ScienceDirect) (年月:2014-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- The Lancet. Respiratory medicine. (ScienceDirect) (年月:2013-2018 巻号:1-6)
- Landscape and Ecological Engineering. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2005-Nov 2018)
- Landscape Ecology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Landscape Ecology. (Springer) (年月:1987-1996 巻号:1-11)
- Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery. (NII-REO) (年月:1872-1999 巻号:1(1)-384(6))
- Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery. (Springer) (年月:1872-1996 巻号:1-381)
- Langmuir. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:12-Current)
- Language in Society. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Language learning. (Wiley) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:47-Current)
- Language Resources and Evaluation. (Springer) (年月:1966-1996 巻号:1-30) 誌名変遷: Computers and the Humanities(1966-2004) → Language resources and evaluation(2005-)
- Language & Speech. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1995-May 2016)
- Language and Speech. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1998-Sep 2016)
- Language testing. (Health Science) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:14-Current)
- Language Testing. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1998-Oct 2015)
- Language, Speech & Hearing Services in Schools. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1995-Current)
- Language, Speech & Hearing Services in Schools. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1997-Oct 2009)
- Language, Speech & Hearing Services in Schools (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jul 2022)
- Laparoscopic Endoscopic Surgical Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2020-Current)
- Laryngoscope. (LWW) (年月:1996-2008 巻号:106-113,114(1),115-118)
- Laryngoscope. (Wiley) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:107-Current)
- Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2016-Current)
- Laryngoscope investigative otolaryngology. (Wiley) (年月:2016-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal
- Laser & Photonics Reviews. (Wiley) (年月:2007-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.1-3,4(1))
- Lasers in Medical Science. (NII-REO) (年月:1986-1999 巻号:1(1)-14(4))
- Lasers in Medical Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-2001 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Lasers in Medical Science. (Springer) (年月:1986-1996 巻号:1-11)
- Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. (Wiley) (年月:1980-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.1-41,42(1))
- Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2008-Current)
- Law and Critique. (Springer) (年月:1990-1996 巻号:1-7)
- Law and Human Behavior. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1999-Dec 2011)
- Law and Human Behavior. (Springer) (年月:1977-1996 巻号:1-20)
- Law and Philosophy. (Springer) (年月:1982-1996 巻号:1-15)
- Law & Psychology Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2005-Jan 2018)
- Law & Society Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Current)
- Leadership in Health Services. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Learning & Behavior. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2011-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Sep-2014--31-May-2017 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Learning & Behavior (pre-2011). (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2004-Nov 2010)
- Learning Disability Practice (2014+). (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2014-Apr 2021)
- Learning Disability Practice (through 2013). (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2006-Nov 2013)
- Learning Disability Quarterly. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Oct 2010)
- Learning Environments Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Learning Health Systems. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- Learning and Memory. (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press) (年月:1994- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:1- (Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- Learning, Media and Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1996-Jul 2000)
- Legal and Criminological Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2004-Feb 2006)
- Legume Genomics and Genetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2017)
- Letters in Applied Microbiology. (Wiley) (年月:1997-(3 years ago) 巻号:24-(3 years ago)) Free: Content older than 3 years back to Jan 1st 1997. 2023年よりOUP
- Letters in Mathematical Physics. (Springer) (年月:1975-1996 巻号:1-38)
- La Lettre des Therapies Innovantes. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2009-Jan 2010)
- Leukemia. (Nature) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:11-Current)
- Leukemia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Leukemia & Lymphoma. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:24(3-4)-Current)
- Leukemia Research. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1977-1994 巻号:Vol.1-18)
- Leukemia Research and Treatment. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2017)
- Leukemia Supplements. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2012-Oct 2019) 欠:01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2018
- Library Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1996-Current)
- Library Resources & Technical Services. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2003-Current)
- Library Technology Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1998-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2001--28-Feb-2004
- Libyan Journal of Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- The Lichenologist. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2007-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Liebigs Annalen. (Wiley) (年月:1996-1997 巻号:Vol.1996-1997) 継続後誌 European Journal of Organic Chemistry
- Life. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Life science alliance. (Life Science Alliance, LLC) (年月:2018-Current 巻号:1-Current) open-access
- Life Sciences, Society, and Policy. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2013-Current)
- Lifestyle Genomics. (Karger) (年月:2008-2013 巻号:1-6) Journal of Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics (-2017年)
- Lifestyle Genomics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2020-Current)
- Lifetime Data Analysis. (NII-REO) (年月:1995-1999 巻号:1(1)-5(4))
- Lifetime Data Analysis. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1999-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Lifetime Data Analysis. (Springer) (年月:1995-1996 巻号:1-2)
- Light: Science and Applications. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2012-Current)
- Linear and Multilinear Algebra. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1973-1996 巻号:1-41)
- Linguistics and Philosophy. (Springer) (年月:1977-1996 巻号:1-19)
- Lipid : Fett. (Wiley) (年月:1996-1999 巻号:Vol.98-101) 継続後誌:European journal of lipid science and technology : EJLST
- Lipid Insights. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2019)
- Lipids. (NII-REO) (年月:1966-1999 巻号:1(1)-34(12))
- Lipids. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Dec 2017)
- Lipids in Health and Disease. (BioMed Central) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access
- Lipids in Health and Disease. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Lippincott's Bone and Joint Newsletter. (LWW) (年月:2007-2018 巻号:13(8)-24) 継続前誌: Bone & Joint
- Lippincott's Case Management. (LWW) (年月:2000-2006 巻号:5(4)-11) 継続前誌: Nursing case management; 継続後誌: Professional case management
- Liquid Crystals. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1986-1996 巻号:1-21)
- Liquid Crystals Today. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1991-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access
- Literacy Research and Instruction. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2001-Oct 2012)
- Literature and Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1996-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Literature and Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Jan 2004)
- Lithuanian Mathematical Journal. (Springer) (年月:1973-1996 巻号:13-36) 誌名変遷: Mathematical transactions of the Academy of Sciences of the Lithuanian SSR(1973) → Lithuanian mathematical transactions(1974) → Lithuanian mathematical journal(1975-)
- Liver. (Wiley) (年月:1981-2002 巻号:1-22) 継続後誌: Liver International
- Liver Cancer. (Karger) (年月:2012-Current 巻号:1-Current) 現在はOpen access
- Liver Cancer. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2020-Current)
- Liver Cancer International. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2020-Jul 2020)
- Liver Transplantation. (LWW) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:6-Current) 継続前誌: Liver Transplantation & Surgery (1995-1999年)
- Liver Transplantation. (Wiley) (年月:2000-2022 巻号:6-28) 継続前誌: Liver Transplantation and Surgery(1995-1999年)もリンク先でアクセス可 2023年LWWへ
- Liver Transplantation and Surgery. (LWW) (年月:1995-1999 巻号:1-5) 継続後誌: Liver Transplantation (2000年-)
- Liverpool Law Review. (Springer) (年月:1983-1996 巻号:5-18)
- Local and Regional Anesthesia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- LocumLife. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2008-Dec 2010)
- Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:22-Current)
- London Journal of Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1905-Jan 1905)
- London journal of primary care. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2008-2018 巻号:1-10) open access journal.
- LPN. (LWW) (年月:2005-2009 巻号:1-5)
- Lung. (NII-REO) (年月:1903-1999 巻号:1(1)-177(6))
- Lung. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Dec 2018) 欠:01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2001
- Lung. (Springer) (年月:1903-1996 巻号:1-174)
- Lung Cancer. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1985-2018 巻号:1-126)
- Lung Cancer : Targets and Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Lung Cancer International. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2017)
- Lung Cancer Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2018-Mar 2021) 欠:01-Dec-2020--28-Feb-2021
- Lung India. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Lupus. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Dec 2015)
- Lupus Science & Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Lymphoid Malignancies : an Atlas of Investigation and Diagnosis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Jan 2007)
- Lymphoma and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemias. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2017)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 和文誌
- M@n@gement. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Current)
- M+A : Revista Electrónica de Medioambiente. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Jul 2017)
- Machine Learning. (Springer) (年月:1986-1996 巻号:1-25)
- Machine Translation. (Springer) (年月:1986-1996 巻号:1-11)
- Machine Vision and Applications. (Springer) (年月:1988-1996 巻号:1-9(1-3))
- Macromolecular Bioscience. (Wiley) (年月:2001-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.1-9,10(1))
- Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.197-210,211(1-2))
- Macromolecular Materials and Engineering. (Wiley) (年月:2000-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.274-294,295(1)) リンク先で継続前誌 Die Angewandte Makromolekulare Chemie (1998-1999年)アクセス可
- Macromolecular Rapid Communications. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.17-30,31(1-2))
- Macromolecular Symposia. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.149-286,287(1))
- Macromolecular Theory and Simulations. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2009 巻号:Vol.5-18)
- Macromolecules. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:29-Current)
- Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Magma. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2003-Sep 2010)
- MAGMA Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine. (NII-REO) (年月:1993-1999 巻号:1(1)-9(3))
- Magnetic Resonance. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2020-Current)
- Magnetic resonance imaging. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1982-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.34-47,48(1))
- Magnetic Resonance in Medical Sciences. (J-STAGE) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:V.1-Current) FREE
- Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. (Wiley) (年月:1984-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine. (Springer) (年月:1993-1996 巻号:1-4)
- Main Science and Technology Indicators. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Maine Nurse. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 1995-Aug 2004)
- Maine Nurse. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2003-Aug 2004)
- Maize Genomics and Genetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-May 2015) 欠:01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011; 01-Jan-2013--31-Dec-2013
- Majallah-i pizishki-i Danishgah-i Ulum-i Pizishki va Khadamat-i Bihdashti-i Darmani-i Tabriz. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2013-Current)
- Making the Rounds in Health, Faith & Ethics. (CINAHL) (年月:Sep 1995-Oct 1996)
- Malaria Journal. (BioMed Central) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open access
- Malaria Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Malaria Research and Treatment. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jan 2019)
- Malawi Medical Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- Malaysian Family Physician. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2016
- The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- The Malaysian Journal of Pathology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2011-Current)
- Malaysian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2016; 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019
- Mammal Study. (J-STAGE) (年月:1996-2008) FREE
- Mammalian Genome. (NII-REO) (年月:1991-1999 巻号:1(1)-10(12))
- Mammalian Genome. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Mammalian Genome. (Springer) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-7)
- Mammalian Species. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2004-Dec 2005)
- Mammalian Species (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2016 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Managed Care Quarterly. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Oct 2006)
- Managed Dental Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Aug 2009)
- Managed Healthcare Executive. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1997-Current)
- Management of Biological Invasions. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Management of Environmental Quality. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Management Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1987-Mar 2000)
- Management Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1987-Dec 2009)
- Management Today. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1991-Jul 2017)
- Management World. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1987-Jan 1992)
- Mangroves and Salt Marshes. (Springer) (年月:1996-1996 巻号:1(1))
- Manipal Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences (MJNHS). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Manipal Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2015-Sep 2018)
- Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal = Revista Manual Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- manuscripta mathematica. (Springer) (年月:1968-1996 巻号:1-91)
- Marine Biodiversity Records. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Marine Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:May 1998-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Marine Biology. (Springer) (年月:1967-1996 巻号:1-126)
- Marine Biotechnology. (NII-REO) (年月:1999-1999 巻号:1(1)-1(6))
- Marine Biotechnology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Marine and Coastal Fisheries. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Marine Drugs. (MDPI) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access Journal
- Marine Drugs. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Current)
- Marine Geophysical Research. (Springer) (年月:1970-1996 巻号:1-18)
- Marine Turtle Newsletter. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Marketing Health Services. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1987-Dec 2002)
- Marketing Intelligence & Planning. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Marketing Letters. (Springer) (年月:1989-1996 巻号:1-7)
- Marketing Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-Nov 2009)
- Marler Blog. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2018-Current)
- Marriage & Family Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1995-Jan 1998)
- Maryland Naturalist. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2008-Jul 2011)
- Maryland Nurse. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 1995-Current)
- Mass Spectrometry. (J-STAGE) (年月:2012-Current) FREE
- Mass Spectrometry Reviews. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.15-28,29(1))
- Massachusetts Nurse. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1995-Jul 2007)
- Massachusetts Nurse Advocate. (CINAHL) (年月:Sep 2007-Current)
- Materials at High Temperatures. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1982-1996 巻号:1-13) 継続前誌:High Temperature Technology (1982-1990年)含む
- Materials Management in Health Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2004-Oct 2009)
- Materials Science. (Springer) (年月:1965-1996 巻号:1-32)
- Materials Science and Technology. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1985-1996 巻号:1-12)
- Materials Technology : Advanced Performance Materials. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1988-1996 巻号:2-11) 継続前誌:Materials and Processing Report (1987-1992年)含む
- Materials Transactions, JIM. (J-STAGE) (年月:1989-2000) FREE
- Maternal & Child Health Journal. (CINAHL) (年月:Dec 1997-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- Maternal and Child Health Journal. (NII-REO) (年月:1997-1999 巻号:1(1)-3(4))
- Maternal and Child Health Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Maternal and Child Nutrition. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2021-Current)
- Maternal Health, Neonatology and Perinatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Mathematical Geosciences. (Springer) (年月:1969-1996 巻号:1-28) 誌名変遷: Journal of the International Association for Mathematical Geology(1969-1985) → Mathematical geology(1986-2007) → Mathematical geosciences(2008-)
- Mathematical Journal of Ibaraki University. (J-STAGE) (年月:1997-Current) FREE
- Mathematical Medicine and Biology: A Journal of the IMA. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2001 巻号:13(1)-18(2)) 欠あり
- Mathematical Methods of Operations Research. (Springer) (年月:1961-1996 巻号:1-44)
- Mathematical Modelling and Analysis. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1996-1996 巻号:1)
- Mathematical Modelling of Systems. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1995-1996 巻号:1-2) リンク先は継続後誌:Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems
- Mathematical Notes. (Springer) (年月:1967-1996 巻号:1-60)
- Mathematical Programming. (Springer) (年月:1971-1996 巻号:1-75)
- Mathematics of Control, Signals and Systems. (Springer) (年月:1988-1996 巻号:1-9)
- Mathematische Annalen. (Springer) (年月:1869-1996 巻号:1-306)
- Mathematische Operationsforschung und Statistik. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1970-1976 巻号:1-7)
- Mathematische Zeitschrift. (Springer) (年月:1918-1996 巻号:1-223)
- Matrix Biology. (Elsevier) (年月:Jul 2014-Jul 2015 巻号:37-40,44-46) ScienceDirect
- Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2019-Current)
- Mayo Clinic Health Information Library : Answers. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2018-Current)
- Mayo Clinic Health Information Library : Articles. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2018-Current)
- Mayo Clinic News Network. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2015-Current)
- Mayo Clinic Proceedings. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Dec 2020)
- Mayo Clinic Proceedings. (PubMed Central) (年月:2009-2012 巻号:84-87)
- Mayo Clinic Videos. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2000-Apr 2020) 欠:01-Jan-2003--31-Dec-2003; 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2008; 01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2016
- Maze Engineers Blog. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2018-Current)
- mBio. (American Society for Microbiology) (年月:2010-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal
- MBMG Metabarcoding and Metagenomics. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2017-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020
- McGill journal of medicine : MJM. (PubMed Central) (年月:2006-2011 巻号:9-13)
- MCN, American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing. (LWW) (年月:1976-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- MDCT in Neuroimaging : an Atlas of Investigation and Diagnosis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2009)
- Meandros Medical and Dental Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2016-Current)
- Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1997-Jan 2009)
- Measurement Instruments for the Social Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- Measurement Techniques. (Springer) (年月:1958-1996 巻号:1-39)
- Meccanica. (Springer) (年月:1966-1996 巻号:1-31)
- Mechanical Circulatory Support. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2013)
- Mechanics of Composite Materials. (Springer) (年月:1965-1996 巻号:1-31)
- Mechanisms of Development. (Elsevier) (年月:1995-2020 巻号:49-164) ScienceDirect
- Médecine et Maladies Infectieuses. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1971-2020 巻号:1-50) Continued as Infectious Diseases Now
- Medecine Intensive Reanimation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Nov 2019)
- Medeconomics. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2003-Dec 2005)
- MedEdPORTAL : the journal of teaching and learning resources. (Association of American Medical Colleges) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:1-Current) open-access journal.
- Medgadget [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2018-Current)
- MedGenMed : Medscape general medicine. (PubMed Central) (年月:2004-2007 巻号:6-9) 継続後誌: Medscape journal of medicine
- Mediators of Inflammation. (Hindawi Pub. Corp.) (年月:1992-Current 巻号:1992-Current) Open Access journal
- Mediators of Inflammation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Medical anthropology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2005-2007 巻号:24-26)
- Medical Anthropology Quarterly. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2001-Dec 2007)
- Medical Archives. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jul 2020)
- Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing. (NII-REO) (年月:1963-1999 巻号:1(1)-37(6))
- Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Medical Buyer. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Medical Care. (LWW) (年月:1963-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Medical Channel. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jul 2012)
- Medical Design Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2002-Aug 2018) 欠:01-Jul-2006--30-Jun-2014
- Medical dosimetry. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1995-Current 巻号:20-Current)
- Medical Economics. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1994-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2003--15-Sep-2006; 01-Jan-2005--31-Dec-2005
- Medical Education. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1998-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- Medical Education. (LWW) (年月:1951-1951 巻号:26(1)-26(2))
- Medical Education Online. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020
- Medical Electron Microscopy. (NII-REO) (年月:1993-1999 巻号:26(1)-32(4))
- Medical Engineering & Physics. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1994-1994 巻号:16) Formerly known as Journal of Biomedical Engineering
- Medical Ethics Advisor. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Medical Futility Blog. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2018-Current)
- Medical Gas Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Medical Group Management Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2001-Jul 2001)
- Medical History. (Cambridge University Press) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:44-Current) FREEになる時期不明 1年後?
- Medical History. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Medical History (pre-2012). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Oct 2011)
- Medical History: Supplement. (PubMed Central) (年月:1981-2011 巻号:1-30) The journal has ceased publication.
- Medical Humanities. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2000-(360 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:360日
- Medical Hypotheses. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1975-1994 巻号:Vol.1-43)
- Medical Hypothesis, Discovery & Innovation Ophthalmology Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Medical Immunology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2002-2006 巻号:1-5) Ceased publication in 2006. Articles 2002-2006 are free.
- Medical Journal of Cell Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Current)
- Medical Journal of Indonesia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-Current)
- Medical Laboratory Observer. (ProQuest) (年月:May 1998-Current)
- Medical Laser Application. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2002-Dec 2004)
- Medical Law Review. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:4(1)-11(2))
- Medical Law Review. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1993-1995 巻号:1-3)
- Medical Letter on Drugs & Therapeutics. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1962-Dec 1962)
- The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Dec 2022)
- Medical Marketing and Media. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1988-Current)
- Medical Microbiology and Immunology. (NII-REO) (年月:1886-1999 巻号:1(1)-188(3))
- Medical Microbiology and Immunology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2002-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-1999--31-Dec-1999 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Medical Microbiology and Immunology. (Springer) (年月:1886-1996 巻号:1-185(1-3))
- Medical Molecular Morphology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2002-Dec 2018)
- Medical Oncology. (NII-REO) (年月:1977-1999 巻号:3(1)-16(4))
- Medical Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Medical and Pediatric Oncology. (Wiley) (年月:1975-2003 巻号:1-41) 継続後誌: Pediatric Blood & Cancer
- Medical physics. (Wiley) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:24-Current)
- Medical Post. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1996-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018
- Medical Principles and Practice. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- Medical principles and practice : international journal of the Kuwait University, Health Science Centre. (Karger) (年月:1989-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- Medical Problems of Performing Artists. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2007-Sep 2012)
- Medical Teacher. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1997-Nov 2000)
- Medical Teacher. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:19-Current)
- Medical Ultrasonography. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2010-Current)
- Medical Update. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1998-May 2005)
- MedicalResearch.com [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2021-Current)
- Medici Oggi. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Medicina. (Elsevier) (年月:2014-2017 巻号:50-53) ScienceDirect
- Medicina. (MDPI) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:43-Current) Open Access
- Medicina. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2021-Current)
- Medicina (Buenos Aires). (年月:2002-Current 巻号:62(4)-Current) FREE
- Medicina dello Sport. (年月:2006-Current 巻号:59-Current) FREE
- Medicina Intensiva. (年月:2006-Current 巻号:30-Current) FREE
- Medicina Oral, Patologia Oral y Cirugia Bucal (Ed. Impresa). (年月:2004-2005 巻号:Vol.9-10) All 2004-2005 articles freely available.
- Medicina Oral, Patologia Oral y Cirugia Bucal (Internet). (年月:2006-2007 巻号:Vol.11-12) All 2006-2007 articles freely available.
- Medicina U.P.B.. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1995-Jan 2020)
- Medicina y Seguridad del Trabajo. (年月:2007-Current 巻号:53(206)-Current) FREE
- Medicinal Plant. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2012-Current)
- Medicinal Plant Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Apr 2018) 欠:01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017
- Medicinal Research Reviews. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.16-29,30(1))
- Medicine. (LWW) (年月:1922-2014 巻号:1-93) 2004年は閲覧不可
- Medicine 2.0. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jul 2015)
- Medicine Access @ Point of Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Current)
- Medicine & Science in Sports. (LWW) (年月:1969-1979 巻号:1-11) 継続後誌:Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
- Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. (LWW) (年月:1980-Current 巻号:12-Current) 継続前誌:Medicine & Science in Sports
- Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy. (NII-REO) (年月:1998-1999 巻号:1(1)-2(3))
- Medicine, Health Care, and Philosophy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Medicines. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2021-Current)
- Medicni Perspektivi. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jan 2020)
- Medifam. (年月:2001-2003-Current 巻号:Vol.11-13-Current) FREE
- Mediterranean Botany. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Jan 2017)
- Mediterranean Journal of Infection Microbes and Antimicrobials. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Jan 2019)
- Mediterranean Journal of Rheumatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2016-Current)
- Meditsinskaya Immunologiya. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Jan 2018)
- Medizinhistorisches Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Oct 2004)
- Medscape Journal of Medicine. (PubMed Central) (年月:2008-2009 巻号:10-11) 継続前誌: MedGenMed : Medscape general medicine (2004-2007年)
- Med-Surg Matters. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2005-Dec 2020)
- Med-Surg Nurse Life Magazine. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2021-Current)
- MEDSURG Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1999-Current)
- Medsurg Nursing. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1998-Current)
- Medycyna Nowozytna. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- Medycyna Ogólna i Nauki o Zdrowiu. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Current)
- Medycyna Paliatywna. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Medycyna Pracy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Current)
- Medycyna Środowiskowa = Environmental Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Melanoma Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2017-Dec 2020)
- Melanoma Research. (LWW) (年月:1991-2018 巻号:1-28)
- Membranes. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2011-Current)
- Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyushu University. Series A, Mathematics. (J-STAGE) (年月:1940-1993) FREE
- Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. (年月:1954-Current 巻号:52-Current) FREE
- Memory & Cognition. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Memory and Cognition. (Psychonomic Society) (年月:2001- (Free after 24 months) 巻号:29-) Free after 24 months. All articles with more than two years are freely available; updated every January.
- Memory, Mind & Media. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2022-Current)
- Men in Nursing. (LWW) (年月:2006-2008 巻号:1-3)
- Menopause. (LWW) (年月:1994-2018 巻号:1-25)
- Men's Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-Current)
- Mental Health NIMH [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2018-Current)
- Mental Health Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Oct 2010-Jun 2018)
- Mental Health Practice (2014+). (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2014-Mar 2021)
- Mental Health Practice (through 2013). (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2006-Dec 2013)
- The Mental Health Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2003-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Mental Health Services Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1999-Dec 2005)
- Mental Health and Social Inclusion. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2003-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Mental Health Today. (CINAHL) (年月:Nov 2004-Oct 2015)
- Mental Health Today. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2004-Dec 2008)
- Mental Health, Religion & Culture. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2006-Current)
- Mental Illness. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2020)
- Mental and Physical Disability Law Reporter. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2007-Nov 2011)
- Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2007 巻号:Vol.2-13) 継続後誌:Developmental disabilities research reviews
- Merrill-Palmer Quarterly. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Current)
- Metabolic Bone Disease and Related Research. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1978-1984 巻号:1-5) Continued as Bone
- Metabolic Brain Disease. (NII-REO) (年月:1986-1999 巻号:1(1)-14(4))
- Metabolic Brain Disease. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1997-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Dec-1997--31-Dec-1998 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Metabolic Brain Disease. (Springer) (年月:1986-1996 巻号:1-11)
- Metabolism. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1964-1994 巻号:13-43)
- Metabolites. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Metabolomics. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2005-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Metacognition and Learning. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2006-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Metal Science. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1967-1984 巻号:1-18) 1967-1973年は "Metal Science Journal"
- Metal Science and Heat Treatment. (Springer) (年月:1959-1996 巻号:1-38)
- Metal-Based Drugs. (PubMed Central) (年月:1994-2011 巻号:1-2011)
- Metalloproteinases In Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Jan 2020)
- Metallurgist. (Springer) (年月:1959-1996 巻号:3-40)
- Metals Technology. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1974-1984 巻号:1-11)
- Metascience. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics. (Springer) (年月:1948-1996 巻号:1-61)
- Methods in Cell Biology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1964-1999 巻号:1-62)
- Methods in Cell Science. (NII-REO) (年月:1975-1999 巻号:1(1)-21(4))
- Methods in Cell Science. (Springer) (年月:1975-1996 巻号:1-18)
- Methods in Microbiology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1969-1999 巻号:1-29)
- Methods and Protocols. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2021-Current)
- Metrika. (Springer) (年月:1958-1996 巻号:1-44)
- MGMA Connexion. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Sep 2012)
- MHR: Basic science of reproductive medicine-Archive. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1995-1995 巻号:1)
- Michigan Law Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1993-Current) 欠:01-Oct-1993--31-May-1997
- Michigan Nurse. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1995-Current)
- Microbes and Environments. (J-STAGE) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:V.11-Current) FREE
- Microbes and infection. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1999-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Microbial Biotechnology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Microbial Biotechnology. (Wiley) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- Microbial Cell Factories. (BioMed Central) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Microbial Cell Factories. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Microbial Drug Resistance. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2000-Dec 2018)
- Microbial Ecology. (NII-REO) (年月:1974-1999 巻号:1(1)-38(4))
- Microbial Ecology. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Microbial Ecology. (Springer) (年月:1974-1996 巻号:1-32)
- Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jan 2018)
- Microbial genomics. (Microbiology Society) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open access.
- Microbial Pathogenesis. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1986-1994 巻号:1-17)
- Microbiological Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Oct 2004)
- Microbiological Research. (Urban & Fischer) (年月:Mar 2001-(12 months ago) 巻号:155(4)-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:1年間. ScienceDirect
- Microbiology. (Microbiology Society) (年月:1947- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:1- (Free after 12 months)) Free. after 12 months. 継続前誌:Journal of general microbiology (~1993年) 2023年以降オープンアクセス
- MICROBIOLOGY and IMMUNOLOGY. (J-STAGE) (年月:1977-2000) FREE ※以降、Wiley(http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1348-0421/issues )にて部分無料公開(最新1年は購読者のみ)
- Microbiology and immunology. (Wiley) (年月:1957-(18 months ago) 巻号:1-(18 months ago)) Free: Content older than 18 months. 継続前誌: Japanese Journal of Microbiology(~1976年)
- Microbiology Insights. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews : MMBR. (American Society for Microbiology) (年月:1937-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) Free after 12 months. Bacteriological reviews(1937-1977年) → Microbiological reviews(1978-1996年)
- Microbiology Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2020-Current)
- Microbiology resource announcements. (American Society for Microbiology) (年月:2013-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access. Genome announcements(2013-2018年)
- Microbiology Resource Announcements. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2018)
- MicrobiologyOpen. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2012-Current)
- MicrobiologyOpen. (Wiley) (年月:2012-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- Microbiome. (BioMed Central) (年月:2013-Current 巻号:1-Current) Free
- Microbiome. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Microchimica Acta. (NII-REO) (年月:1937-1999 巻号:1(1)-132(1))
- Microchimica Acta. (Springer) (年月:1937-1996 巻号:1-124) 誌名変遷: Mikrochimica acta(1937-1938) → Mikrochemie vereinigt mit mikrochimica acta(1938-1953) → Mikrochimica acta(1953-1962) → Mikrochimica et ichnoanalytica acta(1963-1965) → Mikrochimica acta : Archiv für Mikrochemie, Spurenanalyse und physikalisch-chemische Mikromethoden(1966-)
- Microfluidics and Nanofluidics. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2004-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Microgravity Science and Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Microorganisms. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Microscopy and Microanalysis. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2002-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Microscopy Research and Technique. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.33-72,73(1))
- Microsurgery. (Wiley) (年月:1979-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Microsystem Technologies. (Springer) (年月:1994-1996 巻号:1-3(1))
- Microsystems & Nanoengineering. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2015-Current)
- Microvascular Research. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1968-1994 巻号:1-48)
- Microvascular Reviews and Communications. (J-STAGE) (年月:2007-2014 巻号:V.1-Current) FREE
- Middle East African Journal of Ophthalmology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Middle East Current Psychiatry. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2019-Current)
- Middle East Fertility Society Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2019-Current)
- Middle East Journal of Digestive Diseases. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Middle East Journal of Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Apr 2011-Current)
- Midwifery Matters. (CINAHL) (年月:Dec 1996-Current)
- Midwifery Today. (CINAHL) (年月:Dec 2000-Current)
- Midwifery Today. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1987-Current)
- Midwives. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 2008-Current) 継続前誌: RCM Midwives
- Midwives. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2011-Current)
- Mikrochemie. (NII-REO) (年月:1923-1938 巻号:1(1/2)-24(1))
- Mikrochemie. (Springer) (年月:1923-1938 巻号:1-25) 現誌名: Microchimica Acta
- Mikrochimica Acta. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Dec 2018)
- Military Medical Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Military Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1998-Jul 2018)
- Military Psychology. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 1989-Dec 2012)
- MIMER Medical Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Jan 2020)
- Mind. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:105(417)-112(448))
- Mind & Brain. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2012)
- Mind & Society. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Minds and Machines. (Springer) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-6)
- Mineralium Deposita. (Springer) (年月:1966-1996 巻号:1-31)
- Mineralogy and Petrology. (Springer) (年月:1948-1996 巻号:1-58) 誌名変遷: Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen(-1986) → Mineralogy and petrology(1987-)
- Minerva. (Springer) (年月:1962-1996 巻号:1-34)
- Minerva Biotecnologica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1998-Mar 2010)
- Minimally Invasive Therapy & Allied Technologies. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:6-Current)
- Minnesota Nursing Accent. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1995-Current)
- Minority Nurse Newsletter. (CINAHL) (年月:Nov 2002-Sep 2004)
- Minority Nurse Newsletter. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1998-Oct 2004)
- Mississippi RN. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1995-Current)
- The Mississippi RN. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2011-Current)
- Missouri Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2020-Current)
- Missouri medicine. (PubMed Central) (年月:2016-Current 巻号:113-Current)
- Missouri State Board of Nursing Newsletter. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 2001-Current)
- MIT Technology Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1987-Current)
- Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. (Springer) (年月:1996-1996 巻号:1-1(1-2))
- Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin. Fossil Record. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2013--31-Dec-2013
- MJDYPU. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2010-Sep 2014)
- Mladá Veda. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2013-Current)
- MLO: Medical Laboratory Observer. (CINAHL) (年月:Sep 2001-(3 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:3 months
- MMWR Recommendations & Reports. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2008-Current)
- MMWR Surveillance Summaries. (年月:1983-Current 巻号:32-Current) 欠あり
- MMWR Surveillance Summaries. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Current)
- MMWR. Recommendations and reports. (年月:1990-Current 巻号:39-Current)
- MMWR: Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 1996-Current)
- MMWR: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. (U.S. Centers for Disease Control) (年月:1982-Current 巻号:31-Current) FREE
- Mobile DNA. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Mobile Networks and Applications. (Springer) (年月:1996-1996 巻号:1-1)
- Modern Healthcare. (CINAHL) (年月:Jul 1996-Current)
- Modern Healthcare. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1999-Current)
- Modern Hygienist. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2006-Dec 2009)
- Modern Pathology. (Elsevier) (年月:2000-(12 months ago) 巻号:13-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化
- Modern Pathology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Modern Psychoanalysis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Jul 2015)
- Modern Rheumatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2002-Jun 2012)
- Mokslas : Lietuvos Ateitis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Mokslo ir Technikos Raida. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2013)
- Molecular Autism. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Molecular Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2000-Nov 2018)
- Molecular Biology of the Cell. (American Society for Cell Biology) (年月:1989-Current 巻号:1-Current) 継続前誌"Cell regulation"含む
- Molecular Biology and Evolution. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:13(7),20) 欠あり
- Molecular Biology and Evolution. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1996-(1 year ago) 巻号:13-(1 year ago)) Free after 12 months
- Molecular Biology International. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Jan 2016)
- Molecular Biology Reports. (NII-REO) (年月:1973-1999 巻号:1(1)-26(4))
- Molecular Biology Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Molecular Biology Reports. (Springer) (年月:1973-1996 巻号:1-23)
- Molecular Biomedicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2020-Current)
- Molecular Biotechnology. (NII-REO) (年月:1994-1999 巻号:1(1)-13(3))
- Molecular Biotechnology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Molecular Brain. (BioMed Central) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Molecular Brain. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Molecular Breeding. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Molecular Breeding. (Springer) (年月:1995-1996 巻号:1-2)
- Molecular Cancer. (BioMed Central) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Molecular Cancer. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Molecular Cancer Research. (American Association for Cancer Research) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Molecular Cancer Therapeutics. (American Association for Cancer Research) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Molecular Carcinogenesis. (Wiley) (年月:1988-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.1-48,49(1))
- Molecular Cell. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. (NII-REO) (年月:1973-1999 巻号:1(1)-202(1/2))
- Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. (Springer) (年月:1973-1996 巻号:1-165)
- Molecular and Cellular Biology. (American Society for Microbiology) (年月:1981-2022 巻号:1-42) 2023年よりTaylor and Francisへ
- Molecular and Cellular Biology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:17-Current)
- Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Current)
- Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1974-1994 巻号:1-106)
- Molecular & Cellular Oncology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2014-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access.
- Molecular and Cellular Pediatrics. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2014-Current)
- Molecular & cellular proteomics : MCP. (Elsevier) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open access
- Molecular and Cellular Therapies. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2016)
- Molecular and Clinical Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Molecular crystals and liquid crystals science and technology. Section A, Molecular crystals and liquid crystals. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1966-1996 巻号:1-291) Molecular Crystals (1966-1969年) → Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals (1970-1987年) → Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Incorporating Nonlinear Optics (1987-1990年) → Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals (1991年) Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology. Section A. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals (1992-2001年) リンク先は継続後誌:Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals
- Molecular Cytogenetics. (BioMed Central) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Molecular Cytogenetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Molecular Diagnosis & Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2008-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Molecular Diversity. (NII-REO) (年月:1995-1998 巻号:1(1)-4(4))
- Molecular Diversity. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Molecular Diversity. (Springer) (年月:1995-1996 巻号:1-2(1-2))
- Molecular Engineering. (Springer) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-6)
- Molecular Entomology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2018) 欠:01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017
- Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2013-Current)
- Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine. (Wiley) (年月:2013-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- Molecular Genetics and Genomics. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-1999--31-Dec-1999 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Molecular Genetics and Genomics. (Springer) (年月:1908-1996 巻号:1-253) 誌名変遷: Zeitschrift für Induktive Abstammungs- und Vererbungslehre(1908-1957) → Zeitschrift für Vererbungslehre(1958-1966) → Molecular and general genetics : MGG(1967-Feb. 2001) → Molecular genetics and genomics(Mar. 2001-)
- Molecular Human Reproduction. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2002 巻号:2(1)-8(12)) 欠あり
- Molecular Human Reproduction. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1995-(1 year ago) 巻号:1-(1 year ago)) Free after 12 months
- Molecular imaging. (Sage) (年月:2002-2020 巻号:1-19) From January 2021, Molecular Imaging will be published and hosted by Hindawi
- Molecular Imaging and Biology : MIB. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Jan 2019)
- Molecular Imaging and Radionuclide Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2012-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020
- Molecular Informatics. (Wiley) (年月:2010-2010 巻号:Vol.29(1-2)) 継続前誌: QSAR & combinatorial science
- Molecular Interventions. (American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics) (年月:2001-2011 巻号:1-11) FREE (ASPET/CLOCKSS提供)
- Molecular Medicine. (BioMed Central) (年月:1994-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal.
- Molecular Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Molecular Medicine Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Molecular Microbiology. (Wiley) (年月:1997-(18 months ago) 巻号:23-(18 months ago)) Free: Content older than 18 months back to Jan 1st 1997
- Molecular Neurobiology. (NII-REO) (年月:1987-1999 巻号:1(1/2)-20(2/3))
- Molecular Neurobiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Molecular Neurodegeneration. (BioMed Central) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Molecular Neurodegeneration. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Molecular Nutrition & Food Research. (Wiley) (年月:1996‐2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.40-54(1)) リンク先に継続前誌含む
- Molecular Oncology. (Elsevier) (年月:2007-2016 巻号:1-10) ScienceDirect. 2017年以降Wiley
- Molecular oncology. (John Wiley & Sons) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- Molecular Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2007-Current)
- Molecular Pain. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Molecular Pain. (Sage) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal.
- Molecular Pathogens. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2016) 欠:01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2015
- Molecular pathology : MP. (BMJ Pub. Group) (年月:1997-2003 巻号:50-56) Free. since 2004, by Journal of Clinical Pathology.
- Molecular Pharmaceutics. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Molecular Pharmacology. (American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics) (年月:(5 years ago)-(1 year ago)) 刊行後1年~5年の文献にアクセス可
- Molecular Physics : An International Journal at the Interface Between Chemistry and Physics. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1958-1996 巻号:1-89)
- Molecular Plant. (Cell Press) (年月:2008-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化. ScienceDirect
- Molecular Plant Breeding. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2018)
- Molecular Plant Pathology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2002-Sep 2005)
- Molecular Psychiatry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Molecular Reproduction and Development. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.43-76,77(1))
- Molecular Simulation. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1987-1996 巻号:1-18(5))
- Molecular Soil Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2018) 欠:01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017
- Molecular Syndromology. (Karger) (年月:2010-2013 巻号:Vol.1-4)
- Molecular Syndromology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2010-Oct 2015)
- Molecular Systems Biology. (EMBO Press) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access (EMBO Press/HighWire, Wiley) ※2014年NPG→Wiley移管
- Molecular Systems Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Current)
- Molecular Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-Dec 2017)
- Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy. (Cell Press) (年月:2000-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化. ScienceDirect
- Molecular Therapy. Methods & Clinical Development. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Dec 2019)
- Molecular Therapy. Nucleic Acids. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Dec 2019)
- Molecular Therapy. Oncolytics. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2014-Dec 2019)
- Molecular Vision. (Molecular Vision) (年月:1995-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Molecules. (MDPI) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- Molecules. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Current)
- Molecules and Cells. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2000-Dec 2013) 欠:01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2008
- Molecules Online. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-1996 巻号:1(8)-1(8))
- Momentum (19403410). (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2008-Jul 2013)
- Momentum (Ohio Board of Nursing). (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 1999-Current)
- Monatshefte für Chemie / Chemical Monthly. (Springer) (年月:1880-1996 巻号:1-127)
- Monatshefte für Mathematik. (Springer) (年月:1890-1996 巻号:1-122)
- Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde. (Springer) (年月:1996-1996 巻号:144(9-12))
- Monographiae Botanicae. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1985-Jan 2019) 欠:01-Jan-1987--31-Dec-1987; 01-Jan-1989--31-Dec-1990; 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011; 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017
- Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018
- Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2012-Current)
- Monthly Labor Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1987-Mar 2022)
- Monthly Labor Review (pre-1986). (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1918-Dec 1985) 欠:01-Jan-1950--31-Dec-1955
- Monthly Prescribing Reference. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2008-Nov 2018)
- Morfolia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Mortality. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 1996-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- Mortality. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1999-Nov 2000)
- MOST: Economic Policy in Transitional Economies. (Springer) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-6) 吸収後誌: Economics of planning. 現誌名: Economic change and restructuring
- Motivation and Emotion. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Motivation and Emotion. (Springer) (年月:1977-1996 巻号:1-20)
- Motricidade. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine: A Journal of Translational and Personalized Medicine. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.74-76,77(1))
- Movement Disorders. (Wiley) (年月:1986-Jan. 2017 巻号:1-31,32(1))
- Movement Ecology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Movimento. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-Current)
- MR. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2019-Current)
- MSMR. (Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center) (年月:1995-Current 巻号:1-Current) Free.
- mSphere. (American Society for Microbiology) (年月:2016-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal
- mSphere. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- mSystems. (American Society for Microbiology) (年月:2016-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access
- MSystems. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Mucosal immunology. (Elsevier) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open access since 1st January 2023
- Mucosal Immunology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing. (Springer) (年月:1990-1996 巻号:1-7)
- Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2010-Dec 2019)
- Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Multimedia Systems. (Springer) (年月:1993-1996 巻号:1-4)
- Multimedia Tools and Applications. (Springer) (年月:1995-1996 巻号:1-3)
- Multiple Sclerosis and Demyelinating Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Jan 2019)
- Multiple Sclerosis International. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Multiple Sclerosis Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Dec 2015)
- Multiple Sclerosis Journal-Experimental, Translational and Clinical. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Multiscale Modeling & Simulation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Jul 2014)
- Muscle & Nerve. (Wiley) (年月:1978-Jan. 2017 巻号:1-54,55(1))
- Musculoskeletal Care. (Wiley) (年月:2003-2009 巻号:Vol.1-7)
- Musculoskeletal Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2019)
- Music Perception. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2002-Dec 2012)
- Music Therapy Perspectives. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Jan 2016)
- Mutagenesis. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:11(1)-18(6)) 欠あり
- Mutagenesis. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1986-(1 year ago) 巻号:1-(1 year ago)) Free: after 12 months
- MycoKeys. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2021
- Mycological Progress. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2002-Jan 2019)
- Mycology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2010-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access.
- Mycopathologia. (NII-REO) (年月:1938-1999 巻号:1(1)-148(3))
- Mycopathologia. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Mycopathologia. (Springer) (年月:1938-1996 巻号:1-136)
- Mycorrhiza. (NII-REO) (年月:1991-1999 巻号:1(1)-9(4))
- Mycorrhiza. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2002 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Mycorrhiza. (Springer) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-6)
- Mycoses. (Wiley) (年月:1957-1994 巻号:1-37)
- Mycotoxin Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-Dec 2018)
- Myeloid Malignancies : an Atlas of Investigation and Diagnosis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2010)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 和文誌
- N & HC Perspectives on Community. (LWW) (年月:1995-1997 巻号:16-18(2)) 継続後誌: Nursing & Health Care Perspectives (1997-2001年)
- N2N: Nurse2Nurse. (CINAHL) (年月:Nov 2004-Apr 2005)
- NACC. Bioloxia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Nano Biomedicine. (J-STAGE) (年月:2009-Current) FREE
- Nano Letters. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Nano Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2008-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nano Reviews & Experiments. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Dec 2018)
- Nanobiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1996-Jan 1998)
- Nanobiomedicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Nanobiosensors in Disease Diagnosis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2016) 欠:01-Jan-2013--31-Dec-2013
- Nanobiotechnology. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2005-Dec 2009)
- Nanoethics. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2007-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nanomaterials. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Nanomedicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2006-Jan 2021)
- Nanoscale Research Letters. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2007-Current)
- Nanotechnology Reviews. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2013-Nov 2017)
- Nanotoxicology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2011-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- NASN School Nurse. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2005-Jan 2016)
- The National Academies in Focus. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Jul 2019)
- National Institutes of Health (NIH) Documents / FIND. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2005-Current)
- National Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-Dec 2015)
- National Journal on Chembiosis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2015)
- National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- National Library of Medicine-NLM in Focus [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2018-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2021
- The National Medical Journal of India. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- National Nurse. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- National Science Foundation Documents and Publications. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- National Strength Coaches Association Journal. (LWW) (年月:1979-1982 巻号:1(2)-4) 継続後誌: National Strength & Conditioning Association Journal (1983-1993年)
- National Strength & Conditioning Association Journal. (LWW) (年月:1983-1993 巻号:5-15) 継続前誌: National Strength Coaches Association Journal (1979-1982年); 継続後誌: Strength & Conditioning (1994-1998年)
- National Wildlife. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 1998-Jun 2002)
- Nation's Business. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1988-Jun 1999)
- Nation's Business (1986-1998). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1986-Dec 1987)
- Nation's Business (pre-1986). (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1912-Dec 1985)
- The Nation's Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1997-Current)
- Native Plants Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2004-Oct 2010)
- Náttúrufræðingurinn. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Jan 2015)
- Natura Croatica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1998-Jun 2018)
- Natura Neotropicalis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Jan 2018)
- Natura Sloveniae. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2010-Current)
- Natural Hazards. (Springer) (年月:1988-1996 巻号:1-14)
- Natural History. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-Current)
- Natural History (pre-1988). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1980-Dec 1987)
- Natural Language Engineering. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Natural Language & Linguistic Theory. (Springer) (年月:1983-1996 巻号:1-14)
- Natural Language Semantics. (Springer) (年月:1992-1996 巻号:1-4)
- Natural product letters. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1992-1996 巻号:1-9(2)) リンク先は継続後誌:Natural Product Research
- Natural Products and Bioprospecting. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Natural Resources Research. (Springer) (年月:1992-1996 巻号:1-5)
- Natural Sciences Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jan 2015)
- Natural Solutions. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2010-Current)
- Nature. (Nature) (年月:1923-Current 巻号:111(2775)-Current)
- Nature. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1990-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature + Culture. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2006-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature Biomedical Engineering. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature Biotechnology. (Nature) (年月:1998-2019 巻号:16-37)
- Nature Biotechnology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature Cell Biology. (Nature) (年月:1999-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Nature Cell Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature Chemical Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2005-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature Chemistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2009-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature Communications. (Nature Pub. Group) (年月:2010-Current 巻号:1-Current) ※2016年にOpenAccess化
- Nature Communications. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Nature Conservation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2021
- Nature Ecology & Evolution. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature Genetics. (Nature) (年月:1998-2019 巻号:18-51)
- Nature Genetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature Geoscience. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature Human Behaviour. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature Immunology. (Nature) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:Vol.1-Current)
- Nature Immunology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature Materials. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2002-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature Medicine. (Nature) (年月:1995-Current 巻号:Vol.1-Current)
- Nature Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature Methods. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2004-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature Microbiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature Nanotechnology. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2006-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature Neuroscience. (Nature) (年月:1998-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Nature Neuroscience. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature Photonics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature Protocols. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2006-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature Reviews Cancer. (Nature) (年月:2001-2019 巻号:1-19)
- Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology. (Nature) (年月:2004-2018 巻号:1-15)
- Nature reviews Gastroenterology & hepatology. (Nature) (年月:2019-2021 巻号:16-18)
- Nature Reviews Genetics. (Nature) (年月:2000-2009 巻号:Vol.1-11)
- Nature Reviews Immunology. (Nature) (年月:2010-2014 巻号:Vol.10-14)
- Nature Reviews Microbiology. (Nature) (年月:2010-2014 巻号:Vol.8(3)-13(1))
- Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology. (Nature) (年月:2000-2021 巻号:1-22)
- Nature reviews Neuroscience. (Nature) (年月:2012-Current 巻号:13-Current)
- Nature Reviews. Cancer. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature Reviews. Cardiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2004-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature Reviews. Clinical Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2004-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature Reviews. Drug Discovery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature Reviews. Endocrinology. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2005-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature Reviews. Gastroenterology & Hepatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2004-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature Reviews. Genetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature Reviews. Immunology. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature Reviews. Microbiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2003-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature Reviews. Molecular Cell Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature Reviews. Nephrology. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2005-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature Reviews. Neurology. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2005-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature Reviews. Neuroscience. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature Reviews. Rheumatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2005-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature Reviews. Urology. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2004-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature Reviews: Disease Primers. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nature and Science of Sleep. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. (Nature) (年月:1998-2014 巻号:Vol.5-21)
- Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Naturwissenschaften. (NII-REO) (年月:1913-1999 巻号:1(1)-86(12))
- Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2000-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2006; 01-Jan-2010--31-Dec-2012 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology. (NII-REO) (年月:1873-1999 巻号:1(1)-360(6))
- Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology. (Springer) (年月:1873-1996 巻号:1-355(1))
- Navy Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Jan 2017) 欠:01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2016
- NCI BioMedical Informatics Blog. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2018-Current)
- Nebraska Nurse. (CINAHL) (年月:May 1995-Current)
- Nebraska Nurse. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2019-Current)
- Nefrología. (Elsevier) (年月:Mar 2015-Current 巻号:35(2)-Current) ScienceDirect
- Negotiation Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Negotiation Journal. (Springer) (年月:1985-1996 巻号:1-12)
- NEJM Images in Clinical Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1992-Nov 2011)
- NEJM Journal Watch. Cardiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(90 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:90日
- NEJM Journal Watch. Dermatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-Mar 2016)
- NEJM Journal Watch. Emergency Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(90 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2022 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:90日
- NEJM Journal Watch. Gastroenterology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2000-Dec 2020)
- NEJM Journal Watch. General Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(90 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:90日
- NEJM Journal Watch. HIV/AIDS Clinical Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-Aug 2016)
- NEJM Journal Watch. Hospital Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2007-(90 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:90日
- NEJM Journal Watch. Infectious Diseases. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(90 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:90日
- NEJM Journal Watch. Neurology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(90 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:90日
- NEJM Journal Watch. Oncology and Hematology. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2006-(90 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:90日
- NEJM Journal Watch. Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2002-(90 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:90日
- NEJM Journal Watch. Psychiatry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-Dec 2020)
- NEJM Journal Watch. Women's Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(90 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:90日
- Nejrohirurgiâ i Nevrologiâ Kazahstana. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- NENA Outlook. (CINAHL) (年月:Sep 2004-Feb 2013)
- NeoBiota. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020
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- Neonatal Network. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2017)
- Neonatal, Paediatric & Child Health Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2006-Mar 2016)
- Neonatology. (Karger) (年月:1959-2013 巻号:1-104) Biologia Neonatorum (1959-1969年) → Biology of the Neonate (1970-2006年)
- Neonatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Dec 2015)
- Neophilologus. (Springer) (年月:1916-1996 巻号:1-80)
- Neoplasia. (Elsevier) (年月:Apr 1999-Current 巻号:1-Current) ScienceDirect
- Neotropical Biology and Conservation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Neotropical Entomology. (年月:2001-Current 巻号:30-Current) FREE
- Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:11(1)-18(12)) 欠あり
- Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1986-(1 year ago) 巻号:1-(1 year ago)) Free: after 12 months
- Nephrology Nursing Journal. (CINAHL) (年月:Jul 2001-Current)
- Nephrology Nursing Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1997-Current)
- Nephron. (Karger) (年月:1964-2002 巻号:Vol.1-89) 継続後誌:2003~2014年刊の3誌(1)Nephron Clinical Practice, (2)Nephron Experimental Nephrology, (3)Nephron Physiologyを2015年統合。(本学購読権は2013年まで)
- Nephron. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1996-Nov 2015)
- Nephron Extra. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-May 2018)
- Nephron. Clinical practice. (Karger) (年月:2002-2013 巻号:Vol.93-125) 継続前誌:Nephron (継続後誌:Nephron 2015年-)
- Nephron. Experimental nephrology. (Karger) (年月:1998-2013 巻号:Vol.6-124) 継続前誌:Nephron (継続後誌:Nephron 2015年-)
- Nephron. Physiology. (Karger) (年月:2002-2013 巻号:Vol.99-124) 継続前誌:Nephron (継続後誌:Nephron 2015年-)
- Nervno-Myšečnye Bolezni= Neuromuscular Diseases. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Netherlands Heart Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Netherlands Heart Journal. (PubMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:9-Current)
- The Netherlands Journal of Medicine. (Van Zuiden Communications) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:60-Current) FREE
- Netherlands Journal of Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2004-Dec 2009)
- Network and Systems Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2018-Feb 2021)
- Network: Computation in Neural Systems. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:8-Current)
- Networks. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2009/3/31 巻号:Vol.27-52,53(1-2))
- Neural Computing and Applications. (Springer) (年月:1993-1996 巻号:1-4)
- Neural Development. (BioMed Central) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access
- Neural Development. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Neural Plasticity. (Hindawi Pub. Corp) (年月:1998-Current 巻号:6(3)-Current) Open Access journal.
- Neural Plasticity. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Neural plasticity. (PubMed Central) (年月:1998-2005;2007-Current 巻号:6(3)-12;2007-Current) 継続前誌: Journal of Neural Transplantation v1 (1989), Journal of Neural Transplantation & Plasticity v2-6 (1991-1997) も閲覧可
- Neural Processing Letters. (Springer) (年月:1994-1996 巻号:1-4)
- Neural Regeneration Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Dec 2020)
- Neuro-Degenerative Diseases. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2004-Nov 2015)
- Neurobehavioral HIV Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2016) 欠:01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2014
- Neurocase. (NII-REO) (年月:2001-2002 巻号:7(1)-8(5)) 欠あり
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- Neurochemical Research. (NII-REO) (年月:1976-1999 巻号:1(1)-24(12))
- Neurochemical Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Neurochemical Research. (Springer) (年月:1976-1996 巻号:1-21)
- Neurociruga. (年月:2005-Current 巻号:16-Current) FREE
- Neurodegenerative Disease Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2011-Feb 2021)
- Neurodegenerative Diseases. (Karger) (年月:2004-2013 巻号:Vol.6-12)
- The Neurodiagnostic Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1998-Jan 2016)
- The Neurodiagnostic Journal. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2012-Current 巻号:52-Current)
- Neuroendocrinology. (Karger) (年月:1965-2013 巻号:Vol.1-98)
- Neuroendocrinology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Dec 2015)
- Neuroepidemiology. (Karger) (年月:1982-2013 巻号:Vol.1-41)
- Neuroepidemiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1998-Dec 2015)
- Neuroethics. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2008-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Neurogenetics. (NII-REO) (年月:1997-1999 巻号:1(1)-2(3))
- Neurogenetics. (ProQuest) (年月:May 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
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- NeuroImage: Clinical. (Elsevier) (年月:2012-Current 巻号:1-Current) ScienceDirect
- Neuroimmunomodulation. (Karger) (年月:1994-2013 巻号:Vol.1-20)
- Neuroinformatics. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2003-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Neurologia i Neurochirurgia Polska. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Neurologia medico-chirurgica. (J-STAGE) (年月:1959-Current 巻号:V.1-Current) FREE
- Neurological Research : A Journal of Progress in Neurosurgery, Neurology and Neurosciences. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:19-Current)
- Neurological Research and Practice. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2019-Current)
- Neurological Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1997-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-1999--31-Dec-1999 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- The neurologist. (LWW) (年月:1997-2018 巻号:3-23)
- Neurology. (LWW) (年月:1951-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Neurology : Clinical Practice. (LWW) (年月:2011-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Neurology Alert. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Neurology Genetics. (LWW) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Neurology India. (年月:1999-Current 巻号:47-Current) FREE
- Neurology India. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Current)
- Neurology International. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2009-Current)
- Neurology Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation. (LWW) (年月:2014-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Neurology Report. (LWW) (年月:1992-2003 巻号:16-27(2)) 継続後誌: Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy (2003年-)
- Neurology and Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2012-Sep 2019)
- Neuromodulation : journal of the International Neuromodulation Society. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1998-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Neuromodulation : journal of the International Neuromodulation Society. (Wiley) (年月:1999-2021 巻号:2-24)
- Neuromolecular Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2002-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Neuron. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1988-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Neuron Glia Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2004-Nov 2011)
- Neuro-Oncology. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1999-(1 year ago) 巻号:1-(1 year ago)) Free after 12 months
- Neuro-Ophthalmology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:17-Current)
- Neuropathology. (Wiley) (年月:1993-1996 巻号:13-16)
- Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology. (Wiley) (年月:1975-1997 巻号:1-23)
- Neuropediatrics. (Thieme) (年月:1969-1999 巻号:1-30)
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- Neurophysiology. (Springer) (年月:1969-1996 巻号:1-28)
- Neuropsychiatria i Neuropsychologia. (年月:2006-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE. This journal is open access. However, a free registration must be completed in order to access the articles.
- Neuropsychiatria i Neuropsychologia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Current)
- Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment. (Dove Medical Press) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access
- Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Current)
- Neuropsychiatric Electrophysiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2017)
- Neuropsychiatry. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2011-Feb 2014)
- Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology, & Behavioral Neurology. (LWW) (年月:1988-2002 巻号:1-15) 継続後誌: Cognitive & Behavioral Neurology (2003年-)
- Neuropsychobiology. (Karger) (年月:1975-2013 巻号:Vol.1-68)
- Neuropsychobiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 1998-Dec 2015)
- Neuropsychological rehabilitation. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:4-Current)
- Neuropsychology Review. (NII-REO) (年月:1990-1999 巻号:1(1)-9(4))
- Neuropsychology Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Neuropsychology Review. (Springer) (年月:1990-1996 巻号:1-6)
- Neuropsychopharmacology. (Nature) (年月:1993-(12 months ago) 巻号:8-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化
- Neuropsychopharmacology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Neuropsychopharmacology Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2018-Current)
- NeuroQuantology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Current)
- Neuroradiology. (NII-REO) (年月:1970-1999 巻号:1(1)-41(12))
- Neuroradiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Neuroradiology. (Springer) (年月:1970-1996 巻号:1-38)
- The neuroradiology journal. (PubMed Central) (年月:2013-(12 months ago) 巻号:26-(12 months ago)) Free: after 12 months
- NeuroRegulation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- NeuroRehabilitation. (CINAHL) (年月:Aug 1999-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- Neurorehabilitation and neural repair. (Health Science) (年月:1999-Current 巻号:13-Current)
- Neuroreport. (LWW) (年月:1990-2018 巻号:1-29)
- Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology. (Springer) (年月:1967-1996 巻号:1-26)
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- Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-1998 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Neuroscience bulletin. (PubMed Central) (年月:2007-(12 months ago) 巻号:23-(12 months ago)) 12-month delay (embargo)
- Neuroscience and Neuroeconomics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2017)
- Neuroscience Research Communications. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2004 巻号:Vol.18-35)
- Neurosignals. (Karger) (年月:1992-Current 巻号:1-Current) 2013年オープンアクセス化 リンク先で継続前誌も閲覧可 1-6(1992-1997): Biological Signals. 7-10(1998-2001): Biological Signals and Receptors
- Neurosurgery. (LWW) (年月:1977-2022 巻号:1-90(1))
- Neurosurgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jul-2009--31-Dec-2009 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Neurosurgery Quarterly. (LWW) (年月:1991-2016 巻号:1-8,11-26)
- Neurosurgical Review. (NII-REO) (年月:1978-1999 巻号:1(1/2)-22(4))
- Neurosurgical Review. (Springer) (年月:1978-1996 巻号:1-19)
- Neurotherapeutics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Neurotherapeutics : the journal of the American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeutics. (PubMed Central) (年月:2007-(12 months ago) 巻号:4-(12 months ago)) Free: after 12 months. 継続前誌: NeuroRx v1-3 もアクセス可
- Neurotoxicity Research. (NII-REO) (年月:1999-1999 巻号:1(1)-1(4))
- Neurourology and Urodynamics. (Wiley) (年月:1982-Jan. 2017 巻号:1-35,36(1))
- Neutron News. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1990-1996 巻号:1-7)
- Nevada RNformation. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 1995-Current)
- Nevada RNformation. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2003-Current)
- The New Bioethics. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2007-Nov 2011)
- New Comprehensive Biochemistry. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1981-1999 巻号:1-34) Title discontinued as of 2007
- New Definition. (CINAHL) (年月:Jun 2004-Current)
- New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.1996(71)-2009(126))
- New Disease Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2020-Current)
- New Editions, Health World. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1996-Jul 1996)
- New England Journal of Medicine. (Massachusetts Medical Society) (年月:1812-Current 巻号:Vol.1-Current)
- The New England Journal of Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1980-(90 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:90日
- New Forests. (Springer) (年月:1986-1996 巻号:1-12)
- New Genetics and Society. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-Aug 2000)
- New Jersey Nurse. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1995-Current)
- New Jersey Nurse. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2003-Current)
- New Mexico nurse. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 1995-Current)
- New Mexico Nurse. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Current)
- New Phytologist. (Wiley) (年月:1902-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化
- New Scientist. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2002-Jun 2007)
- New Trends in Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- New York State Dental Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Current)
- New York Times Magazine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Current)
- New Zealand Journal of Ecology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2008-Jul 2017)
- New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. (CINAHL) (年月:Apr 2005-Current)
- New Zealand Journal of Occupational Therapy. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2003-Current)
- New Zealand Journal of Occupational Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2011-Current)
- New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2004-Current)
- New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2010-Current)
- New Zealand Journal of Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1998-Nov 2008)
- New Zealand Journal of Psychology (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2005--31-Dec-2008
- New Zealand Medical Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1999-May 2002)
- The New Zealand Medical Journal (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2002-Current)
- Newsletter of Biomedical Safety & Standards. (LWW) (年月:1971-1984 巻号:1-14) 継続後誌: Biomedical Safety & Standards
- Newsweek. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Dec 2012)
- Newsweek. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Dec 2012)
- Newsweek. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- NFPA Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1996-Current)
- Nida Notes. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1997-Sep 2012)
- Nieren-und Hochdruckkrankheiten. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Nigerian Journal of Health Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Nigerian Journal of Plastic Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2014-Jul 2020)
- The Nigerian Postgraduate Medical Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- NIGMS Feedback Loop Blog. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2018-Current)
- Ningen Dock International. (J-STAGE) (年月:2014-Current) FREE
- Nippon Sugaku-Buturigakkwai Kizi Dai 3 Ki. (J-STAGE) (年月:1919-1944) FREE
- NITA : Journal of the National Intravenous Therapy Association. (LWW) (年月:1978-1987 巻号:1-10) 継続後誌:Journal of intravenous nursing. 現誌名:Journal of Infusion Nursing
- NMC Case Report Journal. (J-STAGE) (年月:2014-Current) FREE
- NMR in Biomedicine. (Wiley) (年月:1988-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.1-22,23(1))
- Noise and Health. (Medknow Publications) (年月:1998-Current 巻号:1-Current) Free (ただし、PDFファイルは閲覧できません)
- Noise & Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1998-Current)
- Non-Coding RNA. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2015-Current)
- Nonlinear Biomedical Physics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2012)
- Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications NoDEA. (Springer) (年月:1994-1996 巻号:1-3)
- Nonlinear Dynamics. (Springer) (年月:1990-1996 巻号:1-11)
- The No-Nonsense Guide to Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Jan 2006)
- Non-Pharmacological Therapies in Dementia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jul 2012)
- Nordic Journal of Nursing Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1981-Dec 2017)
- Nordic Journal of Nursing Research & Clinical Studies. (CINAHL) (年月:Sep 2006-Dec 2014)
- Nordic Journal of Psychiatry. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:51-Current)
- Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Noro-Psikyatri Arsivi. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- North American Birds. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Jan 2005)
- North American Journal of Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-Current)
- North Carolina Medical Journal. (North Carolina Institute of Medicine) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:63-Current) FREE
- Northeastern Naturalist. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1998-Current)
- Northern Clinics of Istanbul. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2021-Current)
- Northwest Journal of Optometry. (LWW) (年月:1924-1925 巻号:1-2(7)) 継続後誌: American Journal of Optometry (1925-1940年)
- Northwestern Naturalist. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2009-Current)
- Nota Lepidopterologica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2022
- Notes and Queries. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:43(1)-50(4))
- Notes and Records of the Royal Society. (Royal Society Publishing) (年月:1938-(70 years ago), (10 years ago)-(1 year ago) 巻号:1-(70 years ago), (10 years ago)-(1 year ago)) Free.
- Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1965-Current) 欠:01-Jan-1999--31-Dec-2003
- Notulae Scientia Biologicae. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- NPJ Aging and Mechanisms of Disease. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2015-Current)
- NPJ biofilms and microbiomes. (Nature) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- NPJ Biofilms and Microbiomes. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2015-Current)
- NPJ breast cancer. (Nature) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- NPJ Breast Cancer. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2015-Current)
- NPJ Computational Materials. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2015-Current)
- NPJ Digital Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2018-Current)
- NPJ genomic medicine. (Nature) (年月:2016-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- NPJ Genomic Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- npj Mental Health Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2022-Current)
- NPJ microgravity. (Nature) (年月:2016-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- NPJ Microgravity. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2015-Current)
- NPJ Parkinson's disease. (Nature) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- NPJ Parkinson's Disease. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2015-Current)
- NPJ Precision Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- NPJ primary care respiratory medicine. (Nature) (年月:2014-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- NPJ Primary Care Respiratory Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2014-Current)
- NPJ Quantum Information. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- NPJ Regenerative medicine. (Nature) (年月:2016-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- NPJ Regenerative Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2016-Current)
- NPJ schizophrenia. (Nature) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- NPJ Schizophrenia. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2015-Current)
- NPJ science of learning. (Nature) (年月:2016-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- NPJ Science of Learning. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2016-Current)
- NPJ systems biology and applications. (Nature) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- NPJ Systems Biology and Applications. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2015-Current)
- NPJ Vaccines. (Nature) (年月:2016-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- NPJ Vaccines. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- NTM Zeitschrift fur Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin. (NII-REO) (年月:1993-1999 巻号:1(1)-7(1))
- Nuclear Medicine and Biology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1993-1994 巻号:20-21) Formerly known as International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part B. Nuclear Medicine and Biology
- Nuclear Medicine Communications. (LWW) (年月:1980-2018 巻号:1-39)
- Nuclear Medicine Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Nuclear Physics B. (Elsevier) (年月:2014-Current 巻号:878-Current) FREE. (Elsever/SCOAP3 Open Access)
- Nuclear Physics News. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1990-1996 巻号:1-6)
- Nuclear Receptor. (BioMed Central) (年月:2003-2007 巻号:1-5) FREE. Ceased publication in 2007. Articles 2003-2007 are free.
- Nuclear Receptor [NLM-MEDLINE]. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2005-Nov 2005)
- Nuclear receptor signaling. (SAGE Publications) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal
- Nucleic Acid Therapeutics. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2003-Dec 2018)
- Nucleic Acids Research. (NII-REO) (年月:1998-2003 巻号:26(1)-31(24))
- Nucleic Acids Research. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1974-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Nucleic acids symposium series. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1999-2009 巻号:42-53) FREE
- Nucleosides and nucleotides. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1982-1996 巻号:1-15) リンク先は継続後誌:Nucleosides, Nucleotides, and Nucleic Acids
- Nukleer Tıp Seminerleri. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2018-Jul 2020)
- Numerical Algorithms. (Springer) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-13)
- Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1979-1996 巻号:1-17)
- Numerische Mathematik. (Springer) (年月:1959-1996 巻号:1-75(1-2))
- Nuritinga. (CINAHL) (年月:Jun 2005-Jun 2013)
- Nurse Author & Editor. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-Jul 2004)
- Nurse Author & Editor (Blackwell). (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2006-Current)
- Nurse Education in Practice. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2003-(60 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:60日
- Nurse Educator. (LWW) (年月:1976-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Nurse Practitioner. (CINAHL) (年月:Apr 2001-Aug 2007)
- Nurse Practitioner. (LWW) (年月:1975-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Nurse Practitioner. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-Dec 2004)
- Nurse Prescribing. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2005-Sep 2015)
- Nurse Researcher (2014+). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Mar 2021)
- Nurse Researcher (through 2013). (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1998-Nov 2013)
- Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1981-Aug 2007)
- Nursing. (LWW) (年月:1971-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Nursing. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1995-Dec 2004)
- Nursing Administration Quarterly. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1999-Dec 2005)
- Nursing Administration Quarterly. (LWW) (年月:1976-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Nursing BC. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 2004-Jul 2009)
- Nursing BC. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1998-Jul 2009)
- Nursing Case Management. (LWW) (年月:1996-2000 巻号:1-5(3)) 継続後誌: Lippincott's case management
- Nursing Children and Young People (2014+). (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2014-Mar 2021)
- Nursing Children and Young People (through 2013). (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2011-Dec 2013)
- Nursing Critical Care. (LWW) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Nursing Diagnosis. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1999-Jun 2002) 継続後誌: International Journal of Nursing Terminologies & Classifications. 現誌名: International Journal of Nursing Knowledge
- Nursing Economic$. (CINAHL) (年月:Jul 1983-Current)
- Nursing Economics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Current)
- Nursing Education Perspectives. (CINAHL) (年月:Nov 2002-Jun 2016)
- Nursing Education Perspectives. (LWW) (年月:2002-2018 巻号:23-39) 継続前誌: Nursing & Health Care Perspectives
- Nursing Education Perspectives. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-Nov 2018)
- Nursing Ethics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Dec 2015)
- Nursing for Women's Health. (ScienceDirect) (年月:2007-2018 巻号:11-22)
- Nursing for Women's Health. (Wiley) (年月:2007-2015 巻号:11-19) 継続前誌: AWHONN Lifelines もリンク先で閲覧できます. 2016よりElsevier(冊子体購読)
- Nursing Forum. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1997-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2022
- Nursing Forum. (Wiley) (年月:2006-2008 巻号:Vol.41-43)
- Nursing & Health Care Perspectives. (LWW) (年月:1997-2001 巻号:18(3)-22) 継続前誌: N & HC Perspectives on Community (1995-1997年); 継続後誌: Nursing Education Perspectives (2002年-)
- Nursing & Health Sciences. (Wiley) (年月:1999-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Nursing History Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Jan 2017)
- Nursing Homes: Long Term Care Management. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2006-Feb 2008)
- Nursing Inquiry. (Wiley) (年月:1997-Jan. 2017 巻号:4-23,24(1))
- Nursing Journal. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2006-Mar 2008)
- Nursing Journal of India. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2002-Current)
- Nursing Leadership Forum. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2005-Jul 2005)
- Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!. (LWW) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Nursing Management. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1995-Aug 2007)
- Nursing Management. (LWW) (年月:1981-Current 巻号:12(9)-Current)
- Nursing Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1993-Dec 2004)
- Nursing Management (2014+). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Apr 2021)
- Nursing Management (through 2013). (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1998-Dec 2013)
- Nursing Monograph. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2006-Jan 2007)
- Nursing News. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 1995-Current)
- Nursing Older People (2014+). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Mar 2021)
- Nursing Older People (through 2013). (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2000-Nov 2013)
- Nursing Open. (Wiley) (年月:2014-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- Nursing Philosophy. (Wiley) (年月:2000-2013 巻号:Vol.1-14)
- Nursing Praxis in Aotearoa New Zealand. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2020-Current)
- Nursing Praxis in New Zealand. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2005-Nov 2019)
- Nursing Praxis in New Zealand. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2011-Current)
- Nursing Reports. (CINAHL) (年月:Jul 2012-Current)
- Nursing Research. (LWW) (年月:1952-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Nursing & residential care. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2005-Sep 2015)
- Nursing Standard (2014+). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Mar 2021)
- Nursing Standard (through 2013). (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1998-Dec 2013)
- Nursing Times. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2010-Feb 2015)
- Nursing Update. (CINAHL) (年月:Jun 2006-Current)
- NursingTimes.net. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2010-Mar 2015)
- Nutraceutical Business & Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Mar 2012)
- Nutrición hospitalaria. (Grupo Aran) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:16-Current) FREE
- Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. (Springer) (年月:1980-1996 巻号:1-47)
- Nutrients. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Nutrition. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-(60 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-1999--31-Dec-2002 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:60日
- Nutrition Action Health Letter. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1994-Current)
- Nutrition Action Health Letter. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1995-Apr 2020)
- Nutrition Bytes. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2016)
- Nutrition & Cancer. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1999-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- Nutrition and Cancer. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:27-Current)
- Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1987-1994 巻号:1-8)
- Nutrition & Diabetes. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Nutrition & Dietetics. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2002-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- Nutrition Forum. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1997-Jul 2000)
- Nutrition Health Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Jan 2015)
- Nutrition Health Review: The Consumer's Medical Journal. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 1990-Dec 2014)
- Nutrition in Clinical Practice. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 1998-Aug 1998)
- Nutrition Journal. (BioMed Central) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Nutrition Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Nutrition & the M.D.. (LWW) (年月:1974-2007 巻号:1-33(7)) 継続後誌: Clinical Nutrition INSIGHT (2007-2014)
- Nutrition and Metabolic Insights. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Nutrition & Metabolism. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Nutrition News. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Apr 1998)
- Nutrition Research. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1981-1994 巻号:1-14)
- Nutrition Research Reviews. (Cambridge University Press) (年月:1988- (Free after 36 months) 巻号:1- (Free after 36 months)) Free after 36 months
- Nutrition Research Reviews. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Nutrition Reviews. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-Dec 2007)
- Nutrition Today. (LWW) (年月:1966-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Nutritional Neuroscience : An International Journal on Nutrition, Diet and Nervous System. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1998-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Nutritional Perspectives: Journal of the Council on Nutrition. (CINAHL) (年月:Oct 2004-Current)
- Nutritionand Metabolism. (BioMed Central) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 和文誌
- O & P News. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Dec 2017)
- OB GYN Clinical Alert. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Obesity. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Obesity facts. (Karger) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access
- Obesity Facts. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2017-Current)
- Obesity Research. (Wiley) (年月:2000-2005 巻号:8-13) Ceased publication in 2005. Title has changed, since 2006, to Obesity. (Obesityは2014年NPG→Wileyへ移管。 Free after 12 months.)
- Obesity Science & Practice. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2015-Current)
- Obesity Science & Practice. (Wiley) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- Obesity Surgery. (NII-REO) (年月:1991-1999 巻号:1(1)-9(6))
- Obesity Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Observatorio Medioambiental. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Jan 2020)
- Obstetric Anesthesia Digest. (LWW) (年月:1981-2018 巻号:1-10,17(4),19-38)
- Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey. (LWW) (年月:1946-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Obstetrics & Gynecology. (LWW) (年月:1953-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Occasional Papers: Royal College of General Practitioners. (PubMed Central) (年月:1990-2012 巻号:43-89) 継続前誌: Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners. Occasional paper. 1-42 (1976-1988) もリンク先で閲覧可能
- Occupational and Environmental Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Occupational and Environmental Medicine. (PubMed Central) (年月:1944-2007 巻号:1-64) 含・継続前誌: British journal of industrial medicine (1944-1993年)
- Occupational Hazards. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1987-Oct 2008)
- Occupational Health & Safety. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-Dec 2006)
- Occupational Medicine. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:46(1)-53(8))
- Occupational Medicine. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1948-(1 year ago) 巻号:1-(1 year ago)) Free: after 12 months. The Quarterly Bulletin of the Association of Industrial Medical Officers(1948-1966年) → Transactions of the Society of Society of Occupational Medicine(1967-1972) → The Journal of the Society of Occupational Medicine(1973-1991) → Occupational Medicine(1992-)
- Occupational Outlook Quarterly. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1987-Jul 2014)
- Occupational Therapy In Health Care. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:10(4)-Current)
- Occupational Therapy in Mental Health. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:13(2)-Current)
- Occupational Therapy International. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2000-Current)
- Occupational therapy international. (Hindawi) (年月:2017-Current 巻号:2017-Current) open access
- Occupational Therapy International. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2003--31-Dec-2016
- Occupational Therapy International. (Wiley) (年月:1994-2016 巻号:1-23)
- Occupational Therapy & Rehabilitation. (LWW) (年月:1925-1951 巻号:4-30) 継続前誌:Archives of Occupational Therapy. 継続後誌:American Journal of Physical Medicine. 現誌名:American Journal of Physical Medicine Rehabilitation
- Ocean Dynamics. (Springer) (年月:1948-1996 巻号:1-48)
- The Ochsner Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-Oct 2018) 欠:01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2005
- Octa Journal of Biosciences. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2013-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2020
- Octa Journal of Environmental Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2013-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2020
- Ocular Immunology and Inflammation. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:5-Current)
- Ocular Surgery News. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-May 2009)
- Ocular Surgery News. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Ocular Surgery News. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2009-Mar 2022)
- Ocular Surgery News. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2009-Nov 2011)
- Ocular Surgery News. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2012-Nov 2015)
- Odontology. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2001-Dec 2018)
- Odovtos. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- OECD Biotechnology Statistics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2009)
- OECD Reviews of Health Systems. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-(180 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2013--31-Dec-2015; 01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2020 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- OECD/IEA Climate Change Expert Group Papers. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2016-Jun 2019)
- Oecologia. (NII-REO) (年月:1968-1999 巻号:1(1/2)-121(4))
- Oecologia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Oecologia. (Springer) (年月:1968-1996 巻号:1-108)
- The Office. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1993-Oct 1993)
- OH & S Canada. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-Apr 2011)
- The Ohio Journal of Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2001-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2021
- Ohio Nurses Review. (CINAHL) (年月:Nov 2003-Current)
- Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica. (J-STAGE) (年月:1936-Current 巻号:V.14-Current) FREE
- Oklahoma nurse. (CINAHL) (年月:Dec 2004-Current)
- The Oklahoma Nurse. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2019-Current)
- Oman Journal of Ophthalmology. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2008-Current)
- Omni. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1988-Oct 1995)
- On-Line Journal of Nursing Informatics. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2014-Current)
- On the Edge. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2007-Nov 2012)
- Oncogene. (Nature) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:14-Current)
- Oncogene. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Oncogenesis. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2012-Current)
- Oncologa. (年月:2004-2007 巻号:Vol.27-30(3)) Ceased publication in 2007.
- Oncologie. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-May 2019)
- Oncologist. (AlphaMed Press) (年月:1996-2021 巻号:1-26) 2022年OUPへ
- Oncology. (Karger) (年月:1948-2013 巻号:1-85) 継続前誌: Oncologia (1948-1966年)
- Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2007-Sep 2013)
- Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Nov 2015)
- Oncology Letters. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Oncology Nurse Advisor. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Oncology Nurse-APN/PA. (CINAHL) (年月:Apr 2013-Current)
- Oncology Nursing Forum. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2000-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- Oncology Nursing Forum. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Oncology Nursing News. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2008-Nov 2009)
- Oncology Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Oncology Reports. (Spandidos) (年月:2006- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:15- (Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- Oncology and Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2013-Aug 2019) 欠:01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2014
- Oncology Times. (LWW) (年月:2001-2018 巻号:23-40)
- Oncolytic Virotherapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Oncoscience. (Impact Journals) (年月:2014-Current 巻号:1-Current) Free
- Oncotarget. (Impact Journals) (年月:2010-Current 巻号:1-Current) Free
- OncoTargets and Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2014
- The Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research. (AOSIS Publishing) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:70(4)-Current) open access journal
- The Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1998-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2006--31-Dec-2011
- One Ecosystem. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2016-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020
- Onearth. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-Oct 2006)
- Onkologie. (Karger) (年月:1978-2013 巻号:Vol.1-36) 継続後誌: Oncology Research and Treatment (2014年-)
- Online. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2006-Dec 2012)
- Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Sep 2007-Current)
- Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. (American Nurses Association) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2002-Current)
- Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2004-Current)
- Online Journal of Nursing Informatics. (CINAHL) (年月:Sep 2006-Current)
- Online Journal of Otolaryngology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Online Journal of Rural Nursing & Health Care. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2000-Current)
- Online Searcher. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- ONS Connect. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2007-Dec 2016)
- ONS News. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2000-Dec 2006)
- ONS Voice. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2017-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- ONS Voice. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- OOHNA Journal. (CINAHL) (年月:Jul 2011-Current)
- Open Access Animal Physiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2016)
- Open Access Insect Physiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2016) 欠:01-Jan-2013--31-Dec-2014
- Open Access Journal of Clinical Trials. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Open Access Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jul 2018)
- Open Access Journal of Science and Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Open Access Rheumatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Open Access Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Open AIDS Journal. (Bentham Science Publishers) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Open Biochemistry Journal. (Bentham Science Publishers) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Open biology. (Royal Society publishing) (年月:2011-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal.
- Open Biomedical Engineering Journal. (Bentham Science Publishers) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Open Cardiovascular Medicine Journal. (Bentham Science Publishers) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Open Dentistry Journal. (Bentham Science Publishers) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Open Economies Review. (Springer) (年月:1990-1996 巻号:1-7)
- Open Heart. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Open Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2018)
- Open Journal of Occupational Therapy (OJOT). (CINAHL) (年月:Apr 2015-Current)
- Open Medical Informatics Journal. (Bentham Science Publishers) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Open Medicinal Chemistry Journal. (Bentham Science Publishers) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Open Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Open Microbiology Journal. (Bentham Science Publishers) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Open Neuroimaging Journal. (Bentham Science Publishers) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Open Neurology Journal. (Bentham Science Publishers) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Open Nursing Journal. (Bentham Science Publishers) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Open Respiratory Medicine Journal. (Bentham Science Publishers) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Open Rheumatology Journal. (Bentham Science Publishers) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Open Systems and Information Dynamics. (Springer) (年月:1992-1995 巻号:1-3)
- Open Virology Journal. (Bentham Science Publishers) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Operating Theatre Journal. (CINAHL) (年月:May 2009-Current)
- Operations Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1987-Nov 2009)
- Operative neurosurgery. (LWW) (年月:2005-2013;2014-2022 巻号:56-73;10-22(1))
- Operative Neurosurgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2016-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Operative Orthopadie und Traumatologie. (NII-REO) (年月:1989-1999 巻号:1(1)-11(4))
- Operative Techniques in Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery. (Elsevier) (年月:1996-1998 巻号:1-3(1)) Title changed, since 1999, to Operative Techniques in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. Articles 1996-1998 are free.
- Operative Techniques in Orthopaedics. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1991-1994 巻号:1-4)
- Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1990-1994 巻号:1-5)
- Operative Techniques in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1994-1994 巻号:1) Title discontinued as of 2003
- Operative Techniques in Sports Medicine. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1993-1994 巻号:1-2)
- Operative Techniques in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. (Elsevier) (年月:1998-(24 months ago) 巻号:3(2)-(24 months ago)) Free. after 24 months
- Ophthalmic Epidemiology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:4-Current)
- Ophthalmic Genetics. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:18-Current)
- Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. (LWW) (年月:1985-2018 巻号:1-34)
- Ophthalmic Research. (Karger) (年月:1970-2013 巻号:Vol.1-50)
- Ophthalmic Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Nov 2015)
- Ophthalmic Surgery, Lasers & Imaging Retina. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1976-Current) 欠:01-Jan-1978--31-Dec-1980; 01-Jan-1984--31-Dec-1984
- Ophthalmologica. (Karger) (年月:1899-2013 巻号:1-230) 継続前誌: Zeitschrift für Augenheilkunde (1899–1938年)
- Ophthalmologica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Oct 2015)
- Ophthalmology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1978-1994 巻号:85-101)
- Ophthalmology and Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2012-Sep 2019)
- Ophthalmology Times. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1998-Current)
- Optical and Quantum Electronics. (Springer) (年月:1969-1996 巻号:1-28)
- Optical Nanoscopy. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2012-Mar 2014)
- Optical Review. (J-STAGE) (年月:1994-1999) FREE
- The Optician. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2003-Dec 2015)
- Optimization. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1977-1996 巻号:8-38) 継続前誌:Mathematische Operationsforschung und Statistik. Series Optimization (1977-1984年)含む
- Optimization Methods and Software. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1992-1996 巻号:1-7(1))
- Optometric Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1998-Dec 2013)
- Optometry Times. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Optometry & Vision Science. (LWW) (年月:1926-2018 巻号:3-40,44-95) 継続前誌: American Journal of Optometry & Physiological Optics (1974-1988年)
- OQ. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Oct 2005)
- OR manager. (CINAHL) (年月:Dec 2005-Sep 2015)
- OR Manager. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-Mar 2015)
- OR Nurse. (LWW) (年月:2007-2015 巻号:1-9)
- OR Spectrum. (Springer) (年月:1979-1996 巻号:1-18)
- Oral Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1996-Apr 2011)
- Oral Health Office. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Jul 2011)
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Oral Medicine & Pathology. (J-STAGE) (年月:1996-2011 巻号:V.1-16) FREE
- Oral Oncology Extra. (Elsevier) (年月:2004-2006 巻号:40-42) Ceased publication in 2007. Articles 2004-2006 are free.
- Oral Radiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1997-Dec 2018)
- Oral Science International. (J-STAGE) (年月:2004-2010 巻号:V.1-7) FREE
- Orange Book Blog. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2018-Oct 2018)
- Orbit : The International Journal on Orbital Disorders, Oculoplastic and Lacrimal Surgery. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:16-Current)
- Order. (Springer) (年月:1984-1996 巻号:1-13)
- Oregon Nurse. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 1995-Jan 2015)
- Oregon State Board of Nursing Sentinel. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2001-Current)
- Oregon State Board of Nursing Update. (CINAHL) (年月:Jun 2003-Sep 2008)
- Organic Chemistry Insights. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2016)
- Organic Chemistry International. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Jan 2016)
- Organic Communications. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Organic Letters. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:1999-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Organic Preparations and Procedures International : The New Journal for Organic. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1969-1996 巻号:1-28) 継続前誌 Organic Preparations and Procedures (1969-1970年)含む
- Organic Process Research & Development. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Organization Development Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1998-Current)
- Organization Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-Nov 2009)
- Organogenesis. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2004- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:1- (Free after 12 months)) Free. after 12 months
- Organometallics. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:15-Current)
- Organon. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere. (NII-REO) (年月:1968-1999 巻号:1(1)-29(6))
- Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres. (Springer) (年月:1968-1996 巻号:1-26) 含: Space life sciences(1968-1973) → Origins of life(1974-1984)
- ORL. (Karger) (年月:1938-2013 巻号:1-75) 継続前誌: Practica Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica (1938-1971年)
- ORL : Journal for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and Its Related Specialties. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Nov 2015)
- ORNAC Journal. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2012-(6 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:6 months
- ORNAC Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2003-Current)
- Ornis Fennica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Ornithological Applications. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1998-Nov 2012)
- Ornithological Monographs. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jul 2012)
- Ornithology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1997-Oct 2012)
- Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases. (BioMed Central) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Orthodontic Products (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2005-Current)
- Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2013-Current)
- Orthopaedic journal of sports medicine. (Sage) (年月:2013-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal.
- Orthopaedic Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2000-Aug 2007)
- Orthopaedic Nursing. (LWW) (年月:1982-Current 巻号:1(3)-Current)
- Orthopaedic Nursing. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Mar 2012)
- Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Practice. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Orthopaedic Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2019-Current)
- Orthopaedics Today Europe. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Nov 2020)
- Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research. (Elsevier Masson) (年月:Feb 2009-(12 months ago) 巻号:95(1)-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化. ScienceDirect
- Orthopedic Research and Reviews. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Orthopedic Reviews. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2009-Current)
- Orthopedics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1978-Dec 2007)
- Orthopedics (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1981-Current) 欠:01-Jan-1983--31-Dec-2007
- Orthopedics Today. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Oryx. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Current)
- Osteoarthritis : an Atlas of Investigation and Diagnosis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Jan 2005)
- Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1993-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化
- Osteopathic medicine and primary care. (BioMed Central) (年月:2007-2010 巻号:1-4) FREE
- Osteopathic Medicine and Primary Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2010)
- Osteoporosis : an Atlas of Investigation and Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2008)
- Osteoporosis International. (NII-REO) (年月:1990-1999 巻号:1(1)-10(6))
- Osteoporosis International. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Osteoporosis International. (Springer) (年月:1990-1996 巻号:1-6)
- OT Practice. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2006-Oct 2018)
- OTA International. (LWW) (年月:2018-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- OTJR. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1981-Oct 2014)
- OTJR: Occupation, Participation & Health. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2003-Dec 2010)
- OTO Open. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- Otology & Neurotology. (LWW) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:22-Current) 継続前誌:American Journal of Otology
- Our Dermatology Online. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2010-Apr 2019)
- OurPlanet. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2010-Feb 2011)
- Outcomes Management. (LWW) (年月:2002-2004 巻号:6-8(1)) 継続前誌: Outcomes Management for Nursing Practice (1997-2001年)
- Outcomes Management for Nursing Practice. (LWW) (年月:1997-2001 巻号:1-5) 継続後誌: Outcomes Management (2002-2004年)
- Outlines : Critical Practice Studies. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Outlook. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2006-Dec 2018) 欠:01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2014
- Oxidation of Metals. (Springer) (年月:1969-1996 巻号:1-46)
- Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. (Hindawi Pub. Corp.) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal
- Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z| 和文誌
- PA AP Presion Arterial Revista de Hipertension Para la Atencion Primaria. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Jul 2008)
- Pacific Conservation Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1993-Apr 2015)
- Pacific Rim International Journal of Nursing Research. (CINAHL) (年月:Jul 2010-Current)
- Pacific Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1998-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2021 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Pacing & Clinical Electrophysiology. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1981-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- Packaging Technology and Science. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.9-22,23(1))
- Paediatric Gastroenterology : an Atlas of Investigation and Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2009)
- Paediatric Nursing. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1999-Mar 2011)
- Paediatric Respiratory Disease : Airways and Infection: an Atlas of Investigation and Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2011)
- Paediatrics & Child Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Paediatrics and Family Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Paediatrics and International Child Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1997-Dec 2000)
- Paediatrics and International Child Health. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2012-Current 巻号:32-Current) 継続前誌: Annals of Tropical Paediatrics: International Child Health (1997-2011年) も利用可
- Paediatrics Today. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Nov 2008)
- Paideía. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Pain. (LWW) (年月:1975-2018 巻号:1-159)
- Pain Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2021) 欠:01-Jul-2020--31-Aug-2020
- Pain Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Pain Physician. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-Current)
- Pain Research and Management. (Hindawi Publishing Corporation) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:6-Current) Free
- Pain Research & Management : The Journal of the Canadian Pain Society. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2006-Current)
- Pain Reviews. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1998-Oct 2002)
- Pain and Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2012-Aug 2019)
- Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2011-Current)
- Pakistan Journal of Clinical Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2010-Current)
- Pakistan Journal of Medical Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2010-Current)
- Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences Quarterly. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Pakistan Journal of Pathology. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2010-Oct 2011)
- Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2001-Current)
- Pakistan Journal of Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2009-Current)
- Pakistan Journal of Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2012-Current)
- Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2008-Current)
- Pakistan Journal of Zoology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2008-Current)
- Pakistan Oral & Dental Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2010-Current)
- Paleobiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2002-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Palliative Care and Social Practice. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Palliative Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Dec 2015)
- Palliative & Supportive Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2003-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Pallimed [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2018-Current)
- Pamukkale Medical Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- The Pan African Medical Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Pancreas. (LWW) (年月:1986-2018 巻号:1-47)
- Papers in Regional Science. (Springer) (年月:1961-1996 巻号:7-75)
- Papillomavirus research. (Elsevier) (年月:2015-2020 巻号:1-10) open access journal
- Parasite. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2012-Current)
- Parasites & vectors. (年月:2008-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Parasites & Vectors. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Parasitologa al Dia. (年月:1997-Current 巻号:57-Current) FREE
- Parasitologa Latinoamericana. (年月:2002-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Parasitology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Parasitology Open. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Jan 2019)
- Parasitology Research. (NII-REO) (年月:1928-1999 巻号:1(1)-85(12))
- Parasitology Research. (Springer) (年月:1928-1996 巻号:1-82,83(1))
- Parasitology Today. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1985-1994 巻号:1-10) Continued as Trends in Parasitology
- Parenting: Science & Practice. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2006-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- Parish Nurse Perspectives. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2006-Current)
- Parkinson's Disease. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Particle and fibre toxicology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Particle and Fibre Toxicology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Partner Abuse. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jul 2016)
- Pastoral Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Pastoral Psychology. (Springer) (年月:1950-1996 巻号:1-45(1-2))
- Pathobiology. (Karger) (年月:1938-2013 巻号:1-80) Schweizerische Zeitschrift für allgemeine Pathologie und Bakteriologie (1938-1959年) → Pathologia et Microbiologia (1960-1975年) → Experimental Cell Biology (1976-1989年)
- Pathobiology. (ProQuest) (年月:May 1995-Nov 2015)
- Pathobiology of Aging & Age-related Diseases. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Dec 2018)
- PathoGenetics. (BioMed Central) (年月:2008-2010 巻号:1-3) FREE
- PathoGenetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2010)
- Pathogens. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2012-Current)
- Pathogens and Disease. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2013-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2014 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Pathogens and Global Health. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2012-Current 巻号:106-Current) 継続前誌: Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology (1997-2011年) も利用可
- Pathology. (LWW) (年月:1969-2015 巻号:1-35,44(2)-47)
- Pathology Case Reviews. (LWW) (年月:1996-2015 巻号:1-20) 継続後誌: AJSP: Reviews and Reports (2016-2018年)
- Pathology International. (Wiley) (年月:1951-1996 巻号:1-46)
- Pathology Oncology Research : POR. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-Jan 2019)
- Pathology Oncology Research : POR. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2021-Current)
- Pathology Research International. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2018)
- Pathology, Research and Practice. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-Jan 2005)
- Pathophysiology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1994-1994 巻号:Vol.1)
- Pathophysiology of Haemostasis and Thrombosis. (Karger) (年月:1972-1997 巻号:1-27) 継続前誌: Haemostasis (1972/73-2001年)
- The Patient. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Patient Care. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2004-Dec 2007)
- Patient Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Mar 2006)
- Patient Counselling and Health Education. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1978-1983 巻号:Vol.1-4) 継続後誌:Patient education and counseling
- Patient Education and Counseling. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1983-1994 巻号:Vol.5-24) 継続前誌:Patient counselling and health education
- Patient Education Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Dec 2011)
- Patient Management Perspectives in Otolaryngology. (CINAHL) (年月:Jul 2011-Mar 2017)
- Patient Safety in Surgery. (BioMed Central) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Patient Safety in Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Peanut Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jul 2017)
- Pediatric Annals. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1972-Current)
- Pediatric Blood & Cancer. (Wiley) (年月:2004-Jan. 2017 巻号:42-63,64(1)) 継続前誌: Medical and Pediatric Oncology
- Pediatric Cardiology. (NII-REO) (年月:1979-1999 巻号:1(1)-20(6))
- Pediatric Cardiology. (Springer) (年月:1979-1996 巻号:1-17)
- Pediatric Case Reviews. (LWW) (年月:2001-2003 巻号:1-3)
- Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. (LWW) (年月:2000-2018 巻号:1-19)
- Pediatric Dental Journal. (J-STAGE) (年月:2004-2012 巻号:V.14-Current) FREE
- Pediatric Dermatology. (Wiley) (年月:1983-1997 巻号:1-14)
- Pediatric and Developmental Pathology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2005-Nov 2016)
- Pediatric Drugs. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2008-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Pediatric Emergency Care. (LWW) (年月:1985-2018 巻号:1-34)
- Pediatric Emergency Medicine Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Pediatric Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2009-Dec 2010)
- Pediatric Hematology and Oncology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:14-Current)
- Pediatric Infectious Disease. (LWW) (年月:1982-1986 巻号:1-5) 継続後誌:Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal
- Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. (LWW) (年月:1987-Current 巻号:6-Current) 継続前誌:Pediatric Infectious Disease
- Pediatric Investigation. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2017-Current)
- Pediatric Nephrology. (NII-REO) (年月:1987-1999 巻号:1(1)-13(9))
- Pediatric Nephrology. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 1996-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Pediatric Nephrology. (Springer) (年月:1987-1996 巻号:1-10)
- Pediatric Neurology Briefs. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Pediatric Neurosurgery. (Karger) (年月:1975-2013 巻号:1-49) Child's Brain (1975-1984年) → Pediatric Neuroscience (1985/86-1989年)
- Pediatric Neurosurgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Nov 2015)
- Pediatric Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1999-Current)
- Pediatric Nursing. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1997-Current)
- Pediatric physical therapy. (LWW) (年月:1989-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Pediatric Pulmonology. (Wiley) (年月:1985-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.1-44,45(1))
- Pediatric Radiology. (NII-REO) (年月:1973-1999 巻号:1(1)-29(12))
- Pediatric Radiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Pediatric Radiology. (Springer) (年月:1973-1996 巻号:1-26)
- Pediatric Rehabilitation. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1999-Dec 2006)
- Pediatric Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2009-Current)
- Pediatric Research. (LWW) (年月:1967-2011 巻号:1-54,57-70)
- Pediatric research. (Nature) (年月:1967-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化
- Pediatric Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2009-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2010--31-Dec-2015 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Pediatric Rheumatology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:5-Current) FREE
- Pediatric Rheumatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Pediatric Surgery International. (NII-REO) (年月:1986-1999 巻号:1(1)-15(8))
- Pediatric Surgery International. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Pediatric Surgery International. (Springer) (年月:1986-1996 巻号:1-11)
- Pediatrics. (American Academy of Pediatrics) (年月:1948-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Pediatrics for Parents. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Jul 2015)
- Pediatrics International. (Wiley) (年月:1958-1996 巻号:1-38)
- Pedobiologia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Jan 2005)
- PeerJ. (PeerJ Inc.) (年月:2013-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- PeerJ. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2013-Current)
- PeerJ PrePrints. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2013-Dec 2019)
- Pelican News. (CINAHL) (年月:Apr 1995-Current)
- Pelviperineology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2007-Current)
- Pennsylvania Nurse. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1995-Current)
- Pensamiento Psicologico. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2005-Current)
- People's Medical Society Newsletter. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1997-Jun 2003)
- Peptide Science. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/1 巻号:40-94)
- Perfusion. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1997-May 2016)
- Perfusion. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Nov 2015)
- Perinatologia y Reproduccion Humana. (年月:2004-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Periodica Mathematica Hungarica. (Springer) (年月:1971-1996 巻号:1-33)
- Periodontal Insights. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1998-Feb 2000)
- Perioperative Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Perioperative Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:May 2014-Current)
- Personality and Individual Differences. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1980-1994 巻号:Vol.1-17)
- Personality Neuroscience. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2018-Current)
- Personalized Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2004-Nov 2020) 欠:01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2017
- Personalized Medicine Bulletin [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2018-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2021
- Personnel Journal (pre-1986). (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1927-Dec 1985)
- Personnel Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1987-Dec 2010)
- Personnel Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Personnel Today. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2003-Jun 2010)
- Perspectivas en Nutrición Humana. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Perspectives. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2001-Jan 2004)
- Perspectives. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2012-Current)
- Perspectives (Pre-2012). (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2006-Dec 2011)
- Perspectives in Biology and Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2002-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Perspectives in Clinical Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2011-Current)
- Perspectives in Drug Discovery and Design. (Springer) (年月:1993-1996 巻号:1-8)
- Perspectives in Health Information Management. (American Health Information Management Association) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:17-Current) FREE
- Perspectives in Health Information Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Perspectives in Medical Virology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1985-1992 巻号:1-4) Title discontinued as of 2007
- Perspectives in Medicinal Chemistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Jan 2016)
- Perspectives in Psychiatric Care. (CINAHL) (年月:Jul 1998-Current)
- Perspectives in Psychiatric Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1997-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2022
- Perspectives in Public Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Nov 2018)
- Perspectives on behavior science. (PubMed Central) (年月:2018-(12 months ago) 巻号:41-(12 months ago)) Free. after a 12-month delay (embargo). 継続前誌:The Behavior Analyst(1978-2017年)もアクセス可
- Perspectives on Medical Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2012-Current)
- Perspectives on Sexual & Reproductive Health. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2002-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1991-Jun 2009)
- Perspectives: A Newsletter for Faith Community Nurses. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2013-Jul 2019)
- Perspectives: The Journal of the Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2020-Current)
- Perspectives: The Journal of the Gerontological Nursing Association. (CINAHL) (年月:Aug 2013-Oct 2019)
- Perspectives: Spiritual Care in Nursing & Faith Community Nursing Practice. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2020-Current)
- Peshawar Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences (PJPBS). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2018)
- Pesquisa Odontologica Brasileira. (年月:2000-2003 巻号:Vol.14-17) Ceased publication in 2003. Changed to new title: Brazilian Oral Research
- Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira. (年月:1997-Current 巻号:33-Current) FREE
- Pest Management Science. (Wiley) (年月:2000-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.56-65,66(1)) リンク先で継続前誌 Pesticide science (1996-1999年)アクセス可
- Pesticide Science. (Wiley) (年月:1996-1999 巻号:Vol.46-55) 継続後誌 Pest Management Science
- Pflügers Archiv. (NII-REO) (年月:1868-1999 巻号:1(1)-439(1/2))
- Pflügers Archiv. (Springer) (年月:1868-1996 巻号:1-433(1-3))
- Pflügers Archiv-European Journal of Physiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Pharma. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Mar 2012)
- The Pharma Innovation. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2012-May 2018)
- Pharma Patents Law [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2018-Current)
- Pharma Times. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-May 2017)
- Pharmaceutical Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2017-Current)
- Pharmaceutical biology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:35-Current) open access. International Journal of Pharmacognosy (-1997年)
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal. (Springer) (年月:1967-1996 巻号:1-30)
- Pharmaceutical Development and Technology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:2-Current)
- Pharmaceutical Executive. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1994-Mar 2020)
- Pharmaceutical Executive Europe. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2006-Nov 2007)
- Pharmaceutical Executive Global Digest. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Nov 2014) 欠:01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2012
- Pharmaceutical Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2008-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Pharmaceutical Patent Analyst. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Dec 2020) 欠:01-Jan-2020--30-Apr-2020
- Pharmaceutical Processing. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2014-Aug 2018)
- Pharmaceutical Research. (NII-REO) (年月:1984-1999 巻号:1(1)-16(12))
- Pharmaceutical Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Pharmaceutical Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2013-Current)
- Pharmaceutical Statistics. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.1-8,9(1))
- Pharmacie Globale. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Oct 2017)
- PharmacoEconomics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- PharmacoEconomics-Open. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2017-Current)
- PharmacoEconomics & Outcomes News. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2008-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.5-18,19(1))
- Pharmacogenetics. (LWW) (年月:1991-2004 巻号:1-14) 継続後誌:Pharmacogenetics and Genomics
- Pharmacogenetics and Genomics. (LWW) (年月:2005-2018 巻号:15-28) 継続前誌: Pharmacogenetics
- Pharmacogenomics. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2000-Dec 2020)
- The Pharmacogenomics Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Pharmacognosy Communications. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Pharmacognosy Magazine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Pharmacognosy Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Pharmacognosy Reviews. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2019)
- Pharmacological Reports. (Elsevier) (年月:2005-2013 巻号:57-65) FREE. 継続前誌 Polish Journal of Pharmacology v53-56(2001-2004) 含む。 2014年以降はScienceDirect
- Pharmacological reviews. (American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics) (年月:(5 years ago)-(1 year ago)) 刊行後1年~5年の文献にアクセス可
- Pharmacology. (Karger) (年月:1959-2013 巻号:1-92) Medicina Experimentalis (1959-1964年) → Medicina et Pharmacologia Experimentalis (1965-1969年)
- Pharmacology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Nov 2015)
- Pharmacology Research & Perspectives. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2013-Current)
- Pharmacology research & perspectives. (Wiley) (年月:2013-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access
- Pharmacy Post. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Mar 2006)
- Pharmacy Practice. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2006-Oct 2019)
- Pharmacy Practice (1886-3655). (CINAHL) (年月:Apr 2015-Current)
- Pharmacy and Therapeutics. (PubMed Central) (年月:2008-2019 巻号:33-44)
- Pharmacy World and Science. (NII-REO) (年月:1979-1999 巻号:1(1)-21(6))
- Phase Transitions : A Multinational Journal. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1979-1996 巻号:1-59)
- The Philadelphia Journal of the Medical & Physical Sciences. (LWW) (年月:1820-1827 巻号:1-5) 継続後誌: American Journal of the Medical Sciences (1827年-)
- The Philosophical Magazine : A Journal of Theoretical Experimental and Applied Physics : Series 8. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1798-1826;1827-1832;1832-1850;1851-1851;1851-1875;1876-1876;1876-1900;1901-1925;1926-1955;1956-1977 巻号:1-68;1-11;1-37;1-2;1-50;1-2;1-50;1-50;1-46;1-36)
- Philosophical Magazine A. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1978-1996 巻号:37-74)
- Philosophical Magazine B. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1978-1996 巻号:37-74)
- Philosophical Magazine Letters. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1987-1996 巻号:55-74)
- Philosophical Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1997-Sep 2000)
- Philosophical Studies. (Springer) (年月:1950-1996 巻号:1-85(1))
- Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society A : Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences. (Royal Society) (年月:1887-(70 years ago), (10 years ago)-(1 year ago) 巻号:178-(70 years ago), (10 years ago)-(1 year ago)) Free. 1887年以前の継続前誌もアクセス可
- Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society B : Biological sciences. (Royal Society) (年月:1887-(70 years ago), (10 years ago)-(1 year ago) 巻号:178-(70 years ago), (10 years ago)-(1 year ago)) Free. 1887年以前の継続前誌もアクセス可
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. (PubMed Central) (年月:1997-(12 months ago) 巻号:352-(12 months ago)) Free. after 12 months
- Philosophy of Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2022-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities in Medicine : PEHM. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Philosophy, ethics, and humanities in medicine : PEHM. (BioMed Central) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:44-Current) FREE
- Philosophy, Psychiatry & Psychology : PPP. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Phlebology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Jan 2006)
- Phonetica. (Karger) (年月:1957-2013 巻号:Vol.1-70)
- Phosphorus Research Bulletin. (J-STAGE) (年月:1992-Current) FREE
- Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1976-1996 巻号:1-119) 継続前誌:Phosphorus and Sulfur and the Related Elements (1976-1988年)含む
- Photoacoustics. (Elsevier) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal
- Photochemistry and Photobiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1998-Jan 2010)
- Photonics. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2014-Current)
- Photosynthesis Research. (NII-REO) (年月:1980-1999 巻号:1(1)-62(2))
- Photosynthesis Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Photosynthesis Research. (Springer) (年月:1980-1996 巻号:1-50)
- Phycologia. (ProQuest) (年月:May 1998-Nov 2018)
- Physical Culture and Sport. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2009-Current)
- Physical & Occupational Therapy In Geriatrics. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:14(4)-Current)
- Physical & Occupational Therapy In Pediatrics. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:17-Current)
- Physical Oceanography. (Springer) (年月:1987-1996 巻号:1-7)
- Physical Review Letters. (American Physical Society) (年月:1958-Current 巻号:Vol.1-Current)
- Physical review. Physics Education Research. (American Physical Society) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access
- Physical review. X. (American Physical Society) (年月:2011-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access
- Physical Therapy. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2000-Dec 2016)
- Physical therapy. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:76-Current)
- Physical Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:May 1996-Dec 2017)
- Physical Therapy in Sport. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-(60 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:60日
- Physical Therapy Products (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Current)
- Physical Therapy Research. (J-STAGE) (年月:2016-Current) FREE
- Physical Therapy Reviews. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:2-Current)
- Physician Assistant. (LWW) (年月:1980-2003 巻号:4(11)-27(9))
- Physician Assistant. (ProQuest) (年月:May 1999-Apr 2001)
- Physician Executive. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2004-Jul 2014)
- Physician Leadership Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2014-Current)
- Physician Practice Perspectives. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Sep 2017)
- Physics and Chemistry of Liquids. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1968-1996 巻号:1-33)
- Physics and Chemistry of Minerals. (Springer) (年月:1977-1996 巻号:1-23)
- Physics in medicine and biology. (Health Science) (年月:(10 years ago)-Current 巻号:(10 years ago)-Current) 過去10年分にアクセス可
- Physics Letters B. (Elsevier) (年月:2014-Current 巻号:728-Current) FREE. (elsevier/SCOAP3 OA)
- Physiological Genomics. (American Physiological Society) (年月:1999- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:1- (Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- Physiological Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2013-Current)
- Physiological Reports. (Wiley) (年月:2013-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal
- Physiological Research. (年月:1995-Current 巻号:7-Current) FREE
- Physiological Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Current)
- Physiological Reviews. (American Physiological Society) (年月:1921- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:1- (Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- Physiology. (American Physiological Society) (年月:1986- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:1- (Free after 12 months)) Free: after 12 months. 継続前誌 News in Physiological Sciences (1986–2004年) 含む
- Physiotherapy. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1995-Current 巻号:81-Current)
- Physiotherapy Canada. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2004-(6 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:6 months
- Physiotherapy Canada. (Health Science) (年月:2021-Current 巻号:73-Current)
- Physiotherapy Canada. (PubMed Central) (年月:2008-(12 Months ago) 巻号:60-(12 Months ago)) Free. after 12 months
- Physiotherapy Quarterly. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2012; 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020
- Physiotherapy Research International. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2000-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- Physiotherapy Research International. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Jan 2002)
- Physiotherapy Research International. (Wiley) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Physiotherapy Theory & Practice. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 1999-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- Physiotherapy Theory and Practice : An International Journal of Physical Therapy. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:13-Current)
- Physis : revista de saúde coletiva. (年月:1997-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Phytochemical Analysis. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.7-20,21(1))
- Phytochemistry Reviews. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- PhytoKeys. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2021
- Phytomedicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2001-May 2005)
- Phytomedicine. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1995-2018 巻号:Vol.1(4)-51)
- Phyton. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Current)
- Phytopathologia Mediterranea. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2010-Current)
- Phytopathology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2002-Jun 2005)
- Phytopathology News. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Feb 2006)
- Phytopathology Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- Pigment International. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Pilot and feasibility studies. (BioMed Central) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open access
- Pilot and Feasibility Studies. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Pituitary. (NII-REO) (年月:1998-1999 巻号:1(1)-2(3))
- Pituitary. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1999-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Planet Policy [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2016-Current)
- Plant Biotechnology Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Plant Biotechnology Journal. (Wiley) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- Plant Biotechnology Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2007-Jan 2019)
- Plant Breeding and Seed Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2017) 欠:01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2013
- The Plant cell. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1989-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) Free after 12 months
- Plant Cell. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1998-Aug 2012)
- Plant Cell & Environment. (Wiley) (年月:1997-(3 years ago) 巻号:20-(3 years ago)) Free: Content older than 3 years back to Jan 1st 1997
- Plant and Cell Physiology. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2002 巻号:37(1)-38(12),41(7)-43(12))
- Plant & cell physiology. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1996-(12 months ago) 巻号:37-(12 months ago)) Free after 12 month back to 1 Jan 1996
- Plant Cell Reports. (NII-REO) (年月:1981-1999 巻号:1(1)-19(2))
- Plant Cell Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Plant Cell Reports. (Springer) (年月:1981-1996 巻号:1-15,16(1-4))
- Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. (Springer) (年月:1981-1996 巻号:1-46)
- Plant Cell, Tissue, and Organ Culture. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1997-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2003; 01-Jan-2005--31-Dec-2005 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Plant Direct. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2017-Current)
- Plant disease. (American Phytopathological Society) (年月:1980-(1 year ago) 巻号:64-(1 year ago)) freely accessible after 12 months
- Plant Diseases and Pests. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2012-Current)
- Plant Ecology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Plant Ecology. (Springer) (年月:1948-1996 巻号:1-127)
- Plant Foods for Human Nutrition. (NII-REO) (年月:1952-1999 巻号:1(1)-54(4))
- Plant Foods for Human Nutrition. (Springer) (年月:1968-1996 巻号:1-49)
- Plant Gene and Trait. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Mar 2017)
- Plant Genetic Resources. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2003-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- The Plant Genome. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2016-Current)
- Plant Growth Regulation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Plant Growth Regulation. (Springer) (年月:1982-1996 巻号:1-20)
- The Plant Journal. (Wiley) (年月:1991-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化
- Plant Methods. (BioMed Central) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Plant Methods. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Plant Molecular Biology. (NII-REO) (年月:1981-1999 巻号:1(1)-41(6))
- Plant Molecular Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Plant Molecular Biology. (Springer) (年月:1981-1996 巻号:1-32)
- Plant Molecular Biology Reporter. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Plant Pathology. (Wiley) (年月:1997-(3 years ago) 巻号:46-(3 years ago)) Free: Content older than 3 years back to Jan 1st 1997
- Plant Physiology. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1926- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:1- (Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- Plant Physiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1998-Aug 2012)
- Plant Production Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Jan 2019)
- Plant Protection Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2005--31-Dec-2005
- Plant Reproduction. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1997-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-2006; 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2012; 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2018 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Plant Reproduction. (Springer) (年月:1988-1996 巻号:1-9) 誌名変遷: Sexual plant reproduction(1988-2012年) → Plant reproduction(2013-)
- Plant Signaling and Behavior. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2006- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:1- (Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- Plant and Soil. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Plant and Soil. (Springer) (年月:1948-1996 巻号:1-187)
- Plant Systematics and Evolution. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1998-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Plant Systematics and Evolution. (Springer) (年月:1851-1996 巻号:1-203)
- Plant, Soil and Environment. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- Planta. (NII-REO) (年月:1925-1999 巻号:1(1)-210(1))
- Planta. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2002-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Planta. (Springer) (年月:1925-1996 巻号:1-200)
- Planta Daninha. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2015-Jan 2020)
- Planta Medica. (Thieme) (年月:1953-1999 巻号:1-65)
- Plants. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2012-Current)
- Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing. (Springer) (年月:1981-1996 巻号:1-16)
- Plasma Devices and Operations. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1990-1996 巻号:1-5(1))
- Plasma and Fusion Research. (J-STAGE) (年月:2006-Current) FREE
- Plasma Therapy and Transfusion Technology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1987-1988 巻号:8-9) Continued as Transfusion Science
- Plasmas and Polymers. (Springer) (年月:1996-1996 巻号:1)
- Plastic and Aesthetic Nursing. (LWW) (年月:2022-Current 巻号:42-Current) 継続前誌: Plastic Surgical Nursing (1984-2021年)
- Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. (LWW) (年月:1962-Current 巻号:29-Current) 継続前誌: Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery & the Transplantation Bulletin (1958-1961年)
- Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. (LWW) (年月:1946-1957 巻号:1-20(6)) 継続後誌: Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery & the Transplantation Bulletin (1958-1961年)
- Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery-Global Open. (LWW) (年月:2013-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery & the Transplantation Bulletin. (LWW) (年月:1958-1961 巻号:21-28) 継続前誌: Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery (1946-1957年); 継続後誌: Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery (1962年-)
- Plastic Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2014-Dec 2018)
- Plastic Surgery Case Studies. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2016-Jan 2020)
- Plastic Surgery Practice (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2005-Aug 2019)
- Plastic Surgical Nursing. (LWW) (年月:1984-2021 巻号:4-41) 継続後誌: Plastic and Aesthetic Nursing (2022年-)
- Plastic Surgical Nursing. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Dec 2003)
- Platelets. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:8-Current) Open Access: v34(2023)-
- Plevra Bülteni. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-May 2014)
- PLoS Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2003-Current)
- PLoS Biology. (Public Library of Science) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- PLoS Clinical Trials. (PubMed Central) (年月:2006-2007 巻号:1-2) FREE. Integrated in PLoS ONE since 2008.
- PLoS Computational Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2005-Current)
- PLoS Computational Biology. (Public Library of Science) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:2005-Current) FREE
- PLoS Genetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2005-Current)
- PLoS Genetics. (Public Library of Science) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- PLoS Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2004-Current)
- PLoS Medicine. (Public Library of Science) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:2007-Current) FREE
- PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2007-Current)
- PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. (Public Library of Science) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- PLoS One. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2006-Current)
- PLoS One. (Public Library of Science) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- PLoS Pathogens. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2005-Current)
- PLoS Pathogens. (Public Library of Science) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- PLOS Water. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2022-Current)
- PN. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2006-Current)
- Pneumonia. (BioMed Central) (年月:2012-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access.
- Pneumonia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Podiatry Management. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2006-Current)
- Poeciliid Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2011-Current)
- Point of Care: The Journal of Near-Patient Testing & Technology. (LWW) (年月:2002-2020 巻号:1-19)
- Polar Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Polar Biology. (Springer) (年月:1982-1996 巻号:1-16)
- Policy Sciences. (Springer) (年月:1970-1996 巻号:1-29)
- Polish Journal of Entomology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2011-Jan 2019)
- Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2011-Jan 2018)
- Polish Journal of Medical Physics and Engineering. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Current)
- Polish Journal of Microbiology. (Polskie Towarzystwo Mikrobiologów) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:53-Current) FREE. Title was 'Acta Microbiologica Polonica' until 2003.
- Polish Journal of Microbiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Current)
- Polish Journal of Pathology. (年月:2003-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Polish Journal of Pathology. (年月:2009-Current 巻号:60-Current) FREE. This journal is open access. However, a free registration must be completed in order to access the articles.
- Polish Journal of Pathology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Polish Journal of Pharmacology. (Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Pharmacology) (年月:2001-2004 巻号:Vol.53-56) Free. 継続後誌 'Pharmacological Reports' (2005-)
- Polish Journal of Sport and Tourism. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2011-Current)
- Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2009-Current)
- Polish Polar Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Polish Psychological Bulletin. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Political Behavior. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Political Behavior. (Springer) (年月:1979-1996 巻号:1-18)
- Politics and the Life Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2016-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1990-1996 巻号:1-11)
- Polymer Bulletin. (Springer) (年月:1978-1996 巻号:1-37)
- Polymer Composites. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.17-30,31(1))
- Polymer Engineering & Science. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.36-49,50(1))
- Polymer International. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.39-58,59(1))
- Polymer Reaction Engineering. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1993-1996 巻号:1-4)
- Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1971-1996 巻号:1-35) 継続前誌:Journal of Macromolecular Science: Part D-Reviews in Polymer Processing (1971-1972年)含む
- Polysaccharides. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2021-Current)
- Population Bulletin. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1988-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020
- Population Ecology. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2002-Oct 2018)
- Population and Environment. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Population and Environment. (Springer) (年月:1978-1996 巻号:1-18(1-2))
- Population Health Metrics. (BioMed Central) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Population Health Metrics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Population Research and Policy Review. (Springer) (年月:1982-1996 巻号:1-15)
- Population & Societies. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Population Trends. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2007-Oct 2011)
- Population, Space and Place. (Wiley) (年月:2004-2009/3/31 巻号:Vol.10-14,15(1-2))
- Porcine Health Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Porcine Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2012-Current)
- Portuguese Journal of Gastroenterology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- Positive Health. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2003-Current)
- Postepy Dermatologii i Alergologii. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Current)
- Postepy Dermatologii i Allergologii (Advances in Dermatology and Allergology). (年月:2003-Current 巻号:20-Current) FREE. This journal is open access. However, a free registration must be completed in order to access the articles.
- Postepy Rehabilitacji. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Postepy w Chirurgii Glowi i Szyi (Advances in Head and Neck Surgery). (年月:2002-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE. This journal is open access. However, a free registration must be completed in order to access the articles.
- Postepy w Kardiologii Interwencyjnej. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Current)
- Postepy w Kardiologii Interwencyjnej (Advances in Interventional Cardiology). (年月:2005-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE. This journal is open access. However, a free registration must be completed in order to access the articles.
- Postgraduate Medical Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1925-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Postgraduate Medical Journal. (PubMed Central) (年月:1925-2007 巻号:1-83)
- Postgraduate Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2000-Sep 2006)
- Postgraduate Medicine. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:101-Current)
- Postgraduate Obstetrics & Gynecology. (LWW) (年月:1996-2015 巻号:16-35) 継続後誌: Topics in Obstetrics & Gynecology (2016-2018年)
- Potential Analysis. (Springer) (年月:1992-1996 巻号:1-5)
- Poultry Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2003-Apr 2008)
- Powder Metallurgy. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1958-1996 巻号:1-39)
- Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics. (Springer) (年月:1962-1996 巻号:1-35)
- Power Technology and Engineering. (Springer) (年月:1967-1996 巻号:1-30)
- PPAR Research. (Hindawi Pub. Corp.) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- PPAR Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Practical Diabetes. (CINAHL) (年月:Nov 2011-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 Months
- Practical Diabetes International. (Wiley) (年月:1984-1999 巻号:Vol.1-16)
- Practical laboratory medicine. (Elsevier) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal. ScienceDirect
- Practical Neurology. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2001-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Practical radiation oncology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:2011-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Practical Summaries in Acute Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Nov 2009)
- Practice Nurse. (CINAHL) (年月:Aug 2003-Feb 2018)
- Practice Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Nov 2007-Sep 2015)
- Practitioner. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Current)
- Praevention und Rehabilitation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Praxis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2003--31-Dec-2003; 01-Jan-2005--31-Dec-2007
- Precision Chemistry. (American Chemical Society) (年月:) open access journal
- Precision Medical Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2020-Mar 2020)
- Precision Radiation Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2017-Current)
- Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2011-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Prehospital Emergency Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2001-Apr 2009)
- Prehospital Emergency Care. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Prenatal Diagnosis. (Wiley) (年月:1981-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.1-29,30(1))
- Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1971-1996 巻号:1-26) 継続前誌:Preparative Biochemistry (1971-1995年) 含む
- Prescriber. (Wiley) (年月:2006-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.17-21(2))
- La Presse Thermale et Climatique. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2014-Jan 2016)
- Preventing Chronic Disease. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Preventing Chronic Disease. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2020-Current)
- Prevention. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1995-Current)
- Prevention Researcher. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 2006-Sep 2013)
- Prevention Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Preventive medicine. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1972-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Preventive medicine reports. (Elsevier) (年月:2014-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal. ScienceDirect
- Primary Care Case Reviews. (LWW) (年月:1998-2003 巻号:1-6)
- Primary care companion for CNS disorders. (Physicians Postgraduate Press) (年月:1999-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE v12までは "Primary Care Companion to The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry"
- Primary Care Optometry News. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-May 2020)
- Primary Care Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Primary Health Care (2014+). (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2014-Mar 2021)
- Primary Health Care (through 2013). (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2006-Nov 2013)
- Primary health care research & development. (Cambridge University Press) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal.
- Primary Health Care Research & Development. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Primary Hyperlipidemias : an Atlas of Investigation and Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Jan 2007)
- Primary Prevention Insights. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2016)
- Primate Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Primates. (NII-REO) (年月:1957-1999 巻号:1(1)-40(4))
- Primates. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Primates. (Springer) (年月:1957-1996 巻号:1-37)
- PRIMUS : Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-6)
- The Princeton Guide to Ecology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2009)
- Prion. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open access
- Probability Theory and Related Fields. (Springer) (年月:1962-1996 巻号:1-106)
- Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2009-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2010--31-Dec-2018 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Problem Solving in Diabetes. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Jan 2006)
- Problem Solving in Endocrinology and Metabolism. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Jan 2007)
- Problem Solving in Haematology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2010)
- Problem Solving in Hypertension. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2009)
- Problem Solving in Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2008)
- Problem Solving in Rheumatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2008)
- Problem Solving in Women's Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2008)
- Proceedings of the 1st EAI International Conference on Medical And Health Research, ICoMHER. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Jan 2018)
- Proceedings of the 1st Seminar The Emerging of Novel Corona Virus, nCov2020. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2020-Jan 2020)
- Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2004-Jun 2020)
- Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2011-Apr 2021)
- Proceedings of CBU in Medicine and Pharmacy .... (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2020-Current)
- Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society ... Annual Meeting. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Jan 2001)
- Proceedings of the Imperial Academy. (J-STAGE) (年月:1913-1944) FREE
- Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2007-Nov 2010)
- Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioinformatics & Computational Biology (BIOCOMP). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2019)
- Proceedings of the International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Methods (GEM). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2014)
- Proceedings of the International Congress of Biomedical Fuzzy Systems & the Annual Meeting of Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association : BMFS-Tokyo. (J-STAGE) (年月:1991-1991) FREE
- Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. (Wiley) (年月:1982-1998 巻号:Vol.1982-1998)
- Proceedings of the Japan Academy. (J-STAGE) (年月:1945-1977) FREE
- Proceedings of the Japan Academy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B. (J-STAGE) (年月:1977-Current 巻号:V.53-Current) FREE
- Proceedings of the Japanese Histochemical Association. (J-STAGE) (年月:1960-1967) FREE
- Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2015
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. (National Academy of Sciences) (年月:1915-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. (Cambridge Univ. Press) (年月:1944- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:1- (Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- The Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. (PubMed Central) (年月:1997-(12 months ago) 巻号:264-(12 months ago)) Free. after 12 months
- Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. (Royal Society of London) (年月:1832-(70 years ago), (10 years ago)-(1 year ago) 巻号:1-(70 years ago), (10 years ago)-(1 year ago)) Free.
- Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Process Safety Progress. (Wiley) (年月:1999-2009 巻号:Vol.18-28)
- Processes. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2013-Current)
- Profession Sante. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- Professional Animal Scientist. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2001-Aug 2015)
- Professional Case Management. (LWW) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:12-Current) 継続前誌: Lippincott's Case Management
- Professional Nursing Today. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 2006-Current)
- Professional Safety. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1987-Current)
- Professional School Counseling. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1997-Mar 2019)
- Progress in Biomaterials. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2012-Current)
- Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1958-1994 巻号:1-37)
- Progress in Cardiovascular Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2004-Dec 2009)
- Progress in Cardiovascular Nursing. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Oct 2003)
- Progress in Community Health Partnerships. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2010-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Progress in Growth Factor Research. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1989-1994 巻号:1-5) Continued as Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews
- Progress in Health Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Progress in Histochemistry and Cytochemistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-Jan 2004)
- Progress in Neurotherapeutics and Neuropsychopharmacology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2008)
- Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1963-1999 巻号:1-63) Continued as Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science
- Progress in Orthodontics. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2013-Current)
- Progress in Palliative Care. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 2005-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- Progress in Palliative Care : Science and the Art of Caring. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:5-Current)
- Progress in Rehabilitation Medicine. (J-STAGE) (年月:2016-Current) FREE
- Progress in Retinal and Eye Research. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1994-1994 巻号:Vol.13) 継続前誌: Progress in Retinal Research
- Progress in Retinal Research. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1982-1993 巻号:Vol.1-12) 継続後誌: Progress in retinal and eye research
- Progress in Self Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Jan 2004)
- Progress in Tourism and Hospitality Research. (Wiley) (年月:1996-1998 巻号:Vol.2-4)
- Progress in Transplantation. (CINAHL) (年月:Dec 2005-Dec 2015)
- Progress in Transplantation. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2003-Dec 2016)
- Progress of Theoretical Physics. (J-STAGE) (年月:1946-1947) FREE
- Progressive Architecture. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-Dec 1995)
- Progressive Digital Media Healthcare (incl, Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, Hospitals) News. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2013-Mar 2017)
- Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2009 巻号:Vol.21-34)
- Propositos y Representaciones. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- PROSPECTS. (Springer) (年月:1970-1996 巻号:1-26) 含: Prospects in Education(1970年)
- Prostaglandins. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1972-1994 巻号:1-48) Continued as Prostaglandins & Other Lipid Mediators
- Prostaglandins and Medicine. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1978-1981 巻号:1-7) Continued as Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Medicine
- Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1988-1994 巻号:31-51) Formerly known as Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Medicine
- Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Medicine. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1982-1987 巻号:8-30) Formerly known as Prostaglandins and Medicine; Continued as Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids
- Prostate. (Wiley) (年月:1980-Jan. 2017 巻号:1-76,77(1))
- Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Prosthesis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2021-Current)
- Prosthetics & Orthotics International. (LWW) (年月:1977-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Protein & Cell. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2012-Current)
- Protein Engineering Design and Selection : PEDS. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1996-(1 year ago) 巻号:9-(1 year ago)) Free after 12 months
- Protein Engineering, Design and Selection. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:9(1)-16(11)) 欠あり
- The Protein Journal. (NII-REO) (年月:1982-1999 巻号:1(1)-18(8))
- The Protein Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- The Protein Journal. (Springer) (年月:1982-1996 巻号:1-15) 誌名変遷: Journal of protein chemistry(1982-2003) → The protein journal(2004-)
- Protein Science. (Wiley) (年月:1992-(Free after 12 months) 巻号:Vol.1-(Free after 12 months)) ※Free after 12 months
- Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.24-77,78(1))
- Proteome Science. (BioMed Central) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Proteome Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Proteomes. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2013-Current)
- PROTEOMICS. (Wiley) (年月:2001-Jan. 2017 巻号:1-16,17(1-2))
- PROTEOMICS-Clinical Applications. (Wiley) (年月:2007-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.1-3,4(1))
- Proteomics Insights. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2017)
- Proteomics Research Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Oct 2013)
- Protist. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2001-Sep 2004)
- Proto Magazine [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2018-Current)
- Protoplasma. (NII-REO) (年月:1926-1999 巻号:1(1)-210(1/2))
- Protoplasma. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-1998; 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2002 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Protoplasma. (Springer) (年月:1926-1996 巻号:1-195)
- ProtoView. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2014-Feb 2023)
- Providentia [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2018-Current)
- Provincial Medical Journal and Retrospect of the Medical Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1905-Jan 1905)
- Provincial Medical & Surgical Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1905-Jan 1905)
- Provincial Medical & Surgical Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1905-Jan 1905)
- Przeglad Dermatologiczny. (年月:2009-Current 巻号:96-Current) FREE. This journal is open access. However, a free registration must be completed in order to access the articles.
- Przeglad Dermatologiczny. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2009-Current)
- Przeglad Gastroenterologiczny. (年月:2006-Current 巻号:2006-Current) FREE. This journal is open access. However, a free registration must be completed in order to access the articles.
- Przeglad Gastroenterologiczny. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Przeglad Kardiodiabetologiczny. (年月:2006-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE. This journal is open access. However, a free registration must be completed in order to access the articles.
- Przeglad Kardiodiabetologiczny. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Apr 2012)
- Przeglad Menopauzalny. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Current)
- Przeglad Menopauzalny (Menopausal Review). (年月:2002-Current 巻号:6-Current) FREE. This journal is open access. However, a free registration must be completed in order to access the articles.
- PrzewodnikLekarza (Guide for GPs). (年月:2000-Current 巻号:3-Current) FREE. This journal is open access. However, a free registration must be completed in order to access the articles.
- Psicologia : Ciencia e Profissao. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2002-Jan 2019)
- Psicologia : Teoria, e Prática. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2003--31-Dec-2003; 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2009; 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011; 01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2017; 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2021
- Psicología Conductual. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Psicología Educativa. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1995-Current)
- Psicologia Escolar e Educacional. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Current)
- Psicologia & Sociedade. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Psicologia USP. (年月:1997-2005 巻号:8-16(1-2)) Access available until 2005.
- Psicologia, Reflexão e Crítica. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2000-Current)
- PsicologiaClnica. (年月:2005-Current 巻号:14-Current) FREE
- Psicologiae Sociedade. (年月:2002-Current 巻号:6(2)-Current) FREE
- Psicologiaem Estudo. (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Psicooncología. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Current)
- Psicoperspectivas. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Current)
- Psicothema. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1989-Current)
- Psico-USF. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-Current)
- Psihologia Resurselor Umane. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2020)
- Psihologia Sociala. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Psikiyatride Guncel Yaklasimlar. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- PSYART. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Current)
- Psych. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2021-Current)
- Psyche : a Journal of Entomology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2019)
- Psychiatric Annals. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1971-Current)
- Psychiatric Genetics. (LWW) (年月:1990-2018 巻号:1(2)-28)
- Psychiatric News. (American Psychiatric Association) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:5-Current) FREE
- Psychiatric Quarterly. (NII-REO) (年月:1927-1999 巻号:1(1)-70(4))
- Psychiatric Quarterly. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Psychiatric Quarterly. (Springer) (年月:1927-1996 巻号:1-67)
- Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Jul 2006)
- Psychiatric Services. (American Psychiatric Association) (年月:1950- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:1- (Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- Psychiatric Times. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Sep 2013)
- Psychiatry. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1994-Dec 2014)
- Psychiatry. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:60-Current)
- Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. (Wiley) (年月:1997-(12 months ago) 巻号:51-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化
- Psychiatry and Clinical Psychopharmacology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2005-Dec 2019)
- Psychiatry International. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2021-Current)
- Psychiatry Research. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1979-1994 巻号:1-54)
- Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1990-1994 巻号:35-55)
- Psychiatry: Interpersonal & Biological Processes. (CINAHL) (年月:Dec 2003-Dec 2014)
- Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2004-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Psychoanalytic Dialogues. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Jul 2009)
- Psychoanalytic Inquiry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Jul 2009)
- Psychoanalytic Practice. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Psychoanalytic Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1998-Dec 2017)
- The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Jan 2019)
- Psychodynamic Psychiatry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1973-Dec 2017)
- The Psychohistory Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1998-Apr 1999)
- PSYCHOLOGIA. (J-STAGE) (年月:2001-Current) FREE
- Psychologia : Avances de la Disciplina. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2018)
- Psychologia Rozwojowa. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2011-Oct 2020)
- Psychological Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-Current)
- The Psychological Record. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2015--31-Aug-2017 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Psychological Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Psychological Research / Psychologische Forschung. (NII-REO) (年月:1922-1999 巻号:1(1)-62(4))
- Psychological Research / Psychologische Forschung. (Springer) (年月:1921-1996 巻号:1-59(1-3))
- Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-Current)
- Psychological Thought. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Psychological Topics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2009-Current)
- Psychologist. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 1998-Mar 2006)
- Psychology & Health. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1999-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- Psychology in Russia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2019)
- Psychology in the schools. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:33-47(1))
- Psychology of Language and Communication. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Psychology & Marketing. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-Aug 2005)
- Psychology & Marketing (pre-1986). (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1984-Oct 1985)
- Psychology & Marketing (1986-1998). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1986-Dec 1998)
- Psychology and Psychotherapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1998-Jun 2006)
- Psychology Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2010-Sep 2014)
- Psychology Research and Behavior Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Psychology Today. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1992-Current)
- Psychology Today. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1988-Current) 欠:01-Jan-1990--31-Dec-1991
- Psychology of Well-Being. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2011-Nov 2016)
- Psychology, Community & Health. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2012-Jan 2019)
- Psychology, Health & Medicine. (CINAHL) (年月:Oct 1997-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- Psychology, Health & Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:May 1998-Nov 2000)
- Psychology, Health & Medicine. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:2-Current)
- Psychometrika. (NII-REO) (年月:1936-1999 巻号:1(1)-64(4))
- Psychometrika. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2000-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2002; 01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2004 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Psychomusicology. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2002-Current)
- Psychoneuroendocrinology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1976-1994 巻号:1-19)
- Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2011-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Psychonomic Bulletin and Review. (Springer) (年月:2001- (Free after 24 months) 巻号:8-) Free after 24 months. All articles with more than two years are freely available; updated every January.
- Psycho-Oncologie. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2017-Current)
- Psycho-Oncology. (Wiley) (年月:1992-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.1-18,19(1))
- Psychopathology. (Karger) (年月:1968-2013 巻号:1-46) 継続前誌: Psychiatria Clinica (1968-1983年)
- Psychopathology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1998-Dec 2015)
- Psychopharm Review. (LWW) (年月:2007-2014 巻号:42(6)-49(1)) 継続前誌: International Drug Therapy Newsletter
- Psychopharmacology. (NII-REO) (年月:1959-1999 巻号:1(1)-147(3))
- Psychopharmacology. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Psychopharmacology. (Springer) (年月:1959-1996 巻号:1-128)
- Psychopharmacology Bulletin. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1995-Jan 1998)
- Psychosomatic Medicine. (LWW) (年月:1939-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Psychosomatics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-May 2011)
- Psychotherapies. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-(90 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:90日
- Psychotherapy and Politics International. (Wiley) (年月:2003-2009 巻号:Vol.1-7)
- Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. (Karger) (年月:1953-Current 巻号:1-82,90-Current) 継続前誌:Acta Psychotherapeutica et Psychosomatica (1953-1964年)
- Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1998-Oct 2015)
- Psychotherapy Research. (NII-REO) (年月:2001-2003 巻号:11(1)-13(4))
- Psykhe. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Current)
- Psykhe (Santiago). (年月:2004-Current 巻号:2004-Current) FREE
- PT in Motion. (CINAHL) (年月:Oct 2009-Jun 2020)
- PT: Magazine of Physical Therapy. (CINAHL) (年月:Jul 2000-Sep 2009)
- Public Administration Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1988-Jan 2011)
- Public Choice. (Springer) (年月:1966-1996 巻号:1-89)
- Public Health Genomics. (Karger) (年月:1998-2013 巻号:1-16) 継続前誌: Community Genetics (1998-2008年)
- Public Health Genomics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Jul 2015)
- Public Health Nursing. (Wiley) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:14-Current)
- Public Health Nutrition. (Cambridge University Press) (年月:1998- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:1- (Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- Public Health Nutrition. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Public Health Reports. (NII-REO) (年月:2001-2003 巻号:116(1)-118(5))
- Public Health Reports. (PubMed Central) (年月:1974-(12 months ago) 巻号:89-(12 months ago)) Free: after 12 months. 継続前誌も閲覧可能(1878-1974年)
- Public Health Reviews. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2020)
- The Public Historian. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Jul 2012)
- Public Interest. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1988-Apr 2005) 欠:01-Jan-1992--31-Jan-1993
- Public Personnel Management. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1981-Current)
- Public Personnel Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1996-Jun 2017)
- The Public Relations Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1993-May 1995)
- Pulmonary Circulation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Pulmonary Infection : an Atlas of Investigation and Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Jan 2005)
- Pulmonary Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Pulmonary Pharmacology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1988-1994 巻号:1-7) Continued as Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics
- Pulse. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Apr 2012)
- Pure and Applied Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2012-Current)
- Pure and Applied Chemistry. Chimie Pure et Appliquee. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Dec 2018)
- Pure and Applied Geophysics. (Springer) (年月:1939-1996 巻号:1-148)
- Purinergic Signaling. (PubMed Central) (年月:2004-(6 months ago) 巻号:1-(6 months ago)) usually available in PMC after a 6-month delay (embargo)
- PVRI Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2013)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z| 和文誌

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 和文誌
- Rabbit Genetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2012-Current)
- Race and Social Problems. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2009-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1969-1996 巻号:1-141(1)) 継続前誌:Radiation Effects (1969-1989年)含む
- Radiation Environment and Medicine. (Hirosaki University Press) (年月:2013-Current 巻号:Vol.1-Current) FREE. 弘前大学
- Radiation and Environmental Biophysics. (NII-REO) (年月:1963-1999 巻号:1(1)-38(4))
- Radiation and Environmental Biophysics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2002-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Radiation and Environmental Biophysics. (Springer) (年月:1963-1996 巻号:1-35)
- Radiation measurements. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1995-Current 巻号:24-Current)
- Radiation Oncology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Radiation Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Radiation Oncology Investigations. (Wiley) (年月:1993-1999 巻号:1-7) Associated Title(s): International Journal of Cancer
- Radiation protection dosimetry. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-1997 巻号:63(1)-74(4)) 欠あり
- Radiation Protection Dosimetry. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1981-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Radiation Protection and Environment. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2012-Current)
- Radiation Research. (Allen Press) (年月:1954-Current 巻号:Vol.1-Current) BioOne(https://bioone.org/journals/radiation-research)にも収録されていますが、アクセスできません。
- Radiation Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2012-Nov 2016)
- Radiation Safety Management. (J-STAGE) (年月:2002-Current) FREE
- RadioGraphics. (Radiological Society of North America) (年月:1981- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:1- (Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- Radiologia Brasileira. (年月:2001-Current 巻号:34-Current) FREE
- Radiological physics and technology. (Springer) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:1-Current) 日本医学物理学会・日本放射線技術学会
- The Radiologist. (LWW) (年月:1998-2003 巻号:5-10(6))
- Radiology. (Radiological Society of North America) (年月:1923-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Radiology and Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2007-Current)
- Radiology Research and Practice. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Radiology. Artificial intelligence. (PubMed Central) (年月:2019-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Radiology. Cardiothoracic imaging. (PubMed Central) (年月:2019-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Radiology. Imaging cancer. (PubMed Central) (年月:2019-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics. (Springer) (年月:1965-1996 巻号:8-39)
- Radiotherapy and Oncology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1983-Current 巻号:Vol.1-Current)
- Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.10-23,24(1-2))
- Rare Tumors. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Current)
- RCM midwives. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2005-Dec 2007) 継続後誌: Midwives
- RCOE (Revista del Consejo de Odontologos y Estomatologos). (年月:2002- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:7- (Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- RDH. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Dec 2013)
- RE:view. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Jan 2008)
- Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters. (Springer) (年月:1974-1996 巻号:1-59) 2010年誌名変更 Reaction kinetics, mechanisms and catalysis.
- Reactions Weekly. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2008-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Reading Research Quarterly. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Dec 2011)
- Reading and Writing. (Springer) (年月:1989-1996 巻号:1-8)
- Real Living with Multiple Sclerosis. (LWW) (年月:1996-2010 巻号:3-6,8-17)
- REAL Wellness Report. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2014-Current) 欠:01-Jul-2014--31-Oct-2015
- Real-Time Systems. (Springer) (年月:1989-1996 巻号:1-11)
- ReCALL : the Journal of EUROCALL. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- The Receivables Report. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2008-Current)
- Recent Progress in Hormone Research. (年月:2001-2004 巻号:Vol.56-59) FREE. Ceased publication in 2004. Absorbed by Endocrine Reviews.
- Reclaiming Children and Youth. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1998-Jul 2015)
- Record. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1999-(1 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:1日
- Recorde. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2008-Current)
- Recovery from “Schizophrenia” and other “Psychotic Disorders” [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2018-Current)
- Redox Biology. (Elsevier) (年月:2013-Current 巻号:1(1)-Current) ScienceDirect
- Reed Smith's Health Industry Washington Watch [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2018-Current)
- Reflections on nursing leadership. (CINAHL) (年月:Jun 2005-Oct 2019)
- Refractories and Industrial Ceramics. (Springer) (年月:1960-1996 巻号:1-37)
- Regeneration. (Wiley) (年月:2014-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- Regenerative Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Nov 2020) 欠:01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2017
- Regenerative Medicine Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Regenerative therapy. (Elsevier) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:1-Current) ScienceDirect. Open Access. 日本再生医療学会
- Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine. (LWW) (年月:1976-2003 巻号:1-28(6))
- Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1976-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Registered Nurse: Journal of Patient Advocacy. (CINAHL) (年月:Jun 2006-Dec 2009)
- Regulation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1997-Current)
- Rehab Management (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:May 2006-Current)
- Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2002-Mar 2008)
- Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-Apr 2010)
- Rehabilitation nursing. (LWW) (年月:1975-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Rehabilitation Nursing. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1998-Nov 2013)
- Rehabilitation Nursing. (Wiley) (年月:1997-2016 巻号:22-41) 2017年よりLWWへ移管
- Rehabilitation oncology. (LWW) (年月:1982-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Rehabilitation Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-Jul 2015)
- Rehabilitation Process and Outcome. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Rehabilitation R&D Progress Reports. (CINAHL) (年月:Dec 1994-Jul 1998)
- Rehabilitation Research, Policy, and Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Jul 2016)
- Remedial and Special Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-May 2010)
- Renal failure. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:19-Current) open access journal
- Renal Replacement Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2015-Current)
- Renal Society of Australasia Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2008-Current)
- Renal & Urology News. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2008-Current)
- Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2020-Current)
- Reports in Medical Imaging. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Reports in Parasitology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2016) 欠:01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2014
- Reproduction. (年月:1960- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:1- (Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- Reproduction Humaine et Hormones. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2010-Jan 2015) 欠:01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011; 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2014
- Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology. (年月:2003-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open access
- Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Reproductive Biology Insights. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2016) 欠:01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2012
- Reproductive Health. (年月:2004-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Reproductive Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Reproductive Immunology and Biology. (J-STAGE) (年月:2003-2017 巻号:V.18-Current) FREE
- Reproductive Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2020-Current)
- Reproductive Medicine and Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2002-Current)
- Reproductive medicine and biology. (Wiley) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal. 日本生殖医学会
- Requirements Engineering. (Springer) (年月:1996-1996 巻号:1-1)
- Res Publica. (Springer) (年月:1995-1996 巻号:1-2)
- Research and Development in Medical Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Research Directions: One Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2023-Current)
- Research in Developmental Disabilities. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1987-1994 巻号:8-15) Incorporating Analysis and Intervention in Developmental Disabilities and Applied Research in Mental Retardation
- Research in Engineering Design. (Springer) (年月:1989-1996 巻号:1-8)
- Research in Experimental Medicine. (NII-REO) (年月:1913-1999 巻号:1(1)-199(6))
- Research in Experimental Medicine. (Springer) (年月:1913-1996 巻号:1-196) 含: Zeitschrift für die gesamte experimentelle Medizin(1913-1965) Zeitschrift für die gesamte experimentelle Medizin einschliesslich experimentelle Chirurgie(1966-1971). 現誌名: Clinical and experimental medicine(2001-)
- Research in Gerontological Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2008-Dec 2010)
- Research in Gerontological Nursing. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Research in Healthcare Financial Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Jan 2009)
- Research in Higher Education. (Springer) (年月:1973-1996 巻号:1-37)
- Research in immunology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1995-1998 巻号:146-149)
- Research in Nondestructive Evaluation. (Springer) (年月:1989-1996 巻号:1-8)
- Research in Nursing & Health. (Wiley) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:19-Current)
- Research in the Schools. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2006-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2014; 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020
- Research in Science & Technological Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1997-May 2000)
- Research in virology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1995-1998 巻号:146-149)
- Research Integrity and Peer Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Research involvement and engagement. (BioMed Central) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open access
- Research Involvement and Engagement. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Research Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Research journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Research Journal of Science and Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2003-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Research and Opinion in Anesthesia & Intensive Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Research and Practice in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2014-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2017-Current)
- Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1992-Dec 2016)
- Research and Reports in Biochemistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2016)
- Research and Reports in Biodiversity Studies. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2016) 欠:01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2014
- Research and Reports in Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2018)
- Research Reports in Clinical Cardiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Research and Reports in Endocrine Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2016)
- Research and Reports in Neonatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Research and Reports in Tropical Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Research and Reports in Urology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Research Results in Pharmacology. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2019-Sep 2019)
- Research and Science Today. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2011-Current)
- Research and Theory for Nursing Practice. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1987-Oct 2016)
- Respiration. (Karger) (年月:1944-2013 巻号:1-86) Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Tuberkulose (1944–1955年) → Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Tuberkulose und Pneumologie (1956–1961年) → Medicina Thoracalis (1962–1967年)
- Respiration. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Dec 2015)
- Respiration Physiology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1966-1994 巻号:1-98) Continued as Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology
- Respiratory care. (Health Science) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:43-Current)
- Respiratory Medicine. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1989-(24 months ago) 巻号:83-(24 months ago)) Title discontinued as of 2022; Formerly known as British Journal of Diseases of the Chest. フルテキスト掲載延期期間:2年間
- Respiratory Medicine CME. (年月:2008-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Respiratory Research. (BioMed Central) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal
- Respiratory Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Respirology Case Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2013-Current)
- Respirology Case Reports. (Wiley) (年月:2013-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- Restaurants & Institutions. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1996-Apr 2010)
- Rethinking Ecology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Jan 2019)
- Retina. (LWW) (年月:1981-Current 巻号:1(2)-Current)
- RETINAL Cases & Brief Reports. (LWW) (年月:2007-2018 巻号:1-12)
- Retraction Watch [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2018-Current)
- Retrovirology. (年月:2004-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Retrovirology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Retrovirology: Research and Treatment. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2017) 欠:01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2016
- Reumatismo. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2009-Current)
- Reumatologia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Review of Accounting Studies. (Springer) (年月:1996-1996 巻号:1-1)
- The Review of Austrian Economics. (Springer) (年月:1987-1996 巻号:1-9)
- Review of Derivatives Research. (Springer) (年月:1996-1996 巻号:1-1)
- Review of Educational Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1988-Dec 2009)
- Review of Higher Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Review of Industrial Organization. (Springer) (年月:1984-1996 巻号:1-11)
- Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2014-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Review of Managerial Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2007-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Review of Philosophy and Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2010-Dec 2018)
- Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting. (Springer) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-7)
- Reviews in American History. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2002-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Reviews in Clinical Gerontology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2001-Aug 2015)
- Reviews in Endocrine & Metabolic Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2002-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. (Springer) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-6)
- Reviews in Medical Microbiology. (LWW) (年月:1993-2018 巻号:4-29)
- Reviews in Medical Virology. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1997-Nov 2007)
- Reviews in Medical Virology. (Wiley) (年月:1991-2006/1/31 巻号:Vol.1-15,16(1))
- Reviews in the Neurosciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2013-Jan 2017)
- Reviews in Obstetrics and Gynecology. (PubMed Central) (年月:2008-2013 巻号:1-6) The journal has ceased publication.
- Reviews in Urology. (PubMed Central) (年月:1999-2020 巻号:1-22)
- Reviews on Environmental Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2015-Jul 2020)
- Revista Ambiente & Água. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Revista Argentina de Cardiologia. (年月:2005-Current 巻号:73(4)-Current) FREE
- Revista Argentina de Clínica Psicológica. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2007-Current)
- Revista Argentina de Dermatologia. (年月:2006-Current 巻号:87-Current) FREE
- Revista Argentina de Endocrinologia y Metabolismo. (年月:2007-Current 巻号:44-Current) FREE
- Revista Argentina de Microbiologia. (年月:2004-Current 巻号:36-Current) FREE
- Revista Argentina de Microbiología. (Elsevier Doyma) (年月:2013-Current 巻号:45(2)-Current) ScienceDirect
- Revista Brasileira de Anestesiologia. (年月:2002-Current 巻号:52(2)-Current) FREE
- Revista Brasileira de Biologia. (年月:1998-2001 巻号:58(3)-61(2)) Ceased publication in 2001. Continued by Brazilian Journal of Biology.
- Revista Brasileira de Ciencias Famaceuticas. (年月:2003-Current 巻号:39-Current) FREE
- Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular. (年月:1997-Current 巻号:12-Current) FREE
- Revista Brasileira de Coloproctologia. (年月:2006-Current 巻号:26-Current) FREE
- Revista Brasileira de Educacao Medica. (年月:2006-Current 巻号:30-Current) FREE
- Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem. (年月:2004-Current 巻号:57(5)-Current) FREE
- Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia. (年月:1998-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia (Brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy). (年月:2001-Current 巻号:11-Current) FREE
- Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia (Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy). (年月:2006-Current 巻号:10-Current) FREE
- Revista brasileira de ginecologia e obstetrícia. (Thieme Medical Publishers) (年月:2016-Current 巻号:38-Current) FREE
- Revista Brasileira de Psicodrama. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria. (Elsevier) (年月:Mar 2012-Current 巻号:34(1)-Current) ScienceDirect
- Revista Brasileira de Reumatologia. (Elsevier) (年月:Jan 2013-Current 巻号:53(1)-Current) ScienceDirect
- Revista Brasileira de Saude Materno-Infantil. (年月:2002-Current 巻号:2-Current) FREE
- Revista Brasileira de Terapia Intensiva. (Associação de Medicina Intensiva Brasileira) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:18-Current) FREE
- Revista Brasileira em Promocao da Saude. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Current)
- Revista Caatinga. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Current)
- Revista CES Psicología. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2010-Current)
- Revista Chilena de Anatomia. (年月:1997-Current 巻号:15-Current) FREE
- Revista Chilena de Cirugia. (年月:2006-Current 巻号:58-Current) FREE
- Revista Chilena de Enfermedades Respiratorias. (年月:2002-Current 巻号:18-Current) FREE
- Revista Chilena de Historia Natural. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2014-Current)
- Revista Chilena de Infectologia. (年月:2000-Current 巻号:17-Current) FREE
- Revista Chilena de Neuro-Psiquiatria. (年月:2000-Current 巻号:38-Current) FREE
- Revista Chilena de Nutricion. (年月:2002-Current 巻号:29-Current) FREE
- Revista Chilena de Obstetricia y Genicologia. (年月:2002-Current 巻号:67-Current) FREE
- Revista Chilena de Pediatria. (年月:1940-Current 巻号:11-Current) FREE
- Revista Chilena de Pediatría. (Elsevier) (年月:Jan 2015-Current 巻号:86(1)-Current) ScienceDirect
- Revista Chilena de Radiologia. (年月:2002-Current 巻号:8-Current) FREE
- Revista Científica ECOCIENCIA. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2014-Jun 2019)
- Revista Clinica de Medicina de Familia. (年月:2008-Current 巻号:2(3)-Current) FREE
- Revista Colombiana de Anestesiologia. (年月:2005-Current 巻号:33-Current) FREE
- Revista Colombiana de Bioética. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Pecuarias. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2012-Current)
- Revista Colombiana de Entomología. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Current)
- Revista Colombiana de Gastrenterologia. (年月:2003-Current 巻号:18-Current) FREE
- Revista Colombiana de Obstetricia e Ginecologia. (年月:2002-Current 巻号:53-Current) FREE
- Revista Complutense de Ciencias Veterinarias. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Jan 2018)
- Revista Cubana de Endocrinologia. (年月:2001-Current 巻号:12-Current) FREE
- Revista Cubana de Enfermeria. (年月:1995-Current 巻号:11-Current) FREE
- Revista Cubana de Estomatologia. (年月:1996-Current 巻号:33(2)-Current) FREE
- Revista Cubana de Farmacia. (年月:1995-Current 巻号:29(2)-Current) FREE
- Revista Cubana de Hematologia, Inmunologia y Hemoterapia. (年月:1999-Current 巻号:15-Current) FREE
- Revista Cubana de Higiene Y Epidemiologia. (年月:1995-Current 巻号:33-Current) FREE
- Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomedicas. (年月:1995-Current 巻号:14-Current) FREE
- Revista Cubana de Medicina. (年月:1995-Current 巻号:34-Current) FREE
- Revista Cubana de Medicina General Integral. (年月:1995-Current 巻号:11(2)-Current) FREE
- Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar. (年月:1996-Current 巻号:25-Current) FREE
- Revista Cubana de Medicina Tropical. (年月:1995-Current 巻号:47-Current) FREE
- Revista Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecologia. (年月:1995-Current 巻号:21-Current) FREE
- Revista Cubana de Oftalmologia. (年月:1999-Current 巻号:12-Current) FREE
- Revista Cubana de Pediatria. (年月:1995-Current 巻号:67-Current) FREE
- Revista Cubana de Plantas Medicinales. (年月:1996-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Revista Cubana de Salud Publica. (年月:2007-Current 巻号:33-Current) FREE
- Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Current)
- Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira. (Associação Médica Brasileira) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:43-Current) FREE
- Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira. (No longer published by Elsevier) (年月:Jan 2011-Dec 2013 巻号:57(1)-59(6)) ScienceDirect
- Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP. (Universidade de São Paulo, Escola de Enfermagem) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:34-Current) FREE
- Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1967-Nov 2018) 欠:01-Jan-1979--31-Dec-1979
- Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical. (Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:30-Current) FREE
- Revista de la Asociacion Espanola de Neuropsiquiatria. (年月:2001-Current 巻号:77-Current) FREE
- Revista de Enfermagem Referência. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Revista de la Facultad de Medicina. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Current)
- Revista de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional de. (年月:2005-Current 巻号:53-Current) FREE
- Revista de la Facultad de Odontología Universidad de Antioquia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2011-Current)
- Revista de Gastroenterología de México. (Elsevier Doyma) (年月:Apr 2012-Current 巻号:77(2)-Current) ScienceDirect
- Revista de Gastroenterologia del Peru. (年月:1995-Current 巻号:15-Current) FREE
- Revista de Investigacion Clinica. (年月:2004-Current 巻号:56-Current) FREE
- Revista de Medicina y Cine. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2013-Current)
- Revista de odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo. (Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo) (年月:1997-1999 巻号:11(2)-13) Ceased publication in 1999. Changed title, since 2000, to "Pesquisa odontológica brasileira".
- Revista de Ortopedie si Traumatologie a Asociatiei de Ortopedie Româno-Italo-Spaniole. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2010-Oct 2012)
- Revista de Otorrinolaringologia y Cirugia de Cabeza y Cuello. (年月:2006-Current 巻号:66-Current) FREE
- Revista de Psicologa del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones. (年月:2008-Current 巻号:24-Current) FREE
- Revista de Psicología. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Current)
- Revista de Psicología Aplicada al Deporte y al Ejercicio Físico. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2016-Current)
- Revista de Psicología del Deporte. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-Current)
- Revista de Psicología GEPU. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2011-Dec 2020)
- Revista de Psicopatología y Psicología Clinica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1996-Current)
- Revista de Salúd Publica. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2010-Current)
- Revista de saúde pública. (Universidade De Sao Paulo. Faculdade De Higiene E Saude Publica) (年月:1967-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Jan 2019)
- Revista de la Sociedad Espanola de Enfermeria Nefrologica. (年月:2004-Current 巻号:7-Current) FREE
- Revista de la Sociedad Espanola del Dolor. (年月:2004-Current 巻号:11-Current) FREE
- Revista del Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias. (年月:2004-Current 巻号:17-Current) FREE
- Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões. (Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:27-Current) FREE
- Revista do Departamento de Psicologia (Universidade Federal Fluminense). (年月:2005-2007 巻号:17-19) FREE. Ceased publication in 2007. Changed title to: Fractal: Revista de Psicologia
- Revista do Hospital das Clínicas. (Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo) (年月:1999-2004 巻号:54-59) Ceased publication in 2004. Continued by Clinics.
- Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1998-Current)
- Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo. (Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo) (年月:1990-Current 巻号:32-Current) FREE
- Revista Eletronica de Enfermagem. (CINAHL) (年月:Sep 2007-Current)
- Revista Espanola de Cirugia Oral y Maxilofacial. (年月:2003-Current 巻号:25(5)-Current) FREE
- Revista Espanola de Enfermedades Digestivas. (年月:2004-Current 巻号:96-Current) FREE
- Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Revista Espanola de Salud Publica. (年月:1997-Current 巻号:71-Current) FREE
- Revista Espanola de Sanidad Penitenciaria. (年月:2007-Current 巻号:9-Current) FREE
- Revista Espanola de Sanidad Penitenciaria. (年月:1997-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Revista iberoamericana de psicologia y salud.. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Revista Ingeniería Biomédica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jul 2017)
- Revista Interamericana de Psicologia Ocupacional. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Jan 2020)
- Revista Internacional de Ciencias Podológicas. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Jul 2019)
- Revista Investigaciones Aplicadas. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Jul 2015)
- Revista Latinoamericana de Bioética. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2012-Jun 2020)
- Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem. (Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo) (年月:1993-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Revista Latinoamericana de Hipertension. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Revista Latinoamericana de Psicopatologia Fundamental. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2010-Current)
- Revista Med. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2020)
- Revista Medica de Chile. (年月:1998-Current 巻号:126(7)-Current) FREE
- Revista Mexicana de Investigación en Psicología. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2014-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019
- Revista Odonto Ciencia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2018)
- Revista Paulista de Pediatria. (Elsevier) (年月:Sep 2014-Current 巻号:32(3)-Current) ScienceDirect
- Revista paulista de pediatria. (Sociedade De Pediatria De Sao Paulo) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:25(2)-Current) FREE
- Revista Peruana de Biologia. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2009-Current)
- Revista Romana de Bioetica. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2003-Jul 2015)
- Revista Salud Bosque. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2020-Current)
- Revolution: The Journal for RNs & Patient Advocacy. (CINAHL) (年月:Nov 2002-Feb 2006)
- La Revue de médecine interne. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1980-1994 巻号:Vol.1-15)
- Revue de Medecine Perinatale. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2017-Current)
- Revue D'information Scientifique et Technique. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2011)
- Revue Française d'Allergie. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1961-1969 巻号:1-9) Continued as Revue Française d'Allergologie (1970)
- Revue Française d'Allergologie (1970). (ScienceDirect) (年月:1970-1973 巻号:10-13) Formerly known as Revue Française d'Allergie; Continued as Revue Française d'Allergologie et d'Immunologie Clinique
- Revue Française d'Allergologie et d'Immunologie Clinique. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1974-1994 巻号:14-34) Formerly known as Revue Française d'Allergologie (1970); Continued as Revue Française d'Allergologie
- Revue Française de Transfusion. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1968-1974 巻号:11-17) Formerly known as Transfusion; Continued as Revue Française de Transfusion et Immuno-hématologie
- Revue Française de Transfusion et d'Hémobiologie. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1989-1993 巻号:32-36) Formerly known as Revue Française de Transfusion et Immuno-hématologie; Continued as Transfusion Clinique et Biologique
- Revue Française de Transfusion et Immuno-hématologie. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1975-1988 巻号:18-31) Formerly known as Revue Française de Transfusion; Continued as Revue Française de Transfusion et d'Hémobiologie
- Revue internationale de Psychosociologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2010-Apr 2017)
- Rheologica Acta. (Springer) (年月:1958-1996 巻号:1-35)
- Rhetoric of Health & Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Current)
- Rheumatologia. (年月:2005-Current 巻号:43-Current) FREE. This journal is open access. However, a free registration must be completed in order to access the articles.
- Rheumatology. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:35(1)-42(12))
- Rheumatology. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1952-(1 year ago) 巻号:1-(1 year ago)) Free: after 12 months. Annals of Physical Medicine 1952-01 through 1970-05 → Rheumatology and Physical Medicine 1970-08 through 1972-11 → Rheumatology and Rehabilitation 1973-02 through 1982-11 → British Journal of Rheumatology 1983 through 1999 → Rheumatology
- Rheumatology International. (NII-REO) (年月:1981-1999 巻号:1(1)-19(1/2))
- Rheumatology International. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Rheumatology International. (Springer) (年月:1981-1996 巻号:1-16(1-4))
- Rheumatology and Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2014-Sep 2019)
- Rheumatology and therapy. (Springer) (年月:2014-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access
- Rhode Island Medical Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Current)
- Rice Genomics and Genetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2018) 欠:01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017
- La Ricerca in Clinica e in Laboratorio. (NII-REO) (年月:1971-1999 巻号:1(1/4)-29(4))
- The Ring. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2002-Current)
- RIO. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2015-Current)
- Risk Analysis. (Wiley) (年月:1997-Jan. 2017 巻号:17-36,37(1))
- Risk Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1987-Current)
- The Rand Journal of Economics. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1987-Jul 2013)
- RMD Open. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- RN Update. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1999-Jan 2004)
- RNA. (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press) (年月:1995- (Free after 6 months) 巻号:1- (Free after 6 months)) Free after 6 months
- RNA Biology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2004- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:1- (Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- Robotics and Biomimetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2014-Dec 2018)
- Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. (Springer) (年月:1969-1996 巻号:1-29)
- Rocznik Kognitywistyczny. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2018)
- Roeper Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1998-Oct 2011)
- Romanian Archives of Microbiology and Immunology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- Romanian Journal of Experimental Applied Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Oct 2016)
- Romanian journal of internal medicine = Revue roumaine de médecine interne. (Sciendo) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:53-Current) Open Access
- Romanian journal of ophthalmology. (Romanian Society of Ophthalmology) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:59-Current) Free.
- Romanian Journal of School Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2017-Current)
- Romanian Journal of Urology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Roumanian archives of microbiology and immunology. (Institutul Cantacuzino) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:64-Current) Free
- Royal Society of Medicine (Great Britain). Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2001-Jul 2006)
- RSBO. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2010-Oct 2016)
- RT (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:May 2006-Current)
- Rural and Environment Engineering. (J-STAGE) (年月:1996-2003) FREE
- Rural and Remote Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Current)
- Russian Chemical Bulletin. (Springer) (年月:1952-1996 巻号:1-45)
- Russian Journal of Ecology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-Sep 2018)
- Russian Linguistics. (Springer) (年月:1974-1996 巻号:1-20)
- Russian Physics Journal. (Springer) (年月:1965-1996 巻号:1-39)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 和文誌
- SA Journal of Radiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Safe Healthcare [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2018-Mar 2020)
- Safe Motherhood. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Jan 2004)
- Safer Communities. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2003-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- The Safety & Health Practitioner. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1997-Jan 2016)
- Safety in Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2018)
- SAGE Open Medical Case Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2015
- SAGE open medical case reports. (Sage) (年月:2013-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal
- Sage Open Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017
- SAHARA J : journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS Research Alliance. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access Journal
- Saline Systems. (年月:2005-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Salud Publica de Mexico. (年月:2001-Current 巻号:43-Current) FREE
- Same-Day Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- SAMHSA/CSAT Treatment Improvement Protocols. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2007-Nov 2015) 欠:01-Jan-2009--31-Dec-2010
- Sanitation Value Chain. (J-STAGE) (年月:2017-2020) OPEN ACCESS
- São Paulo medical journal. (Associação Paulista de Medicina) (年月:1994-Current 巻号:112-Current) FREE
- Sapiens. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1993-1996 巻号:1-5)
- Sarcoma. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 1997-Current)
- Sarcoma. (Hindawi Publishing) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Saude e Sociedade. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2009-Current)
- Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology. (年月:1995-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Saudi Medical Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- Scandinavian Audiology. (CINAHL) (年月:Apr 1998-Dec 2001)
- Scandinavian Audiology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-2001 巻号:26-30)
- Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:31-Current) Open Access.
- Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1998-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. (Wiley) (年月:2001-Mar 2017 巻号:15-31(1))
- Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:57-Current)
- Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1998-Jun 2000)
- Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:32-Current)
- Scandinavian Journal of Immunology. (Wiley) (年月:1997-(12 months ago) 巻号:45-(12 months ago)) Free: Content older than 1 year back to Jan 1st 1997
- Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 1999-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:4-Current)
- Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care. (CINAHL) (年月:May 1998-Current)
- Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2011-Current)
- Scandinavian journal of primary health care. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1983-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal.
- Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. (CINAHL) (年月:Apr 1999-Dec 2007)
- Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:26-Current)
- Scandinavian Journal of Social Medicine. (CINAHL) (年月:May 1998-Dec 1998)
- Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine. (BioMed Central) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:16-Current) FREE
- Scandinavian journal of trauma, resuscitation and emergency medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2008-Current)
- Scandinavian Journal of Urology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2013-Current 巻号:47-Current) 継続前誌: Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology (1997-2012年) も利用可
- Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Current)
- Scanning. (Hindawi) (年月:2017-Current 巻号:2017-Current) open access
- Scanning. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Scanning. (Wiley) (年月:1994-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.16-31,32(1))
- Scars, Burns and Healing. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Schizophrenia Bulletin. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1996-(1 year ago) 巻号:22-(1 year ago)) Free after 12 months
- Schizophrenia Research. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1988-1994 巻号:1-14)
- Schizophrenia Research and Treatment. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Schizophrenia research. Cognition. (Elsevier) (年月:2014-Current 巻号:1-Current) ScienceDirect. open access journal
- Scholars' Research Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2012)
- School Community Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2002-Current)
- School Health. (J-STAGE) (年月:2005-Current) FREE
- School Psychology Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1998-Jan 2022)
- SciBX. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Dec 2014)
- SciDev.net-Communication. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2003-Current)
- SciDev.net-Enterprise. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2003-Current)
- SciDev.net-Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2003-Current)
- Science. (American Association for the Advancement of Science) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:275-Current)
- Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1988-Dec 2005)
- Science Activities. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1996-Oct 2010)
- Science advances. (American Association for the Advancement of Science) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:1-Current) Free
- Science and Children. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-Current)
- Science China. Life Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-Dec 2018)
- Science & Education. (Springer) (年月:1992-1996 巻号:1-5)
- Science Education. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.81-93,94(1))
- Science Educator. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2002-Current)
- Science and Engineering Ethics. (NII-REO) (年月:1995-1999 巻号:1(1)-5(4))
- Science and Engineering Ethics. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Science and Enterprise [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2018-Current)
- Science of Gymnastics Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Science Illustrated. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Mar 2013)
- Science in Context. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Science & Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2005-Jun 2005)
- The Science of Nature. (Springer) (年月:1913-1996 巻号:1-83) 誌名変遷: Die Naturwissenschaften (-2014) → The Science of Nature(2015-)
- Science News. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-Apr 2015)
- Science News for Students. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2006-Apr 2015)
- Science Progress. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2001-Dec 2019)
- Science Scope. (ProQuest) (年月:May 1997-Current)
- Science & Society. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1994-Oct 2017)
- Science & Sports. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1986-1994 巻号:1-9)
- Science translational medicine. (American Association for the Advancement of Science) (年月:2009-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Science World. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-May 2015)
- Science, Technology and Arts Research Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jan 2016)
- Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-Apr 2001)
- Scientia Magna. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Current)
- Scientia Pharmaceutica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Scientific Data. (Nature) (年月:2014-Current 巻号:2014-Current) FREE. (Nature / open-access journal)
- Scientific Data. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2014-Current)
- Scientific Journal of Dentistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Jan 2015)
- Scientific Reports. (Nature) (年月:2011-Current 巻号:2011-Current) FREE. (Nature / Open Access journal)
- Scientific Reports (Nature Publisher Group). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine. (CINAHL) (年月:Oct 2004-Dec 2007)
- The Scientific World Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- The Scientist. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2002-May 2013)
- Scientometrics. (Springer) (年月:1978-1996 巻号:1-37)
- Scitech Book News. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2000-Dec 2010)
- Scoliosis and spinal disorders. (BioMed Central) (年月:2016-2019 巻号:11-14) FREE 継続前誌(~2015年)も閲覧可能
- Scoliosis and Spinal Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2019)
- Screening. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1992-1994 巻号:1-3(3)) 吸収後誌:Early Human Development
- Search. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1997-Nov 1997)
- Searcher. (CINAHL) (年月:Jul 1996-Dec 2012)
- Security Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2007-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Seizure. (Elsevier) (年月:1995-(12 months ago) 巻号:4-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化. ScienceDirect
- Selecta Mathematica, New Series. (Springer) (年月:1981-1996 巻号:1-2)
- Self-Care, Dependent-Care & Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Apr 2003-Mar 2016)
- Semigroup Forum. (Springer) (年月:1970-1996 巻号:1-53)
- Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1971-1994 巻号:1-24)
- Seminars in hearing. (PubMed Central) (年月:2012-(12 months ago) 巻号:33-(12 months ago)) generally available in PMC after a 12-month delay (embargo).
- Seminars in Immunology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1993-1994 巻号:5-6)
- Seminars in Immunopathology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Seminars in interventional radiology. (PubMed Central) (年月:2004-(12 months ago) 巻号:21-(12 months ago)) generally available in PMC after a 12-month delay (embargo).
- Seminars in Nuclear Medicine. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1971-1994 巻号:1-24)
- Seminars in Oncology Nursing. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1985-1994 巻号:Vol.1-10)
- Seminars in Ophthalmology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:12-Current)
- Seminars in plastic surgery. (PubMed Central) (年月:2004-(12 months ago) 巻号:18-(12 months ago)) generally available in PMC after a 12-month delay (embargo).
- Seminars in Radiation Oncology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1991-1994 巻号:Vol.1-4)
- Seminars in Roentgenology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1966-1994 巻号:1-29)
- Seminars in Surgical Oncology. (Wiley) (年月:1985-2003 巻号:Vol.1-21)
- Seminars in Ultrasound, CT and MRI. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1993-1994 巻号:14-15)
- Sensing and Imaging. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-Dec 2013)
- Sensors. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-Current)
- Sensory Integration Special Interest Section Quarterly / American Occupational Therapy Association. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2006-Dec 2015)
- Separation and purification methods. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1972-1996 巻号:1-25) リンク先は継続後誌:Separation and Purification Reviews
- Separation Science and Technology. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1966-1996 巻号:1-31) 継続前誌:Separation Science (1966-1977年)含む
- Sequencing. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2013) 欠:01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011
- Sequential Analysis : Design Methods and Applications. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1982-1996 巻号:1-15) 継続前誌:Communications in Statistics. Part C: Sequential Analysis (1982-1983年)含む
- Serodiagnosis and Immunotherapy in Infectious Disease. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1987-1994 巻号:1-6) Continued as Opportunistic Pathogens
- Set-Valued and Variational Analysis. (Springer) (年月:1993-1996 巻号:1-4) 誌名変遷: Set-valued analysis(1993-2008) → Set-valued and variational analysis(2009-)
- Sex Roles. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 1995-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Sex Roles. (Springer) (年月:1975-1996 巻号:1-35)
- Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment. (Springer) (年月:1988-1996 巻号:1-8)
- Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1994-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- Sexual Development. (Karger) (年月:2007-2013 巻号:Vol.1-7)
- Sexual Health (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Sexual Health & Compulsivity. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2021-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- Sexual Medicine. (Wiley) (年月:2013-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- Sexual Plant Reproduction. (NII-REO) (年月:1988-1999 巻号:1(1)-12(3))
- Sexual & Relationship Therapy. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 2000-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- Sexual and Relationship Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:May 1998-Nov 2000)
- Sexuality & Culture. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Sexuality & Disability. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 1997-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- Sexuality and Disability. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Sexuality and Disability. (Springer) (年月:1978-1996 巻号:1-14)
- Sexuality Research & Social Policy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Sexualization, Media and Society. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2015-Mar 2017)
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases. (LWW) (年月:1977-Current 巻号:4-Current) 継続前誌: Journal of the American Venereal Disease Association (1974-1976年)
- Sexually Transmitted Infections. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1998-(219 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:219日
- Sexually Transmitted Infections. (PubMed Central) (年月:1998-2007 巻号:74-83) 継続前誌 (Genitourinary medicine 等) もアクセス可 (1925-1997年) v1-73
- SGA Journal. (LWW) (年月:1977-1988 巻号:1(2)-10(4)) 継続後誌: Gastroenterology Nursing (1989年-)
- Shape. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1997-Jan 2018)
- SharpBrains [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2018-Current)
- Shock. (LWW) (年月:1994-2018 巻号:1-50)
- Shock Waves. (Springer) (年月:1990-1996 巻号:1-6)
- Shots [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Apr 2023)
- The Showa University Journal of Medical Sciences. (J-STAGE) (年月:1989-Current) FREE
- SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Jul 2014)
- SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1953-May 2014)
- SIAM Journal on Computing. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1972-May 2014)
- SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1962-May 2014)
- SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1988-Jul 2014)
- SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2014)
- SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jul 2014)
- SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1970-May 2014)
- SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1980-Jul 2014)
- SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1964-May 2014)
- SIAM Journal on Optimization. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1991-Jul 2014)
- SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1980-May 2014)
- SIAM Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1959-Jun 2014) 欠:01-Jan-1992--31-Dec-2009
- Siberian Mathematical Journal. (Springer) (年月:1966-1996 巻号:7-37)
- SICOT-J. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Sierra. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1988-Nov 2002)
- Sign Language Studies. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2002-Current)
- Signal Transduction. (Wiley) (年月:2001-2007 巻号:Vol.1-7)
- Signal Transduction Insights. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2017)
- Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Signum Temporis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2017)
- Simulation in Healthcare: The Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare. (LWW) (年月:2006-2018 巻号:1-13)
- Singapore Dental Journal. (Elsevier) (年月:Jun 2010-Current 巻号:31(1)-Current) ScienceDirect
- Singapore Medical Journal. (Singapore Medical Association) (年月:1960-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Singapore Nursing Journal. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2005-Current)
- SIS Journal of Projective Psychology & Mental Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-Current)
- Şişli Etfal Hastanesi Tip Bülteni. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Skeletal Muscle. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Skeletal Radiology. (NII-REO) (年月:1976-1999 巻号:1(1)-28(12))
- Skeletal Radiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Skeletal Radiology. (Springer) (年月:1976-1996 巻号:1-25)
- Skeptic. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Current)
- The Skeptical Inquirer. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1990-Nov 2007)
- Skin Pharmacology and Physiology. (Karger) (年月:1988-2013 巻号:1-26) Skin Pharmacology (1988-1997年) → Skin Pharmacology and Applied Skin Physiology (1998-2003年)
- Skin Pharmacology and Physiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Aug 2015)
- Skin Research and Technology. (Wiley) (年月:1995-Current 巻号:1-3,28-Current) 2022年オープンアクセス化
- Skull Base. (PubMed Central) (年月:2001-2011 巻号:11-21) 継続前誌: Skull base surgery. 継続後誌: Journal of neurological surgery. Part B, Skull base.
- Skull base reports. (Thieme) (年月:2011-2011 巻号:1) Free.
- Skull Base Surgery. (PubMed Central) (年月:1991-2000 巻号:1-10) 継続後誌: Skull base. 現誌名: Journal of neurological surgery. Part B, Skull base
- Sleep. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1978- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:1- (Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- Sleep. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2016-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Sleep and Breathing. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Sleep Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Sleep & Hypnosis. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2006-Dec 2019)
- Sleep and Hypnosis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Jan 2010)
- Sleep and Hypnosis (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2019)
- Sleep Review (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2000-Current)
- Sleep Science and Practice. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- Sloan Management Review (1986-1998). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1986-Oct 1987)
- Sloan Management Review (pre-1986). (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1970-Oct 1985)
- Slovak Raptor Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Current)
- Small. (Wiley) (年月:2005-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.1-5,6(1-2))
- Small Business Economics. (Springer) (年月:1989-1996 巻号:1-8)
- Smart Engage. In Depth Report. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2016-Nov 2020)
- Smith College Studies in Social Work. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1998-Jul 2009)
- Smithiana. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2010-Apr 2011)
- Smithsonian. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1996-Current)
- Social Behavior and Personality. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Current)
- Social Care and Neurodisability. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Oct 2014)
- Social Choice and Welfare. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Social Choice and Welfare. (Springer) (年月:1984-1996 巻号:1-14(1))
- Social Cognition. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1982-Dec 2017)
- Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. (Oxford University Press) (年月:2006-(1 year ago) 巻号:1-(1 year ago)) Free after 12 months
- Social Forces. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1988-Jun 2011)
- Social History of Medicine. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:9(1)-16(2))
- Social History of Medicine. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1988-1995 巻号:1-8)
- Social Indicators Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Social Indicators Research. (Springer) (年月:1974-1996 巻号:1-39)
- Social Justice Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Social Justice Research. (Springer) (年月:1987-1996 巻号:1-9)
- Social and Natural Sciences Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2016)
- Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. (NII-REO) (年月:1966-1999 巻号:1(1)-34(12))
- Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. (Springer) (年月:1966-1996 巻号:1-31)
- Social Psychology of Education : An International Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1996-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Social Psychology Quarterly. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1995-Jun 2013)
- Social Security Bulletin. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1987-Current)
- Social Theory & Health. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2003-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Social Work. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1993-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- Social Work. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1988-Oct 2012)
- Social Work and Christianity. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2008-(90 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:90日
- Social Work Research. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 1995-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- Social Work Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1997-Dec 2012)
- Society. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics and Association for Computing Machinery. Proceeding of the ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2012)
- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Proceedings of the SIAM Conference on Mathematics for Industry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2009)
- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Proceedings of the SIAM International Conference on Data Mining. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-Jan 2012)
- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Proceedings of the Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Jan 2012)
- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Proceedings of the Workshop on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics (ANALCO). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Jan 2012)
- Socioaffective Neuroscience & Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jan 2018)
- Sociological Perspectives. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2002-Dec 2012)
- Sociological Quarterly. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Oct 2004)
- Sociology of Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-Apr 2013)
- Sociology of Health & Illness. (Wiley) (年月:1979-(3 years ago) 巻号:1-(3 years ago)) Free: Content older than 3 calendar years
- Software Quality Journal. (Springer) (年月:1992-1996 巻号:1-5)
- Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. (Springer) (年月:1964-1996 巻号:1-33)
- Soil Science. (LWW) (年月:1916-2019 巻号:1-184(3))
- Soil and Water Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Current)
- Solar Physics. (Springer) (年月:1967-1996 巻号:1-169)
- Somatic Cell and Molecular Genetics. (Springer) (年月:1975-1996 巻号:1-22)
- Somatosensory & Motor Research. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:14-Current)
- Sommerfeltia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2018) 欠:01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2017; 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2021
- Soundings. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2007-Dec 2020)
- Source Code for Biology and Medicine. (BioMed Central) (年月:2006-2020 巻号:1-15) FREE
- Source Code for Biology and Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2020)
- South Africa Pharmaceutical Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2016-Current)
- The South African General Practitioner. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2020-Current)
- The South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2018-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019
- The South African journal of communication disorders = Die Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir Kommunikasieafwykings. (AOSIS Publishing) (年月:2010-Current 巻号:57-Current) open access journal
- South African Journal of Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- South African Journal of Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- South African Journal of Sports Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1982-Current) 欠:01-Jan-1984--31-Dec-1985; 01-Jan-1993--31-Dec-1993; 01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2000; 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2002
- South African Journal of Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Current)
- South African Orthopaedic Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2019-Current)
- South African Pharmacist’s Assistant. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2016-Current)
- South Carolina Nurse. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- The South Carolina Nurse. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Current)
- South Dakota nurse. (CINAHL) (年月:Dec 2004-Aug 2010)
- Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Current)
- Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Southern Clinics of Istanbul Eurasia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2020-Jan 2020)
- Southern Medical Journal. (LWW) (年月:1908-2018 巻号:1-111)
- Southern Online Journal of Nursing Research. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2000-Apr 2011)
- The Southwestern Naturalist. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2007-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020
- Sozial- und Präventivmedizin. (NII-REO) (年月:1956-1999 巻号:1(1/6)-44(6))
- Space Science Reviews. (Springer) (年月:1962-1996 巻号:1-78)
- The Spanish Journal of Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2004-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1995-2013 巻号:Vol.51-116)
- Spectroscopy Letters. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1968-1996 巻号:1-29)
- Spectrum. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Apr 2005)
- Speculum-Zeitschrift für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe. (年月:2000-Current 巻号:2000-Current) FREE
- Speech, Language and Hearing. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2013-Current 巻号:16-Current) 継続前誌: Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing (1997-2012年) も利用可
- Spinal Cord. (Nature) (年月:1963-(1 year ago) 巻号:1-(1 year ago)) 1年経過後Free化
- Spinal Cord. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Spinal Cord Series and Cases. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2015-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Spine. (LWW) (年月:1976-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- The spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine Society. (ScienceDirect) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Spine Surgery and Related Research. (J-STAGE) (年月:2017-Current) FREE
- Spine Surgery Today. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Sep 2016)
- Spine: Affiliated Society Meeting Abstracts. (LWW) (年月:2001-2017 巻号:2001-2017)
- Spirituality and Health International. (Wiley) (年月:2003-2008 巻号:Vol.4-9)
- Sport Science Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2010-Jan 2016)
- Sports. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2013-Current)
- Sports Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2008-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Sports Medicine & Arthroscopy Review. (LWW) (年月:1993-2018 巻号:1-26)
- Springer Nature Medical Video. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- Springer Seminars in Immunopathology. (NII-REO) (年月:1978-1999 巻号:1(1)-21(3))
- Springer Seminars in Immunopathology. (Springer) (年月:1978-1996 巻号:1-18(1-2)) 現誌名: Seminars in immunopathology. (2007年~)
- SpringerPlus. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2012-Feb 2018)
- SRNA Newsbulletin. (CINAHL) (年月:Nov 1999-Sep 2021)
- SSM-population health. (Elsevier) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access. ScienceDirect
- Stahlbau. (Wiley) (年月:2004-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.73-78,79(1))
- Stanford Law Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2005-Current)
- Stanford Nurse. (CINAHL) (年月:Oct 2005-Mar 2013)
- Stapp Car Crash Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2003-Current)
- Starch = Stärke. (Wiley) (年月:1998-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.50-61,62(1))
- STAT. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2015-(7 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:7日
- Stat: Bulletin of the Wisconsin Nurses Association. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1995-Jul 2014)
- State Health Watch. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Dec 2011)
- State Legislatures. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1997-Current)
- The State of the World's Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Jan 2016)
- Statistical Communications in Infectious Diseases. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2016)
- Statistical Methods in Medical Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Dec 2015)
- Statistics : A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1977-1996 巻号:8-28) 継続前誌:Series Statistics (1977-1984年) 含む
- Statistics and Computing. (Springer) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-6)
- Statistics in Medicine. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.15-28,29(1-2))
- Statistics, Politics, and Policy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Stem Cell Reports. (Cell Press) (年月:2013-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE. (ScienceDirect / Open Access)
- Stem Cell Research. (Elsevier) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) ScienceDirect
- Stem Cell Research & Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Stem Cell Reviews and Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2005-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Stem cells. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2021 巻号:14-31) 2022年Oxford University Pressへ
- Stem Cells and Cloning. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Stem Cells International. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Stem Cells Translational Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Stem cells translational medicine. (Wiley) (年月:2012-2021 巻号:1-10) Open Access. 2022年Oxford University Pressへ
- Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery. (Karger) (年月:1938-2013 巻号:Vol.1-91)
- Stochastic Analysis and Applications. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1983-1996 巻号:1-14)
- Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. (Springer) (年月:1987-1996 巻号:1-10) Stochastic hydrology and hydraulics (~1998年)
- Stochastics and Stochastic Reports. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1975-1996 巻号:1-59) 継続前誌:Stochastics (1975-1988年)含む リンク先は継続後誌:Stochastics : An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes
- Strabismus. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:5-Current)
- Strahlentherapie und Onkologie. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Strategic Management Journal. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.17-30,31(1))
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- Strategies in Trauma and Limb Reconstruction. (Springer) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal
- Strategies in trauma and limb reconstruction.. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2008-Nov 2018) 欠:01-Jan-2010--31-Dec-2011
- Strength & Conditioning. (LWW) (年月:1994-1998 巻号:16-20) 継続前誌: National Strength & Conditioning Association Journal (1983-1993年); 継続後誌: Strength & Conditioning Journal (1999年-)
- Strength & Conditioning Journal. (LWW) (年月:1999-2018 巻号:21-40) 継続前誌: Strength & Conditioning
- Strength and Conditioning Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2004-Jun 2011)
- Strength of Materials. (Springer) (年月:1969-1996 巻号:1-28)
- Stress : The International Journal on the Biology of Stress. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:1(3)-Current) Open Access.
- Stress and Health. (Wiley) (年月:2001-2009 巻号:Vol.17-25) 継続前誌: Stress medicine
- Stress Medicine. (Wiley) (年月:1996-1999 巻号:Vol.12-16) 継続後誌: Stress and health
- Stroke. (American Heart Association) (年月:1970-Current 巻号:1-Current) (Atypon)
- Stroke. (LWW) (年月:1970-Current 巻号:1-Current) (Ovid)
- Stroke Research and Treatment. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Stroke and Vascular Neurology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2016-Current)
- Strombus. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2020) 欠:01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017
- Structural Chemistry. (Springer) (年月:1990-1996 巻号:1-7)
- Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. (Springer) (年月:1989-1996 巻号:1-12)
- Structure. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1993-(1 year ago) 巻号:1-(1 year ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:1年間
- Student BMJ. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1999-Feb 2018)
- Studia Botánica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2010)
- Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica. (Springer) (年月:1957-1996 巻号:1-40)
- Studia Logica. (Springer) (年月:1953-1996 巻号:1-57)
- Studia Psychologica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Current)
- Studia Psychologiczne. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2012)
- Studia Universitatis "Vasile Goldis" Arad. Seria Stiintele Vietii (Life Sciences Series). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Current)
- Studies by Undergraduate Researchers at Guelph. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Current)
- Studies in East European Thought. (Springer) (年月:1961-1996 巻号:1-48)
- Studies in Family Planning. (Wiley) (年月:1999-2007 巻号:Vol.30-38)
- Studies in Gender and Sexuality. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Jul 2009)
- Studies in Meaning. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Jan 2002)
- Studies in Meaning 2. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Jan 2004)
- Studies in Meaning 3. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2008)
- Studies in Meaning 4. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2010)
- Studies in Mycology. (年月:2005-Current 巻号:53-Current) Free (ScienceDirect)
- Studies in Philosophy and Education. (Springer) (年月:1960-1996 巻号:1-15)
- Studies in second language acquisition. (Health Science) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:19-Current)
- Studies in Second Language Acquisition. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Subjectivity. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2007-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Substance Abuse : Research and Treatment. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention and Policy. (BioMed Central) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention and Policy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Substance Use & Misuse. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:32-Current)
- Subterranean Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2021
- Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1994-Dec 2010)
- Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2019)
- Sulfur Reports. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1980-1996 巻号:1-19(1))
- Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2016-Current)
- Supervisor Nurse. (LWW) (年月:1970-1981 巻号:1-12(8))
- Supportive Care in Cancer. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2008-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 Months
- Supportive Care in Cancer. (NII-REO) (年月:1993-1999 巻号:1(1)-7(6))
- Supportive Care in Cancer. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Supportive Care in Cancer. (Springer) (年月:1993-1996 巻号:1-5(1))
- Supramolecular Chemistry. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1992-1996 巻号:1-8(1))
- Surface and Interface Analysis. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.24-41,42(1))
- Surgery journal. (Thieme Medical Publishers) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access journal
- Surgery Today. (NII-REO) (年月:1971-1999 巻号:1(1)-29(12))
- Surgery Today. (Springer) (年月:1971-1996 巻号:1-26)
- Surgical Case Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2019-Current)
- Surgical Endoscopy. (NII-REO) (年月:1986-1999 巻号:1(1)-13(12))
- Surgical Endoscopy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Surgical Endoscopy. (Springer) (年月:1987-1996 巻号:1-10)
- Surgical and Experimental Pathology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Current)
- Surgical Laparoscopy & Endoscopy. (LWW) (年月:1991-1999 巻号:1-9(1)) 継続後誌: Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy & Percutaneous Techniques (1999年-)
- Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy & Percutaneous Techniques. (LWW) (年月:1999-2018 巻号:9(2-6),10-28) 継続前誌: Surgical Laparoscopy & Endoscopy
- Surgical Neurology International. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Feb 2019) 欠:01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2015
- Surgical Oncology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1992-1994 巻号:Vol.1-3)
- Surgical Products. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2002-Aug 2018) 欠:01-Jul-2006--30-Jun-2014
- Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy. (NII-REO) (年月:1978-1999 巻号:1(1)-21(6))
- Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy. (Springer) (年月:1978-1996 巻号:1-18)
- Survey of Anesthesiology. (LWW) (年月:1957-2016 巻号:1-60)
- Survey of Immunologic Research. (NII-REO) (年月:1982-1999 巻号:1(1)-20(3))
- Survey of Ophthalmology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1975-1994 巻号:20-39(3)) 39(Suppl.1)閲覧不可
- Surveys in Geophysics. (Springer) (年月:1972-1996 巻号:1-17)
- Sustainability : Science, Practice, & Policy. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2005-Current)
- Sustainability Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2006-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Sveikatos Politika ir Valdymas. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2019) 欠:01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018
- Swarm Intelligence. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2019-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Swiss medical forum = Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum. (EMH Schweizerischer Arzterlug) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:2001-Current) FREE
- Swiss Medical Weekly. (EMH Swiss Medical Publishers) (年月:1999-Current 巻号:129-Current) FREE
- Symbiosis. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2009-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011; 01-Jan-2013--31-Dec-2015; 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Symbolic Interaction. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2000-Oct 2011)
- Synapse. (Wiley) (年月:1987-2010/1/31 巻号:1-63,64(1))
- Synchrotron Radiation News. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1988-1996 巻号:1-9)
- Synlett. (Thieme) (年月:2021-Current 巻号:32-Current)
- Synthese. (Springer) (年月:1936-1996 巻号:1-109)
- Synthesis and reactivity in inorganic and metal-organic chemistry. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1971-1996 巻号:1-26) リンク先は継続後誌:Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry
- Synthetic Communications. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1971-1996 巻号:1-26)
- System Dynamics Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1999-Jul 2005)
- Systematic and Applied Microbiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2001-Jan 2005)
- Systematic Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1998-Oct 2007)
- Systematic Parasitology. (NII-REO) (年月:1979-1999 巻号:1(1)-44(3))
- Systematic Parasitology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Systematic Parasitology. (Springer) (年月:1979-1996 巻号:1-35)
- Systematic Reviews. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Systematics and Biodiversity. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2003-Dec 2009)
- Systemic Practice and Action Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1998-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Systemic Practice and Action Research. (Springer) (年月:1988-1996 巻号:1-9)
- Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:54-Current) 継続前誌: Archives of Andrology: Journal of Reproductive Systems (1997-2007年) も利用可
- Systems Research. (Wiley) (年月:1996-1996 巻号:Vol.13)
- Systems Research and Behavioral Science. (Wiley) (年月:1997-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.14-26,27(1))
- Systems and Synthetic Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2007-Dec 2015)
- Systems and Synthetic Biology. (PubMed Central) (年月:2007-2015 巻号:1-9)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 和文誌
- Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary (2021). (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2021-Jan 2021)
- Taiwania. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2017-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019
- TAO : Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2005-Current)
- Táplálkozásmarketing. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2014-Current)
- Tar Heel Nurse. (CINAHL) (年月:Jul 1994-Current)
- Targeted Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- TDR News. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2009-Dec 2010)
- Teaching In Higher Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Oct 2000)
- Teaching and Learning in Medicine : An International Journal. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:9-Current)
- Technical Report Series. National Toxicology Program. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Current)
- Techniques in Coloproctology. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2002-Jan 2019)
- Techniques in Foot & Ankle Surgery. (LWW) (年月:2002-2018 巻号:1-17)
- Techniques in Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery. (LWW) (年月:1997-2018 巻号:1-22)
- Techniques in Knee Surgery. (LWW) (年月:2002-2012 巻号:1-11)
- Techniques in Neurosurgery. (LWW) (年月:1999-2003 巻号:5-9(3))
- Techniques in Ophthalmology. (LWW) (年月:2003-2011 巻号:1-9)
- Techniques in Orthopaedics. (LWW) (年月:1986-2018 巻号:1-33)
- Techniques in Shoulder & Elbow Surgery. (LWW) (年月:2000-2020 巻号:1(2)-21)
- Technology and Culture. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1996-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jun-2000--01-Jun-2002 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Technology & Disability. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 1999-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2016-Current)
- Technology in cancer research & treatment. (PubMed Central) (年月:2017-Current 巻号:16-Current)
- Technology, Knowledge and Learning. (Springer) (年月:1996-1996 巻号:1(1-2)) 誌名変遷: International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning(1996-2010) → Technology, Knowledge and Learning(2011-)
- Technometrics. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1959-1996 巻号:1-38)
- Tecnical Tips Online. (Elsevier) (年月:1996-2002 巻号:1-7) ScienceDirect
- Telecommunication Systems. (Springer) (年月:1993-1996 巻号:1-6)
- Telehealth Magazine. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1998-Dec 1999)
- Telehealth and Medicine Today. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Tempo Psicanalítico. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2010-Current)
- Tennessee Academy of Science. Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Current)
- Tennessee nurse. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 1995-Current)
- Terapia Psicologica. (年月:2007-Current 巻号:25-Current) FREE
- Teratogenesis, Carcinogenesis and Mutagenesis. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:Vol.16-23)
- Teratology. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2002 巻号:Vol.53-66) 継続後誌: Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology
- TESOL Journal. (Wiley) (年月:1999-Current 巻号:8-Current)
- TESOL Quarterly. (Wiley) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:31-Current)
- Texas Board of Nursing Bulletin. (CINAHL) (年月:Apr 2004-Current)
- Texas Heart Institute Journal. (PubMed Central) (年月:1982-Current 巻号:9-Current) 含・継続前誌: Cardiovascular diseases (1974-1981年)
- Texas Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 1992-Current)
- Texas Nursing. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Current)
- The Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Thalamus & Related Systems. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2001-Mar 2008)
- Thalassas. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2016-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Theoretical and Applied Climatology. (Springer) (年月:1948-1996 巻号:1-55)
- Theoretical and Applied Genetics. (NII-REO) (年月:1929-1999 巻号:1(1)-99(7/8))
- Theoretical and Applied Genetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Theoretical and Applied Genetics. (Springer) (年月:1929-1996 巻号:1-93)
- Theoretical Biology and Medical Modeling. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling. (BioMed Central) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Theoretical Chemistry Accounts: Theory, Computation, and Modeling. (Springer) (年月:1962-1996 巻号:1-94)
- Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics. (Springer) (年月:1989-1996 巻号:1-8)
- Theoretical Ecology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2008-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Theoretical and Experimental Chemistry. (Springer) (年月:1965-1996 巻号:1-32)
- Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. (Springer) (年月:1969-1996 巻号:1-109)
- Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics. (NII-REO) (年月:1980-1999 巻号:1(1)-20(6))
- Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics. (Springer) (年月:1980-1996 巻号:1-17)
- Theory of Computing Systems. (Springer) (年月:1967-1996 巻号:1-29)
- Theory and Decision. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1999-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Theory and Decision. (Springer) (年月:1970-1996 巻号:1-41)
- Theory in Biosciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Theory of Probability and its Applications. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1956-Jul 2014)
- Theory and Society. (Springer) (年月:1974-1996 巻号:1-25)
- Theranostics. (Ivyspring International Publisher) (年月:2011-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access
- Theranostics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- Therapeutic Advances in Cardiovascular Disease. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2016-Current)
- Therapeutic advances in cardiovascular disease. (PubMed Central) (年月:2016-Current 巻号:10-Current)
- Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Disease. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Therapeutic Advances in Endocrinology and Metabolism. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2016-Current)
- Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- Therapeutic Advances in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Therapeutic Advances in Hematology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2016-Current)
- Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2009-Current)
- Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal Disease. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2009-Current)
- Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Therapeutic Advances in Ophthalmology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2016-Current)
- Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2007-Current)
- Therapeutic advances in respiratory disease. (Sage) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access
- Therapeutic Advances in Urology. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2009-Current)
- Therapeutic Communities. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Therapeutic Delivery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Oct 2020) 欠:01-Feb-2020--30-Apr-2020; 01-Jun-2020--31-Jul-2020; 01-Sep-2020--30-Sep-2020
- Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. (LWW) (年月:1979-2018 巻号:1-40)
- Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1998-Nov 2017)
- Therapeutic Recreation Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Current)
- Therapeutic Strategies in Cardiovascular Risk. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2008)
- Therapeutic Strategies in COPD. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Jan 2005)
- Therapeutic Strategies in Dementia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Jan 2007)
- Therapeutic Strategies in Diabetes. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2009)
- Therapeutic Strategies in Epilepsy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2009)
- Therapeutic Strategies in Heart Failure. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2008)
- Therapeutic Strategies in Hypertension. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Jan 2006)
- Therapeutic Strategies in Lipid Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2009)
- Therapeutic Strategies in Lymphoid Malignancies : an Immunotherapeutic Approach. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Jan 2005)
- Therapeutic Strategies in Metabolic Syndrome. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2008)
- Therapeutic Strategies in Prostate Cancer. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Jan 2007)
- Therapeutic Strategies in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2009)
- Therapeutic Strategies in Thrombosis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Jan 2006)
- Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management. (Dove Medical Press) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:Vol.1-Current) Free
- Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Current)
- Therapie Familiale. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2007-(90 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:90日
- Therapy Today. (CINAHL) (年月:Sep 2005-Current)
- Theriogenology Insight. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2013-Current)
- Thoracic Cancer. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Thoracic Cancer. (Wiley) (年月:2010-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon. (Thieme) (年月:1953-1999 巻号:1-47)
- Thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon reports. (Thieme) (年月:2012-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal.
- Thorax. (BMJ Group) (年月:1946-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Thorax. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1946-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Thrombosis and haemostasis. (Thieme) (年月:1957-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Thrombosis Journal. (BioMed Central) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Thrombosis Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Thrombosis Journal [NLM-MEDLINE]. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2005-Nov 2005)
- Thrombosis Research. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1972-1994 巻号:1-76)
- Thunderbird International Business Review. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2009/03/31 巻号:Vol.40-50,51(1-3)) リンク先で継続前誌 The international executive (1996-1997年)アクセス可
- Thyroid. (Mary Ann Liebert) (年月:1990-Current 巻号:Vol.1-Current) Clinical Thyroidology, VideoEndocrinologyも利用可
- Thyroid Research. (BioMed Central) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Thyroid Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Tijdschrift voor Urologie. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2017-Current)
- Tissue Barriers. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2013-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Tissue Engineering. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1995-Dec 2007)
- Tissue Engineering Part A. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Dec 2018)
- Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2008-Dec 2018)
- Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2008-Mar 2019)
- Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. (PubMed Central) (年月:2016-(12 months ago) 巻号:13-(12 months ago)) Free: after 12 months
- Tizard Learning Disability Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2003-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Tobacco Control. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1992-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Tobacco Control. (PubMed Central) (年月:1992-2007 巻号:1-16)
- Tobacco Induced Diseases. (BioMed Central) (年月:2003-2017 巻号:1-15) FREE
- Tobacco Induced Diseases. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Current)
- Tobacco Use Insights. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Today's Parent Pregnancy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Oct 2005)
- Today's Surgical Nurse. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-May 1999)
- Toho journal of medicine. (Medical Society of Toho University) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:1-Current) Free.
- The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine. (J-STAGE) (年月:1920-Current 巻号:V.1-Current) FREE
- Tohoku Mathematical Journal, First Series. (J-STAGE) (年月:1911-1943) FREE
- Tohoku Mathematical Journal, Second Series. (J-STAGE) (年月:1949-2013 巻号:V.1(1)-61(1)) FREE
- Tohoku Mathematical Publications. (J-STAGE) (年月:1995-2007) FREE
- Tokyo Sugaku-Butsurigakukwai Kiji-Gaiyo. (J-STAGE) (年月:1903-1906) FREE
- Tokyo Sugaku-Buturigakkwai Kizi Dai 2 Ki. (J-STAGE) (年月:1907-1918) FREE
- Tokyo Women's Medical University Journal. (J-STAGE) (年月:2017-Current) FREE
- Topics in antiviral medicine. (International Antiviral Society-USA) (年月:2011-Current 巻号:19-Current) Free.
- Topics in Catalysis. (Springer) (年月:1994-1996 巻号:1-3)
- Topics in Clinical Nutrition. (LWW) (年月:1986-2018 巻号:1-33)
- Topics in cognitive science. (Wiley) (年月:2009-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) Free: Content older than 12 months
- Topics in Early Childhood Special Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1997-May 2010)
- Topics in Emergency Medicine. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1999-Dec 2005)
- Topics in Emergency Medicine. (LWW) (年月:1979-2006 巻号:1-28(2)) 継続後誌: Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal
- Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 1999-Dec 2005)
- Topics in geriatric rehabilitation. (LWW) (年月:1985-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Topics in Language Disorders. (LWW) (年月:1980-2018 巻号:1-38)
- Topics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging. (LWW) (年月:1988-2016 巻号:1-25)
- Topics in Obstetrics & Gynecology. (LWW) (年月:2016-2018 巻号:36-38) 継続前誌: Postgraduate Obstetrics & Gynecology (1996-2015年)
- Topics in Pain Management. (LWW) (年月:1985-2019 巻号:1,3(10),7-15,17-19(1),20(6)-34)
- Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:3(4)-Current)
- Topoi. (Springer) (年月:1982-1996 巻号:1-15)
- Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Law Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2007-Current)
- Total Health. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2006-Mar 2010)
- Total Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1995-May 2009)
- Toxic Substance Mechanisms. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-2000 巻号:16-19)
- Toxicological Sciences. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1981-(1 year ago) 巻号:1-(1 year ago)) Free: after 12 months
- Toxicology and Industrial Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-Nov 2015)
- Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:12-Current) 継続前誌: Toxicology Methods (1997-2001年) も利用可
- Toxicology research. (PubMed Central) (年月:2015-(12 months ago) 巻号:4-(12 months ago)) Free. after 12 months
- Toxicology Research and Application. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- Toxics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Toxin Reviews. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:24-Current) 継続前誌: Journal of Toxicology: Toxin Reviews (1997-2004年) も利用可
- Toxins. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Traditional Medicine Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Traffic. (Wiley) (年月:2000-(6 months ago) 巻号:1-(6 months ago)) 18(1)までアクセス権あり 以降 Free. Content older than 6 months
- Trainers' Forum. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2016-Oct 2017)
- Training. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1987-Current)
- Trait-d'Union. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1986-1988 巻号:1-3) Continued as Immuno-analyse & Biologie Spécialisée
- Trans-action. (NII-REO) (年月:1963-1999 巻号:1(1)-37(1))
- Transactional Analysis Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Oct 2019)
- Transactions-American Society for Artificial Internal Organs. (LWW) (年月:1955-1985 巻号:1-31(1)) 継続後誌: ASAIO Transactions (1986-1991年)
- Transactions of the ... Meeting of the American Surgical Association. (LWW) (年月:2003-2010 巻号:121-128)
- Transactions of the American Clinical and Climatological Association. (PubMed Central) (年月:1933-Current 巻号:49-Current) 継続前閲覧可. Trans Am Climatol Assoc Meet: v1-8 (1884-1891), Annu Meet Amer Climatol Assoc: v9 (1892), Trans Am Climatol Assoc: v10-29 (1893-1913), Trans Am Climatol Clin Assoc: v30-48 (1914-1932)
- Transactions of the American Ophthalmological Society. (PubMed Central) (年月:1865-2017 巻号:1-115)
- Transactions of the American Orthopedic Association. (LWW) (年月:1889-1902 巻号:1-15) 継続後誌: The American journal of orthopedic surgery. 現誌名: The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume.
- Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1941-1996 巻号:1-55)
- Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1907-1994 巻号:1-88) Transferred to Oxford University Press as of 2013
- Transactions of the Southern Surgical Association. (LWW) (年月:2003-2003 巻号:115-115)
- Transactions. Epidemiological Society of London. (PubMed Central) (年月:1860-1907 巻号:1-6)
- Transboundary and Emerging Diseases. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2023-Current)
- Transformation Groups. (Springer) (年月:1996-1996 巻号:1-1)
- Transfusion. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1958-1967 巻号:1-10) Continued as Revue Française de Transfusion
- Transfusion. (Wiley) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:37-Current)
- Transfusion Clinique et Biologique. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1994-1994 巻号:1) Formerly known as Revue Française de Transfusion et d'Hémobiologie
- Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy. (Karger) (年月:1973-2013 巻号:1-29) Die Infusionstherapie (1973/74年) → Infusionstherapie und klinische Ernährung (1975-1987年) → Infusionstherapie (1988-1991年) → Infusionstherapie und Transfusionsmedizin (1992-1999年) → Infusion Therapy and Transfusion Medicine = Infusionstherapie und Transfusionsmedizin (2000-2002年)
- Transfusion Medicine Reviews. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1987-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Transfusion Science. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1989-1994 巻号:10-15) Formerly known as Plasma Therapy and Transfusion Technology; Continued as Transfusion and Apheresis Science
- Transgender health. (Mary Ann Liebert) (年月:2016-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal
- Transgender Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Feb 2021)
- Transgenic Research. (NII-REO) (年月:1991-1999 巻号:1(1)-8(6))
- Transgenic Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Transgenic Research. (Springer) (年月:1993-1996 巻号:2-5)
- Transition Metal Chemistry. (Springer) (年月:1975-1996 巻号:1-21)
- Translational Biophotonics. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2020-Current)
- Translational Developmental Psychiatry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jan 2017)
- Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine. (LWW) (年月:2016-2018 巻号:1-3)
- Translational Medicine Communications. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Translational Neurodegeneration. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Translational Neuroscience. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018
- Translational neuroscience. (Walter de Gruyter GmbH) (年月:2010-Current 巻号:1-Current) Free.
- Translational Oncogenomics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Jan 2017)
- Translational Oncology. (Neoplasia Press) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE (ScienceDirect)
- Translational Psychiatry. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2011-Current)
- Translational and Regulatory Sciences. (J-STAGE) (年月:2019-2020) OPEN ACCESS
- Translational Research in Oral Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Jan 2019)
- Translational Respiratory Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2013-Feb 2015)
- Transplant immunology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1993-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Transplant International. (Springer) (年月:1988-1996 巻号:1-10(1))
- Transplant international. (Wiley) (年月:1997-2021 巻号:10-34) 2022年Frontiers Media S.A.へ
- Transplant Research and Risk Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Transplantation. (LWW) (年月:1963-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Transplantation Direct. (LWW) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Transplantation direct. (Wolters Kluwer) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal (LWW)
- Transplantation Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2016)
- Transplantation Reviews. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1987-1994 巻号:1-8)
- Transport in Porous Media. (Springer) (年月:1986-1996 巻号:1-25)
- Transport Theory and Statistical Physics. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1971-1996 巻号:1-25) リンク先は継続後誌:Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport
- Transportation. (Springer) (年月:1972-1996 巻号:1-23)
- Transylvanian Review of Systematical and Ecological Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Current)
- Trauma. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-Oct 2015)
- Trauma Quarterly. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1998-Mar 2002)
- Trauma Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Trauma Surgery & Acute Care Open. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2016-Current)
- Travel Medicine Advisor. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Dec 2012)
- Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2003-(60 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:60日
- Tree Genetics & Genomes. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2005-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Tree Genetics & Molecular Breeding. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2016)
- Tree Physiology. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1996-(1 year ago) 巻号:16-(1 year ago)) Free after 12 months
- Trees. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Trees. (Springer) (年月:1986-1996 巻号:1-11(1-2))
- Trends in Amplification. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2003-Sep 2013)
- Trends in Biotechnology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-(60 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:60日
- Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1991-1994 巻号:1-4)
- Trends in endocrinology and metabolism : TEM. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1989-2018 巻号:1-29)
- Trends in Hearing. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Current)
- Trends in Immunology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:2001-2014 巻号:Vol.22-35) 継続前誌も閲覧可能(1995年~)
- Trends in Microbiology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1993-1994 巻号:1-2)
- Trends in psychiatry and psychotherapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Trends in Urology & Men's Health. (Wiley) (年月:2010-Current 巻号:1-Current) Free. リンク先で "Trends in Urology, Gynaecology & Sexual Health" (2007-2010年)もアクセス可
- Trials. (BioMed Central) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access. 継続前誌含む
- Trials. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2000-Current)
- Tribology Letters. (Springer) (年月:1995-1996 巻号:1-2)
- Triticeae Genomics and Genetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2017)
- Tropical Animal Health and Production. (NII-REO) (年月:1969-1999 巻号:1(1)-31(6))
- Tropical Animal Health and Production. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Tropical Animal Health and Production. (Springer) (年月:1969-1996 巻号:1-28)
- Tropical Conservation Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2016-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018
- Tropical diseases, travel medicine and vaccines. (BioMed Central) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal.
- Tropical Diseases, Travel Medicine and Vaccines. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Tropical Freshwater Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2009-Jan 2015)
- Tropical Life Sciences Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jan 2016)
- Tropical Medicine and Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2020
- Tropical Medicine & International Health. (Wiley) (年月:1996-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化
- Tropical Parasitology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2011-Current)
- Tropical Plant Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2008-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2009--31-Dec-2018 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Tropical Zoology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Oct 2015)
- Tropics. (J-STAGE) (年月:1991-Current) FREE
- Trustee. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1988-Jun 2018)
- Try This: Best Practices in Nursing Care to Older Adults. (CINAHL) (年月:Aug 1998-Current)
- Try This: Best Practices in Nursing Care to Older Adults with Dementia. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2003-Current)
- TSG ; Tijdschrift voor gezondheiswetenschappen. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2019-Current)
- Tubercle. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1919-1991 巻号:1-72) Continued as Tubercle and Lung Disease
- Tubercle and Lung Disease. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1992-1994 巻号:73-75) Formerly known as Tubercle; Continued as Tuberculosis
- Tufts University Diet & Nutrition Letter. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1994-Jan 1997)
- Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1995-Current)
- Tumor Biology. (Karger) (年月:1987-1997 巻号:Vol.8-18) (※2009年Karger→Springerに移管)
- Tumor Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1997-Dec 2015)
- Tumor Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Jun 2018)
- Turk Dermatoloji Dergisi. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2008-Mar 2019)
- Turk Kardiyoloji Dernegi Arsivi. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2007-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2009--31-Dec-2010; 01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2013; 01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2015; 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018
- Turk Noroloji Dergisi. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Jan 2019)
- Turk Oftalmoloji Dergisi. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Turk Osteoporoz Dergisi. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2015-Current)
- Turk Psikiyatri Dergisi. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2010-Current)
- Türk Psikoloji Dergisi. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2005-Current)
- Turk Psikoloji Yazilari. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2016
- Turk Toraks Dergisi. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2008-Current)
- Türk Yogun Bakim Dergisi. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Türkderm : Türk Deri Hastalıkları ve Frengi Arşivi = Turkderm : Turkish Archives of Dermatology and Venereology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jul 2019)
- Turkish Journal of Anaesthesiology & Reanimation. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2011-Current)
- Turkish Journal of Cancer. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Oct 2009)
- Turkish Journal of Colorectal Disease. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2018-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020
- Turkish Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2015-Current)
- Turkish Journal of Haematology. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2008-Jan 2020)
- Turkish Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2018-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020
- Turkish Journal of Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Current)
- The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Current)
- Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2018-Current)
- Turkish Journal of Public Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2010-May 2018)
- Turkish Journal of Rheumatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2008-Current)
- Turkish Journal of Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Sep 2019)
- Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2021-Current)
- Turkish Journal of Urology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2009-Current)
- Türkiye Klinikleri Biyoistatistik. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Turkiye Klinikleri. Dishekimligi Bilimleri Dergisi. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Türkiye Klinikleri. Tip Bilimleri Dergisi. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Türkiye Parazitolojii Dergisi. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2011-Current)
- Turning Points (12094846). (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1997-Mar 1999)
- Turtle and Tortoise Newsletter. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2008-Jan 2011)
- Twentieth Century British History. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:7(1)-14(4)) 欠あり
- Twin Research and Human Genetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2005-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2013--31-Dec-2013; 01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- TWiV: This Week in Virology [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2018-Current)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 和文誌

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 和文誌

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z| 和文誌
- Washington Academy of Sciences. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2011-Oct 2020)
- Washington Nurse. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 1995-Current)
- Water Engineering & Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1988-May 2003)
- Water Environment Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Apr 2012)
- Water Environment & Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-Jun 2006)
- Water Resources. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2000-Dec 2018)
- Water Resources Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Water Resources Management. (Springer) (年月:1987-1996 巻号:1-10)
- Water S.A.. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Water Science and Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1982-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Water & Wastewater International. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2005-Oct 2013)
- Water, Air and Soil Pollution. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. (NII-REO) (年月:1971-1999 巻号:1(1)-116(3/4))
- Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. (Springer) (年月:1971-1996 巻号:1-92)
- Watershed Protection Techniques. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-Jan 2010)
- Waves in random media. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-6) リンク先は継続後誌:Waves in random and complex media
- Weed Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Weed Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Weekly Epidemiological Record. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1999-Current)
- Weekly Epidemiological Record. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1998-Current)
- Wellcome Open Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2016-Nov 2020)
- West African Journal of Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Oct 2007-May 2017)
- West Indian Medical Journal. (The University of the West Indies) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:54-Current) FREE
- West Virginia Nurse. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1995-Jul 2005)
- Western Journal of Black Studies. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1998-Dec 2020)
- Western Journal of Communication. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-Oct 2005) 欠:01-Jan-1995--31-Dec-1995
- Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. (Department of Emergency Medicine, University of California, Irvine) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- The Western Journal of Emergency Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- The Western Journal of Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1974-Sep 2002)
- The Western journal of medicine. (PubMed Central) (年月:1974-2002 巻号:120-176) 継続前誌も閲覧可. Cal State J Med: v1-22 (1902-1924), Cal West Med: v22-64 (1924-1946), California medicine: v65-119 (1946-1973)
- Western Journal of Nursing Research. (Sage) (年月:1999-2004 巻号:21-26)
- Western North American Naturalist. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2009-Current)
- Wetlands Ecology and Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Wetlands Ecology and Management. (Springer) (年月:1989-1996 巻号:1-4)
- What's New. (ProQuest) (年月:May 1998-Nov 2004)
- Whitireia Nursing & Health Journal. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Whitireia Nursing Journal. (CINAHL) (年月:Aug 2005-Nov 2012)
- WHO Drug Information. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2006-Current)
- WHO Drug Information. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Current)
- WHO Technical Report Series. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2019) 欠:01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018
- Wideochirurgia i Inne Techniki Malo Inwazyjne. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Current)
- Wideochirurgia i inne techniki maloinwazyjne (Videosurgery and other Miniinvasive Techniques). (年月:2006-Current 巻号:2006-Current) FREE. This journal is open access. However, a free registration must be completed in order to access the articles.
- Wilderness & Environmental Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2005-Jul 2011)
- Wildlife Australia. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2005-Jun 2007)
- Wildlife Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2010-Mar 2015)
- Wildlife Monographs. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2004-Jan 2011)
- Wildlife Society Bulletin. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2004-Dec 2006)
- The Wilson Journal of Ornithology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-Current)
- Wireless Networks. (Springer) (年月:1995-1996 巻号:1-2)
- Wireless Personal Communications. (Springer) (年月:1994-1996 巻号:1-3)
- Women and Health. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:24(3)-Current)
- Women in Sport & Physical Activity Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1992-Apr 2012)
- Women & Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1995-Jul 1995)
- Women's Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2005-Jul 2015)
- Women's Health. (Sage) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal.
- The Women's Health Activist. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1997-Current)
- Women's Midlife Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Women's Oncology Review. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2006-Dec 2006)
- Women's Oncology Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2003-Sep 2006)
- Women's Reproductive Health. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2014-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Women's Studies : An inter-disciplinary journal. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2005-2007 巻号:34(2)-37(1))
- Wood Science and Technology. (Springer) (年月:1967-1996 巻号:1-30)
- Work. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1999-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- Work & Stress. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 1999-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- Working With Older People. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2003-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Workplace Health & Safety. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1969-Jul 2015)
- The World Allergy Organization journal. (BioMed Central) (年月:2008-2018 巻号:1-11) Open access
- World Allergy Organization Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2018)
- World Federation of Occupational Therapists Bulletin. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:35-Current)
- World Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1988-Nov 1998)
- World Health Forum. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Jan 1998)
- World Health Organization. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1996-Current)
- The World Health Report : Report of the Director-General. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2013)
- World Health Statistics Quarterly. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Jan 1998)
- World Heart Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- World of Irish Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2004-Dec 2004)
- World of Irish Nursing & Midwifery. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2005-Current)
- The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- World Journal of Emergency Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- World Journal of Emergency Surgery. (BioMed Central) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- World Journal of Emergency Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- World Journal of Gastroenterology. (Baishideng Publishing Group) (年月:1995-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- World Journal of Life Sciences and Medical Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-May 2014)
- World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. (NII-REO) (年月:1985-1999 巻号:1(1)-15(6))
- World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. (Springer) (年月:1985-1996 巻号:1-12)
- World Journal of Nuclear Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2011-Current)
- World Journal of Pediatric Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2018-Current)
- World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- World Journal of Surgery. (NII-REO) (年月:1977-1999 巻号:1(1)-23(12))
- World Journal of Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- World Journal of Surgery. (Springer) (年月:1977-1996 巻号:1-20)
- World Journal of Surgical Oncology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open access
- World Journal of Surgical Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- World Journal of Urology. (NII-REO) (年月:1983-1999 巻号:1(1)-17(6))
- World Journal of Urology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- World Journal of Urology. (Springer) (年月:1983-1996 巻号:1-14)
- World Psychiatry. (年月:2002-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- World psychiatry. (Wiley) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:7-Current) Free
- World Watch. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-Jul 2010)
- World's Poultry Science Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2001-Mar 2020)
- Worldviews on evidence-based nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:May 2004-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- Worldwide Biotech. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-Current) 欠:01-Sep-2012--30-Apr-2013
- Wound Healing Southern Africa. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2016-Current)
- Wound management & prevention. (HMP) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:47(11)-Current) HTML版は登録不要
- Wound Practice & Research. (CINAHL) (年月:May 2008-Current)
- Wound Repair & Regeneration. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1999-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- Wound Repair and Regeneration. (Wiley) (年月:1993-1997 巻号:1-5)
- Wounds International. (CINAHL) (年月:Apr 2012-Current)
- Wounds UK. (CINAHL) (年月:Jul 2011-Current)
- Wspólczesna Onkologia. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1999-Current)
- WspolczesnaOnkologia (Contemporary Oncology). (年月:1999-Current 巻号:3(2)-Current) FREE. This journal is open access. However, a free registration must be completed in order to access the articles.
- Wyoming Nurse. (CINAHL) (年月:Jun 1995-Current)

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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 和文誌

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