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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 和文誌
- 10th EAI International Conference on Bio-Inspired Information and Communications Technologies. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Jan 2017)
- 24X7 (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2006-Current)
- 24x7 Magazine [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2018-Current)
- 3 Biotech. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2012-Jan 2019)
- 3D Printing in Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2015-Current)
- A&A Case Reports. (LWW) (年月:2013-2017 巻号:1-9) 継続後誌:A&A practice
- A&A practice. (LWW) (年月:2018-Current 巻号:10-Current) 継続前誌:A&A case reports
- AAACN Viewpoint. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2004-Current)
- AAC: Augmentative & Alternative Communication. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2001-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- AACN Advanced Critical Care. (LWW) (年月:2012-2016 巻号:23-27) 継続前誌 AACN Clinical Issues : Advanced Practice in Acute and Critical Care (1994-2003)
- AACN Bold Voices. (CINAHL) (年月:Jul 2009-Current)
- AACN Clinical Issues : Advanced Practice in Acute & Critical Care. (LWW) (年月:1994-2003 巻号:5(4)-14) 継続前誌: AACN Clinical Issues in Critical Care Nursing. 継続後誌: AACN Advanced Critical Care
- AACN Clinical Issues in Critical Care Nursing. (LWW) (年月:1990-1994 巻号:1-5(3)) 継続後誌: AACN Clinical Issues : Advanced Practice in Acute & Critical Care
- AACN News. (CINAHL) (年月:Nov 2004-Jun 2009)
- AANA Journal. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1981-Current)
- AANA Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2004-Current)
- AAOHN Journal. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2003-Dec 2010)
- AAO-HNSF Patient of the Month Program. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2006-Jun 2011)
- AAPS Open. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2015-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2018
- Abdominal Imaging. (NII-REO) (年月:1976-1999 巻号:1(1)-24(6))
- Abdominal Radiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Abdominal Radiology. (Springer) (年月:1976-1996 巻号:1-21) 誌名変遷: Gastrointestinal radiology(1976-1992) → Abdominal imaging(1993-2015) → Abdominal Radiology(2016-)
- ABNF Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-Oct 2020)
- Academic emergency medicine. (Wiley) (年月:1994-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化
- Academic Medicine. (LWW) (年月:1989-Current 巻号:64-Current)
- Academic Pathology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Academic pathology. (Sage) (年月:2014-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal
- Academic Pediatrics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Nov 2010)
- ACADEMIC Physician & Scientist. (LWW) (年月:2001-2009 巻号:2001-2009)
- Academic radiology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1995-Current 巻号:2-Current)
- Academy of Health Care Management Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Jan 2013)
- Academy of Management Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1987-Dec 2001)
- Academy of Management Journal (pre-1986). (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1963-Dec 1985)
- Academy of Management. The Academy of Management Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1987-Oct 2001)
- Academy of Management. The Academy of Management Review (pre-1986). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1976-Oct 1985) 欠:01-Jan-1977--31-Dec-1977
- Accent on Living. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-Jul 2001)
- Access. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2001-Current)
- Access : the Newsmagazine of the American Dental Hygienists' Association. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Nov 2020)
- Acción Psicológica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Current)
- ACCNS Journal for Community Nurses. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2005-Apr 2006)
- Accounts of Chemical Research. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:29-Current)
- Accounts of materials research. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2020-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- ACORN: The Journal of Perioperative Nursing in Australia. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2011-Dec 2017)
- ACP Journal Club. (American College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine) (年月:1991-2008 巻号:114-148(2)) All issues from May 2008 are published in Annals of Internal Medicine.
- ACP Journal Club. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2002-Mar 2006)
- ACR Open Rheumatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2019-Current)
- Acrocephalus. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Nov 2020)
- ACS Agricultural Science & Technology. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2021-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- ACS applied bio materials. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2018-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- ACS applied electronic materials. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2019-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- ACS Applied Energy Materials. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2018-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- ACS Applied Engineering Materials. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2023-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2009-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- ACS Applied Nano Materials. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2018-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- ACS Applied Optical Materials. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2023-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- ACS applied polymer materials. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2019-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- ACS Catalysis. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2011-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- ACS central science. (American Chemical Society) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal
- ACS Chemical Biology. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- ACS Chemical Health & Safety. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2020-Current 巻号:27-Current) ACS Chemical Health & Safety (2020-) ← Journal of Chemical Health & Safety (2006-2019) ← Chemical Health & Safety (1994-2005)
- ACS Chemical Neuroscience. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2010-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- ACS Combinatorial Science. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2011-2020 巻号:13-22) 継続前誌: Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry (v.12まで)
- ACS Earth and Space Chemistry. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2017-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- ACS Energy Letters. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2016-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- ACS Engineering Au. (American Chemical Society) (年月:2021-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- ACS Environmental Au. (American Chemical Society) (年月:2021-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- ACS ES&T Engineering. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2021-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- ACS ES&T Water. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2021-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- ACS Food Science & Technology. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2021-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- ACS Infectious Diseases. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- ACS Macro Letters. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2012-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- ACS Materials Au. (American Chemical Society) (年月:2021-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- ACS Materials Letters. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2019-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- ACS Measurement Science Au. (American Chemical Society) (年月:2021-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2010-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- ACS Nano. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- ACS omega. (American Chemical Society) (年月:2016-Current 巻号:1-Current) open-access
- ACS Organic & Inorganic Au. (American Chemical Society) (年月:2021-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- ACS pharmacology & translational science. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2018-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- ACS Photonics. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2014-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- ACS Physical Chemistry Au. (American Chemical Society) (年月:2021-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- ACS Polymers Au. (American Chemical Society) (年月:2021-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- ACS Sensors. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2016-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2013-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- ACS Synthetic Biology. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2012-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- ACSM'S Health & Fitness Journal. (LWW) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Acta Agriculturae Slovenica. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2007-Dec 2013)
- Acta Agrobotanica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1971-Current)
- Acta Analytica. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2009-Jan 2019)
- Acta applicandae mathematicae. (Springer) (年月:1983-1996 巻号:1-45)
- Acta biochimica Polonica. (Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe) (年月:2009-Current 巻号:56-Current) open access
- Acta Bioethica. (Programa Regional de Bioética de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud/Organización Mundial de la Salud) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:6-Current) FREE
- Acta Biológica Colombiana. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Current)
- Acta Biologica Cracoviensia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Acta Biologica Sibirica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2021
- Acta Biologica Szegediensis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-Current)
- Acta bio-medica : Atenei Parmensis. (Mattioli 1885) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:74-Current) Free
- Acta Biotheoretica. (NII-REO) (年月:1935-1999 巻号:1(1/2)-47(3/4))
- Acta Biotheoretica. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-Dec 2018)
- Acta Biotheoretica. (Springer) (年月:1935-1996 巻号:1-44)
- Acta Botanica Croatica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jul 2019)
- Acta Cardiologica. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:55-Current)
- Acta cardiologica sinica = 中華民國心臓學會雑誌. (Taiwan Society of Cardiology) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:21-Current)
- Acta Chimica Slovaca. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2012-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2015
- Acta Chirurgica Belgica. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1998-Current 巻号:98-Current)
- Acta Chirurgica Latviensis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2020) 欠:01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2019
- Acta cirúrgica brasileira / publication of the Sociedade Brasileira para o Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa em Cirurgia. (SOBRADPEC) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:12(3)-Current) FREE
- Acta Clinica Belgica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Nov 2016)
- Acta Clinica Belgica : International Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Medicine. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:52-Current)
- Acta Colombiana de Psicología. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Current)
- Acta crystallographica. Section F, Structural biology communications. (PubMed Central) (年月:2014-(12 months ago) 巻号:70-(12 months ago)) Free: after 12 months. 含・継続前誌 Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun (2005-2013年)
- Acta Cytologica. (Karger) (年月:1996-2013 巻号:Vol.40-57)
- Acta dermato-venereologica. (Society for the Publication of Acta Dermato-Venereologica) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:77-Current) Free. 1997年以前も部分的にアクセス可
- Acta Diabetologica. (NII-REO) (年月:1964-1999 巻号:1(1)-36(4))
- Acta Diabetologica. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2002-Jan 2019)
- Acta Diabetologica. (Springer) (年月:1964-1996 巻号:1-33)
- Acta Endoscopica. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2017-Nov 2018)
- Acta Epileptologica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- Acta Ethologica. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2001-Oct 2018)
- Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2019)
- Acta Facultatis Pharmaceuticae. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2015
- Acta Haematologica. (Karger) (年月:1948-2013 巻号:Vol.1-130)
- Acta Herpetologica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Acta Histochemica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Jan 2005)
- Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Acta Informatica. (Springer) (年月:1971-1996 巻号:1-33)
- Acta Informatica Medica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-May 2020)
- Acta Mathematica Hungarica. (Springer) (年月:1946-1996 巻号:1-73)
- Acta Mathematica Sinica. (Springer) (年月:1985-1996 巻号:1-12)
- Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. (Springer) (年月:1984-1996 巻号:1-12)
- Acta Mechanica. (Springer) (年月:1965-1996 巻号:1-119)
- Acta Medica International. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Jul 2019)
- Acta Medica Iranica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Acta medica Kinki University. (Kinki University Medical Association) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:33-Current) Free
- Acta Medica Martiniana. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2011-Current)
- Acta Medica Nagasakiensia. (J-STAGE) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:V.49-Current) FREE
- Acta Medica Nagasakiensia. (Nagasaki University School of Medicine) (年月:1939-Current 巻号:1-Current) Free. 長崎大学学術研究成果リポジトリ
- Acta medica Okayama. (Okayama University Medical School) (年月:1928-Current 巻号:1-Current) Free. 岡山大学学術成果リポジトリ 継続前誌含む
- Acta Medica Saliniana. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Acta Medicinae et Sociologica. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2019-Current)
- Acta Mycologica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1972-Current)
- Acta Neurochirurgica. (NII-REO) (年月:1950-1999 巻号:1(1)-141(12))
- Acta Neurochirurgica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Acta Neurochirurgica. (Springer) (年月:1950-1996 巻号:1-138)
- Acta Neurologica Scandinavica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2023-Current)
- Acta Neuropathologica. (NII-REO) (年月:1961-1999 巻号:1(1)-98(6))
- Acta Neuropathologica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Acta Neuropathologica. (Springer) (年月:1961-1996 巻号:1-93(1))
- Acta Neuropathologica Communications. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Acta Neuropsychiatrica. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2013-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Acta Odontológica Colombiana. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Acta Odontologica Scandinavica. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:55-Current)
- Acta Odontologica Turcica. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2015-Current)
- Acta oncologica. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1963-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Acta Ophthalmologica. (Wiley) (年月:1997-(1 year ago) 巻号:75-(1 year ago)) Free: older than 1 year back to Jan 1st 1997 継続前誌: Acta ophthalmologica Scandinavica(-2007年)
- Acta ophthalmologica Scandinavica. (Wiley) (年月:1997-2007 巻号:75-86) Free. Changed title, since 2008, to "Acta Ophthalmologica".
- Acta Orthopaedica. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 2005-Current)
- Acta Orthopaedica. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2005-2021 巻号:76-92) open access journal. This journal was Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica until 2004. Published by Medical Journals Sweden from 2022.
- Acta Orthopaedica (Supplement). (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 2005-Nov 2016)
- Acta Orthopaedica Belgica. (Acta Orthopaedica Belgica) (年月:1991-Current 巻号:57-Current) open access
- Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica. (Turkish Association of Orthopaedics and Traumatology with publishing services by AVES) (年月:1962-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica. (CINAHL) (年月:Aug 1998-Dec 2004)
- Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1930-2004 巻号:1-75) FREE. Changed title to Acta Orthopaedica since 2005.
- Acta Ortopedica Brasileira. (Sociedade Brasileira de Ortopedia e Traumatologia (SBOT) Regional de São Paulo) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:8(2)-Current) FREE
- Acta Oto-Laryngologica. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1998-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- Acta Oto-Laryngologica. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:117-Current)
- Acta Oto-Laryngologica (Supplement). (CINAHL) (年月:May 1998-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- Acta Oto-Laryngologica Case Reports. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2016-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal.
- Acta Otorhinolaryngologica Italica. (年月:2003-Current 巻号:23-Current) FREE
- Acta Parasitologica. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2006-Dec 2018)
- Acta Paulista de Enfermagem. (Departamento de Enfermagem da Escola Paulista de Medicina) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:18-Current) FREE
- Acta Pediatrica Costarricense. (Asociación Costarricense de Pediatría) (年月:1999-2005 巻号:Vol.13-19) FREE. Ceased publication in 2005
- Acta Pediatrica Espanola. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Jan 2020)
- Acta Pharmaceutica. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2007-Current)
- Acta Pharmacologica Sinica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Acta Pharmacologica Sinica. (Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences) (年月:1980-2008 巻号:1-29)
- Acta Polymerica. (Wiley) (年月:1996-1999 巻号:Vol.47-50)
- Acta Protozoologica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jul 2020)
- Acta radiologica. (Health Science) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:38-Current)
- Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Acta Scientiarum. Biological Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2021
- Acta Scientiarum. Health Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1971-Current)
- Acta Stomatologica Croatica. (年月:1971-Current 巻号:Vol.1-Current) FREE
- Acta Tropica. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1989-1994 巻号:46-58)
- Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2018) 欠:01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2016
- Acta Veterinaria (Brno). (University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences) (年月:1978-Current 巻号:47-Current) FREE
- Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:42-Current) FREE
- Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Actas Urologicas Espanolas. (Elsevier) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:27-Current) FREE
- Activitas Nervosa Superior. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2007-Sep 2016) 欠:01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2008
- Actualidades Biológicas. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2008-Current)
- Actualité Médicale. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2004-Dec 2014)
- Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Current)
- Acupuncture in Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1982-Dec 2018)
- Acupuncture and Natural Medicine = Akupunktúra a Naturálna Medicína. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Jan 2019)
- Acute Coronary Syndromes. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jul 2011)
- Acute Exacerbations in COPD. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2009)
- Acute Medicine & Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Addiction. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2003-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- Addiction. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Nov 2000)
- Addiction Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1998-Oct 2000)
- Addiction Inbox [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2018-Feb 2019)
- Addiction Professional. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2009-Jul 2018)
- Addiction Professional. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Oct 2018)
- Addiction Research & Theory. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:9-Current) 継続前誌: Addiction Research (1997-2000年) も利用可
- Addiction Science & Clinical Practice. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Addictive Behaviors. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1975-1994 巻号:1-19)
- Addictive Disorders & Their Treatment. (LWW) (年月:2002-2021 巻号:1-20)
- The ADHD Report. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2001-Dec 2017)
- Adicciones. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-Current)
- Administration and Policy in Mental Health. (NII-REO) (年月:1973-1999 巻号:1(1)-27(1/2))
- Administration and Policy in Mental Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1999-May 2005)
- Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. (Springer) (年月:1973-1996 巻号:1-24(1-2))
- Administrative Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1987-Apr 1988)
- Administrative Science Quarterly. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1987-Sep 2001)
- Adolescence. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 1990-Dec 2009)
- Adolescence. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1988-Dec 2009)
- Adolescent Medicine Clinics. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2001-Feb 2006)
- Adolescent Psychiatry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Jan 2008)
- Adsorption. (Springer) (年月:1995-1996 巻号:1-2)
- Adultspan Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2008-Oct 2013)
- Advanced Biomedical Engineering. (J-STAGE) (年月:2012-Current) FREE
- Advanced Biomedical Engineering. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Advanced Biomedical Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2015
- Advanced Composite Materials. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-6(1))
- Advanced Development. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Jan 2016)
- Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal. (LWW) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:28(3)-Current) 継続前誌: Topics in emergency medicine
- Advanced Functional Materials. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.6-19,20(1-2))
- Advanced Genetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2021-Current)
- Advanced Materials. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.10-21,22(1-4))
- Advanced Materials for Optics and Electronics. (Wiley) (年月:1996-1999 巻号:Vol.6-10)
- Advanced Performance Materials. (Springer) (年月:1994-1996 巻号:1-3)
- Advanced Practice Nursing Quarterly. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1998-Oct 1998)
- Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis. (Wiley) (年月:2001-2010/1/31 巻号:343-351,352(1)) リンク先でアクセス可: Journal für Praktische Chemie/Chemiker-Zeitung (1996-1998年); Journal für praktische Chemie (1999-2000年)
- Advances and Applications in Bioinformatics and Chemistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Advances in Agriculture & Botanics. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2009-Current)
- Advances in Anatomic Pathology. (LWW) (年月:1994-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Advances in Animal Biosciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2010-Apr 2020)
- Advances in Applied Microbiology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1959-1997 巻号:1-46)
- Advances in Artificial Neural Systems. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2016) 欠:01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011
- Advances in Autism. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Advances in Bioinformatics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2020)
- Advances in Biosciences & Clinical Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Advances in Cancer Research. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1953-1999 巻号:1-78)
- Advances in Cell Aging and Gerontology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1996-1999 巻号:1-3) Title discontinued as of 2005
- Advances in Cellular and Molecular Otolaryngology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jan 2017)
- Advances in Clinical Chemistry. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1958-1999 巻号:1-34)
- Advances in Cognitive Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Current)
- Advances in Computational Mathematics. (Springer) (年月:1993-1996 巻号:1-6)
- Advances in Contraception. (Springer) (年月:1985-1996 巻号:1-12)
- Advances in Developmental Biochemistry. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1993-1999 巻号:2-5) Incorporated into Advances in Developmental Biology and Biochemistry
- Advances in Developmental Biology (1992). (ScienceDirect) (年月:1992-1997 巻号:1-5) Incorporated into Advances in Developmental Biology and Biochemistry
- Advances in Dual Diagnosis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Advances in free radical biology and medicine. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1985-1986 巻号:1-2) 継続後誌:Free Radical Biology and Medicine
- Advances in Genetics. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1947-1999 巻号:1-41)
- Advances in Genomics and Genetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2018)
- Advances in Global Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2022-Current)
- Advances in Health Sciences Education. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-1999 巻号:1(1)-4(3))
- Advances in Health Sciences Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Advances in Health Sciences Education. (Springer) (年月:1996-1996 巻号:1-1)
- Advances in Hematology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Advances in Human-Computer Interaction. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Advances in Immunology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1961-1999 巻号:1-74)
- Advances in Medical Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jul 2013)
- Advances in Mental Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2010-Sep 2017)
- Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Advances in Microbial Physiology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1967-1999 巻号:1-41)
- Advances in Mind-Body Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2012-Current)
- Advances in Molecular and Cell Biology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1987-1999 巻号:1-29) Title discontinued as of 2006
- Advances in Neonatal Care. (LWW) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Advances in Nursing Science. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 1999-Dec 2005)
- Advances in Nursing Science. (LWW) (年月:1978-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Advances in Organ Biology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1996-1999 巻号:1-7) Title discontinued as of 2005
- Advances in Orthopaedics. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2010-Jan 2011)
- Advances in Orthopedics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Advances in Parasitology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1963-1999 巻号:1-44)
- Advances in Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Advances in Pharmacology and Toxicology. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2010-Aug 2017)
- Advances in Physics. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1952-1996 巻号:1-45)
- Advances in physiology education. (American Physiological Society) (年月:1989-Current 巻号:256(6)-Current) FREE
- Advances in Physiotherapy. (CINAHL) (年月:Jun 1999-Dec 2012)
- Advances in Protein Chemistry. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1944-1998 巻号:1-52) Incorporated into Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology
- Advances in Psoriasis and Inflammatory Skin Diseases. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2010-Apr 2011)
- Advances in radiation oncology. (Elsevier) (年月:2016-Current 巻号:1-Current) ScienceDirect. Open Access Journal
- Advances in Respiratory Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2020)
- Advances in Rheumatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Current)
- Advances in Skin & Wound Care. (LWW) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:14-Current) 継続前誌: Advances in Wound Care
- Advances in Skin & Wound Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1999-Nov 2004)
- Advances in Space Biology and Medicine. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1991-1999 巻号:1-7) Title discontinued as of 2005
- Advances in Speech Language Pathology. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2004-Dec 2007)
- Advances in Structural Biology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1996-1999 巻号:4-5) Incorporated into Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology
- Advances in Tumor Virology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2017)
- Advances in Urology. (Hindawi Pub. Corp.) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:2008-Current) FREE
- Advances in Venous Arterial Thrombosis. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2011-Jan 2012)
- Advances in Virology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011
- Advances in Virus Research. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1953-1999 巻号:1-54)
- Advances in Wound Care. (LWW) (年月:1994-1999 巻号:7-12) 継続前誌: Decubitus; 継続後誌: Advances in Skin & Wound Care
- Adverse Drug Reaction Bulletin. (LWW) (年月:1973-2018 巻号:38-313(1))
- Advertising Age. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1999-Current)
- aequationes mathematicae. (Springer) (年月:1968-1996 巻号:1-52)
- Aerobiologia. (Springer) (年月:1985-1996 巻号:1-12)
- Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. (NII-REO) (年月:1976-1999 巻号:1(1)-23(6))
- Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2002-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. (Springer) (年月:1976-1996 巻号:1-20)
- Africa Journal of Nursing & Midwifery. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2010-Current)
- African Archaeological Review. (Springer) (年月:1983-1996 巻号:1-13)
- African Health Sciences. (Faculty of Medicine, Makerere University) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- African Invertebrates. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- African Journal of Disability. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- African Journal of Laboratory Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- African Journal of Paediatric Surgery : AJPS. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Apr 2018)
- African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- African Journal of Reproductive Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2007-Current)
- African Journal of Sociological and Psychological Studies. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2021-Current)
- African Journal of Urology. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2019-Current)
- African Vision and Eye Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2021
- Age and Ageing. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:25(1)-32(6))
- Age and Ageing. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1972-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Ageing and Society. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1995-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Aggressive Behavior. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.22-35,36(1))
- Aging. (Impact Journals) (年月:2009-Current 巻号:1-Current) Free
- Aging. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1990-Jan 1996)
- Aging and Cancer. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2021-Current)
- Aging Cell. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2014-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018
- Aging Cell. (Wiley) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:1-Current) オープンアクセス
- Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Aging Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2005-Dec 2013)
- Aging Male. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2003-Dec 2007)
- Aging Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2018-Current)
- Aging & Mental Health. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 1997-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- Agora-estudos em teoria psicanalítica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2000-Current)
- Ágora : estudos em teoria psicanalítica. (Programa de Pós-Graduação em Teoria Psicanalítica, Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:3(2)-Current) FREE
- Aǧrı. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2021-Current)
- Agricultural and Biological Chemistry. (J-STAGE) (年月:1961-1991) FREE
- Agricultural Biotechnology. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2012-Current)
- Agricultural Economics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Current)
- Agriculture and Human Values. (Springer) (年月:1984-1996 巻号:1-13)
- Agroforestry Systems. (Springer) (年月:1982-1996 巻号:1-36)
- AHA News. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Dec 2016)
- AI & Society. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2002-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- AI & SOCIETY. (Springer) (年月:1987-1996 巻号:1-10)
- AIChE Journal. (Wiley) (年月:1998-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.44-55,56(1))
- AIDS. (LWW) (年月:1988-Current 巻号:2-Current)
- AIDS Alert. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Dec 2011)
- AIDS and Behavior. (NII-REO) (年月:1997-1999 巻号:1(1)-3(4))
- AIDS and Behavior. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-1998 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- AIDS Care. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1990-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- AIDS Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1996-Oct 2000)
- AIDS Care : Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1995-Current 巻号:7-Current)
- AIDS Education and Prevention. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 1998-Dec 2017)
- The AIDS Reader. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2007-Jun 2009)
- AIDS Research and Therapy. (BioMed Central) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- AIDS Research and Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- AIDS Research and Treatment. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011
- AIDS reviews. (Permanyer Publications) (年月:1999- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:1-(Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- AIHA Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1993-Nov 2003)
- Ain-Shams Journal of Anesthesiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2018-Current)
- Air Quality, Atmosphere, & Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2008-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- AJN, American Journal of Nursing. (LWW) (年月:1900-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- AJOB Empirical Bioethics. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2014-Current 巻号:5-Current) 継続前誌: AJOB Primary Research (2010-2013年) も利用可
- AJOB Neuroscience. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2010-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- AJP reports. (Thieme) (年月:2011-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access.
- AJSP : Reviews and Reports. (LWW) (年月:2016-2018 巻号:21-23) 継続前誌: Pathology Case Reviews
- Al-Basar International Journal of Ophthalmology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2020)
- Alabama Nurse. (CINAHL) (年月:Jun 2000-Current)
- Alabama Nurse. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2003-Current)
- Alaska Nurse. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1995-Current)
- Alberta RN. (CINAHL) (年月:Sep 1998-Sep 2015)
- Alberta RN. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1998-Oct 2009)
- Alcohol. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-(60 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2002 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:60日
- Alcohol and Alcoholism. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:31(1)-38(6))
- Alcohol and Alcoholism. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1963-(1 year ago) 巻号:1-(1 year ago)) Free: after 12 months
- Alcohol Health & Research World. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 1990-Dec 1998)
- Alcohol Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1990-Current)
- Alcohol Research & Health. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 1999-Jun 2011)
- Alcohol Research: Current Reviews. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2012-Current)
- Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:15-Current)
- Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research. (LWW) (年月:2004-2005 巻号:28(12)-29)
- Algae. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2011-Current)
- Algebra and Logic. (Springer) (年月:1968-1996 巻号:7-35)
- algebra universalis. (Springer) (年月:1958-1996 巻号:1-36)
- Algorithmica. (Springer) (年月:1986-1996 巻号:1-10)
- Algorithms for Molecular Biology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Algorithms for Molecular Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. (Wiley) (年月:1987-(18 Months ago) 巻号:1-(18 Months ago)) Free. Content older than 18 months.
- Aliventures [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2018-Current)
- Allelopathy Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Oct 2014)
- Allergologia et Immunopathologia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2021-Current)
- Allergologie. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Allergology International. (J-STAGE) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:V.45-Current) FREE
- Allergology international : official journal of the Japanese Society of Allergology. (Elsevier) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:45-Current) ScienceDirect
- Allergy : an Atlas of Investigation and Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Jan 2005)
- Allergy and Asthma Proceedings. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1980-May 2012)
- Allergy & Rhinology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Current)
- Allergy, Asthma, and Clinical Immunology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- ALN World. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2013-Dec 2014)
- Alpine Entomology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2021
- Alternative Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2012-Current)
- Alternative Medicine Review. (CINAHL) (年月:May 2003-Jun 2012)
- Alternative Therapies in Health & Medicine. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 1995-Current)
- Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1998-Current)
- Alternative Therapies in Women's Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jun 2009)
- Alternatives to Animal Testing and Experimentation. (J-STAGE) (年月:2005-Current) FREE
- Alytes. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2003-Jan 2016)
- Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders. (LWW) (年月:1987-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Alzheimer's Care Quarterly. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2001-Dec 2005)
- Alzheimer's Care Quarterly. (LWW) (年月:2000-2007 巻号:1-8(2)) 継続後誌: Alzheimer's Care Today
- Alzheimer's Care Today. (LWW) (年月:2007-2010 巻号:8(3)-11) 継続前誌: Alzheimer's Care Quarterly
- Alzheimer's & Dementia : Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2015-Current)
- Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association. (Wiley) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Alzheimer's & Dementia : Translational Research & Clinical Interventions. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2015-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018
- Alzheimer's & Dementia Weekly. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2016-Current)
- Alzheimer's Research and Therapy. (BioMed Central) (年月:2009-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Alzheimer's Research & Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- AMB Express. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Ambio. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2005-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Ambix : The Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1937-1996 巻号:1-43)
- Ambulatory Child Health. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1999-Dec 2001)
- Ambulatory Surgery. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1993-1994 巻号:1-2) Transferred to Sage Publications as of 2007
- American Academy of Microbiology Critical Issues Colloquia Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-Current) 欠:01-Jan-1993--31-Dec-1994; 01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2014; 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2019; 01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2021
- American Annals of the Deaf. (CINAHL) (年月:Jul 1996-Current)
- American Annals of the Deaf. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-Current)
- American Anthropologist. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1988-Dec 2009)
- American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Conference. Proceedings of the ... Annual Conference. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020
- The American Behavioral Scientist (1986-1994). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1986-Nov 1994)
- The American Biology Teacher. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-Nov 2012)
- American Demographics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1987-Nov 2004)
- American Druggist. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Dec 1999)
- The American Economic Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1987-May 2019)
- American Educational Research Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2001-Dec 2009) 欠:01-Jan-1979--31-Dec-1996
- American Entomological Society. Transactions of the American Entomological Society. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2009-Jul 2019)
- American Family Physician. (American Academy of Family Physicians) (年月:1998-(13 months ago) 巻号:57-(13 months ago)) Free. after 13 months
- American Family Physician. (ProQuest) (年月:May 1998-Current)
- American Fern Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2012-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- American Forests. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-Current)
- American Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1988-Dec 1993)
- American Health Line. First Look. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Dec 2019)
- American Health Line. Weekly Line. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2013-Oct 2019)
- The American Heart Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1994-(60 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-1995--31-Dec-2001 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:60日
- American Heart Journal. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1925-1994 巻号:1-128)
- American Imago. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1996-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Jan 1999)
- American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-Current)
- American journal of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. (Sage) (年月:1999-Current 巻号:14-Current) open access journal. American journal of Alzheimer's disease(-2000年)
- American Journal of Art Therapy. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 1990-May 2002)
- American Journal of Art Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:May 1997-May 2002)
- American Journal of Audiology. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2000-Current)
- American Journal of Audiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1998-Dec 2009)
- American Journal of Audiology (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2010-Mar 2021)
- American Journal of Bioethics. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2001-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- The American Journal of Bioethics. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- American Journal of Business. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1986-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- The American Journal of Cardiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2012-(60 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:60日
- The American Journal of Cardiology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1958-1994 巻号:1-74)
- American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- American Journal of Clinical Dermatology. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2008-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Apr 2015)
- The American journal of clinical nutrition. (Elsevier) (年月:1994-(12 months ago) 巻号:60(5)-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化
- American Journal of Clinical Oncology. (LWW) (年月:1982-2018 巻号:5-41) 継続前誌: Cancer Clinical Trials
- American Journal of Clinical Pathology. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1996-(1 year ago) 巻号:105-(1 year ago)) Free. after 12 months
- American Journal of Clinical Pathology. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2011-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- American Journal of Community Psychology. (NII-REO) (年月:1973-1999 巻号:1(1)-27(6))
- American Journal of Community Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1994-Jun 2018) 欠:01-Sep-2004--31-Dec-2015
- American Journal of Community Psychology. (Springer) (年月:1973-1996 巻号:1-24)
- American Journal of Criminal Justice : AJCJ. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-Current)
- American Journal of Critical Care. (CINAHL) (年月:Nov 2002-Current)
- American Journal of Critical Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-May 2007)
- American Journal of Dance Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- American Journal of Dance Therapy. (Springer) (年月:1977-1996 巻号:1-18)
- The American Journal of Dermatopathology. (LWW) (年月:1979-2018 巻号:1-40)
- The American Journal of Digestive Diseases. (Springer) (年月:1934-1955 巻号:1-22) 誌名変遷: American journal of digestive diseases and nutrition(1934-1938) → American journal of digestive diseases(1938-1955). 現誌名: Digestive diseases and sciences
- The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse : Encompassing All Addictive Disorders. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:23-Current)
- The American Journal of Emergency Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-(60 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:60日
- American Journal of Epidemiology. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:143(1)-158(12)) 欠あり
- American Journal of Epidemiology. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1921-Current 巻号:1-Current) 継続前誌: American Journal of Hygiene 含む
- American Journal of Family Therapy. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2006-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- The American Journal of Family Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Oct 2000)
- American Journal of Forensic Medicine & Pathology. (LWW) (年月:1980-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- American Journal of Gastroenterology. (LWW) (年月:1998-2018 巻号:93-113)
- The American Journal of Gastroenterology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- The American Journal of Gastroenterology Supplements. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2012-Dec 2016) 欠:01-Jan-2013--31-Dec-2013; 01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2015
- American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. (LWW) (年月:1993-1999 巻号:1-7(4))
- The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1998-Jul 2013)
- American Journal of Health Behavior. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1996-May 2021)
- American Journal of Health Behavior. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Nov 2009)
- American Journal of Health Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2002-Nov 2016)
- American Journal of Health Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2019) 欠:01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018
- American Journal of Health Studies. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Oct 2007)
- American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2002-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- American Journal of Hematology. (Wiley) (年月:1976-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) Free: Content older than 1 year
- American Journal of Hematology / Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2008-Apr 2009)
- American Journal of Human Biology. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2009/03/31 巻号:Vol.8-20,21(1-2))
- The American Journal of Human Genetics. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:60(6)-Current)
- American Journal of Hypertension. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-Dec 2015)
- American Journal of Industrial Medicine. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.29-52,53(1))
- American Journal of Infection Control. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1980-1994 巻号:8-22)
- American Journal of Kidney Diseases. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1995-Current 巻号:Vol.25-Current)
- American Journal of Law and Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- American Journal of Managed Care. (Intellisphere, LLC) (年月:1995-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- American Journal of Mathematical & Management Sciences. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1981-1996 巻号:1-16)
- American Journal of Medical Genetics. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.61-151,152(1))
- American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.61-149A,152A(1))
- American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.67-150B,153B(1))
- American Journal of Medical Genetics Part C: Seminars in Medical Genetics. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.89-151C)
- American Journal of Medical Quality. (LWW) (年月:1992-2018 巻号:7-33) 継続前誌: Quality Assurance & Utilization Review
- American Journal of Medical Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- American Journal of the Medical Sciences. (LWW) (年月:1827-2012 巻号:1-326,329-342,343(1)) 継続前誌: Philadelphia Journal of the Medical & Physical Sciences (1820-1827年)
- The American Journal of Medicine. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1946-1994 巻号:Vol.1-97)
- American journal of men's health. (Sage) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access
- American Journal of Nephrology. (Karger) (年月:1981-2013 巻号:Vol.1-38)
- American Journal of Nephrology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1996-Nov 2015)
- American journal of neuroradiology : AJNR : official journal American Society of Neuroradiology / the American Society of Neuroradiology. (American Society of Neuroradiology) (年月:1980-Current 巻号:Vol.1-Current)
- American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1995-2021 巻号:172-225)
- The American Journal of Occupational Therapy. (Health Science) (年月:1980-Current 巻号:34-Current)
- The American Journal of Occupational Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2006-Nov 2018)
- American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2011-Current)
- American journal of ophthalmology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1918-2021 巻号:1-232)
- American journal of ophthalmology case reports. (Elsevier) (年月:2016-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access (ScienceDirect)
- American Journal of Optometry. (LWW) (年月:1925-1940 巻号:2(8)-17) 継続前誌: Northwest Journal of Optometry; 継続後誌: American Journal of Optometry & Archives of American Academy of Optometry
- American Journal of Optometry & Archives of American Academy of Optometry. (LWW) (年月:1941-1973 巻号:18-50) 継続前誌: American Journal of Optometry; 継続後誌: American Journal of Optometry & Physiological Optics
- American Journal of Optometry & Physiological Optics. (LWW) (年月:1974-1988 巻号:51-65)
- The American journal of orthopedic surgery. (LWW) (年月:1903-1918 巻号:1(2),2-16) 継続前誌: Transactions of the American Orthopedic Association. 継続後誌: Journal of orthopaedic surgery. 現誌名: The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume.
- American Journal of Otolaryngology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1979-1994 巻号:Vol.1-15)
- American Journal of Otology. (LWW) (年月:1979-2000 巻号:1-21) 継続後誌: Otology & Neurotology
- The American Journal of Pathology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Dec 2002)
- The American journal of pathology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1998-Current 巻号:153-Current)
- American Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. (LWW) (年月:1979-1994 巻号:1-16) 継続後誌: Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
- American Journal of Perinatology. (Thieme) (年月:1983-1999 巻号:1-16)
- American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. (American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy) (年月:1994-Current 巻号:58-Current) FREE
- American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Current)
- American Journal of Physical Anthropology. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.99-140,141(1))
- American Journal of Physical Medicine. (LWW) (年月:1952-1987 巻号:31-66) 継続前誌: Occupational Therapy & Rehabilitation. 継続後誌: American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
- American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. (LWW) (年月:1988-Current 巻号:67-Current) 継続前誌:American Journal of Physical Medicine
- American Journal of Physiology. (American Physiological Society) (年月:1898-1976 巻号:1-231) 1977年以降は"Cell Physiology"などのセクション別となっている
- American journal of physiology. Cell physiology. (American Physiological Society) (年月:1977-Current 巻号:232-Current)
- American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism. (American Physiological Society) (年月:1977-Current 巻号:232-Current) "American journal of physiology. Endocrinology, metabolism and gastrointestinal physiology" (1977-1979年)含む
- American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology. (American Physiological Society) (年月:1980-Current 巻号:238-Current)
- American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology. (American Physiological Society) (年月:1977-Current 巻号:232-Current)
- American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology. (American Physiological Society) (年月:1989-Current 巻号:257-Current)
- American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology. (American Physiological Society) (年月:1977-Current 巻号:232-Current)
- American journal of physiology. Renal physiology. (American Physiological Society) (年月:1977-Current 巻号:232-Current) 継続前誌"American journal of physiology. Renal, fluid and electrolyte physiology" (1977-1996年)含む
- American Journal of Play. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- American Journal of Primatology. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2008/1/31 巻号:Vol.38-71,72(1))
- American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2006-Dec 2017) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:18 months
- The American journal of psychiatry. (American Psychiatric Publishing) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:Vol.154-Current)
- American Journal of Psychoanalysis. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1995-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- The American Journal of Psychoanalysis. (Springer) (年月:1941-1996 巻号:1-56)
- The American Journal of Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1995-Dec 2001)
- American Journal of Psychotherapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-Oct 2016)
- American Journal of Public Health. (American Public Health Association) (年月:1911- (Free after 10 years) 巻号:1- (Free after 10 years)) Free after 120 months.(10年経過後オープンアクセス化)
- American Journal of Public Health. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2003-Current)
- American Journal of Public Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-Current)
- American Journal of Public Health. (PubMed Central) (年月:1971-(24 months ago) 巻号:61-(24 months ago)) Free: after 24 months. 継続前誌も閲覧可能(1891-1970年)
- American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology. (American Thoracic Society) (年月:1997- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:16-(Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-Dec 2010)
- American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Sep 2019)
- American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine. (American Thoracic Society) (年月:Jul. 1997-(1 year ago) 巻号:156-(1 year ago)) Free. after 12 months
- American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2003-Sep 2019)
- American Journal of Rhinology & Allergy. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1987-Mar 2012)
- American journal of roentgenology. (American Roentgen Ray Society) (年月:1965- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:95-(Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- American Journal of Safe Patient Handling & Movement. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2011-Dec 2016)
- American Journal of Sexuality Education. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:1(2)-Current)
- American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1998-Nov 2009)
- American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2010-Sep 2022)
- American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2001-Current)
- The American Journal of Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-(60 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-1993--31-Dec-1996; 01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-1999; 01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2002 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:60日
- The American Journal of Surgery. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1926-1994 巻号:1-168)
- American Journal of Surgical Pathology. (LWW) (年月:1977-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- American Journal of Therapeutics. (LWW) (年月:1994-2018 巻号:1-25)
- American Journal of Transplantation. (Elsevier) (年月:2001-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化
- American Journal of Transplantation. (Wiley) (年月:2001-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化 2023年よりElsevier
- American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. (American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene) (年月:1998- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:58-(Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- American Libraries. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Current)
- The American Midland Naturalist. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1997-Current)
- American Nurse. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2001-Dec 2016)
- American Nurse. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1998-Nov 2016)
- American Planning Association. Journal of the American Planning Association. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1988-Apr 2010)
- American Rehabilitation. (CINAHL) (年月:Jun 1997-Sep 2004)
- American Rehabilitation. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1995-Oct 2004) 欠:01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2002
- American Scientist. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1995-Current)
- American Sociological Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1988-Jun 2013)
- American Speech Language Hearing Association. Asha. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1997-Nov 1999)
- The American Statistician. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1947-1996 巻号:1-50)
- The American Surgeon. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1997-Dec 2021)
- American University Law Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2011-Current)
- American Water Works Association. Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1996-Mar 2012)
- AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings. (PubMed Central) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:2003-Current) 継続前誌も閲覧可能(1977-2002年)
- Amino Acids. (NII-REO) (年月:1991-1999 巻号:1(1)-17(4))
- Amino Acids. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Amino Acids. (Springer) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-11)
- AMT events. (CINAHL) (年月:Sep 2004-Sep 2019)
- AMT Events. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2010-Mar 2019)
- Amyloid. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2003-Dec 2007)
- Amyloid : The Journal of Protein Folding Disorders. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:4-Current)
- Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2013-Current 巻号:14-Current) 継続前誌: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (2005-2012年); Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Other Motor Neuron Disorders (2000-2004年) も利用可
- Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2000-Dec 2020)
- Anaesthesia. (Wiley) (年月:1946-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化
- Anaesthesia and Intensive Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1998-Mar 2020)
- Anaesthesiology Intensive Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Anais brasileiros de dermatología. (Elsevier España, S.L.) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:77(5)-Current) FREE
- Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias / Academia Brasileira de Ciencias. (Academia brasileira de ciencias) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:72-Current) FREE
- Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii "Al. I. Cuza" din Iasi. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Current)
- Anales de Biologia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Anales de Hidrología Médica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Jul 2012) 欠:01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2010
- Anales de medicina interna. (Espasa-Calpe, S.A) (年月:2000-2008 巻号:17(12)-25(7)) FREE
- Anales de Psicología. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1984-May 2020)
- Anales de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Current)
- Anales de Veterinaria de Murcia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2020
- Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra. (Gobierno de Navarra, Departamento de Salud) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:26-Current) FREE
- Análise psicológica. (年月:1997-Current 巻号:15-Current) FREE
- Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing. (Springer) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-11)
- Analysis and Intervention in Developmental Disabilities. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1981-1986 巻号:1-6) Incorporated into Research in Developmental Disabilities
- Analysis Mathematica. (Springer) (年月:1975-1996 巻号:1-22)
- Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-2000; 01-Jan-2004--31-Dec-2004; 01-Jan-2009--31-Dec-2010 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. (Springer) (年月:1862-1996 巻号:1-353) 誌名変遷: Zeitschrift für analytische Chemie(1862-1944) → Fresenius' Zeitschrift für analytische Chemie(1944-1989) → Fresenius' journal of analytical chemistry(1990-2001) → Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry(2002-)
- Analytical Chemistry. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:68-Current)
- Analytical Chemistry Insights. (SAGE) (年月:2006-2018 巻号:1-13) オープンアクセス誌
- Analytical Letters. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1967-1996 巻号:1-29)
- Analytical Sciences. (J-STAGE) (年月:1985-Current 巻号:V.1-Current) FREE
- Analytical Sciences/Supplements. (J-STAGE) (年月:2001-2001) FREE
- Analytical Sciences: X-ray Structure Analysis Online. (J-STAGE) (年月:2003-2008 巻号:V.19-24) FREE
- The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2008-Sep 2019)
- The Anatolian Journal of Family Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2020-Current)
- Anatomical Record. (Wiley) (年月:1996-(12 months ago) 巻号:1996-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化
- Anatomical Sciences Education. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol1-2,3(1))
- Anatomischer Anzeiger. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Aug 2004)
- Anatomy and Embryology. (NII-REO) (年月:1891-1999 巻号:1(1)-200(6))
- Anemia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Anesthesia & Analgesia. (LWW) (年月:1957-Current 巻号:36-Current) 継続前誌: Current researches in anesthesia & analgesia
- Anesthesia Progress. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2004-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Anesthesia Progress. (PubMed Central) (年月:1966-(6 months ago) 巻号:13-(6 months ago)) Free: after 6 months. 含・継続前誌 Newsmonthly (1954-1957年); J Am Dent Soc Anesthesiol (1958-1965年)
- Anesthesiology. (LWW) (年月:1940-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Angéiologie. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2010-Sep 2016)
- Angewandte Chemie. (Wiley) (年月:1998-2006/1/31 巻号:Vol.110-117,118(1-6))
- Angewandte Chemie International Edition. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.37-48,49(1-5))
- Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.34(23-24),35-48,49(1-5))
- Angewandten Biologie Forschung. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Oct 2014)
- Angina : an Atlas of Investigation and Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Jan 2007)
- Angiogenesis. (NII-REO) (年月:1997-1999 巻号:1(1)-3(4))
- Angiogenesis. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Angiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Mar 2005)
- Angle Orthodontist. (Allen Press) (年月:1931-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Animal Biology & Animal Husbandry. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2009-Current)
- Animal Biology Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Oct 2013)
- Animal Biotelemetry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Animal Cells and Systems. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2018-Current)
- Animal Cognition. (NII-REO) (年月:1998-1999 巻号:1(1)-2(4))
- Animal Cognition. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1998-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Animal Diseases. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2021-Current)
- Animal Health Research Reviews. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Animal Lab News. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2013-Apr 2016)
- Animal Microbiome. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- Animal Models and Experimental Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2018-Current)
- Animal Molecular Breeding. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2017)
- Animal Research International. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2013-Apr 2017)
- Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2020)
- Animal: an International Journal of Animal Bioscience. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2007-Dec 2020)
- Animals. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2011-Current)
- Ankara Universites Tip Fakultesi Mecmuasi = Journal of Ankara University Faculty of Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2018-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020
- Annalen der Philosophie. (Springer) (年月:1919-1921 巻号:1-3) 誌名変遷: Annalen der Philosophie(1919-1921) → Annalen der Philosophie und Philosophischen Kritik(1924-1929) → Erkenntnis(1930-1939) → Journal of unified science(1939-1940) → Erkenntnis(1975-)
- Annalen der Philosophie und philosophischen Kritik. (Springer) (年月:1924-1929 巻号:4-8) Annalen der Philosophie(1919-1921) → Annalen der Philosophie und Philosophischen Kritik(1924-1929) → Erkenntnis(1930-1939) → Journal of unified science(1939-1940) → Erkenntnis(1975-)
- Annales : Series Historia Naturalis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Current)
- Annales de Chirurgie de la Main. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1982-1989 巻号:1-8) Continued as Annales de Chirurgie de la Main et du Membre Supérieur
- Annales de Chirurgie de la Main et du Membre Supérieur. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1990-1994 巻号:9-13) Formerly known as Annales de Chirurgie de la Main; Continued as Chirurgie de la Main
- Annales de Toxicologie Analytique. (年月:2000-2013 巻号:12-25) FREE
- Annales Francaises de Medecine d'Urgence. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2017-Current)
- Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jul 2015)
- Annales of West University of Timisoara. Series of Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jul 2020)
- Annali dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanita. (Istituto superiore di sanità) (年月:1969-Current 巻号:5-Current) FREE
- Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1858-1865). (Springer) (年月:1858-1865 巻号:1-7) Serie 1(1858-1865) → Serie 2(1867-1897) → Serie 3(1898-1922) → Serie 4(1923-)
- Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1867-1897). (Springer) (年月:1867-1897 巻号:1-26) Serie 1(1858–1865) → Serie 2(1867-1897) → Serie 3(1898-1922) → Serie 4(1923-)
- Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1898-1922). (Springer) (年月:1898-1922 巻号:1-31) Serie 1(1858–1865) → Serie 2(1867-1897) → Serie 3(1898-1922) → Serie 4(1923-)
- Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1923-). (Springer) (年月:1923-1996 巻号:1-170) Serie 1(1858–1865) → Serie 2(1867-1897) → Serie 3(1898-1922) → Serie 4(1923-)
- Annali di Stomatologia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Sep 2018)
- Annals of A.I. I. Cuza University. Psychology Series. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Annals of African Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2008-Current)
- Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Current)
- Annals of the American Thoracic Society. (American Thoracic Society) (年月:2004-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) FREE. after 12 months. 継続前誌含む
- Annals of the American Thoracic Society. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2012-Sep 2019)
- Annals of Behavioral Medicine. (NII-REO) (年月:1995-1999 巻号:17(1)-21(4))
- Annals of Behavioral Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-Dec 2017)
- Annals of Biomedical Engineering. (NII-REO) (年月:1972-1999 巻号:1(1)-27(6))
- Annals of Biomedical Engineering. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Annals of Botany. (NII-REO) (年月:1993-2003 巻号:71(1)-92(6)) 欠あり
- Annals of botany. (PubMed Central) (年月:2006-(12 months ago) 巻号:97-(12 months ago)) Beginning with v. 97(1), the full contents of this journal are available. The back issue archive is in progress. Articles from this journal are generally available in PMC after a 12-month delay (embargo)
- Annals of Cancer Research and Therapy. (J-STAGE) (年月:1992-Current 巻号:V.1-Current) FREE
- Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Annals of Cardiac Anesthesia. ([Indian Association of Cardiovascular Thoracic Anaesthesiologist]) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:5-Current) FREE
- Annals of Clinical Biochemistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-Jul 2006)
- Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials. (BioMed Central) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Annals of Clinical Psychiatry. (Frontline Medical Communications) (年月:2004-2008 巻号:Vol.16-20) FREE (Taylor and Francis/CLOCKSS提供)
- Annals of Clinical Psychiatry. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1999-Sep 2003)
- Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology. (Wiley) (年月:2014-Current 巻号:1-Current) Free
- Annals of Dyslexia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Annals of emergency medicine. (ScienceDirect) (年月:2004-2009 巻号:Vol.43-54)
- Annals of family medicine. (Annals of Family Medicine) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Annals of Gastroenterological Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2017-Current)
- Annals of gastroenterological surgery. (Wiley) (年月:2017-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access. 日本消化器外科学会
- Annals of General Psychiatry. (BioMed Central) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:4-Current) Free. 継続前誌: Annals of general hospital psychiatry (2002-2004年)もアクセス可
- Annals of General Psychiatry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry. (Springer) (年月:1983-1996 巻号:1-14)
- Annals of global health. (Ubiquity Press) (年月:2014-Current 巻号:80-Current) open access
- Annals of Hematology. (NII-REO) (年月:1955-1999 巻号:1(1)-78(12))
- Annals of Hematology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Annals of Hematology. (Springer) (年月:1955-1996 巻号:1-73) Blut : Zeitschrift für die gesamte Blutforschung(1955-1990) → Annals of hematology(1991-)
- Annals of hepatology. (Elsevier) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open access
- Annals of Human Biology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:24-Current) Open Access: v50(2023)-
- Annals of the ICRP. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1977-1994 巻号:1-24) Formerly known as Annals of the ICRP/ICRP Publication; Title transferred to Sage Publications as of 2014
- Annals of the ICRP/ICRP Publication. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1959-1975 巻号:1-23) Continued as Annals of the ICRP
- Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology. (年月:1998-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Annals of Intensive Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2011-Current)
- Annals of Internal Medicine. (American College of Physicians) (年月:1993-Current 巻号:Vol.118-Current)
- Annals of Internal Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2002-Mar 2006)
- Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence. (Springer) (年月:1990-1996 巻号:1-18)
- Annals of Microbiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2010-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2015; 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2019
- Annals of Neurology. (Wiley) (年月:1977-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Annals of Neurosciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Oct 2015)
- Annals of Noninvasive Electrocardiology (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2020-Current)
- Annals of Nuclear Cardiology. (J-STAGE) (年月:2015-Current) FREE
- Annals of Nuclear Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-Jan 2019)
- Annals of Nuclear Medicine. (Springer Japan) (年月:1987-2007 巻号:1-21(2)) 日本核医学会
- Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. (Karger) (年月:1959-2013 巻号:1-63) Nutritio et Dieta. (1959-1969年) → Nutrition and Metabolism. (1970-1980)年
- Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2001-Nov 2015)
- Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2019)
- Annals of Occupational Hygiene. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:40(1)-47(8))
- Annals of Occupational Hygiene. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1958-(1 year ago) 巻号:1-(1 year ago)) Free: after 12 months
- Annals of Oncology. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:7(1)-14(12))
- Annals of Oncology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1990-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Annals of Operations Research. (Springer) (年月:1984-1996 巻号:1-68)
- The Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1995-Mar 2014)
- Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology. (Sage) (年月:2014-2018 巻号:123-127)
- Annals of Pediatric Cardiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Annals of Pediatric Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2019-Current)
- Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. (Elsevier Masson) (年月:Feb 2009-(12 months ago) 巻号:52(1)-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化. ScienceDirect
- The Annals of physiological anthropology. (J-STAGE) (年月:1983-1994) FREE
- Annals of Plastic Surgery. (LWW) (年月:1978-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- The Annals of Regional Science. (Springer) (年月:1967-1996 巻号:1-30)
- The Annals of Respiratory Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2011)
- Annals of the rheumatic diseases. (BMJ) (年月:1939-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1939-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018
- Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-(219 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:219日
- Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. (PubMed Central) (年月:1947-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) Free: after 12 months
- Annals of Saudi Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Nov 2019)
- Annals of Software Engineering. (Springer) (年月:1995-1996 巻号:1-2)
- Annals of Surgery. (LWW) (年月:1885-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Annals of Surgical Innovation and Research. (BioMed Central) (年月:2007-2016 巻号:1-10) FREE
- Annals of Surgical Innovation and Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2016)
- Annals of Surgical Oncology. (NII-REO) (年月:1994-1999 巻号:1(1)-6(8))
- Annals of Surgical Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Annals of Surgical Oncology. (Springer) (年月:1997-2022 巻号:4-29(4))
- Annals of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. (Japanese Editorial Committee of Annals of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery) (年月:2001-2010 巻号:7(2)-16) FREE v17以降はJ-stage
- Annals of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. (J-STAGE) (年月:2011-Current) FREE
- Annals of Thoracic Medicine. (年月:2006-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Annals of Thoracic Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Annals of Thoracic Surgery. (Elsevier) (年月:1965-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化.
- Annals of transplantation. (International Scientific Literature) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jul 2018)
- Annals of Vascular Diseases. (J-STAGE) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:V.1-Current) FREE
- Annals of Vascular Surgery. (Springer) (年月:1986-1996 巻号:1-10)
- Annual in Therapeutic Recreation. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2013-Current)
- The Annual of Psychoanalysis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Jan 2004)
- Annual report / National Institute of Genetics. (National Institute of Genetics) (年月:1949-2012 巻号:1-63) Free
- Annual report / National Institute of Radiological Sciences. (National Institute of Radiological Sciences) (年月:1994-Current 巻号:1994-Current) Free.
- Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry. (Annual Reviews) (年月:2008-2017 巻号:1-10)
- Annual Review of Animal Biosciences. (Annual Reviews) (年月:2013-2017 巻号:1-5)
- Annual Review of Anthropology. (Annual Reviews) (年月:1972-2017 巻号:1-46)
- Annual Review of Anthropology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Oct 2005)
- Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics. (Annual Reviews) (年月:1963-2017 巻号:1-55)
- Annual Review of Biochemistry. (Annual Reviews) (年月:1932-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Annual Review of Biochemistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Jul 2005)
- Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering. (Annual Reviews) (年月:1999-2017 巻号:1-19)
- Annual Review of Biophysics. (Annual Reviews) (年月:1972-2017 巻号:1-46) Annual Review of Biophysics and Bioengineering → Annual Review of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry → Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure → Annual Review of Biophysics
- Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Jun 2005)
- Annual Review of Cancer Biology. (Annual Reviews) (年月:2017-2017 巻号:1)
- Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology. (Annual Reviews) (年月:1985-2017 巻号:1-33) Annual Review of Cell Biology → Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology
- Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Nov 2005)
- Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. (Annual Reviews) (年月:2010-2017 巻号:1-8)
- Annual Review of Clinical Psychology. (Annual Reviews) (年月:2005-2017 巻号:1-13)
- Annual Review of Clinical Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2005-Apr 2005)
- Annual Review of Computer Science. (Annual Reviews) (年月:1986-1990 巻号:1-4)
- Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics. (Annual Reviews) (年月:2010-2017 巻号:1-8)
- Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences. (Annual Reviews) (年月:1973-2017 巻号:1-45)
- Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. (Annual Reviews) (年月:1970-2017 巻号:1-48) Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics → Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics
- Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Dec 2005)
- Annual Review of Economics. (Annual Reviews) (年月:2009-2017 巻号:1-9)
- Annual Review of Entomology. (Annual Reviews) (年月:1956-2017 巻号:1-62)
- Annual Review of Entomology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Jan 2005)
- Annual Review of Environment and Resources. (Annual Reviews) (年月:1976-2017 巻号:1-42) Annual Review of Energy → Annual Review of Energy and the Environment → Annual Review of Environment and Resources
- Annual Review of Financial Economics. (Annual Reviews) (年月:2009-2017 巻号:1-9)
- Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics. (Annual Reviews) (年月:1969-2017 巻号:1-49)
- Annual Review of Food Science and Technology. (Annual Reviews) (年月:2010-2017 巻号:1-8)
- Annual Review of Genetics. (Annual Reviews) (年月:1967-2017 巻号:1-51)
- Annual Review of Genetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1996-Dec 2005)
- Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics. (Annual Reviews) (年月:2000-2017 巻号:1-18)
- Annual Review of Gerontology & Geriatrics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Jan 2017)
- Annual Review of Immunology. (Annual Reviews) (年月:1983-2017 巻号:1-35)
- Annual Review of Immunology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Apr 2005)
- Annual Review of Law and Social Science. (Annual Reviews) (年月:2005-2017 巻号:1-13)
- Annual Review of Linguistics. (Annual Reviews) (年月:2015-2017 巻号:1-3)
- Annual Review of Marine Science. (Annual Reviews) (年月:2009-2017 巻号:1-9)
- Annual Review of Materials Research. (Annual Reviews) (年月:1971-2017 巻号:1-47) Annual Review of Materials Science → Annual Review of Materials Research
- Annual Review of Materials Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Aug 2005)
- Annual Review of Medicine. (Annual Reviews) (年月:1950-2017 巻号:1-68)
- Annual Review of Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Feb 2005)
- Annual Review of Microbiology. (Annual Reviews) (年月:1947-2017 巻号:1-71)
- Annual Review of Microbiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Jan 2004)
- Annual Review of Neuroscience. (Annual Reviews) (年月:1978-2017 巻号:1-40)
- Annual Review of Neuroscience. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Jul 2005)
- Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science. (Annual Reviews) (年月:1952-2017 巻号:1-67) Annual Review of Nuclear Science → Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science
- Annual Review of Nursing Education. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2005-Dec 2008)
- Annual Review of Nursing Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Jan 2017)
- Annual Review of Nutrition. (Annual Reviews) (年月:1981-2017 巻号:1-37)
- Annual Review of Nutrition. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1997-Aug 2005)
- Annual Review of Nutrition. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Aug 2005)
- Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior. (Annual Reviews) (年月:2014-2017 巻号:1-4)
- Annual Review of Pathology: Mechanisms of Disease. (Annual Reviews) (年月:2006-2017 巻号:1-12)
- Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology. (Annual Reviews) (年月:1961-2017 巻号:1-57) Annual Review of Pharmacology → Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Feb 2005)
- Annual Review of Physical Chemistry. (Annual Reviews) (年月:1950-2017 巻号:1-68)
- Annual Review of Physical Chemistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-May 2005)
- Annual Review of Physiology. (Annual Reviews) (年月:1939-2017 巻号:1-79)
- Annual Review of Physiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Mar 2005)
- Annual Review of Phytopathology. (Annual Reviews) (年月:1963-2017 巻号:1-55)
- Annual Review of Phytopathology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Sep 2005)
- Annual Review of Plant Biology. (Annual Reviews) (年月:1950-2017 巻号:1-68) Annual Review of Plant Physiology → Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology → Annual Review of Plant Biology
- Annual Review of Plant Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Jun 2005)
- Annual Review of Political Science. (Annual Reviews) (年月:1998-2017 巻号:1-20)
- Annual Review of Psychology. (Annual Reviews) (年月:1950-2017 巻号:1-68)
- Annual Review of Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1993-Jan 2005)
- Annual Review of Public Health. (Annual Reviews) (年月:1980-2017 巻号:1-38)
- Annual Review of Public Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Apr 2005)
- Annual Review of Resource Economics. (Annual Reviews) (年月:2009-2017 巻号:1-9)
- Annual Review of Sex Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Jan 2007)
- Annual Review of Sex Research. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-2007 巻号:8-18)
- Annual Review of Sociology. (Annual Reviews) (年月:1975-2017 巻号:1-43)
- Annual Review of Sociology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1995-Aug 2005)
- Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application. (Annual Reviews) (年月:2014-2017 巻号:1-4)
- Annual Review of Virology. (Annual Reviews) (年月:2014-2017 巻号:1-4)
- Annual Review of Vision Science. (Annual Reviews) (年月:2015-2017 巻号:1-3)
- Anthropocene Magazine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2015
- Anthropologica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1993-Jul 2016)
- Anthropological Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Current)
- Anthropological Science. (J-STAGE) (年月:1993-Current 巻号:V.101-Current) FREE
- Anthropology and Education Quarterly. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1999-Dec 2010)
- Antibiotics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Antibodies. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2012-Current)
- Antibody Technology Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2016) 欠:01-Jan-2013--31-Dec-2013
- Anti-Cancer Drug Design. (NII-REO) (年月:2001-2001 巻号:16(1)-16(6)) 欠あり
- Anti-Cancer Drugs. (LWW) (年月:1990-2018 巻号:1-29)
- Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. (American Society for Microbiology) (年月:1972-(6 months ago) 巻号:1-(6 months ago)) Free after 6 months
- Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Antimicrobial Stewardship and Healthcare Epidemiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2021-Current)
- Antimicrobic Newsletter. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1984-1993 巻号:1-9) Incorporated into Antimicrobics and Infectious Diseases Newsletter
- Antimicrobics and Infectious Diseases Newsletter. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1994-1994 巻号:13) Incorporating Antimicrobic Newsletter and Infectious Diseases Newsletter; Title discontinued as of 2003
- Antioxidants. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2012-Current)
- Antiviral Chemistry & Chemotherapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1990-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2016
- Antiviral chemistry & chemotherapy. (Sage) (年月:1990-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access online journal
- Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. (NII-REO) (年月:1934-1999 巻号:1(1)-76(1/4))
- Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. (Springer) (年月:1926-1996 巻号:1-70)
- Anuario de Psicología. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2010--31-Dec-2010
- Anuario de Psicología Juridica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1991-Current) 欠:01-Jan-1996--31-Dec-1996
- Anxiety. (Wiley) (年月:1996-1996 巻号:2)
- AORN Journal. (CINAHL) (年月:Jun 2004-Aug 2015)
- AORN Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-(60 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:60日
- Apoptosis. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-1999 巻号:1(1)-4(6))
- Apoptosis. (Springer) (年月:1996-1996 巻号:1-1)
- Apoptosis : An International Journal on Programmed Cell Death. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing. (Springer) (年月:1990-1996 巻号:1-8(1))
- Applicable Analysis : An International Journal. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1971-1996 巻号:1-63)
- The Application of Clinical Genetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Applications in Plant Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. (Springer) (年月:1976-1996 巻号:1-61(2)) 含: 継続前誌Journal of solid-phase biochemistry(1976-1980年)
- Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-Nov 2018)
- Applied Biological Chemistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2009-Current)
- Applied Bionics and Biomechanics. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2005-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2015; 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017
- Applied Categorical Structures. (Springer) (年月:1993-1996 巻号:1-4)
- Applied clinical informatics. (PubMed Central) (年月:2009-(12 months ago) 巻号:0-(12 months ago)) Free: after 12 months
- Applied Clinical Trials. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2006-Mar 2020)
- Applied Composite Materials. (Springer) (年月:1994-1996 巻号:1-3)
- Applied Entomology and Zoology. (J-STAGE) (年月:1966-2010) FREE
- Applied and Environmental Microbiology. (American Society for Microbiology) (年月:1953-(6 months ago) 巻号:1-(6 months ago)) Free after 6 months
- Applied H.R.M. Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2006-Jan 2013)
- Applied Health Economics and Health Policy. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2008-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Applied Human Science. (J-STAGE) (年月:1995-1999 巻号:V.14-18) FREE
- Applied Immunohistochemistry. (LWW) (年月:1993-1998 巻号:1(),3(),4-6) 欠あり 継続後誌: Applied Immunohistochemistry & Molecular Morphology
- Applied Immunohistochemistry & Molecular Morphology. (LWW) (年月:1999-2018 巻号:7-26) 継続前誌: Applied Immunohistochemistry
- Applied Intelligence. (Springer) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-6)
- Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (Springer) (年月:1980-1996 巻号:1-17)
- Applied Mathematics and Optimization. (Springer) (年月:1974-1996 巻号:1-34)
- Applied Medical Informatics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. (NII-REO) (年月:1975-1999 巻号:1(1)-53(1))
- Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Applied Organometallic Chemistry. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.10-23,24(1))
- Applied Physics A. (Springer) (年月:1973-1996 巻号:1-63)
- Applied Physics B. (Springer) (年月:1973-1996 巻号:1-63)
- Applied and Preventive Psychology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1992-1993 巻号:1-2) Title discontinued as of 2013
- Applied Psycholinguistics. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. (NII-REO) (年月:1976-1999 巻号:1(1)-24(4))
- Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. (Springer) (年月:1976-1996 巻号:1-21)
- Applied radiology. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2004-Current)
- Applied Radiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Current)
- Applied Research in Mental Retardation. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1980-1986 巻号:1-7) Incorporated into Research in Developmental Disabilities
- Applied Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Applied Scientific Research, Section B. (Springer) (年月:1950-1965 巻号:1-12) 継続後誌: Applied Scientific Research(1966-1998). 現誌名: Flow, Turbulence and Combustion
- Applied Spectroscopy Reviews. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1967-1996 巻号:1-31)
- Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis. (Wiley) (年月:1996-1999/3/31 巻号:Vol.12-14,15(1))
- Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry. (Wiley) (年月:1999/4/1‐2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.15(2-4),16-25,26(1))
- APTA Magazine. (CINAHL) (年月:Jul 2020-Current)
- Aquaculture International. (Springer) (年月:1993-1996 巻号:1-4)
- Aqualines: The Journal of the Hydrotherapy Association of Chartered Physiotherapists. (CINAHL) (年月:Sep 2010-Current)
- Aquatic Biosystems. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2015)
- Aquatic Ecology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Aquatic Ecology. (Springer) (年月:1972-1996 巻号:6-30)
- Aquatic Geochemistry. (Springer) (年月:1995-1996 巻号:1-2)
- Aquatic Mammals. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Current)
- Aquatic Sciences-Research across Boundaries. (Springer) (年月:1920-1996 巻号:1-58)
- Archaea. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Archiv der Mathematik. (Springer) (年月:1948-1996 巻号:1-67)
- Archiv der Pharmazie. (Wiley) (年月:2005-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.338-342,343(1))
- Archiv für mikroskopische Anatomie. (Springer) (年月:1865-1923 巻号:1-97) 誌名変遷: Archiv für Mikroskopische Anatomie(1865-1894) → Archiv für Mikroskopische Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte(1895-1911) → Archiv für Mikroskopische Anatomie(1911-1923) 現誌名: Development genes and evolution
- Archiva Zootechnica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Archive of Applied Mechanics. (Springer) (年月:1929-1996 巻号:1-67(1-2))
- Archive for History of Exact Sciences. (Springer) (年月:1975-1996 巻号:1-50(1-2))
- Archive for Mathematical Logic. (Springer) (年月:1950-1996 巻号:1-36(1))
- Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis. (Springer) (年月:1957-1996 巻号:1-136)
- Archives of cardiovascular diseases. (Elsevier Masson) (年月:2008-(12 months ago) 巻号:101-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化. ScienceDirect
- Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1986-1995 巻号:1-10)
- Archives of clinical neuropsychology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1986-2008 巻号:1-23) Transferred to Oxford University Press as of 2009
- Archives de l'Institut Pasteur de Tunis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2015)
- Archives de Psychologie. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2006-Sep 2009)
- Archives of Dermatological Research. (NII-REO) (年月:1869-1999 巻号:1(1)-291(12))
- Archives of Dermatological Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2001-Dec 2018)
- Archives of Dermatological Research. (Springer) (年月:1869-1996 巻号:1-289(1))
- Archives of Dermatology. (American Medical Association) (年月:1920-1997 巻号:1-133) リンク先は継続後誌: JAMA dermatology
- Archives of Disease in Childhood. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1926-(180 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-1990--31-Dec-1995 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Archives of Disease in Childhood. (PubMed Central) (年月:1926-2007 巻号:1-92)
- Archives of Disease in Childhood. Fetal and Neonatal Edition. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Archives of Disease in Childhood. Education and Practice Edition. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2004-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition. (PubMed Central) (年月:1994-2007 巻号:70-92)
- Archives of Drug Information. (Wiley) (年月:2008-2011 巻号:1-4) Free
- Archives of Emergency Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1984-Dec 1993)
- Archives of Emergency Medicine. (PubMed Central) (年月:1984-1993 巻号:1-10) 継続後誌: Journal of Accident & Emergency Medicine
- Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. (NII-REO) (年月:1973-1999 巻号:1(1)-37(4))
- Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. (Springer) (年月:1973-1996 巻号:1-31)
- Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1996-Oct 2010)
- Archives of Epilepsy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2020-Current)
- Archives of Family Medicine. (American Medical Association) (年月:1992-2000 巻号:Vol.1-9) FREE (AMA/CLOCKSS提供)
- Archives of General Psychiatry. (American Medical Association) (年月:1959-2012 巻号:1-69) リンク先は継続後誌: JAMA Psychiatry
- Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1982-2021 巻号:1-97)
- Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics. (NII-REO) (年月:1870-1999 巻号:1(1)-263(1/2))
- Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics. (Springer) (年月:1870-1996 巻号:1-259(1))
- Archives of Histology and Cytology. (J-STAGE) (年月:1988-2017 巻号:V.51(1)-Current) FREE
- Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.31-72,73(1))
- Archives of Internal Medicine. (American Medical Association) (年月:1908-2012 巻号:1-172) リンク先は継続後誌: JAMA Internal Medicine
- Archives of Iranian Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Archives of Medical Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Sep 2020)
- Archives of Medical Science. (Termedia Pub.) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE.
- Archives of Microbiology. (NII-REO) (年月:1930-1999 巻号:1(1)-172(6))
- Archives of Microbiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Archives of Microbiology. (Springer) (年月:1930-1996 巻号:1-166)
- Archives of Neurology. (American Medical Association) (年月:1959-1997 巻号:1-54) リンク先は継続後誌: JAMA Neurology
- Archives of Neurology & Psychiatry. (American Medical Association) (年月:1919-1959 巻号:Vol.1-81)
- Archives of Occupational Therapy. (LWW) (年月:1922-1924 巻号:1-3(6)) 継続後誌:Occupational Therapy & Rehabilitation. 現誌名:American Journal of Physical Medicine Rehabilitation
- Archives of Ophthalmology. (American Medical Association) (年月:1929-2012 巻号:1-130) リンク先は継続後誌: JAMA Ophthalmology
- Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery. (NII-REO) (年月:1903-1999 巻号:1(1)-119(7/8))
- Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery. (Springer) (年月:1903-1996 巻号:1-115)
- Archives of Otolaryngology- Head & Neck Surgery. (American Medical Association) (年月:1925-1997 巻号:1-123) リンク先は継続後誌: JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery
- Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2003-Current)
- Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. (College of American Pathologists) (年月:1999-Current 巻号:123-Current) Free
- Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1996-Current)
- Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. (American Medical Association) (年月:1911-1997 巻号:Vol.1-151) リンク先は継続後誌: JAMA Pediatrics
- Archives of Pharmacal Research. (NII-REO) (年月:1978-1999 巻号:1(1)-22(6))
- Archives of Pharmacy Practice. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Apr 2017)
- Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1995-Current 巻号:76-Current)
- Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry : The Journal of Metabolic Diseases. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:105-Current)
- Archives of Physiotherapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Archives of Psychiatry Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2005-May 2018)
- Archives of Sexual Behavior. (NII-REO) (年月:1971-1999 巻号:1(1)-28(6))
- Archives of Sexual Behavior. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1992-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Archives of Sexual Behavior. (Springer) (年月:1971-1996 巻号:1-25)
- Archives of Surgery. (American Medical Association) (年月:1920-1997 巻号:Vol.1-132) リンク先は継続後誌: JAMA Surgery
- Archives of Toxicology. (NII-REO) (年月:1930-1999 巻号:1(1)-73(8/9))
- Archives of Toxicology. (Springer) (年月:1930-1996 巻号:1-71(1-2))
- Archives of Toxicology. Archiv für Toxikologie. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Archives of Virology. (NII-REO) (年月:1939-1999 巻号:1(1)-144(12))
- Archives of Virology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Archives of Virology. (Springer) (年月:1939-1996 巻号:1-141)
- Archives of Women's Mental Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Archivos Argentinos de Pediatria. (Sociedad Argentina de Pediatría) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:102-Current) FREE
- Archivos de cardiología de México. (年月:2004-Current 巻号:74-Current) FREE
- Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria. (年月:1997-Current 巻号:29-Current) FREE
- Archivos de Neurociencias. (年月:1996-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Archivos de la Sociedad Espanola de Oftalmologia. (年月:2002-Current 巻号:77(11)-Current) FREE
- Archivos españoles de urología. (年月:2005-2010 巻号:58-63) FREE
- Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2006-Current)
- Archivum Immunologiae et Therapiae Experimentalis. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2006-Dec 2018)
- The Ardell Wellness Report. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Jan 2005)
- Argumentation. (Springer) (年月:1987-1996 巻号:1-10)
- Arhiv Za Higijenu Rada i Toksikologiju. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Current)
- Arizona nurse. (CINAHL) (年月:Sep 2004-Current)
- Arizona Nurse. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1998-Current)
- Arkansas Nursing News. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1995-Current)
- Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia. (年月:1999-Current 巻号:51(2)-Current) FREE
- Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia. (年月:1997-Current 巻号:69-Current) FREE
- Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia e Metabologia. (年月:1998-2014 巻号:42(4)-58) FREE
- Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia. (年月:2000-Current 巻号:63-Current) FREE
- Arquivos de Gastroenterologia. (年月:1999-Current 巻号:36(4)-Current) FREE
- Arquivos de Medicina. (年月:2005-2015 巻号:19-29) FREE
- Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria. (年月:1998-Current 巻号:56-Current) FREE
- Art Psychotherapy. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1973-1979 巻号:1-6) Continued as The Arts in Psychotherapy
- Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2008-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 Months
- Artefactos. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2008-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2017
- Arteriosclerosis. (LWW) (年月:1981-1990 巻号:1-10) 継続後誌: Arteriosclerosis and Thrombosis. 現誌名:Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis & Vascular Biology
- Arteriosclerosis and Thrombosis : A Journal of Vascular Biology. (LWW) (年月:1991-1994 巻号:11-14) 継続前誌: Arteriosclerosis 継続後誌: Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis & Vascular Biology
- Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis & Vascular Biology. (American Heart Association) (年月:1995-Current 巻号:15-Current) (Atypon) 継続前誌(1981-1994年)もリンク先で閲覧可能
- Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis & Vascular Biology. (LWW) (年月:1995-Current 巻号:15-Current) (Ovid) 継続前誌: Arteriosclerosis and thrombosis
- Artery Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2021-Current)
- Arteterapia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Current)
- Arthritis Care & Research. (Wiley) (年月:1999-2000;2001-(1 year ago) 巻号:12-13;45-(1 year ago)) Free: Content older than 1 year
- Arthritis Research. (PubMed Central) (年月:1999-2002 巻号:1-4) 継続後誌: Arthritis Research and Therapy
- Arthritis Research & Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Arthritis Research and Therapy. (PubMed Central) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:5-Current) 継続前誌: Arthritis Research
- Arthritis & Rheumatology. (Wiley) (年月:1958-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) Free: Content older than 1 year. リンク先で、継続前誌: Arthritis & Rheumatism (~2013年) 閲覧可
- Arthroplasty. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- Arthropod-Plant Interactions. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2007-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1985-1994 巻号:1-10)
- Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1989-1994 巻号:Vol.1-6)
- Artificial Intelligence and Law. (Springer) (年月:1992-1996 巻号:1-4)
- Artificial Intelligence Review. (Springer) (年月:1987-1996 巻号:1-10)
- Arts & Health : An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2009-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- The Arts in Psychotherapy. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1980-1994 巻号:7-21) Formerly known as Art Psychotherapy
- ARYA Atherosclerosis. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2009-Current)
- ASA Refresher Courses in Anesthesiology. (LWW) (年月:1973-2015 巻号:1-43(1))
- ASAIO Journal. (LWW) (年月:1992-2018 巻号:38-64) 継続前誌: ASAIO Transactions
- ASAIO Transactions. (LWW) (年月:1986-1991 巻号:32-37) 継続前誌: Transactions-American Society for Artificial Internal Organs; 継続後誌: ASAIO Journal
- Asbestos HUB [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2018-Current)
- ASBN Update. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2000-Current)
- ASHA Leader. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2000-Current)
- ASHA Leader. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2002-Sep 2022)
- Asia Africa Midwifery Research Center Newsletter. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Asia Oceania Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2021
- Asia Pacific Family Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2018)
- Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Current)
- Asia Pacific Journal of Life Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Sep 2013)
- Asia Pacific Journal of Management. (Springer) (年月:1987-1996 巻号:1-10)
- Asia Pacific Journal of Oncology & Hematology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2009-Nov 2010)
- The Asia Pacific Journal of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1994-1994 巻号:3) Formerly known as The AustralAsian Journal of Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery; Continued as The Asia Pacific Heart Journal
- The Asia Pacific Scholar. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2016-Current)
- Asian Bioethics Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2008-Current)
- Asian Herpetological Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2017
- Asian Hospital & Healthcare Management. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2012-Jul 2017)
- Asian Journal of Andrology. (年月:1999-Current 巻号:Vol.1-Current) ※2014年Open Access化.。(2014年NPG→LWW移管)
- Asian Journal of Andrology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2005-Current)
- Asian Journal of Gambling Issues and Public Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2013-Dec 2017)
- Asian Journal of Occupational Therapy. (J-STAGE) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:V.1-Current) FREE
- Asian Journal of Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2018)
- Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2012-Current)
- Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2012-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2015
- Asian Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2012-Current)
- Asian Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2012-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2014
- Asian Journal of Sports Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2010-Jun 2019)
- Asian Journal of Transfusion Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Asian Nursing Research. (Elsevier) (年月:Jun 2007-Current 巻号:1(1)-Current) ScienceDirect
- Asian Nursing Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2007-Current)
- Asian Oncology Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2012-Current)
- Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1990-Current)
- Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP. (PubMed Central) (年月:2016-(2 months ago) 巻号:17(10)-(2 months ago)) Free. after 2 months
- Asian Pacific Journal of Disease Management. (J-STAGE) (年月:2007-2017 巻号:V.1-Current) FREE
- Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine. (Elsevier) (年月:2014-2017 巻号:4(2)-7) ScienceDirect
- Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine. (Elsevier) (年月:2010-2017 巻号:3-10) ScienceDirect
- Asian Spine Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2007-Current)
- Asia-Pacific Financial Markets. (Springer) (年月:1994-1996 巻号:1-3)
- Asia-Pacific journal of oncology nursing. (Elsevier) (年月:2014-Current 巻号:1-Current) Free.
- Asia-Pacific journal of sports medicine, arthroscopy, rehabilitation and technology. (Elsevier) (年月:2014-Current 巻号:1-Current) ScienceDirect. Open Access Journal. 日本関節鏡・膝・スポーツ整形外科学会
- ASN Neuro. (Sage) (年月:2009-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- ASNA Reporter. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1995-Current)
- Assistive Technology. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2005-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- Association of Black Nursing Faculty Foundation Journal (ABNFF). (CINAHL) (年月:Nov 2002-Current)
- Association Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-Sep 2005)
- Association Medical Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1905-Jan 1905)
- Asthma : an Atlas of Investigation and Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Jan 2007)
- Asthma : Current Treatments. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Jan 2007)
- Asthma : Modern Therapeutic Targets. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Jan 2007)
- Asthma research and practice. (BioMed Central) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open access
- Asthma Research and Practice. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review. (Springer) (年月:1989-1996 巻号:1-6)
- Astrophysics. (Springer) (年月:1965-1996 巻号:1-39)
- Astrophysics and Space Science. (Springer) (年月:1968-1996 巻号:1-246)
- Atemwegs- und Lungenkrankheiten. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2011-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2015
- Atención Primaria. (Elsevier Doyma) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:25(1)-Current) ScienceDirect
- Atherosclerosis. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1970-2014 巻号:11-237) Formerly known as Journal of Atherosclerosis Research
- Athletic Insight. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Sep 2015)
- Athletic Training & Sports Health Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Nov 2021)
- Atomic Energy. (Springer) (年月:1956-1996 巻号:1-81)
- Attention, Perception and Psychophysics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Audiological Medicine. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 2003-Dec 2012)
- AUDIOLOGY. (J-STAGE) (年月:1958-1967) FREE
- Audiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-Nov 2001)
- Audiology and Neurotology. (Karger) (年月:1996-2013 巻号:Vol.1-18)
- Audiology & Neurotology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Nov 2015)
- Audiology Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2020-Current)
- Audiology Today. (CINAHL) (年月:Sep 2009-Current)
- AudiologyOnline. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2011-Oct 2019)
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1998-Dec 2001)
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:13-Current)
- Australasian Biotechnology. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2004-Mar 2007)
- The AustralAsian Journal of Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1991-1993 巻号:1-2) Continued as The Asia Pacific Journal of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery
- Australasian Journal of Dermatology. (Wiley) (年月:1951-1997 巻号:1-38)
- Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Australasian Journal of Neuroscience. (CINAHL) (年月:Jun 2005-Jun 2008)
- Australasian Journal on Ageing. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2004-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- The Australasian Journal of Organisational Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2011-Jan 2017)
- Australasian Journal of Podiatric Medicine. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2006-Dec 2007)
- Australasian Journal of Special and Inclusive Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2011-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Australasian Medical Journal (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2005-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Australasian Plant Pathology : AAP. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-Sep 2019)
- Australasian Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1998-Jul 2019)
- Australia and New Zealand Health Policy. (BioMed Central) (年月:2004-2010 巻号:1-7) FREE
- Australian Critical Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2005-May 2007)
- Australian Dental Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2005-Jun 2007)
- Australian dental journal. (Wiley) (年月:1997-(2 years ago) 巻号:42-(2 years ago)) Free: Content older than 2 years back to 1997
- Australian Doctor. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2005-Mar 2010)
- Australian Health Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Current)
- Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Jun 2005-Current)
- Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2003-Jun 2007)
- Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2007-Current)
- Australian Journal of Cancer Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Dec 2010-Current)
- Australian Journal of Child & Family Health Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Jun 2013-Current)
- Australian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2005-Nov 2009)
- Australian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:May 2010-Nov 2017)
- Australian Journal of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1999-Apr 2020) 欠:01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019
- Australian Journal of Entomology. (Wiley) (年月:1962-1997 巻号:1-36) Free: Content older than 1998
- Australian Journal of General Practice. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Current)
- Australian Journal of Herbal and Naturopathic Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2013-Current)
- The Australian Journal of Music Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Current)
- Australian Journal of Nutrition & Dietetics. (CINAHL) (年月:Dec 1998-Dec 2001)
- Australian Journal of Oto-Laryngology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1998-Jun 2005)
- Australian Journal of Physiotherapy. (Elsevier) (年月:1955-2009 巻号:1-55) ScienceDirect
- Australian Journal of Primary Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- The Australian Journal of Rehabilitation Counselling. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2011-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Australian Journal of Rural Health. (CINAHL) (年月:Aug 1998-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- Australian Military Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2005-Sep 2005)
- Australian & New Zealand Continence Journal. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2005-Current)
- Australian and New Zealand Journal of Mental Health Nursing. (Wiley) (年月:1999-2001 巻号:8-10) 継続後誌: International Journal of Mental Health Nursing
- Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1998-Dec 2011)
- Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2017-Current)
- Australian Nurses Journal. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 1981-May 1993)
- Australian Nursing Journal. (CINAHL) (年月:Jun 1993-Aug 2013)
- Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal. (CINAHL) (年月:Sep 2013-Current)
- Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1998-Current)
- Australian occupational therapy journal. (Wiley) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:44-Current)
- Australian Prescriber. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1999-Current)
- Australian Prescriber Podcast. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2017-Current)
- Authentic Medicine [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2018-Current)
- Autism & Developmental Language Impairments. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017
- Autism Insights. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2014)
- Autism Research and Treatment. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011
- Autoimmune Diseases. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Autoimmunity. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:25(2)-Current)
- Autoimmunity Highlights. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2010-Current)
- Automated Software Engineering. (Springer) (年月:1994-1996 巻号:1-3)
- Autonomous Robots. (Springer) (年月:1994-1996 巻号:1-3)
- Autophagy. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2005-(1 year ago) 巻号:1-(1 year ago)) Free: after 12 months.
- Avaliação Psicológica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2002-Current)
- Avances en Odontoestomatologia. (年月:2003-Current 巻号:19-Current) FREE
- Avances en Periodoncia e Implantologia Oral. (年月:2000-2017 巻号:12-29) FREE
- Avances in Psicologia Latinoamericana. (年月:2007-Current 巻号:25-Current) FREE
- Avian Biology Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2008-Nov 2019)
- Avian Pathology. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1997-Oct 2000)
- Avian Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- AWHONN Lifelines. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 2006-Dec 2006)
- AWHONN Lifelines. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1997-2006 巻号:1-10) Continued as Nursing for Women's Health
- AWHONN Lifelines. (Wiley) (年月:1997-2006 巻号:1-10) リンク先は継続後誌: Nursing for Women's Health
- Axiomathes. (Springer) (年月:1993-1996 巻号:4-7)
- AXON/ L'AXONE. (CINAHL) (年月:Jun 2004-May 2007)
- Ayu. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Oct 2019)
- The Back Letter. (LWW) (年月:1987-2018 巻号:1(6)-33)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 和文誌
- Bagcılar Medical Bulletin = Bağcılar Tıp Bülteni. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2019-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020
- Bahria Journal of Professional Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2018-Dec 2018)
- Baillière's Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1982-1998 巻号:1-12) 継続後誌:Best Practice & Research : Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism
- Baillière's Clinical Gastroenterology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1987-1994 巻号:1-8) Continued as Best Practice & Research Clinical Gastroenterology
- Baillière's Clinical Haematology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1987-1994 巻号:1-7) Continued as Best Practice & Research Clinical Haematology
- Baillière's Clinical Rheumatology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1987-1994 巻号:1-8) Continued as Best Practice & Research Clinical Rheumatology
- Bakirkoy Tip Dergisi. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2019-Dec 2019)
- Balance. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-Nov 2001)
- Balıkesir Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2012-Current)
- Balkan Journal of Medical Genetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2015
- Balkan Medical Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Jan 2019)
- Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Oct 2014)
- Banat's Journal of Biotechnology. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2010-Jul 2020)
- Bangladesh Journal of Infectious Diseases. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Jan 2020)
- Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2018)
- Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Current)
- Barron's National Business and Financial Weekly (1942-1987). (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 1942-Dec 1987)
- Basic and Clinical Andrology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Basic and Clinical Neuroscience. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2009-Current)
- Basic Research in Cardiology. (NII-REO) (年月:1937-1999 巻号:1(1/6)-94(6))
- Basic Research in Cardiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Basic Research in Cardiology. (Springer) (年月:1937-1996 巻号:1-91)
- Bautechnik. (Wiley) (年月:2004-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.81-86,87(1))
- Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings : The peer-reviewed journal of Baylor Scott & White Health. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1988-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Baylor University Medical Center. Proceedings. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-Oct 2020)
- BBA clinical. (Elsevier) (年月:2014-2017 巻号:1-8) Open Access. ScienceDirect
- BBC Science Focus. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2021-Current)
- BDJ Open. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2015-Current)
- BDJ Team. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2014-Current)
- Behavior Genetics. (NII-REO) (年月:1970-1999 巻号:1(1)-29(6))
- Behavior Genetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Behavior Genetics. (Springer) (年月:1970-1996 巻号:1-26)
- Behavior and Philosophy. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1997-Jan 2010)
- Behavior and Philosophy (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Behavior Research Methods. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2004-Nov 2010)
- Behavior Research Methods (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2011-Jun 2014)
- Behavior and Social Issues. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1998-Apr 1999)
- Behavior and Social Issues. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2001-Jan 2018)
- Behavioral and Brain Functions. (BioMed Central) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Behavioral and Brain Functions. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Behavioral and Brain Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Behavioral Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:May 1975-Nov 2018)
- Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. (Springer) (年月:1976-1996 巻号:1-39)
- Behavioral Health Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-Nov 2005) 欠:01-Nov-2001--31-Oct-2003
- Behavioral Healthcare. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Oct 2018)
- Behavioral Medicine. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1994-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- Behavioral Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Oct 2010)
- Behavioral Medicine. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:22(4)-Current)
- Behavioral Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1995-Oct 1996)
- Behavioral Science. (Wiley) (年月:1996-1996 巻号:41)
- Behavioral Sleep Medicine. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Behaviour Change. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2000-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Behaviour Research and Therapy. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1963-1994 巻号:1-32)
- Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Behavioural Neurology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Behavioural Pharmacology. (LWW) (年月:1989-2018 巻号:1-29)
- Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Bell Labs Technical Journal. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.1-14)
- Benefits Quarterly. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1988-Current)
- Benha Medical Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Sep 2018)
- Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2019-Current)
- Best Practice & Research : Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1999-2018 巻号:13-32)
- Best Practices in Mental Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2014-Oct 2020)
- Best's Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1987-Dec 1999)
- Better Nutrition. (CINAHL) (年月:Jul 1998-Current)
- Better Nutrition. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-Current)
- Beyoglu Eye Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2020-Current)
- Bezmiâlem Science . (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- Biblioteca Nationala a Romaniei. Informare si Documentare. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017; 01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2021
- Bifidobacteria and Microflora. (J-STAGE) (年月:1982-1995) FREE
- Big Data Analytics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Jan 2020)
- Bilingualism. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Bilten : Ekonomika, Organizacija, Informatika v Zdravstvu. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jul 2012)
- Bio-IT World. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2008-Jan 2012)
- BIO Web of Conferences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2013
- Bioanalysis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Nov 2020)
- Biocell. (年月:2002-2013 巻号:26(3)-37(2)) FREE
- Biocell. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-Current)
- Biochemical Genetics. (NII-REO) (年月:1967-1999 巻号:1(1)-37(11/12))
- Biochemical Genetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Biochemical Genetics. (Springer) (年月:1967-1996 巻号:1-34)
- Biochemical Journal. (PubMed Central) (年月:1906-2007 巻号:1-408)
- Biochemical Medicine. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1967-1985 巻号:1-34) Continued as Biochemical Medicine and Metabolic Biology
- Biochemical Medicine and Metabolic Biology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1986-1994 巻号:35-53) Formerly known as Biochemical Medicine; Continued as Biochemical and Molecular Medicine
- Biochemistry. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:35-Current)
- Biochemistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Biochemistry (Biokhimiya). Supplemental Series A, Membrane and Cell Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2007-Oct 2018)
- Biochemistry (Biokhimiya). Supplemental Series B, Biomedical Chemistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2007-Oct 2018)
- Biochemistry and Cell Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Jun 2007)
- Biochemistry Insights. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2018)
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. (Wiley) (年月:1972-(2 years ago) 巻号:1-(2 years ago)) Free: Content older than 2 years
- Biochemistry Research International. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Reviews on Cancer. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1974-1994 巻号:Vol.355-1198)
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta : Bioenergetics. (Elsevier) (年月:1995-(12 months ago) 巻号:1228-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化. ScienceDirect
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta : Biomembranes. (Elsevier) (年月:1995-(12 months ago) 巻号:1233-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化. ScienceDirect
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta : Molecular Basis of Disease. (Elsevier) (年月:1995-(12 months ago) 巻号:1270-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化. ScienceDirect
- Biochimica et Biophysica Acta : Molecular Cell Research. (Elsevier) (年月:1995-(12 months ago) 巻号:1265-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化. ScienceDirect
- Bioconjugate Chemistry. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:7-Current)
- BioControl. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1997-Dec 2018)
- Biocontrol Science. (J-STAGE) (年月:1996-Current) FREE
- Biocontrol Science and Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1998-Dec 2000)
- BioCycle. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-Nov 2019)
- BioData Mining. (BioMed Central) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Biodata Mining. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Biodegradation. (NII-REO) (年月:1990-1999 巻号:1(1)-10(6))
- Biodegradation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Biodegradation. (Springer) (年月:1990-1996 巻号:1-7)
- Biodemography and Social Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2000-Nov 2012) 欠:01-Jan-2007--31-Dec-2007
- Biodental Engineering III : Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Biodental Engineering (BIODENTAL 2014). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Jan 2014)
- BioDiscovery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2012-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2021
- La Biodiversité Mondiale. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1991-Apr 1999)
- Biodiversity & Conservation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Biodiversity and Conservation. (Springer) (年月:1992-1996 巻号:1-5)
- Biodiversity Data Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2013-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020
- Biodiversity Heritage Library [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2018-Current)
- Biodiversity Information Science and Standards. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2017-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020
- Biodiversity Research and Conservation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BioDrugs. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2008-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Bioelectromagnetics. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.17-30,31(1))
- Bioelectronic Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017
- Bioelectronics in Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Dec 2020)
- Bioenergy Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2008-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Bioengineering. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2014-Current)
- BioEssays. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.18-31,32(1))
- Bioethics. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1998-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- Bioethics. (Wiley) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:11-Current)
- Biofeedback. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2005-Apr 2010)
- Biofeedback (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2010-Jul 2020)
- Biofilms. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Jan 2006)
- Biofutur. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Jan 2017)
- Biogeochemistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Biogeochemistry. (Springer) (年月:1984-1996 巻号:1-35)
- Biogeosciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2010-Current)
- Biogerontology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- bioimages. (J-STAGE) (年月:1993-Current 巻号:V.9-Current) FREE
- Bioimaging. (Wiley) (年月:1993-1998 巻号:Vol.1-6)
- BioImpacts. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2013-Current)
- Bioinformatics. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:12(1)-19(18)) 欠あり
- Bioinformatics and Biology Insights. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Current)
- Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications. (PubMed Central) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Bioinorganic Reaction Mechanisms. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2013)
- Biologia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Dec 2017)
- Biologia Marina Mediterranea. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2016)
- The Biological Bulletin. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1994-Jun 2009)
- Biological Bulletin. (University of Chicago Press) (年月:1897-1925 巻号:1-49)
- Biological Cybernetics. (NII-REO) (年月:1961-1999 巻号:1(1)-81(5/6))
- Biological Cybernetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Biological Cybernetics. (Springer) (年月:1961-1996 巻号:1-75)
- Biological Evidence. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Apr 2018) 欠:01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2017
- Biological Imaging. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2021-Current)
- Biological Invasions. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1999-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Biological Letters. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2019) 欠:01-Jan-2013--31-Dec-2013; 01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018
- Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin. (J-STAGE) (年月:1993-Current 巻号:V.16-Current) FREE
- Biological Procedures Online. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Biological Procedures Online. (PubMed Central) (年月:1998-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Biological Psychiatry. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1985-1994 巻号:20-36)
- Biological Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Biological Therapies in Dentistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2001-Dec 2001)
- Biological Trace Element Research. (NII-REO) (年月:1979-1999 巻号:1(1)-71/72(1))
- Biological Trace Element Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Biologicals. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1990-1994 巻号:18-22) Formerly known as Journal of Biological Standardization
- Biologics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Current)
- Biologics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2021-Current)
- Biologics in Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2011-Nov 2015)
- Biologics: Targets and Therapy. (Dove Medical Press) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2012-Current)
- Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation. (Elsevier) (年月:1998-2020 巻号:4-26) ScienceDirect
- Biology Direct. (BioMed Central) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Biology Direct. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Biology and Fertility of Soils. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2002 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Biology and Fertility of Soils. (Springer) (年月:1985-1996 巻号:1-23)
- Biology letters. (PubMed Central) (年月:2005-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) Free. after 12 months
- Biology Letters. (Royal Society publishing) (年月:(10 years ago)-(1 year ago)) Free.
- Biology of Mood & Anxiety Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2015)
- Biology open. (Company of Biologists) (年月:2012-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access journal
- Biology Open. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Biology & Philosophy. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Biology and Philosophy. (Springer) (年月:1986-1996 巻号:1-12(1))
- Biology of Reproduction. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1969- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:1-(Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- Biology of Reproduction. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Biology of Sex Differences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Biology of Sport. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2020)
- Biomacromolecules. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Biomagnetic Research and Technology. (PubMed Central) (年月:2003-2008 巻号:1-6)
- Biomarker Insights. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Current)
- Biomarker Insights. (PubMed Central) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Biomarker Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Biomarkers. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:2-Current)
- Biomarkers in Cancer. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2018)
- Biomarkers in Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2007-Jan 2021)
- Biomaterials Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Biomatter. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2011-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal.
- Biomechanics. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2007-Feb 2009)
- Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2002-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- BioMed Research International. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- BioMed research international. (Hindawi) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-2;2003-Current) FREE. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology(2001-2012年)
- BioMed Research International. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Current)
- Biomedical Chromatography. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.10-23,24(1))
- Biomedical Dermatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Jan 2020)
- Biomedical Digital Libraries. (BioMed Central) (年月:2004-2007 巻号:1-4) Biomedical Digital Libraries ceased to be published in cooperation with BioMed Central in 2007.
- Biomedical Engineering. (NII-REO) (年月:1967-1999 巻号:1(1)-33(6))
- Biomedical Engineering. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2000-Jan 2018)
- Biomedical Engineering. (Springer) (年月:1967-1996 巻号:1-30)
- Biomedical Engineering and Computational Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Biomedical Engineering Online. (BioMed Central) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Biomedical Engineering Online. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Biomedical Human Kinetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Jan 2012)
- Biomedical Informatics Insights. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2018)
- Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Biomedical Journal. (Elsevier) (年月:2015-Curernt 巻号:38-Curernt) open access. ScienceDirect
- Biomedical Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2013-Dec 2019)
- Biomedical Microdevices. (NII-REO) (年月:1998-1999 巻号:1(1)-2(2))
- Biomedical Microdevices. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1998-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2019)
- Biomedical Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Biomedical Research. (J-STAGE) (年月:1980-Current 巻号:V.6-Current) FREE
- Biomedical Safety & Standards. (LWW) (年月:1985-2018 巻号:15-48) 継続前誌: Newsletter of Biomedical Safety & Standards
- Biomedical Technology Information Service. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1998-Dec 1998)
- Biomedicine Hub. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- Biomedicines. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- BioMetals. (NII-REO) (年月:1988-1999 巻号:1(1)-12(4))
- Biometals. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Biometals. (Springer) (年月:1988-1996 巻号:1-9)
- Biometrical Journal. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2009 巻号:Vol.40-51)
- Biometrics. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1998-Dec 2002)
- Biometrika. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:83(1)-90(4))
- Biomimetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2016-Current)
- Biomolecules. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- BioNanoMaterials. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Jul 2017)
- Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1993-1994 巻号:Vol.1-2)
- Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1991-1994 巻号:Vol.1-4)
- Biopharm International. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Mar 2020)
- Biopharmaceutics & Drug Disposition. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.17-30,31(1))
- Biophysical Journal. (Cell Press) (年月:Sep 1960-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化. ScienceDirect
- Biophysical Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1999-Dec 2008)
- BIOPHYSICS. (J-STAGE) (年月:2005-2015 巻号:V.1-Current) FREE
- Biophysics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Jul 2018)
- Biophysics and Physicobiology. (J-STAGE) (年月:2015-Current) FREE
- Biophysics Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2015-Current)
- Biopolymers. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.38-92,93(1))
- Biopolymers & Cell. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1986-Current)
- Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering. (NII-REO) (年月:1986-1999 巻号:1(1)-21(6))
- Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2002-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering. (Springer) (年月:1986-1996 巻号:1-15)
- Biopsychosocial Medicine. (BioMed Central) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BioPsychoSocial Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Bioremediation Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2003-Oct 2007)
- BioResearch Open Access. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2012-Dec 2020)
- Bioresources and Bioprocessing. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2014-Current)
- BioRisk. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2021
- bioRxiv. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2013-Current)
- Bioscience. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1988-Dec 2012)
- Bioscience Horizons. (Oxford University Press) (年月:2008-2018 巻号:1-11) the journal ceased publication at the end of 2018
- Bioscience Methods. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Feb 2017)
- Bioscience of Microbiota, Food and Health. (J-STAGE) (年月:2012-Current) FREE
- Bioscience and Microflora. (J-STAGE) (年月:1996-2011) FREE
- Bioscience Reports. (Portland Press) (年月:2012-Current 巻号:32(4)-Current) open access
- Bioscience Reports. (Springer) (年月:1981-1996 巻号:1-16)
- Bioscience Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2014-Jul 2018)
- BioScience Trends. (J-STAGE) (年月:2011-Current) FREE
- Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry. (J-STAGE) (年月:1992-2013 巻号:V.56-Current) FREE
- Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2016-Current)
- Biosemiotics. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2008-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Biosensors. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2011-Current)
- Biosimilars. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2016)
- BioSocieties. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2006-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Biospectroscopy. (Wiley) (年月:1996-1999 巻号:Vol.2-5)
- BioSpectrum. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2013-Current)
- BioSpectrum. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2013-Current)
- BIOspektrum. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Biosphere conservation : for nature, wildlife, and humans. (J-STAGE) (年月:1998-2008) FREE
- Biostatistics. (NII-REO) (年月:2000-2000 巻号:1(1)-1(4))
- Biostatistics. (Oxford University Press) (年月:2000- (Free after 24 months) 巻号:1-(Free after 24 months)) Free after 24 months
- Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Biomathematics. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2013-Aug 2013)
- Biota Neotropica. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BioTech. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2012-Current)
- Biotech Business. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-Current) 欠:01-Sep-2012--30-Apr-2013
- Biotech Equipment Update. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-Current) 欠:01-Sep-2012--30-Apr-2013
- Biotech Finance News. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2004-Jul 2005)
- Biotech Financial Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-Current) 欠:01-Sep-2012--30-Apr-2013
- Biotechnologia Acta. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Biotechnology Annual Review. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1995-1998 巻号:1-4) Title discontinued as of 2008
- Biotechnology and Bioengineering. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.49-104,105(1))
- Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering : BBE. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Biotechnology & biotechnological equipment. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1986-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal. 継続前誌: Biotechnology & Bioindustry (1986-1989年)
- Biotechnology for Biofuels. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Biotechnology for biofuels and bioproducts. (PubMed Central) (年月:2022-Current 巻号:15-Current) 含・継続前誌 Biotechnology for Biofuels (2008-2021年)
- Biotechnology Letters. (NII-REO) (年月:1979-1999 巻号:1(1)-21(12))
- Biotechnology Letters. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Biotechnology Letters. (Springer) (年月:1979-1996 巻号:1-18)
- Biotechnology Progress. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.12-25,26(1))
- Biotechnology Research International. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2018)
- Biotechnology Techniques. (Springer) (年月:1987-1996 巻号:1-10)
- Biotherapy. (Springer) (年月:1988-1996 巻号:1-9)
- Bird Conservation International. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Bird Study. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2004-Nov 2009)
- Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology. (Wiley) (年月:2003-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.67-85,88(1)) 継続前誌: Teratology
- Birth Defects Research Part B: Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology. (Wiley) (年月:2003-2009 巻号:Vol.68-86)
- Birth Defects Research Part C: Embryo Today: Reviews. (Wiley) (年月:2003-2009 巻号:Vol.69-87)
- The Birth Gazette. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1992-Jan 2000)
- BIT Numerical Mathematics. (Springer) (年月:1961-1996 巻号:1-36)
- BJA: British Journal of Anaesthesia. (NII-REO) (年月:1999-2003 巻号:82(1)-91(6))
- BJA: British Journal of Anaesthesia. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1923-2017 巻号:1-119)
- BJHS Themes. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2014 巻号:Vol.103-121)
- BJPsych Advances. (Cambridge University Press) (年月:1994-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) Free: after 12 months. 1994-2014年: Advances in Psychiatric Treatment
- BJPsych Advances. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- BJPsych bulletin. (Cambridge University Press) (年月:1977-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access. Bulletin of the Royal College of Psychiatrists 1977 (Vol 1)-1988 (Vol 12) → Psychiatric Bulletin 1988 (Vol 12)-2009 (Vol 33) →The Psychiatrist 2010 (Vol 34)-2013 (Vol 37) → The Psychiatric Bulletin 2014 (Vol 38) → BJPsych Bulletin 2015 (Vol 39) onwards
- BJPsych Bulletin. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2018-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- BJPsych international. (Cambridge University Press) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access. International Psychiatry 2003 (Vol 1)-2014 (Vol 11) → BJPsych International 2015 (Vol 12) onwards
- BJPsych International. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2018-Current)
- BJPsych open. (Cambridge University Press) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access.
- BJPsych Open. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2015-Current)
- BJS Open. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2017-Dec 2020)
- BJU International. (Wiley) (年月:1999-Current 巻号:84-Current) リンク先で継続前誌 British Journal of Urology (1997-1998年)アクセス可
- BJUI Compass. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2020-Sep 2020)
- Blockchain in Healthcare Today. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Current)
- Blog de Odontología [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2019-Sep 2020)
- The Blog That Ate Manhattan. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2018-Current)
- Blood. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1946-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Blood advances. (Elsevier) (年月:2017-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal.
- Blood cancer discovery. (American Association for Cancer Research) (年月:2020-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Blood Cancer Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Blood Coagulation & Fibrinolysis. (LWW) (年月:1990-2018 巻号:1-29)
- Blood and Lymphatic Cancer. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Blood Pressure. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:6-Current) Open Access.
- Blood Pressure Monitoring. (LWW) (年月:1999-2018 巻号:4(2)-23)
- Blood Purification. (Karger) (年月:1983-2013 巻号:Vol.1-36)
- Blood Reviews. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1987-1994 巻号:1-8)
- Blood Transfusion. (年月:2009-Current 巻号:2009-Current) FREE
- BMB Reports. (Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) (年月:1968-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Anesthesiology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Anesthesiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Biochemistry. (BioMed Central) (年月:2000-2019 巻号:1-20) Open access
- BMC Biochemistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2019)
- BMC Bioinformatics. (BioMed Central) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Bioinformatics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Biology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Biomedical Engineering. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- BMC biophysics. (BioMed Central) (年月:2011-2020 巻号:4-12)
- BMC Biophysics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2020)
- BMC Biotechnology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Biotechnology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Cancer. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Cancer. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Cardiovascular Disorders. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Cardiovascular Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Chemical Biology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-2012 巻号:1-12) FREE
- BMC Chemical Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2012)
- BMC Chemistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC chemistry. (Springer International Publishing) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open access
- BMC Clinical Pathology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-2019 巻号:1-19) FREE
- BMC Clinical Pathology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2019)
- BMC Clinical Pharmacology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2012)
- BMC complementary medicine and therapies. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Dermatology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-2020 巻号:1-20) BMC Dermatology has closed.
- BMC Dermatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2020)
- BMC Developmental Biology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Developmental Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-2019 巻号:1-19) BMC Ear, Nose and Throat is now closed
- BMC Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2019)
- BMC Ecology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-2020 巻号:1-20) FREE
- BMC Ecology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2020)
- BMC ecology and evolution. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open access. v1-20; BMC Evolutionary Biology
- BMC Ecology and Evolution. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- BMC Emergency Medicine. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Emergency Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Endocrine Disorders. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Endocrine Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Evolutionary Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2023)
- BMC Family Practice. (BioMed Central) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Gastroenterology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Gastroenterology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC genomic data. (BioMed Central) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE. BMC genetics(2000-2020年)→BMC genomic data(2021年-)
- BMC Genomic Data. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Genomics. (BioMed Central) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Genomics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Geriatrics. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Geriatrics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Health Services Research. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Health Services Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC hematology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-2019 巻号:1-19) FREE. BMC Blood Disorders(2001-2012年)→BMC hematology(2013-2019年)
- BMC Hematology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2019) 欠:01-Jan-2013--31-Dec-2014
- BMC Immunology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Immunology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Infectious Diseases. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Infectious Diseases. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC International Health and Human Rights. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-2020 巻号:1-20) FREE
- BMC International Health and Human Rights. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2020)
- BMC Medical Education. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Medical Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Medical Ethics. (BioMed Central) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Medical Ethics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Medical Genetics. (BioMed Central) (年月:2000-2020 巻号:1-21) FREE
- BMC Medical Genetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Medical Genomics. (BioMed Central) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Medical Genomics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Medical Imaging. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Medical Imaging. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Medical Physics. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-2014 巻号:1-14) FREE. BMC nuclear medicine(2001-2007年)→BMC Medical Physics(2008-2014年)
- BMC Medical Physics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2014)
- BMC Medical Research Methodology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Medical Research Methodology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Medicine. (BioMed Central) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Microbiology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Microbiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Molecular Biology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2000-2019 巻号:1-20) FREE
- BMC Molecular Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2019)
- BMC molecular and cell biology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:1-Current) 継続前誌: BMC Cell Biology (2000-2018年)含む. open access journal.
- BMC Molecular and Cell Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. (BioMed Central) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Nephrology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Nephrology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Neurology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Neurology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Neuroscience. (BioMed Central) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Neuroscience. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Nuclear Medicine. (PubMed Central) (年月:2001-2007 巻号:1-7) 継続後誌: BMC Medical Physics
- BMC Nuclear Medicine [NLM-MEDLINE]. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2005-Nov 2005)
- BMC Nursing. (BioMed Central) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- BMC Nursing. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Nutrition. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- BMC Obesity. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2019)
- BMC Ophthalmology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Ophthalmology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Oral Health. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Oral Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Palliative Care. (BioMed Central) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Palliative Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Pediatrics. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Pediatrics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Pharmacology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2012)
- BMC pharmacology and toxicology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE 継続前誌(-2012年)含む
- BMC Pharmacology & Toxicology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2014
- BMC Physiology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-2019 巻号:1-19) FREE
- BMC Physiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2019) 欠:01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018
- BMC Plant Biology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Plant Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Primary Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Proceedings. (BioMed Central) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Proceedings. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017
- BMC Psychiatry. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Psychiatry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- BMC Public Health. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Public Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Pulmonary Medicine. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Pulmonary Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Research Notes. (BioMed Central) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Research Notes. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Rheumatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- BMC sports science, medicine and rehabilitation. (BioMed Central) (年月:2009-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE 継続前誌も閲覧可能
- BMC Sports Science, Medicine & Rehabilitation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2013--31-Dec-2014
- BMC Structural Biology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-2019 巻号:1-19) FREE
- BMC Structural Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2019)
- BMC Surgery. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Systems Biology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2007-2019 巻号:1-13) FREE
- BMC Systems Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2019)
- BMC Urology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Urology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Veterinary Research. (BioMed Central) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Veterinary Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Women's Health. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- BMC Women's Health. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- BMC Women's Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- BMC Zoology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- BMJ : British medical journal. (BMJ Publishing Group) (年月:1840-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- BMJ : British Medical Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1988-Jun 2008)
- BMJ : British Medical Journal (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2002-(70 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2003--31-Dec-2004; 01-Jan-2006--31-Dec-2007 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:70日
- BMJ Case Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-(30 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:30日
- BMJ Case Reports. (PubMed Central) (年月:2008-(24 months ago) 巻号:2008-(24 months ago)) Free: after a 24-month delay (embargo).
- BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1995-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- BMJ Global Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2016-Current)
- BMJ health & care informatics. (BMJ Publishing) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:22-Current)
- BMJ Health & Care Informatics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- BMJ Innovations. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-(360 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:360日
- BMJ Leader. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2017-(360 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:360日
- BMJ Military Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1966-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- BMJ Neurology Open. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2019-Current)
- BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2018-Current)
- BMJ Open. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- BMJ Open Gastroenterology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- BMJ Open Ophthalmology. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2016-Current)
- BMJ open quality. (BMJ Publishing Group) (年月:2012-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access. BMJ quality improvement reports(2012-2017年)
- BMJ Open Quality. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- BMJ Open Respiratory Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- BMJ Open Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2017-Current)
- BMJ open sport & exercise medicine. (BMJ Publishing Group Ltd) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access journal
- BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- BMJ Paediatrics Open. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2017-Current)
- BMJ Quality and Safety. (BMJ Publishing Group) (年月:2013-2014 巻号:Vol.22-23)
- BMJ Quality & Safety. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-(360 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:360日
- BMJ Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2014-Jul 2021)
- BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2011-(360 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:360日
- BMJ Surgery, Interventions, & Health Technologies. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2019-Current)
- Body Bulletin. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 1998-Dec 1999)
- Bone. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1985-1994 巻号:6-15) Formerly known as Metabolic Bone Disease and Related Research; Incorporating Bone and Mineral
- Bone and Joint. (LWW) (年月:2003-2007 巻号:9(6)-13(7)) 継続前誌: Joint Letter; 継続後誌: Lippincott's Bone and Joint Newsletter
- bone & joint journal. (British Editorial Society of Bone & Joint Surgery) (年月:1948-(5 years ago) 巻号:30-(5 years ago)) Free: after 5 years every Jan. リンク先は継続前誌含む
- Bone Marrow Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2018)
- Bone Marrow Transplantation. (Nature) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:19-Current)
- Bone Marrow Transplantation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Bone and Mineral. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1988-1994 巻号:5-27) Incorporated into Bone
- Bone Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2013-Current)
- Bone and Tissue Regeneration Insights. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2018) 欠:01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017
- BoneKEy reports. (年月:2012-2017 巻号:1-6) Free (CLOCKSS)
- BoneKEy Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2017)
- Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Bosphorus Medical Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2020-Current)
- Botánica Complutensis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Jan 2016)
- The Botanical Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Dec 2018)
- Botanical Studies (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2013-Current)
- Botanics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2016)
- Botany. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1998-May 2007)
- Bothalia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Jan 2019)
- Boundary-Layer Meteorology. (Springer) (年月:1970-1996 巻号:1-81)
- Brachytherapy. (ScienceDirect) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Brain. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:119(1)-126(12)) 欠あり
- Brain. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1878-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Brain and Behavior. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2011-Current)
- Brain and Behavior. (Wiley) (年月:2011-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access.
- Brain Blogger [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2018-Feb 2019)
- Brain Cell Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-Dec 2008)
- Brain Circulation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2015-Current)
- Brain Connectivity. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jul 2019)
- Brain Imaging and Behavior. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2007-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Brain Impairment. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Brain Injury. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:11-Current)
- Brain and Mind. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2000-Dec 2003)
- Brain and Neuroscience Advances. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- Brain Pathology. (Wiley) (年月:1990-Current 巻号:1-Current) 2021年オープンアクセス化
- Brain Posts [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2018-Dec 2018)
- Brain Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Brain Structure and Function. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Brain Structure and Function. (Springer) (年月:1892-1996 巻号:1-194) 誌名変遷: Anatomische Hefte (1892-1921) → Zeitschrift für Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte (1921-1974) → Anatomy and Embryology(1974-2006) → Brain structure & function(2007-)
- Brain Topography. (NII-REO) (年月:1988-1999 巻号:1(1)-12(2))
- Brain Topography. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1999-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Brain Topography. (Springer) (年月:1988-1996 巻号:1-9(1-2))
- Brain, Behavior and Evolution. (Karger) (年月:1968-2013 巻号:Vol.1-82)
- Brain, Behavior and Evolution. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1998-Dec 2015)
- Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology. (年月:2000-Current 巻号:43(2)-Current) FREE
- Brazilian Dental Journal. (年月:2002-Current 巻号:13(2)-Current) FREE
- Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology. (Elsevier) (年月:Jan 2009-Current 巻号:59(1)-Current) ScienceDirect
- Brazilian Journal of Biology. (年月:2001-Current 巻号:61(3)-Current) FREE
- Brazilian Journal of Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2011-Current)
- Brazilian Journal of Biomotricity. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2010-Dec 2013)
- Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery-BJCVS = Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular-RBCCV. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jan 2020)
- Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases. (年月:2001-Current 巻号:5-Current) FREE
- The Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases. (Elsevier) (年月:Jan 2010-Current 巻号:14(1)-Current) ScienceDirect
- Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research. (年月:1997-Current 巻号:30-Current) FREE
- Brazilian Journal of Microbiology. (年月:2000-2018 巻号:31-49) FREE
- Brazilian Journal of Microbiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-Oct 2018)
- Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2015-Jan 2020)
- Brazilian Journal of Science and Technology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-May 2017)
- Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science. (年月:1998-2004 巻号:35-41) FREE
- Brazilian Oral Research. (年月:2004-Current 巻号:18-Current) FREE
- Breast Cancer. (J-STAGE) (年月:2005-2007 巻号:V.12-14) FREE
- Breast Cancer. (NII-REO) (年月:1994-1999 巻号:1(1)-6(4))
- Breast cancer. (Springer) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:4-Current)
- Breast Cancer : an Atlas of Investigation and Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2008)
- Breast Cancer : Basic and Clinical Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Breast Cancer : Targets and Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Breast Cancer Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2017-Dec 2020)
- Breast Cancer Online. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2004-Aug 2009)
- Breast Cancer Research. (BioMed Central) (年月:1999-Current 巻号:1-Current) Free
- Breast Cancer Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. (NII-REO) (年月:1981-1999 巻号:1(1)-58(3))
- Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. (Springer) (年月:1981-1996 巻号:1-41)
- Breast Care. (Karger) (年月:2006-2013 巻号:1-8)
- Breast Journal. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1999-Current)
- Breastfeeding Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2005-Current)
- Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention. (年月:2001-2008 巻号:Vol.1-8) FREE (OUP/CLOCKSS提供)
- Briefings in Bioinformatics. (Oxford University Press) (年月:2000- (Free after 24 months) 巻号:1-(Free after 24 months)) Free after 24 months
- Briefings in functional genomics. (Oxford University Press) (年月:2002-(Free after 24 months) 巻号:1-(Free after 24 months)) Free: after 24 months 継続前誌: Briefings in functional genomics and proteomics 含む
- Briefings on HIPAA. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Briefings on Hospital Safety. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2014-Jun 2019)
- Briefings on Infection Control. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Dec 2011)
- British dental journal. (Nature) (年月:1999-(1 year ago) 巻号:186-(1 year ago)) 1年経過後Free化
- British Dental Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- British Heart Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1939-Dec 1995)
- British Heart Journal. (PubMed Central) (年月:1939-1995 巻号:1-74) 継続後誌: Heart
- The British homoeopathic journal. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1945-1994 巻号:Vol.35-83)
- British journal of anaesthesia. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1923-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- British Journal of Audiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1999-Dec 2001)
- British Journal of Audiology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-2001 巻号:31-35) 継続後誌: International Journal of Audiology
- British Journal of Biomedical Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1998-Oct 2016)
- The British Journal of Cancer. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. (Wiley) (年月:1974-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化
- British Journal of Clinical Psychology. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2001-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- The British Journal of Clinical Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1998-Jun 2006)
- British Journal of Community Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2002-Current)
- British Journal of Dermatology. (Wiley) (年月:1892-1996 巻号:4(2)-135)
- The British Journal of Developmental Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1998-Jun 2006)
- British Journal of Diseases of the Chest. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1959-1988 巻号:53-82) Formerly known as British Journal of Tuberculosis and Diseases of the Chest; Continued as Respiratory Medicine
- British Journal of Educational Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1998-Mar 2006)
- The British Journal of Family Planning. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2000-Oct 2000)
- British Journal for the History of Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- British Journal of General Practice. (Royal College of General Practitioners) (年月:1953-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- British Journal of Guidance & Counselling. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1997-Nov 2000)
- British Journal of Haematology. (Wiley) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:96-Current)
- The British Journal of Healthcare Computing & Information Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2005-May 2007)
- British Journal of Healthcare Management. (CINAHL) (年月:Sep 2006-Sep 2015)
- British Journal of Industrial Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1944-Dec 1993)
- British Journal of Industrial Medicine. (PubMed Central) (年月:1944-1993 巻号:1-50) 継続後誌: Occupational and Environmental
- British Journal of Learning Disabilities. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2000-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- British Journal of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:May 1998-May 2006)
- British Journal of Midwifery. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2002-Current)
- British Journal of Music Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- British Journal of Neurosurgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1997-Oct 2000)
- British Journal of Neurosurgery. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:11-Current)
- British Journal of Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Apr 1992-Current)
- British Journal of Nursing. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-Jun 2005)
- British Journal of Nutrition. (Cambridge University Press) (年月:1947- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:1-(Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- The British Journal of Nutrition. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- British journal of occupational therapy. (Health Science) (年月:1999-Current 巻号:82-Current)
- British Journal of Ophthalmology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1922-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- British Journal of Ophthalmology. (PubMed Central) (年月:1917-2007 巻号:1-91)
- British Journal of Pharmacology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-Dec 2008)
- British Journal of Pharmacology. (Wiley) (年月:1968-(Free after 12 months) 巻号:Vol.34-(Free after 12 months)) ※Free after 12 months
- British journal of plastic surgery. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1948-2005 巻号:1-58) Continued as Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
- British Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1953-Mar 1977)
- The British journal of psychiatry. (Cambridge University Press) (年月:1853-Current 巻号:1-Current) The Asylum Journal 1853 (Vol 1)-855 (Vol 1) → The Asylum Journal of Mental Science 1855 (Vol 2)-1858 (Vol 4) → Journal of Mental Science 1858 (Vol 5)-1962 (Vol 108) → The British Journal of Psychiatry 1963 (Vol 109) onwards
- The British Journal of Psychiatry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1990-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- British Journal of Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1995-May 2006)
- British Journal of Radiology. (British Institute of Radiology) (年月:2009- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:82-(Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- British Journal of School Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 2008-Sep 2015)
- British Journal of Social Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1947-Oct 1952)
- The British Journal of Social Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1998-Mar 2006)
- British Journal of Social Work. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2004-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 Months
- British Journal of Sports Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1970-(90 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:90日
- British Journal of Sports Medicine. (PubMed Central) (年月:1970-2007 巻号:5-41) Volume 4 and volume 5(3) are not included in this archive due to lack of available source material. Beginning with v.42(1), January 1,
- British Journal of Surgery. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:83-Current)
- British Journal of Surgery. (Wiley) (年月:1913-Jan. 2017 巻号:1-103,104(1-2)) 吸収前誌: European journal of surgery
- British Journal of Tuberculosis. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1907-1942 巻号:1-36) Continued as British Journal of Tuberculosis and Diseases of the Chest
- British Journal of Tuberculosis and Diseases of the Chest. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1943-1958 巻号:37-52) Formerly known as British Journal of Tuberculosis; Continued as British Journal of Diseases of the Chest
- British Journal of Urology. (Wiley) (年月:1997-1998 巻号:79-82) 継続後誌 BJU International.
- British Journal of Venereal Diseases. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1925-Dec 1984)
- British Medical Bulletin. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:52(1)-53(4),57-67)
- British Medical Bulletin. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1943-(1 year ago) 巻号:1-(1 year ago)) Free: after 12 months
- British Medical Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1905-Dec 1980)
- British Medical Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1981-Jun 1988)
- British Poultry Science. (ProQuest) (年月:May 1998-Sep 2000)
- British Psychological Society's Research Digest [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2018-Current)
- British Society for the History of Mathematics. Newsletter. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1986-1996 巻号:1-11) リンク先は継続後誌:BSHM Bulletin: Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics
- The Brookings Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1988-Oct 2003)
- Bt Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2015)
- Building Operating Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1998-Jun 2010)
- Bulletin-British Association of Sport and Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1964-Jan 1968) 欠:01-Jan-1966--31-Dec-1966
- Bulletin (Indiana State Nurses Association). (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1995-Current)
- Bulletin of the Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan. (J-STAGE) (年月:1924-1960) FREE
- Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons. (American College of Surgeons) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:86-Current) Free
- Bulletin of the Association of American Medical Colleges. (LWW) (年月:1926-1928 巻号:1-3) 継続後誌: Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges
- Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1988-Nov 2003)
- Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society. (Springer) (年月:1990-1996 巻号:21-27)
- Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan. (Chemical Society of Japan) (年月:1926-Current 巻号:V.1-Current)
- Bulletin de l'Institut Pasteur. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1995-1998 巻号:93-96)
- Bulletin de la Societe de Pathologie Exotique. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Jan 2020)
- Bulletin of Entomological Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. (NII-REO) (年月:1966-1999 巻号:1(1)-63(6))
- Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. (Springer) (年月:1966-1996 巻号:1-57)
- Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. (Springer) (年月:1956-1996 巻号:1-122)
- Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. (NII-REO) (年月:1956-1999 巻号:41(1)-128(6))
- Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Bulletin of Faculty of Physical Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2015-Current)
- Bulletin of the Faculty of Science, Ibaraki University. Series A, Mathematics. (J-STAGE) (年月:1968-1996) FREE
- Bulletin géodésique. (Springer) (年月:1924-1942 巻号:1-76) 誌名変遷: Bulletin géodésique(1924-1942) → Bulletin Géodésique(1946-1975) → Journal of geodesy(1976-)
- Bulletin Géodésique (1946-1975). (Springer) (年月:1946-1975 巻号:1-118) 誌名変遷: Bulletin géodésique(1924-1942) → Bulletin Géodésique(1946-1975) → Journal of geodesy(1976-)
- Bulletin of health sciences Kobe. (Faculty of Health Sciences, Kobe University, School of Medicine) (年月:1998-Current 巻号:14-Current) 神戸大学学術成果リポジトリKernel
- Bulletin of the History of Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2003-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. (NII-REO) (年月:1939-1999 巻号:1(1)-61(6))
- Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Jan 2019)
- Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. (PubMed Central) (年月:1911-2001 巻号:1-89) 継続後誌: Journal of the Medical Library Association
- Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1998-Dec 2017)
- Bulletin of the NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Bulletin on general relativity and gravitation. (Springer) (年月:1962-1969 巻号:1-21) 継続後誌: General relativity and gravitation(1970-)
- Bulletin on the Rheumatic Diseases. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1998-Feb 2004)
- Bulletin of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Bulletin Société des Sciences Naturelles de l'Ouest de la France. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jul 2018)
- The Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College. (J-STAGE) (年月:1999-Current 巻号:V.40-Current) FREE
- Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Medical Sciences. Series VI. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Series IX, Sciences of Human Kinetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- Bulletin volcanologique. (Springer) (年月:1924-1931 巻号:1-8) 現誌名: Bulletin of Volcanology(1986-)
- Bulletin of Volcanology. (Springer) (年月:1926-1996 巻号:1-57,58(1-5)) 誌名変遷: Bulletin volcanologique(-1984) → Bulletin of Volcanology(1986-)
- Bulletin of the World Health Organization. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2001-Current)
- Bulletin of the World Health Organization. (PubMed Central) (年月:1948-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- The Bulletin of the Yamaguchi Medical School. (Yamaguchi University School of Medicine) (年月:1953-Current 巻号:1-Current) 山口大学
- Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Oct 2020)
- Burns & Trauma. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2019)
- Burrill Canadian Biotech News. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Dec 2010)
- Business Insurance. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1999-Aug 2016)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 和文誌
- C&EN Global Enterprise. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2016-Current 巻号:94-Current)
- CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians. (Wiley) (年月:1950-Current 巻号:1-Current) Free.
- Cahiers Agricultures. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Calcified Tissue International. (NII-REO) (年月:1967-1999 巻号:1(1)-65(6))
- Calcified Tissue International. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Calcified Tissue International. (Springer) (年月:1967-1996 巻号:1-59)
- Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations. (Springer) (年月:1993-1996 巻号:1-5(1))
- Caldasia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Current)
- California Management Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1987-Oct 2001)
- California Management Review (pre-1986). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1960-Oct 1985) 欠:01-Jan-1962--31-Dec-1962
- California Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1946-Dec 1973)
- California Nurse. (CINAHL) (年月:Jun 2002-May 2006)
- California State Journal of Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1902-Feb 1924)
- California and Western Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1924-Jun 1946)
- Cambridge Journal of Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1997-Nov 2000)
- Cambridge Prisms: Precision Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2023-Current)
- Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Canada Communicable Disease Report. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2014-Current)
- Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1998-Aug 2011)
- Canadian Association of Radiologists journal = Journal l'Association canadienne des radiologistes. (Elsevier) (年月:2009-(3 years ago) 巻号:60-(3 years ago)) 3年経過後Free化. 2020年よりSageへ
- Canadian Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Review. (PubMed Central) (年月:2003-2005 巻号:12-14) 継続後誌: Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry も閲覧可
- Canadian Entomologist. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2003-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Mar-2009--31-Dec-2015 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Canadian family physician Médecin de famille canadien. (College of Family Physicians of Canada) (年月:1967-Current 巻号:13-Current) Free site
- Canadian Geriatrics Journal. (CINAHL) (年月:Jun 2012-Current)
- Canadian Geriatrics Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2011-Current)
- Canadian Journal of Addiction. (LWW) (年月:2009-2018 巻号:1-9)
- Canadian Journal of Anesthesia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Canadian Journal of Anesthesia. (Springer) (年月:1954- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:1-(Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1993-Current)
- Canadian Journal of Cardiology: Journal Canadien de Cardiologie. (PubMed Central) (年月:2006-2010 巻号:22-26)
- Canadian Journal of Counselling. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Oct 2009)
- Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-Oct 2006)
- Canadian Journal of Critical Care Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- The Canadian Journal of Critical Care Nursing. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1997-Current)
- Canadian Journal of Dental Hygiene. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2008-Current)
- Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1998-Current)
- Canadian Journal of Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1993-Current)
- Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. (Cambridge University Press) (年月:1999-2020 巻号:1-22) Free.
- Canadian Journal of Emergency Nursing (CJEN). (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2013-Current)
- Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1993-Current)
- Canadian journal of gastroenterology and hepatology. (Hindawi Publishing Corporation) (年月:1987-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access.
- The Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality. (CINAHL) (年月:Jul 1998-Current)
- The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Jul 2012)
- The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Sep 2017)
- Canadian Journal of Infection Control. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2010-Current)
- Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases. (PubMed Central) (年月:2000-2004 巻号:11-15(2)) 継続後誌: Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology
- The Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases & Medical Microbiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2013-Current)
- Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology. (PubMed Central) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:15(3)-Current) 継続前誌もアクセス可: Canadian journal of infectious diseases (1990-2004年)
- Canadian Journal of Kidney Health & Disease. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- Canadian Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 2015-Current)
- Canadian Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Current)
- Canadian Journal of Microbiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1998-May 2007)
- Canadian Journal of Midwifery Research & Practice. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2010-Current)
- Canadian Journal of Music Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2004-Current)
- Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2015-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Canadian Journal of Neuroscience Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Jun 2007-Current)
- Canadian Journal of Neuroscience Nursing. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2019) 欠:01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018
- Canadian journal of occupational therapy. (Health Science) (年月:1999-Current 巻号:66-Current)
- The Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1933-Oct 2017)
- Canadian Journal on Aging. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2009-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-May 2007)
- Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2004-Dec 2016)
- Canadian Journal of Psychoanalysis. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1993-Apr 2011)
- Canadian Journal of Public Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Current)
- Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy. (CINAHL) (年月:Dec 2004-Current)
- Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2006-Oct 2011)
- Canadian Journal of Respiratory, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine : Revue canadienne des soins respiratoires et critiques et de la médecine du sommeil. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2017-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1998-Oct 2018)
- Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine = Journal Canadien de la Médecine Rurale. (Society of Rural Physicians of Canada) (年月:2006-2018 巻号:11-23) FREE
- Canadian Journal of School Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1997-Sep 2017)
- Canadian Journal of Surgery. (Canadian Medical Association) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:39-Current) FREE (open access journal)
- Canadian Journal of Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1994-Current)
- Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research. (PubMed Central) (年月:1986-(6 months ago) 巻号:50-(6 months ago)) Free after 6 months. 継続前誌も閲覧可能(1937-1985年)
- Canadian Journal of Zoology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1998-Jun 2007)
- Canadian Medical Association Journal = Journal de l'Association Medicale Canadienne. (Canadian Medical Association) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:156-Current) FREE
- Canadian Medical Association. Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Current)
- Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly : The Canadian Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1962-1996 巻号:1-35)
- Canadian Nurse. (CINAHL) (年月:Sep 2004-May 2018)
- The Canadian Nurse. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-Apr 2009)
- Canadian Nursing Home. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2006-Current)
- Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal = Revue Canadienne de Nursing Oncologique. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2019)
- Canadian Operating Room Nursing Journal. (CINAHL) (年月:Sep 2005-Dec 2011)
- Canadian Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1993-Current)
- Canadian Respiratory Journal. (Hindawi Publishing Corporation) (年月:1994-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Canadian Respiratory Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- The Canadian Review of Sociology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1992-Nov 2008)
- Canadian Veterinary Journal. (PubMed Central) (年月:1960-(3 months ago) 巻号:1-(3 months ago)) Free. after 3 months
- Cancer. (Wiley) (年月:1948-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Cancer Biology & Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2004-Current)
- Cancer Biology and Therapy. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access.
- Cancer Biotherapy & Radiopharmaceuticals. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2000-Dec 2018)
- Cancer Causes & Control. (NII-REO) (年月:1990-1999 巻号:1(1)-10(6))
- Cancer Causes & Control. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1999-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Cancer Causes & Control. (Springer) (年月:1990-1996 巻号:1-7)
- Cancer Cell. (Cell Press) (年月:Feb 2002-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化. ScienceDirect
- Cancer Cell International. (BioMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Cancer Cell International. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Cancer Cell International [NLM-MEDLINE]. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2005-Nov 2005)
- Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology. (NII-REO) (年月:1978-1999 巻号:1(1)-44(6))
- Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology. (Springer) (年月:1978-1996 巻号:1-39(1-3))
- Cancer Clinical Trials. (LWW) (年月:1978-1981 巻号:1-4) 継続後誌: American Journal of Clinical Oncology
- Cancer Communications. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Cancer communications. (Wiley) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:34-Current) Open access. Chinese journal of cancer(-v37)
- Cancer Control. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2017-Current)
- Cancer control : journal of the Moffitt Cancer Center. (Sage) (年月:1995-Current 巻号:2(5)-Current) open access
- Cancer Convergence. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2017-Feb 2020) 欠:01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019
- Cancer Cytopathology. (Wiley) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:81-Current)
- Cancer Discovery. (American Association for Cancer Research) (年月:2011-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Cancer Epidemiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-(60 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:60日
- Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. (American Association for Cancer Research) (年月:1991-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Cancer Gene Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1979-1994 巻号:Vol.1-78(2))
- Cancer Growth and Metastasis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2018)
- Cancer Imaging. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Cancer Imaging. (PubMed Central) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Cancer Immunology Research. (American Association for Cancer Research) (年月:2013-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy. (NII-REO) (年月:1976-1999 巻号:1(1/2)-48(9))
- Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy. (Springer) (年月:1976-1996 巻号:1-43(1-4))
- Cancer Informatics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Current)
- Cancer Informatics. (PubMed Central) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Cancer Investigation. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:15-Current)
- Cancer Journal. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2000-Aug 2007)
- The Cancer Journal. (LWW) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:8-Current)
- Cancer Letters. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1975-1994 巻号:Vol.1-87(2))
- Cancer Management and Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Cancer Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2012-Current)
- Cancer Medicine. (Wiley) (年月:2012-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access
- Cancer & Metabolism. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Cancer and Metastasis Reviews. (NII-REO) (年月:1982-1999 巻号:1(1)-18(4))
- Cancer and Metastasis Reviews. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Cancer and Metastasis Reviews. (Springer) (年月:1982-1996 巻号:1-15)
- Cancer Microenvironment. (PubMed Central) (年月:2008-2019 巻号:1-12)
- Cancer Nanotechnology. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2010-Current)
- Cancer Nursing. (LWW) (年月:1978-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Cancer Nursing Practice (2014+). (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2014-Mar 2021)
- Cancer Nursing Practice (through 2013). (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2006-Dec 2013)
- Cancer Practice. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1998-Nov 2002)
- Cancer Prevention Research. (American Association for Cancer Research) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Cancer Research. (American Association for Cancer Research) (年月:1941-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Cancer Research Communications. (American Association for Cancer Research) (年月:2021-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access
- Cancer Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1988-Current)
- Cancer Science. (Wiley) (年月:1988-Current 巻号:79-Current) Open access. 継続前誌: Japanese Journal of Cancer Research(1988-2002年)
- Cancer Translational Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Apr 2020)
- Cancer Treatment Reviews. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1974-1994 巻号:Vol.1-20)
- Cancers. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Canine Medicine and Genetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Dec 2018)
- CANNT journal. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2004-Current)
- CANNT Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2004-Current)
- CAP Today. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Carbon Balance and Management. (BioMed Central) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Carbon Balance and Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2006-Current)
- Carbon Energy. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2019-Current)
- Carcinogenesis. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:17(1)-24(12))
- Carcinogenesis. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1980-(1 year ago) 巻号:1-(1 year ago)) Free: after 12 months
- Cardiac Electrophysiology Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1999-Dec 2003)
- Cardiology. (Karger) (年月:1937-2013 巻号:1-126) 継続前誌: Cardiologia (1937-1969年)
- Cardiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Nov 2015)
- Cardiology in Review. (LWW) (年月:1993-2018 巻号:1-26)
- Cardiology in the Young. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Cardiology Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Cardiology Research and Practice. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Cardiology and Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2012-Oct 2019)
- Cardiology Today. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Cardiology Today Intervention. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2012-May 2019)
- Cardiometry. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2012-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2015
- Cardio-Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Cardiopulmonary physical therapy journal. (LWW) (年月:1990-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-Dec 2015)
- Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Journal (American Physical Therapy Association, Cardiopulmonary Section). (CINAHL) (年月:Sep 2004-Dec 2014)
- Cardiorenal Medicine. (Karger) (年月:2011-2013 巻号:Vol.1-3)
- CardioRenal Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Dec 2015)
- The Cardiothoracic Surgeon. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2019-Current)
- Cardiovascular Diabetology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Cardiovascular Diabetology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy. (NII-REO) (年月:1987-1999 巻号:1(1)-13(6))
- Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1999-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy. (Springer) (年月:1987-1996 巻号:1-10(1-5))
- Cardiovascular Engineering. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2001-Dec 2010)
- CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology. (NII-REO) (年月:1978-1999 巻号:1(1)-22(6))
- Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology. (Springer) (年月:1977-1996 巻号:1-19)
- Cardiovascular Journal of Africa. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2018) 欠:01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2014
- Cardiovascular Pathology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1992-1994 巻号:1-3)
- Cardiovascular Research. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1967-(1 year ago) 巻号:1-(1 year ago)) Free: after 12 months
- Cardiovascular Therapeutics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- Cardiovascular Therapeutics. (Wiley) (年月:1983-2018 巻号:1-36) Free. 2019年以降の刊行はHindawi 継続前誌: Cardiovascular drug reviews(~2007年)
- Cardiovascular and Thoracic Open. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2017)
- Cardiovascular Toxicology. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Cardiovascular Ultrasound. (BioMed Central) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Cardiovascular Ultrasound. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Care Management Journals. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-Jul 2016)
- The Career Development Quarterly. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1994-Current)
- Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2005-May 2010)
- Caries Research. (Karger) (年月:1967-2013 巻号:Vol.1-47)
- Caries Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Oct 2015)
- Case Management Advisor. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Feb 2013)
- Case Management Monthly. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Case Reports in Anesthesiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Case Reports in Cardiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Case reports in Critical Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018
- Case Reports in Dentistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Case Reports in Dermatological Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Case Reports in Dermatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- Case Reports in Emergency Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Case Reports in Endocrinology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Case Reports in Gastroenterology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- Case Reports in Gastrointestinal Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Case Reports in Hematology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Case Reports in Hepatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Case Reports in Immunology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Case Reports in Infectious Diseases. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Case Reports in Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Case Reports in Nephrology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Case Reports in Nephrology and Dialysis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- Case Reports in Neurological Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Case Reports in Neurology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Case Reports in Oncological Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Case Reports in Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- Case Reports in Ophthalmological Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Case Reports in Ophthalmology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- Case Reports in Orthopedics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Case Reports in Otolaryngology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Case Reports in Pediatrics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Case Reports in Perinatal Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jul 2017)
- Case Reports in Psychiatry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Case Reports in Pulmonology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Case Reports in Radiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Case Reports in Rheumatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Case Reports in Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Case Reports in Transplantation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Case Reports in Urology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Case Reports in Vascular Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- CASES Journal. (BioMed Central) (年月:2008-2010 巻号:1-3) FREE. discontinued in 2010.
- Castanea. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2002-Sep 2018)
- Catalysis Letters. (Springer) (年月:1988-1996 巻号:1-42)
- Catalysis Reviews. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1968-1996 巻号:1-38)
- Catheterization and Cardiovascular Diagnosis. (Wiley) (年月:1975-1998 巻号:Vol.1-45)
- Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions. (Wiley) (年月:1999-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.46-74,75(1))
- CBE Life Sciences Education. (American Society for Cell Biology) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:1-Current) Free site
- CBU International Conference Proceedings .... (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jan 2019)
- CCQ. Critical Care Quarterly. (LWW) (年月:1978-1986 巻号:1-9(3))
- Cehui Xuebao. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2010-Current)
- Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy. (Springer) (年月:1969-1996 巻号:1-66)
- Cell. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1974-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Cell Adhesion and Migration. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2007- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:1-(Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Cell Biochemistry and Function. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.14-27,28(1))
- Cell Biology Education. (American Society for Cell Biology) (年月:2002-2005 巻号:1-4) Changed title to CBE Life Sciences Education since 2006. Articles 2002-2005 are free.
- Cell Biology Insights. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2008)
- Cell Biology and Toxicology. (NII-REO) (年月:1984-1999 巻号:1(1)-15(6))
- Cell Biology and Toxicology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Cell Biology and Toxicology. (Springer) (年月:1984-1996 巻号:1-12)
- Cell Biophysics. (NII-REO) (年月:1979-1999 巻号:1(1)-31(3))
- Cell & Bioscience. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Cell and Chromosome. (BioMed Central) (年月:2002-2008 巻号:1-7) Ceased publication. Articles 2002-2008 are free.
- Cell Communication Insights. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2017)
- Cell Communication and Signaling. (BioMed Central) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Cell Communication and Signaling. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Cell Cycle. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2002- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:1-(Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- Cell Death and Differentiation. (Nature) (年月:1997-(12 months ago) 巻号:4-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化
- Cell Death and Differentiation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Cell Death Discovery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2015-Current)
- Cell Death and Disease. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Cell Discovery. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2015-Current)
- Cell Division. (BioMed Central) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Cell Division. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Cell Health and Cytoskeleton. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2016)
- Cell Host and Microbe. (Cell Press) (年月:2007-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化. ScienceDirect
- Cell Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2009-Jul 2020)
- Cell Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Jan 2019)
- Cell Metabolism. (ScienceDirect) (年月:2005-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化
- Cell Proliferation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- Cell Regeneration. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2019
- Cell reports. (Cell Press) (年月:2012-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE. (ScienceDirect)
- Cell Research. (Nature) (年月:1999-(12 months ago) 巻号:9-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化
- Cell Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Cell Stem Cell. (ScienceDirect) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:Vol.1-Current)
- Cell Stress & Chaperones. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2005-Jan 2019)
- Cell Stress and Chaperones. (PubMed Central) (年月:1996-(6 months ago) 巻号:1-(6 months ago)) Free: after 6 months
- Cell Structure and Function. (J-STAGE) (年月:1975-Current 巻号:V.1-Current) FREE
- Cell Structure and Function. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- Cell systems. (Cell Press) (年月:2015-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化 (ScienceDirect)
- Cell and Tissue Banking. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Cell and Tissue Research. (NII-REO) (年月:1924-1999 巻号:1(1)-298(3))
- Cell and Tissue Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Cell and Tissue Research. (Springer) (年月:1924-1996 巻号:1-287(1))
- Cell & Tissue Transplantation & Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2016)
- Cell Transplantation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Cell transplantation. (Sage) (年月:1999-Current 巻号:18-Current) open access
- Cells. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2012-Current)
- Cells Tissues Organs. (Karger) (年月:1945-2013 巻号:1-198) 継続前誌: Acta Anatomica (1945/46-1998年)
- Cells Tissues Organs. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-Dec 2015)
- Cellular Microbiology. (Wiley) (年月:1999-(2 years ago) 巻号:1-(2 years ago)) Free: Content older than 2 years. 2022年Hindawiへ
- Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2008-Dec 2018)
- Cellular & molecular biology letters. (BioMed Central) (年月:2006-Curent 巻号:11-Curent) Open access
- Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2006-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2015
- Cellular and molecular gastroenterology and hepatology. (PubMed Central) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Cellular & Molecular Immunology. (Nature) (年月:2008-(12 months ago) 巻号:5-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化
- Cellular & Molecular Immunology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2008-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. (Springer) (年月:1945-1996 巻号:1-52)
- Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences CMLS. (NII-REO) (年月:1945-1999 巻号:1(1)-56(11/12))
- Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology. (NII-REO) (年月:1981-1999 巻号:1(1)-19(6))
- Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology. (Springer) (年月:1981-1996 巻号:1-16)
- Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry. (Karger) (年月:1991-2018 巻号:Vol.1-7,15-51) no longer being published by Karger
- Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2017-Jan 2019)
- Cellulose. (Springer) (年月:1994-1996 巻号:1-3)
- CEN case reports. (PubMed Central) (年月:2012-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Center for Medical Consumers. (CINAHL) (年月:Aug 2009-Oct 2012)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Documents / FIND. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2005-Current)
- Central Asian Journal of Global Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Central European Journal of Immunology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Central European Journal of Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2006-Feb 2017) 欠:01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2016
- Central European Journal of Public Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2009-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Central European Journal of Urology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Centre For Evidence-Based Medicine [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2018-Current)
- Cephalalgia Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Current)
- Ceramic Tech Today [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2018-Current)
- The Cerebellum. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2002-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Cerebellum & Ataxias. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Cerebral Cortex. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:6(1)-13(12))
- Cerebral Cortex. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1991-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Cerebrovascular Diseases. (Karger) (年月:1991-2013 巻号:Vol.1-36)
- Cerebrovascular Diseases. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Nov 2015)
- Cerebrovascular Diseases. Extra. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- CES Medicina. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2010-Current)
- CES Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2010-Current)
- CES Odontología. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2010-Jan 2017)
- Ceskoslovenska Psychologie. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Current)
- Ceylon Medical Journal. (Sri Lanka Medical Association) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:51(4)-Current) FREE
- Chance. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1989-1996 巻号:2-9)
- Change. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1988-Nov 2010)
- Changing Times (pre-1986). (ProQuest) (年月:May 1949-Dec 1985)
- Channels. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access.
- Chart. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1995-Mar 2012)
- Chart. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1998-Apr 2012)
- Check List. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2021
- Chelonian Conservation and Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2006-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Chem. (Cell Press) (年月:2016-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化. ScienceDirect
- Chem-Bio Informatics Journal. (J-STAGE) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:V.1-Current) FREE
- ChemBioChem. (Wiley) (年月:2000-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.1-10,11(1-2))
- ChemCatChem. (Wiley) (年月:2010-2010 巻号:Vol.2(1))
- Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2014-Current)
- Chemical & biomedical imaging. (American Chemical Society) (年月:) open access journal
- Chemical health & safety. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:1994-1998 巻号:1-5) ACS Chemical Health & Safety (2020-) ← Journal of Chemical Health & Safety (2006-2019) ← Chemical Health & Safety (1994-2005)
- Chemical health & safety. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:1999-2005 巻号:6-12)
- Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. (Springer) (年月:1965-1996 巻号:1-32)
- Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin. (J-STAGE) (年月:1958-Current 巻号:V.6-Current) FREE
- Chemical Record. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2009 巻号:Vol.1-9)
- Chemical Research in Toxicology. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:9-Current)
- Chemical Reviews. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:96-Current)
- Chemical science. (Royal Society of Chemistry) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:6-Current) 2015年以降、Open Access
- Chemical Senses. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:21(1)-28(9))
- Chemical Senses. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1974-(1 year ago) 巻号:1-(1 year ago)) Free: after 12 months. Chemical Senses and Flavour (1974-1979) → Chemical Senses (1980-)
- ChemInform. (Wiley) (年月:2003-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.34-40,41(1))
- Chemische Berichte. (Wiley) (年月:1996-1997 巻号:129-130) 継続後誌: European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
- Chemist & Druggist. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1997-Mar 2013)
- Chemistry-A European Journal. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.2-15,16(1-4))
- Chemistry-An Asian Journal. (Wiley) (年月:2006-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.1-4,5(1))
- Chemistry & Biodiversity. (Wiley) (年月:2004-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.1-6,7(1))
- Chemistry & Biology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1994-2015 巻号:1-22)
- Chemistry and Ecology. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1982-1996 巻号:1-13(2))
- Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds. (Springer) (年月:1965-1996 巻号:1-32)
- Chemistry of Materials. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:8-Current)
- Chemistry of Natural Compounds. (Springer) (年月:1965-1996 巻号:1-32)
- Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. (Springer) (年月:1965-1996 巻号:1-32)
- ChemMedChem. (Wiley) (年月:2006-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.1-4,5(1))
- Chemoecology. (Springer) (年月:1990-1996 巻号:1-7)
- Chemosensors. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2013-Current)
- Chemosensory Perception. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2008-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Chemotherapy. (Karger) (年月:1960-2013 巻号:1-59) 継続前誌: Chemotherapia (1960-1967年)
- Chemotherapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Nov 2015)
- ChemPhysChem. (Wiley) (年月:2000-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.1-10,11(1))
- ChemSusChem. (Wiley) (年月:2008-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.1-2,3(1))
- Chest. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Nov 2006)
- Chest. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1970-Current 巻号:57-Current) Formerly known as Diseases of the Chest
- Chicago Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease. (LWW) (年月:1874-1875 巻号:1-2) 継続後誌:Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
- Chief Information Officer Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-Nov 1993)
- Child Abuse & Neglect. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1977-1994 巻号:1-18)
- Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health. (BioMed Central) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Child & Adolescent Psychopharmacology News. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2001-Dec 2017)
- Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 2008-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 Months
- Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2005-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal. (Springer) (年月:1984-1996 巻号:1-13)
- Child & Family Social Work. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1998-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- Child Health Alert. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1997-Apr 2010)
- Child Health Nursing Research. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Child Language Teaching & Therapy. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 1998-May 2016)
- Child Language Teaching and Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Oct 2015)
- Child Neurology Open. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Child Psychiatry and Human Development. (NII-REO) (年月:1970-1999 巻号:1(1)-30(2))
- Child Psychiatry and Human Development. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Child Welfare. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1990-Current)
- Child Welfare. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2003
- Child & Youth Care Forum. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Child and Youth Care Forum. (Springer) (年月:1971-1996 巻号:1-25)
- Child: Care, Health & Development. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2003-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- Childhood Obesity. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Jan 2021)
- Children. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2021-Current)
- Children Australia. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2011-Dec 2020)
- Children & Schools. (CINAHL) (年月:Oct 2000-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- Children & Schools. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1997-Oct 2012)
- Children Today. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1988-Jan 1997)
- Children's Health Care. (CINAHL) (年月:Jun 1981-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- Children's Health Care. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:26-Current)
- Children's Literature in Education. (Springer) (年月:1970-1996 巻号:1-27)
- Children's Nurses: Italian Journal of Pediatric Nursing Science / Infermieri dei Bambini: Giornale Italiano di Scienze Infermieristiche Pediatriche. (CINAHL) (年月:Aug 2011-Jan 2017)
- Child's Nervous System. (NII-REO) (年月:1985-1999 巻号:1(1)-15(11/12))
- Child's Nervous System. (Springer) (年月:1985-1996 巻号:1-12)
- Chinese Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2008-Dec 2009)
- Chinese Journal of Lung Cancer. (年月:2008-Current 巻号:11-Current) FREE
- The Chinese journal of physiology. (Wolters Kluwer-Medknow Publications) (年月:2019-Current 巻号:62-Current)
- Chinese Journal of Traumatology. (Elsevier) (年月:Feb 2008-Current 巻号:11(1)-Current) ScienceDirect
- Chinese medical journal. (Chinese Medical Association ; produced by Wolters Kluwer) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:128-Current) Free
- Chinese Medical Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Chinese Medicine. (BioMed Central) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Chinese Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Chinese Medicine and Culture. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2018-Current)
- Chinese Neurosurgical Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Chirality. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.8-21,22(1))
- Chiropractic History. (CINAHL) (年月:Dec 2004-Current)
- Chiropractic History. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2015-Dec 2016)
- Chiropractic Journal. (CINAHL) (年月:Jul 1990-Apr 2000)
- Chiropractic Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1998-Jan 2013)
- Chiropractic Journal of Australia. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2005-Jun 2007)
- Chiropractic & Manual Therapies. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Chiropractic and manual therapies. (PubMed Central) (年月:2011-Current 巻号:19-Current) 継続前誌も閲覧可能(1992-2010年)
- Cholesterol. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2018)
- Christian Bioethics. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1995-1995 巻号:1)
- Chromatographia. (Springer) (年月:1968-1996 巻号:1-43)
- CHROMATOGRAPHY. (J-STAGE) (年月:2011-Current) FREE
- Chromosoma. (NII-REO) (年月:1939-1999 巻号:1(1)-108(7))
- Chromosoma. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Chromosoma. (Springer) (年月:1961-1996 巻号:1-105(1-5))
- Chromosome Botany. (J-STAGE) (年月:2006-Current) FREE
- Chromosome Research. (NII-REO) (年月:1993-1999 巻号:1(1)-7(8))
- Chromosome Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Chromosome Research. (Springer) (年月:1993-1996 巻号:1-4)
- Chromosome Science. (J-STAGE) (年月:2009-Current) FREE
- Chronic Disease Notes & Reports. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1999-Feb 2009)
- Chronic Illness. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2005-Dec 2006)
- Chronic Pain : an Atlas of Investigation and Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2009)
- Chronic Respiratory Disease. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2004-Current)
- Chronic respiratory disease. (Sage) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access
- Chronic Stress. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- Ciência e Natura. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Sep 2017)
- Ciência & Saúde Coletiva. (Associação Brasileira de Saúde Coletiva) (年月:1998-Current 巻号:3(2)-Current) FREE
- Ciência & Saúde Coletiva. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Current)
- CienciaUAT. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2006-Current)
- Cilia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2019)
- CIN Plus. (LWW) (年月:2001-2002 巻号:4-5) 継続前誌: Computers in Nursing; 継続後誌: CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing
- CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing. (LWW) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:15(6)-Current) 継続前誌: CIN Plus
- CINAHLnews. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 1995-Jul 2004)
- Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing. (Springer) (年月:1982-1996 巻号:1-15)
- Circulation. (American Heart Association) (年月:1950-Current 巻号:1-Current) (Atypon)
- Circulation. (LWW) (年月:1950-Current 巻号:1-Current) (Ovid)
- Circulation Journal. (J-STAGE) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:V.66-Current) FREE
- Circulation Reports. (J-STAGE) (年月:2018-Current) FREE
- Circulation Research. (American Heart Association) (年月:1953-Current 巻号:1-Current) (Atypon)
- Circulation Research. (LWW) (年月:1953-Current 巻号:1-Current) (Ovid)
- Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology. (American Heart Association) (年月:2008- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:1-(Free after 12 months)) Free: after 12 months
- Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology. (LWW) (年月:2008-2018 巻号:1-11)
- Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics. (LWW) (年月:2008-2017 巻号:1-10)
- Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging. (American Heart Association) (年月:2008- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:1-(Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging. (LWW) (年月:2008-2018 巻号:1-11)
- Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions. (American Heart Association) (年月:2008- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:1-(Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions. (LWW) (年月:2008-2018 巻号:1-11)
- Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. (American Heart Association) (年月:2008- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:1-(Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. (LWW) (年月:2008-2018 巻号:1-11)
- Circulation: Genomic and precision medicine. (American Heart Association) (年月:2008- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:1-(Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- Circulation: Heart Failure. (American Heart Association) (年月:2008- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:1-(Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- Circulation: Heart Failure. (LWW) (年月:2008-2018 巻号:1-11)
- Circumpolar Health Supplements. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Jan 2013)
- Cirugía y Cirujanos. (Elsevier) (年月:2015-2017 巻号:83-85) ScienceDirect
- Citius Altius Fortius. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Dec 2010)
- CJEM : Journal of the Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-Nov 2020)
- CLAO Journal. (LWW) (年月:1983-2002 巻号:9-28) 継続前誌: Contact & Intraocular Lens Medical Journal
- The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Nov 2017)
- Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine. (Cleveland Clinic Educational) (年月:1970-Current 巻号:37-Current) REGISTRATION IS NOW REQUIRED FOR FREE ACCESS TO CCJM CONTENT.
- CLEVER Clinical and Experimental Vision and Eye Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Jan 2020)
- Climacteric. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2003-Dec 2007)
- Climacteric. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1998-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Climate Dynamics. (Springer) (年月:1986-1996 巻号:1-13(1))
- Climatic Change. (Springer) (年月:1977-1996 巻号:1-34)
- Clinica Chimica Acta : international journal of clinical chemistry. (ScienceDirect) (年月:2004-2009 巻号:Vol.339-410)
- Clínica Contemporánea. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Clinica y Salud. (年月:2006-Current 巻号:17-Current) FREE
- Clínica y Salud. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1990-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2021
- Clinical Anatomy. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.9-22,23(1))
- Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1995-Current)
- Clinical Autonomic Research. (NII-REO) (年月:1991-1999 巻号:1(1)-9(6))
- Clinical Autonomic Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2002-Jan 2019)
- Clinical Autonomic Research. (Springer) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-6)
- Clinical Biomechanics. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1986-1994 巻号:1-9)
- Clinical Cancer Research. (American Association for Cancer Research) (年月:1995-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Clinical Cardiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- Clinical Cardiology Alert. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Clinical Case Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2013-Current)
- Clinical Chemistry. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1955- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:1-(Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- Clinical Chemistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2002-Apr 2022)
- Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review. (NII-REO) (年月:1998-1999 巻号:1(1)-2(4))
- Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1998-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Clinical and developmental immunology. (PubMed Central) (年月:2003-2013 巻号:1-13;2003-2013) 継続前誌: Developmental immunology. 継続後誌: Journal of immunology research
- Clinical Diabetes. (American Diabetes Association) (年月:2001-(12 months ago) 巻号:19-(12 months ago)) Free. after 12 months
- Clinical Diabetes and Endocrinology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal.
- Clinical Diabetes and Endocrinology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Clinical and Diagnostic Virology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1993-1994 巻号:1-2) Continued as Journal of Clinical Virology
- Clinical Drug Investigation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2008-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Clinical Dysmorphology. (LWW) (年月:1992-2018 巻号:1-27)
- Clinical EEG and Neuroscience. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1974-Nov 2018) 欠:01-Jan-1975--31-Dec-1975; 01-Jan-1978--31-Dec-1978; 01-Jan-1980--31-Dec-1983; 01-Jan-1986--31-Dec-1987; 01-Jan-1992--31-Dec-1992; 01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2000
- Clinical endocrinology. (Wiley) (年月:1972-1997 巻号:1-47)
- Clinical epidemiology. (Dove Medical Press) (年月:2009-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal
- Clinical Epigenetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Clinical Excellence for Nurse Practitioners. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2004-Dec 2005)
- Clinical Excellence for Nurse Practitioners. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2005-Dec 2005)
- Clinical and Experimental Dental Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2015-Current)
- Clinical and Experimental Dental Research. (Wiley) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access
- Clinical and Experimental Dermatology. (Wiley) (年月:1976-1997 巻号:1-22)
- Clinical and Experimental Gastroenterology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Clinical and Experimental Hypertension. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:19(3)-Current) Open Access: v45(2023)-
- Clinical and Experimental Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2002-Dec 2018)
- Clinical & Experimental Metastasis. (NII-REO) (年月:1983-1999 巻号:1(1)-17(10))
- Clinical & Experimental Metastasis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Clinical & Experimental Metastasis. (Springer) (年月:1983-1996 巻号:1-14)
- Clinical and Experimental Nephrology. (NII-REO) (年月:1997-1999 巻号:1(1)-3(4))
- Clinical and Experimental Nephrology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2002-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Clinical and Experimental Optometry. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2021-Current 巻号:104-Current)
- Clinical and Experimental Otorhinolaryngology. (年月:2008-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Clinical and experimental rheumatology. (Clinical And Experimental Rheumatology S.A.S) (年月:1999-2008 巻号:17-26) Free
- Clinical Governance Bulletin. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2003-Nov 2006)
- Clinical Hypertension. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Clinical Imaging. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1989-1994 巻号:13-18) Formerly known as Journal of Computed Tomography
- Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1972-1994 巻号:1-73) Continued as Clinical Immunology
- Clinical Immunology Newsletter. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1980-1994 巻号:1-14) Continued as Clinical and Applied Immunology Reviews
- Clinical Infectious Diseases. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1992-Current 巻号:14-Current) リンク先で継続前誌 "Reviews of infectious diseases" (1979-1991年) 閲覧可
- Clinical and Investigative Medicine. (Canadian Society for Clinical Investigation) (年月:2007-(6 months ago) 巻号:30-(6 months ago)) FREE
- Clinical and Investigative Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1994-Dec 2006)
- Clinical and Investigative Medicine (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2007-Current)
- Clinical and Investigative Orthodontics. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:65-Current) Orthodontic Waves (2006-2021年); Clinical and Investigative Orthodontics (2022年-) 日本矯正歯科学会
- Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. (LWW) (年月:2006-2022 巻号:1-17(10))
- Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2000-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2005-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- The Clinical Journal of Pain. (LWW) (年月:1985-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine. (LWW) (年月:1991-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Clinical kidney journal : CKJ. (Oxford University Press) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access. 継続前誌: NDT plusもアクセス可 (2008-2011年)
- Clinical Kinesiology (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2003-Dec 2019)
- Clinical Lab Products (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-Current)
- Clinical Laboratory Reference. (CINAHL) (年月:Aug 2007-(3 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:3 months
- Clinical laboratory science. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2004-Dec 2017)
- Clinical Laboratory Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1998-Oct 2017)
- Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1999-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:11-Current)
- Clinical Lipidology and Metabolic Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2006-Dec 2017)
- Clinical Liver Disease. (LWW) (年月:2012-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Clinical liver disease. (Wiley) (年月:2012-2022 巻号:1-20) Free. 2023年LWWへ
- Clinical lymphoma. (ScienceDirect) (年月:2000-2005 巻号:1-6(1)) 現誌名: Clinical lymphoma, myeloma & leukemia (2010年-)
- Clinical lymphoma & myeloma. (ScienceDirect) (年月:2005-2009 巻号:6(2)-9) 継続後誌: Clinical lymphoma, myeloma & leukemia (2010年-)
- Clinical lymphoma, myeloma & leukemia. (ScienceDirect) (年月:2010-Current 巻号:10-Current) 継続前誌: Clinical Lymphoma and Myeloma (2005-2009年)
- Clinical Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2006-Current)
- Clinical Medicine Insights. Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Clinical Medicine Insights. Blood Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Clinical Medicine Insights. Cardiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Current)
- Clinical Medicine Insights. Case Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Clinical Medicine Insights. Circulatory, Respiratory and Pulmonary Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Current)
- Clinical Medicine Insights. Dermatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2014)
- Clinical Medicine Insights. Ear, Nose and Throat. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2018)
- Clinical Medicine Insights. Endocrinology and Diabetes. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Clinical Medicine Insights. Geriatrics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2017) 欠:01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2012
- Clinical Medicine Insights. Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Current)
- Clinical Medicine Insights. Pediatrics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Clinical Medicine Insights. Psychiatry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Clinical Medicine Insights. Reproductive Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Clinical Medicine Insights. Therapeutics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2018)
- Clinical Medicine Insights. Trauma and Intensive Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2019)
- Clinical Medicine Insights. Urology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2020)
- Clinical Medicine Insights. Women's Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2018)
- Clinical Medicine Insights: Women's Health. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Clinical Medicine and Research. (Marshfield Clinic) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:1-Current) Free site
- Clinical Microbiology and Infection. (Elsevier) (年月:Sep 1995-(12 months ago) 巻号:1(1)-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化. ScienceDirect
- Clinical Microbiology and Infection. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1998-Dec 2001)
- Clinical Microbiology and Infection. (Wiley) (年月:1997-2014 巻号:3-20)
- Clinical Microbiology Newsletter. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1979-1994 巻号:1-16)
- Clinical Microbiology Reviews. (Health Science) (年月:1988-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Clinical and Molecular Allergy. (BioMed Central) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Clinical and Molecular Allergy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2014
- Clinical and molecular hepatology. (PubMed Central) (年月:2010-Current 巻号:16-Current) 継続前誌:Korean journal of hepatology (2010-2012年)含む
- Clinical Nephrology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Clinical Nephrology-Case Studies. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jan 2020) 欠:01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019
- Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery. (ProQuest) (年月:May 1996-(60 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-2001 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:60日
- Clinical Neuropathology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Clinical Neuropharmacology. (LWW) (年月:1976-2018 巻号:1-41)
- Clinical neurophysiology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1999-2021 巻号:110-132)
- Clinical Neuropsychopharmacology and Therapeutics. (J-STAGE) (年月:2010-Current) FREE
- Clinical Neuroradiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1998-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2005 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Clinical Nuclear Medicine. (LWW) (年月:1976-2018 巻号:1-43)
- Clinical Nurse Specialist. (LWW) (年月:1987-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Clinical Nursing Research. (Sage) (年月:1999-Current 巻号:8-13,30-Current)
- Clinical Nutrition. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1982-1994 巻号:1-13) Incorporating Clinical Nutrition Supplements
- Clinical Nutrition INSIGHT. (LWW) (年月:2007-2014 巻号:33(8)-40(1)) 継続前誌: Nutrition & the M.D.
- Clinical Obstetrics & Gynecology. (LWW) (年月:1958-2018 巻号:1-61)
- Clinical Oncology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1989-1994 巻号:Vol.1-6)
- Clinical Oncology Alert. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Feb 2013)
- Clinical Oncology in Adolescents and Young Adults. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2016)
- Clinical Ophthalmology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Current)
- Clinical Ophthalmology (Auckland, N.Z.). (Dove Press) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Clinical Oral Investigations. (NII-REO) (年月:1997-1999 巻号:1(1)-3(4))
- Clinical Oral Investigations. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Clinical Orthopaedics. (LWW) (年月:1953-1962 巻号:1-25) 継続後誌: Clinical Orthopaedics & Related Research
- Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. (LWW) (年月:1963-2018 巻号:26-476) 継続前誌: Clinical Orthopaedics
- Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Dec 2017)
- Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. (PubMed Central) (年月:2008-(12 months ago) 巻号:466-(12 months ago)) Free after 12 months
- Clinical Pathology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2018)
- Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Jul 2020)
- Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology. (J-STAGE) (年月:1992-Current 巻号:V.1-Current) FREE
- Clinical Pediatrics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Apr 2005)
- Clinical Pharmacokinetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2007-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics. (Wiley) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:61-Current)
- Clinical Phytoscience. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2015-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2016
- Clinical Practice. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2004-Dec 2014)
- Clinical Practice and Cases in Emergency Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- Clinical Proteomics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Dec 2010)
- Clinical Proteomics (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020
- Clinical Psychology in Europe. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2019-Sep 2019)
- Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.3-16,17(1))
- Clinical psychology review. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1981-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Clinical Pulmonary Medicine. (LWW) (年月:1994-2020 巻号:1-27)
- Clinical Radiology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1960-1994 巻号:11-49) Formerly known as Journal of the Faculty of Radiologists
- Clinical References. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Jan 2011)
- Clinical rehabilitation. (LWW) (年月:1999-Current 巻号:13-Current)
- Clinical Rehabilitation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Dec 2015)
- Clinical Research in Cardiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2003--31-Dec-2004 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Clinical Reviews in Allergy. (NII-REO) (年月:1983-1999 巻号:1(1)-17(4))
- Clinical Reviews in Allergy & Immunology. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Clinical Rheumatology. (NII-REO) (年月:1982-1999 巻号:1(1)-18(6))
- Clinical Rheumatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Clinical Rheumatology. (Springer) (年月:1982-1996 巻号:1-15)
- Clinical Risk. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2006-Jun 2015)
- Clinical Sarcoma Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2020)
- Clinical Social Work Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1996-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Clinical Social Work Journal. (Springer) (年月:1973-1996 巻号:1-24)
- Clinical Spine Surgery: A Spine Publication. (LWW) (年月:2016-2018 巻号:29-31) 継続前誌: Journal of Spinal Disorders & Techniques
- Clinical Therapeutics. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2000-(60 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2001--31-Dec-2001 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:60日
- Clinical Thyroidology. (Mary Ann Liebert) (年月:2014-Current 巻号:Vol.26-Current)
- Clinical Toxicology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:43-Current) 継続前誌: Journal of Toxicology: Clinical Toxicology (1997-2004年) も利用可
- Clinical and Translational Allergy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2010-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2019--31-Dec-2019
- Clinical & Translational Immunology. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2012-Current)
- Clinical and Translational Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2012-Current)
- Clinical and Translational Neuroscience. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- Clinical and Translational Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2016-Current)
- Clinical and translational science. (Wiley) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access
- Clinical Trials. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2004-Dec 2015)
- Clinical Trials Administrator. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Dec 2011)
- Clinical and Vaccine Immunology : CVI. (American Society for Microbiology) (年月:1994-2017 巻号:1-24) Free. Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology(1994-2005年)
- Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dentistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Clinics. (年月:2005-Current 巻号:60-Current) FREE
- Clinics in colon and rectal surgery. (PubMed Central) (年月:2004-(12 months ago) 巻号:17-(12 months ago)) after a 12-month delay (embargo).
- Clinics in Dermatology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1983-1994 巻号:Vol.1-12)
- Clinics in Endocrinology and Metabolism. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1972-1986 巻号:1-15) Continued as Baillière's Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
- Clocks & Sleep. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2021-Current)
- CNA Training Advisor: Lesson Plans for Busy Staff Trainers. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2014-Apr 2021)
- CNS Drugs. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- CNS oncology. (Future Medicine) (年月:2018-Current 巻号:7-Current) Open Access
- CNS Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Dec 2020)
- CNS Spectrums. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2012-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Cochlear Implants International. (Wiley) (年月:2002-2009 巻号:Vol.3-10)
- Cochlear Implants International : An Interdisciplinary Journal. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Cochrane database of systematic reviews. (Wiley) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:2003-Current)
- Cocuk Acil ve Yogun Bakım. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2016-Aug 2019)
- Cocuk Enfeksiyon Dergisi. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2008-Current)
- Çocuk ve Gençlik Ruh Sağlığı Dergisi = Turkish Journal of Child and Adolescent Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2019-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020
- Cogent Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2015-Jan 2020)
- Cogent Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2014-Current)
- Cogent Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2014-Current)
- Cognition. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1995-2013 巻号:Vol.54-129)
- Cognition, Brain, Behavior. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2006-Current)
- Cognition, Technology & Work. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2002-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Cognitive & Behavioral Neurology. (LWW) (年月:2003-2018 巻号:16-31) 継続前誌: Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology, & Behavioral Neurology
- The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2008-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Cognitive Neurodynamics. (PubMed Central) (年月:2007-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) Free: after 12 months
- Cognitive Psychology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1995-2014 巻号:Vol.28-75)
- Cognitive Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2016-Current)
- Cognitive Science-A Multidisciplinary Journal. (Wiley) (年月:1977-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化
- Cognitive Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jul 2014)
- Cognitive Therapy and Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Cognitive Therapy and Research. (Springer) (年月:1977-1996 巻号:1-20)
- Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2011-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience. (Springer) (年月:2001- (Free after 24 months) 巻号:1-(Free after 24 months)) Free after 24 months
- Cold Spring Harbor molecular case studies. (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:1-Current) Free
- Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology. (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press) (年月:2009-(24 Months ago) 巻号:1-(24 Months ago)) Free. after 24 months
- Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in medicine. (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press) (年月:2011-(24 Months ago) 巻号:1-(24 Months ago)) Free. after 24 months
- Collabra : Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2020-Current)
- Colloid and Polymer Science. (Springer) (年月:1905-1996 巻号:1-274)
- Colombia Medica. (年月:2005-Current 巻号:36-Current) FREE
- Côlon & Rectum. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2017-Nov 2020)
- Coloquios de Paleontología. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Jan 2009)
- Color Research & Application. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2009 巻号:Vol.21-34)
- Colorado Nurse. (CINAHL) (年月:Sep 2004-Current)
- Colorectal Cancer. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2017-Dec 2020)
- Combination Products in Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2011-Jan 2014)
- Combinatorica. (Springer) (年月:1981-1996 巻号:1-16)
- Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves. (Springer) (年月:1965-1996 巻号:1-32)
- Comments on Inorganic Chemistry : A Journal of Critical Discussion of the Current Literature. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1981-1996 巻号:1-19(1))
- Common Sense Family Doctor [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2018-Current)
- Communicable diseases intelligence. (Health Protection Policy Branch, Office of Health Protection, Australian Government, Department of Health) (年月:2018-Current 巻号:42-Current) 変遷前誌の1996年以降もアクセス可
- Communication Disorders Quarterly. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2002-Mar 2008)
- Communication Disorders Quarterly. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1999-May 2010)
- Communication & Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-May 2015)
- Communication Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Apr 2005)
- Communication Studies. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1992-Dec 2005)
- Communications Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Current)
- Communications in Algebra. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1974-1996 巻号:1-24)
- Communications in Mathematical Physics. (Springer) (年月:1965-1996 巻号:1-182)
- Communications in Partial Differential Equations. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1976-1996 巻号:1-21)
- Communications in Statistics. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1973-1975 巻号:1-4)
- Communications in Statistics : Simulation and Computation. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1976-1996 巻号:5-25)
- Communications in Statistics : Theory and Methods. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1976-1996 巻号:5-25)
- Communications in Statistics. Stochastic Models. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1985-1996 巻号:1-12) リンク先は継続後誌:Stochastic Models
- Communications Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2021-Current)
- Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.49-62,63(1))
- Communicative and Integrative Biology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal.
- Community Eye Health. (International Centre for Eye Health) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:9-Current) FREE
- Community Health Equity Research & Policy. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1998-Jul 2008)
- Community Mental Health Journal. (NII-REO) (年月:1965-1999 巻号:1(1)-35(6))
- Community Mental Health Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1996-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Community Mental Health Journal. (Springer) (年月:1965-2020 巻号:1-56(3))
- Community Practitioner. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2000-Current)
- Community Psychology in Global Perspective. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020
- Comparative Clinical Pathology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Comparative Clinical Pathology. (Springer) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-6)
- Comparative Cytogenetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2021
- Comparative Exercise Physiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2004-Nov 2010)
- Comparative and Functional Genomics. (Wiley) (年月:2001-2005 巻号:Vol.2-6)
- Comparative Hepatology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2002-2012 巻号:1-11) FREE
- Comparative Hepatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2012)
- Comparative Medicine. (American Association for Laboratory Animal Science) (年月:1997- (Free after 6 months) 巻号:47(5)-(Free after 6 months)) Free after 6 months
- Compensation and Benefits Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1987-Nov 2007)
- Compensation and Benefits Review (1986-1998). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1986-Nov 1986)
- Compensation and Benefits Review (pre-1986). (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1985-Nov 1985)
- Compensation Review (pre-1986). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1969-Apr 1985)
- Complementary Medicine Research. (Karger) (年月:1994-2013 巻号:1-20) Forschende Komplementärmedizin = Research in Complementary Medicine (1994-1999年) → Forschende Komplementärmedizin und Klassische Naturheilkunde = Research in Complementary and Classical Natural Medicine (2000-2005年) → Forschende Komplementärmedizin = Research in complementary medicine (2006-2016年)
- Complementary Therapies in Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2003-(60 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:60日
- Complementary Therapies in Medicine. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1993-Current 巻号:1-2,56-Current) Open access since 1st January 2021
- Complex Variables, Theory and Application : An International Journal. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1982-1996 巻号:1-31) リンク先は継続後誌:Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations : An International Journal
- Composite Interfaces. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1993-1996 巻号:1-4)
- Comprehensive Child & Adolescent Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2016-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2016-Current 巻号:39-Current) 継続前誌: Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing (1997-2015年) も利用可
- Comprehensive Psychiatry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Current)
- Comprehensive Psychiatry. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1960-1994 巻号:1-35)
- computational complexity. (Springer) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-6)
- Computational Economics. (Springer) (年月:1988-1996 巻号:1-9)
- Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience. (PubMed Central) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:2007-Current)
- Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience : CIN. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine : CMMM. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2010-Dec 2010)
- Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory. (Springer) (年月:1995-1996 巻号:1-2)
- Computational Mathematics and Modeling. (Springer) (年月:1990-1996 巻号:1-7)
- Computational Mechanics. (Springer) (年月:1986-1996 巻号:1-19(1-2))
- Computational Molecular Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Mar 2016)
- Computational Optimization and Applications. (Springer) (年月:1992-1996 巻号:1-6)
- Computer Assisted Surgery. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1995-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal. 継続前誌: Computer Aided Surgery (1997-2015年), Journal of Image Guided Surgery (1995-1996年)
- Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). (Springer) (年月:1992-1996 巻号:1-5)
- Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1988-1994 巻号:12-18) Formerly known as Computerized Radiology
- Computerized Radiology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1982-1987 巻号:6-11) Formerly known as Computerized Tomography; Continued as Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics
- Computerized Tomography. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1977-1981 巻号:1-5) Continued as Computerized Radiology
- Computers and Biomedical Research. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1967-1994 巻号:Vol.1-27)
- Computers in Biology and Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-(60 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-1995--31-Dec-2002 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:60日
- Computers in Libraries. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2006-Current)
- Computers in Nursing. (LWW) (年月:1983-2002 巻号:1-20(1)) 継続後誌: CIN Plus
- Computing. (Springer) (年月:1966-1996 巻号:1-57)
- Comunicata Scientiae. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Concepts in Magnetic Resonance. (Wiley) (年月:1990-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.2-34A,36A(1))
- Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A. (Wiley) (年月:1990-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.2-34A,36A(1))
- Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B: Magnetic Resonance Engineering. (Wiley) (年月:2003-2009 巻号:Vol.16B-35B)
- ConceRN. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 1997-Aug 1999)
- Concussion. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2017-Dec 2020)
- Conditional reflex : a Pavlovian journal of research & therapy. (NII-REO) (年月:1966-1999 巻号:1(1)-34(4))
- Confident Voices in Healthcare [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2018-Current)
- Conflict and Health. (BioMed Central) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Conflict and Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Congenital Anomalies. (Wiley) (年月:1984-1997 巻号:24-37)
- Connecticut Nursing News. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 1995-Dec 2011)
- Connecticut Nursing News. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1998-Dec 2011)
- Connection Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1997-Jun 2000)
- ConScientiae Saúde. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Conservation Genetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Conservation Genetics Resources. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2009-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Conservation Letters. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Conservation Letters. (Wiley) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access.
- Considerations in Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2017-Nov 2018)
- Constitutional Political Economy. (Springer) (年月:1990-1996 巻号:1-7)
- Constraints. (Springer) (年月:1996-1996 巻号:1-1(1-2))
- Constructive Approximation. (Springer) (年月:1985-1996 巻号:1-12)
- Constructivism in the Human Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1996-Jan 2008)
- Consulting-Specifying Engineer. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1996-Current)
- Consumer Product Safety Review. (CINAHL) (年月:Jun 1998-Jan 2008)
- Consumer Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1996-Jan 2009)
- Consumer Reports on Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Jan 2009)
- Contact Dermatitis. (Wiley) (年月:1975-1997 巻号:1-37)
- Contact & Intraocular Lens Medical Journal. (LWW) (年月:1975-1982 巻号:1-8) 継続前誌: Contact Lens Medical Bulletin; 継続後誌: CLAO Journal
- Contact Lens Medical Bulletin. (LWW) (年月:1973-1974 巻号:6-7) 継続後誌: Contact & Intraocular Lens Medical Journal (1975-1982年)
- Contemporary Clinical Dentistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Contemporary Diagnostic Radiology. (LWW) (年月:1990-2019 巻号:13-42(1))
- Contemporary Drug Problems. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1996-Dec 2017)
- Contemporary Family Therapy. (Springer) (年月:1979-1996 巻号:1-18)
- Contemporary Gerontology. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2005-Jul 2005)
- Contemporary Hypnosis. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2000-Dec 2009)
- Contemporary Hypnosis & Integrative Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Jan 2002)
- Contemporary Issues in Communication Science and Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2008-Oct 2016)
- Contemporary Neurosurgery. (LWW) (年月:1988-2018 巻号:10-40)
- Contemporary Nurse. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:6-Current)
- Contemporary Nurse : a Journal for the Australian Nursing Profession. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2006-Dec 2017)
- Contemporary OB/GYN. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2006-Current)
- Contemporary OB/GYN. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2001-Current) 欠:01-Dec-2002--31-Dec-2013
- Contemporary Pediatrics. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2006-Current)
- Contemporary Pediatrics. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2001-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2003--31-Dec-2013
- Contemporary Physics. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1959-1996 巻号:1-37)
- Contemporary Problems of Ecology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2008-Nov 2018)
- Contemporary Psychoanalytic Studies. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Jan 2013)
- Contemporary Rehab. (CINAHL) (年月:Dec 2004-(1 month ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:1 month
- Contemporary School Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Jan 2018)
- Contemporary Spine Surgery. (LWW) (年月:2000-2018 巻号:1-4,6-19)
- Contemporary Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2006-Dec 2008)
- Contextos Clínicos. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Sep 2019)
- Continental Philosophy Review. (Springer) (年月:1968-1996 巻号:1-29) 誌名変遷: Man and world(1968-1997) → Continental philosophy review(1998-)
- Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics. (Springer) (年月:1989-1996 巻号:1-8)
- Contraception and Reproductive Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Contraceptive Technology Update. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Contrast media & molecular imaging. (Hindawi) (年月:2017-Current 巻号:2017-Current) open access.
- Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Jan 2020)
- Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging. (Wiley) (年月:2006-2016 巻号:1-11) 2017年以降はHindawiより刊行
- Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. (Springer) (年月:1947-1996 巻号:1-126(1-2))
- Contributions to Zoology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2005-Oct 2018)
- Controversies in Hospital Infection Prevention [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2018-Current)
- The Conversation : COVID-19. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2020-Current)
- The Conversation : Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2020-Current)
- Convulsive Therapy. (LWW) (年月:1985-1997 巻号:1-13) 継続後誌: Journal of ECT
- COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access.
- Coral Reefs. (Springer) (年月:1982-1996 巻号:1-15)
- Core Evidence. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Jan 2020)
- Cornea. (LWW) (年月:1982-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Coronary Artery Disease. (LWW) (年月:1990-2018 巻号:1-29)
- Corporate Communications. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1996-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Corporate Reputation Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1998-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Correo Farmacéutico. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2008-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2010--31-Dec-2011
- Cortlandt Forum. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2008-Jan 2009)
- Cosmetic Surgery Times. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Nov 2012)
- Cosmetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2014-Current)
- Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation. (BioMed Central) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Cotton Genomics and Genetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-May 2016) 欠:01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2014
- Cough. (Biomed Central) (年月:2005-2014 巻号:1-10) FREE
- Cough. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2014)
- Counseling and Values. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Oct 2013)
- Counselling Psychology Quarterly. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 1990-Jun 2014)
- Counselling Psychology Quarterly. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1997-Jun 2000)
- Counselling & Psychotherapy Research. (CINAHL) (年月:Jul 2004-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- Counselor Education and Supervision. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-Dec 2013)
- CPJ: Counselling & Psychotherapy Journal. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2004-Aug 2005)
- CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2012-Current)
- CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology. (Wiley) (年月:2012-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal
- CRANIO® : The Journal of Craniomandibular & Sleep Practice. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:15-Current)
- Craniomaxillofacial trauma & reconstruction. (PubMed Central) (年月:2008-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) Free. generally a 12-month delay (embargo).
- Creative Nursing. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2017)
- Crime, Law and Social Change. (Springer) (年月:1977-1996 巻号:1-26)
- Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health : CBMH. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Jan 2002)
- Criminal Law Forum. (Springer) (年月:1989-1996 巻号:1-7)
- Criminology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1994-Feb 2006)
- Critical Care. (BioMed Central) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access
- Critical Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Critical Care Alert. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Critical Care Medicine. (LWW) (年月:1973-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Critical Care Nurse. (American Association of Critical-Care Nurses) (年月:2002- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:22-(Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- Critical Care Nurse. (CINAHL) (年月:Oct 2002-Current)
- Critical Care Nurse. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1998-Apr 2007)
- Critical Care Nursing Quarterly. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1999-Dec 2005)
- Critical Care Nursing Quarterly. (LWW) (年月:1987-Current 巻号:9(4)-Current)
- Critical Care & Shock. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 2011-Current)
- Critical Pathways in Cardiology: A Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine. (LWW) (年月:2002-2018 巻号:1-17)
- Critical Public Health. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:7-Current)
- Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2003-Oct 2007)
- Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1970-1996 巻号:1-26) 継続前誌:CRC Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry (1970-1989年)含む
- Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Nov 2007)
- Critical Reviews in Biotechnology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Oct 2007)
- Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2003-Sep 2007)
- Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:34-Current)
- Critical Reviews in Computed Tomography. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2003-Sep 2004)
- Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-Nov 2007)
- Critical Reviews in Microbiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2003-Oct 2007)
- Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1983-1994 巻号:Vol.1-17(3))
- Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine. (Sage) (年月:1990-2004 巻号:1-15) Ceased publication in 2004. Articles 1990-2004 are free.
- Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1970-1996 巻号:1-21) 継続前誌:CRC Critical Reviews in Solid State Sciences (1970-1976年)含む
- Critical Reviews in Toxicology. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1998-Jan 2008)
- Critical Reviews in Toxicology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:27-Current)
- Croatian Medical Journal. (年月:1996-Current 巻号:37-Current) FREE
- Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-Jan 2018)
- Cross Cultural & Strategic Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Crystal Growth & Design. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Crystallography Reviews. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1987-1996 巻号:1-6)
- Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos de Psicología. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Cultura de los Cuidados. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2006-Current)
- Cultural Studies of Science Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Culture, Health & Sexuality : An International Journal for Research, Intervention and Care. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1999-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry. (NII-REO) (年月:1977-1999 巻号:1(1)-23(4))
- Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Curationis. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2006-Current)
- Curationis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Curationis. (PubMed Central) (年月:2015-Current 巻号:38-Current)
- Curbside Consultation of the ACL. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2008)
- Curbside Consultation of the Colon. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2009)
- Curbside Consultation of the Foot and Ankle. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2012)
- Curbside Consultation in Cataract Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Jan 2007)
- Curbside Consultation in Cornea and External Disease. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2010)
- Curbside Consultation in Endoscopy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2009)
- Curbside Consultation in Fracture Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2008)
- Curbside Consultation in GERD. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2008)
- Curbside Consultation in GI Cancer for the Gastroenterologist. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2011)
- Curbside Consultation in Glaucoma. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2008)
- Curbside Consultation in Hip Arthroplasty. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2008)
- Curbside Consultation in IBD. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2009)
- Curbside Consultation in IBS. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2011)
- Curbside Consultation in Knee Arthroplasty. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2008)
- Curbside Consultation in Neuro-Ophthalmology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2009)
- Curbside Consultation in Oculoplastics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2011)
- Curbside Consultation in Pediatric Asthma. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2012)
- Curbside Consultation in Pediatric Dermatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jan 2013)
- Curbside Consultation in Pediatric Infectious Disease. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2012)
- Curbside Consultation in Retina. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2010)
- Curbside Consultation in Uveitis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2012)
- Curbside Consultation of the Liver. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2008)
- Curbside Consultation of the Pancreas. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2010)
- Curbside Consultation of the Shoulder. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2008)
- Curbside Consultation of the Spine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2008)
- Cureus. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- CuriousCortex [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2018-Aug 2018)
- Current Allergy and Asthma Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Current Atherosclerosis Reports. (NII-REO) (年月:1999-1999 巻号:1(1)-1(3))
- Current Biology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1991-Current 巻号:Vol.1-Current)
- Current Biomarker Findings. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2018)
- Current Cardiology Reports. (NII-REO) (年月:1999-1999 巻号:1(1)-1(4))
- Current Controlled Trials in Cardiovascular Medicine [NLM-MEDLINE]. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2005-Oct 2005)
- Current Diabetes Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2003-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2006--31-Dec-2006; 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2008; 01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Current Diagnostic Pathology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1994-1994 巻号:Vol.1) Continued as Diagnostic Histopathology
- Current Eye Research. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:16-Current)
- Current Gastroenterology Reports. (NII-REO) (年月:1999-1999 巻号:1(1)-1(6))
- Current Genetics. (NII-REO) (年月:1979-1999 巻号:1(1)-36(6))
- Current Genetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Current Genetics. (Springer) (年月:1979-1996 巻号:1-30)
- Current Genomics. (PubMed Central) (年月:2006-(6 months ago) 巻号:7-(6 months ago)) Free. after 6 months
- Current Gerontology and Geriatrics Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011
- Current Gerontology and Geriatrics Research. (PubMed Central) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:2008-Current)
- Current Gynecologic Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2008
- Current Health Kids. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1996-Apr 2012)
- Current Health Teens. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1988-Apr 2012)
- Current Herpetology. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2005-Current)
- Current Hypertension Reports. (NII-REO) (年月:1999-1999 巻号:1(1)-1(6))
- Current Hypertension Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Current Infectious Disease Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Current Landscape Ecology Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2016-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Current Medical Literature. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Oct 2012)
- Current Medical Literature. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2014)
- Current Medical Literature. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2013)
- Current Medical Literature. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jul 2012)
- Current Medical Literature. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Oct 2015)
- Current Medical Literature. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Oct 2012)
- Current Medical Literature. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Oct 2015)
- Current Medical Literature. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2013)
- Current Medical Literature. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Oct 2014)
- Current Medical Literature. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jul 2011)
- Current Medical Literature. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Oct 2012)
- Current Medical Literature. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Oct 2012)
- Current Medical Literature. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Oct 2013)
- Current Medical Literature. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2010-Jan 2011)
- Current Medical Literature. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Oct 2012)
- Current Medical Literature. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2014)
- Current Medical Literature. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2014)
- Current Medical Research and Opinion. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Dec 2008)
- Current Medical Research and Opinion. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:13(9)-Current)
- Current Medicinal Chemistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-Dec 2008)
- Current Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2022-Current)
- Current Microbiology. (NII-REO) (年月:1978-1999 巻号:1(1)-39(6))
- Current Microbiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Current Microbiology. (Springer) (年月:1978-1996 巻号:1-33)
- Current Neurology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Current)
- Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Current Neuropharmacology. (PubMed Central) (年月:2005-(6 months ago) 巻号:3(4)-(6 months ago)) Free. after 6 months
- Current Oncology. (MDPI) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:13-Current) FREE
- Current Oncology Reports. (NII-REO) (年月:1999-1999 巻号:1(1)-1(2))
- Current Oncology Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2009--31-Dec-2009; 01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2012 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Current Opinion in Allergy & Clinical Immunology. (LWW) (年月:2001-2018 巻号:1-18)
- Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology. (LWW) (年月:1988-2018 巻号:1(1,3-4),2(3-6),3-31)
- Current Opinion in Cardiology. (LWW) (年月:1986-2018 巻号:1-33)
- Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care. (LWW) (年月:1998-2018 巻号:1-21)
- Current Opinion in Critical Care. (LWW) (年月:1995-2018 巻号:1(2)-24)
- Current Opinion in Endocrinology & Diabetes. (LWW) (年月:1994-2006 巻号:1-13) 継続後誌: Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes & Obesity
- Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes & Obesity. (LWW) (年月:2007-2018 巻号:14-25) 継続前誌: Current Opinion in Endocrinology & Diabetes
- Current Opinion in Gastroenterology. (LWW) (年月:1985-2018 巻号:1-34)
- Current Opinion in Hematology. (LWW) (年月:1995-2018 巻号:2-25)
- Current Opinion in HIV and AIDS. (LWW) (年月:2006-2018 巻号:1-13)
- Current Opinion in Immunology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1988-1994 巻号:1-6)
- Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases. (LWW) (年月:1988-2018 巻号:1(3)-31)
- Current Opinion in Internal Medicine. (LWW) (年月:2002-2008 巻号:1-2,4(4),5-7)
- Current Opinion in Lipidology. (LWW) (年月:1990-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Current Opinion in Nephrology & Hypertension. (LWW) (年月:1992-2018 巻号:1-27)
- Current Opinion in Neurology. (LWW) (年月:1993-Current 巻号:6(5)-Current)
- Current Opinion in Neurology & Neurosurgery. (LWW) (年月:1988-1993 巻号:1-6(4)) 継続後誌: Current Opinion in Neurology
- Current Opinion in Obstetrics & Gynecology. (LWW) (年月:1989-2018 巻号:1-30)
- Current Opinion in Oncology. (LWW) (年月:1989-2018 巻号:1-30)
- Current Opinion in Ophthalmology. (LWW) (年月:1990-2018 巻号:1-29)
- Current Opinion in Organ Transplantation. (LWW) (年月:1996-2018 巻号:1-23)
- Current Opinion in Orthopaedics. (LWW) (年月:1992-2008 巻号:3-18,19(1)) 継続後誌: Current Orthopaedic Practice
- Current Opinion in Otolaryngology & Head & Neck Surgery. (LWW) (年月:1994-2018 巻号:2-26)
- Current Opinion in Pediatrics. (LWW) (年月:1989-2018 巻号:1(2)-30)
- Current Opinion in Psychiatry. (LWW) (年月:1988-2018 巻号:1-31)
- Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine. (LWW) (年月:1995-2018 巻号:1(6)-24)
- Current Opinion in Rheumatology. (LWW) (年月:1989-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Current Opinion in Supportive & Palliative Care. (LWW) (年月:2007-2018 巻号:1-12)
- Current Opinion in Urology. (LWW) (年月:1991-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Current Orthopaedic Practice. (LWW) (年月:2008-2018 巻号:19(2)-29) 継続前誌: Current Opinion in Orthopaedics
- Current Orthopaedics. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1986-1994 巻号:1-8) Continued as Orthopaedics and Trauma
- Current Pain and Headache Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Current Pharmaceutical Design. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-Dec 2008)
- Current Problems in Cancer. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1976-1994 巻号:Vol.1-18)
- Current Problems in Cardiology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1976-1994 巻号:1-19)
- Current Problems in Dermatology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1989-1994 巻号:Vol.1-6)
- Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1976-1994 巻号:6-23)
- Current Problems in Surgery. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1964-1994 巻号:1-31)
- Current Psychiatry Reports. (NII-REO) (年月:1999-1999 巻号:1(1)-1(2))
- Current Psychiatry Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1999-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Current Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2013-Current)
- Current Researches in Anesthesia & Analgesia. (LWW) (年月:1922-1956 巻号:1-35) 継続後誌: Anesthesia & Analgesia
- Current Rheumatology Reports. (NII-REO) (年月:1999-1999 巻号:1(1)-1(2))
- Current Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1996-Apr 2012)
- Current Sports Medicine Reports. (LWW) (年月:2002-2018 巻号:1-17)
- Current Stem Cell Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2015-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Current Therapeutic Research. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1992-Current 巻号:52-55,66-Current) 現在はOpen access
- Current Topics in Biophysics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2019)
- Current Topics in Developmental Biology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1966-1999 巻号:1-49)
- Current Topics in Membranes. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1991-1999 巻号:38-49) Formerly known as Current Topics in Membranes and Transport
- Current Topics in Membranes and Transport. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1971-1990 巻号:1-37) Continued as Current Topics in Membranes
- Current Topics in Nutraceuticals Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2010-Nov 2016)
- Current Treatment Options in Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2000-Dec 2018)
- Current Treatment Options in Psychiatry. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2022-Dec 2022) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Current Urology. (Karger) (年月:2007-2013 巻号:Vol.1-7)
- Current Zoology. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2011-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2015 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:24-Current) 継続前誌: Journal of Toxicology: Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology (1997-2004年) も利用可
- Cutis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1998-Feb 2003)
- CVIR Endovascular. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2018-Current)
- Cybernetics and Systems Analysis. (Springer) (年月:1965-1996 巻号:1-32)
- Cyberpsychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2021-Current)
- Cytogenetic and Genome Research. (Karger) (年月:1962-2013 巻号:1-141) Cytogenetics (1962-1972年) → Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics (1973-2001年)
- Cytogenetic and Genome Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1996-Nov 2015)
- CytoJournal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2019) 欠:01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2015
- Cytojournal. (Scientific Scholar on behalf of Cytopathology Foundation) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Cytokine. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1989-1994 巻号:1-6)
- Cytometry Part A. (Wiley) (年月:2003-(Free after 12 months) 巻号:51A-(Free after 12 months)) ※Free after 12 months. リンク先で Cytometry (1980-2002年)もアクセス可
- Cytometry Part B: Clinical Cytometry. (Wiley) (年月:2003-(Free after 12 months) 巻号:50B-(Free after 12 months)) ※Free after 12 months. リンク先で Cytometry (1980-2002年)もアクセス可
- Cytopathology. (Wiley) (年月:1990-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Cytoskeleton. (Wiley) (年月:2010-2010 巻号:67(1)) 継続前誌: Cell motility and the cytoskeleton (1996-2009年) もアクセス可
- Cytotechnology. (NII-REO) (年月:1987-1999 巻号:1(1)-31(3))
- Cytotechnology. (PubMed Central) (年月:1997-(12 months ago) 巻号:23-(12 months ago)) Free: after 12 months
- Cytotechnology. (Springer) (年月:1987-1996 巻号:1-22)
- Czech Journal of Animal Science. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-Current)
- Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. (Springer) (年月:1652-1996 巻号:1-46)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 和文誌
- Daedalus./a> (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1988-Oct 2011)
- Daru. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2016)
- DARU journal of pharmaceutical sciences. (PubMed Central) (年月:2010-(12 months ago) 巻号:18-(12 months ago)) Free: after 12 months
- DB's Medical Rants [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2018-Current)
- DC Medical Malpractice and Patient Safety Blog. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2018-Current)
- De Economist. (Springer) (年月:1852-1996 巻号:1-144)
- Deafness & Education International. (CINAHL) (年月:Jun 2004-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- Dean's Notes. (CINAHL) (年月:Sep 2004-Current)
- Death Studies. (CINAHL) (年月:Jul 1993-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- Death Studies. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1996-Dec 2000)
- Death Studies. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2005-2007 巻号:29(2)-32(1))
- Decision Analysis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2005-Dec 2009)
- Decisions in Economics and Finance. (Springer) (年月:1978-1996 巻号:1-19)
- Decubitus. (LWW) (年月:1988-1993 巻号:1-6) 継続後誌: Advances in Wound Care
- Degenerative Neurological and Neuromuscular Disease. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Dementia : an Atlas of Investigation and Diagnosis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2007-Jan 2007)
- Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders. (Karger) (年月:1990-2013 巻号:1-36) 継続前誌: Dementia (1990-1996年)
- Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1998-Oct 2015)
- Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- Demography. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2011-Dec 2020)
- Demography (pre-2011). (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1995-Nov 2010)
- Dental Assistant. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2004-Current)
- Dental Assistant. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2000-Current)
- Dental Economics. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1992-Dec 2013)
- Dental Hypotheses. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Apr 2020)
- Dental Implantology Update. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Dec 2012)
- The Dental Journal of Nihon University. (J-STAGE) (年月:1958-1958) FREE
- Dental Materials Journal. (J-STAGE) (年月:1982-Current 巻号:V.1-Current) FREE
- Dental Poster Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2012-Current)
- Dental Practice Report. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2006-Dec 2007)
- Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2021
- Dental Products Report. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2000-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2003--31-Dec-2005
- Dental Products Report Europe. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-Sep 2008) 欠:01-Jan-2003--31-Dec-2005
- Dental Research Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2009-May 2019)
- Dentistry 3000. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- Dentistry Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2013-Current)
- Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) Documents / FIND. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2005-Current)
- Depression. (Wiley) (年月:1996-1996 巻号:4(1-2))
- Depression and anxiety. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2022 巻号:4(3)-39) 2023年よりHindawi (open access)
- Depression Research and Treatment. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Der Urologe. Ausg. A.. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Dermato-Endocrinology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2009-2018 巻号:1-10) open access journal.
- Dermatologic Surgery. (LWW) (年月:1995-2018 巻号:21-44) 継続前誌: The Journal of Dermatologic Surgery and Oncology
- Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2022--31-Dec-2022
- Dermatology. (Karger) (年月:1893-Current 巻号:1-Current) Dermatologische Zeitschrift (1893–1938年) → Dermatologica(1939–1991年)
- Dermatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Nov 2015)
- Dermatology Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1999-Nov 2010)
- Dermatology Nursing. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2001-Nov 2010)
- Dermatology Online Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- Dermatology Online Journal. (University of California, Davis) (年月:1995-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Dermatology Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2009-Current)
- Dermatology Research and Practice. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Dermatology and Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Sep 2019)
- Dermatology Times. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1998-Current)
- Desde el Jardín de Freud. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Current)
- Desert Locust Bulletin. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Aug 2018)
- Design Automation for Embedded Systems. (Springer) (年月:1996-1996 巻号:1-1)
- Designs, Codes and Cryptography. (Springer) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-9)
- Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2021
- Deutsches Ärzteblatt international. (PubMed Central) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:105-Current)
- Developing World Bioethics. (Wiley) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Development. (Company of Biologists) (年月:1987-Current 巻号:99-Current) 継続前誌: Journal of Embryology and Experimental Morphology (1953-1986年) もリンク先で閲覧できます
- Development Genes and Evolution. (NII-REO) (年月:1894-1999 巻号:1(1)-209(10))
- Development Genes and Evolution. (ProQuest) (年月:May 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Development Genes and Evolution. (Springer) (年月:1894-1996 巻号:1-206) 誌名変遷: Archiv für Entwicklungsmechanik der Organismen(1894-1923) → Archiv für Mikroskopische Anatomie und Entwicklungsmechanik(1923-1925) → Wilhelm Roux' Archiv für Entwicklungsmechanik der Organismen(1925-1975) → Wilhelm Roux's archives of developmental biology(1975-1985) → Development genes and evolution(1996-)
- Development and Psychopathology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Development, growth & differentiation. (Wiley) (年月:1950-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化 継続前誌:Embryologia(1950-1968年)含む
- Developmental Biology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1959-(1 year ago) 巻号:1-(1 year ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:1年間 ScienceDirect
- Developmental Cell. (ScienceDirect) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:Vol.1-Current)
- Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. (Elsevier) (年月:Jan 2011-Current 巻号:1-Current) ScienceDirect
- Developmental Disabilities Bulletin. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Jan 2010)
- Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews. (Wiley) (年月:2008-2010 巻号:Vol.14-15,16(1,3-4)) 継続前誌:Mental retardation and developmental disabilities research reviews
- Developmental Dynamics. (Wiley) (年月:1992-(1 year ago) 巻号:193-(1 year ago)) Free: Content older than 1 year back to 1992
- Developmental Genetics. (Wiley) (年月:1996-1999 巻号:Vol.18-25)
- Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2001-Dec 2011)
- Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. (Wiley) (年月:1997-(12 months ago) 巻号:39-(12 months ago)) Free: Content older than 1 year back to Jan 1st 1997
- Developmental Neurobiology. (Wiley) (年月:2007-2010 巻号:67-70(1)) 継続前誌:Journal of neurobiology
- Developmental Neurorehabilitation. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:10-Current) 継続前誌: Pediatric Rehabilitation (1997-2006年) も利用可
- Developmental Neuroscience. (Karger) (年月:1978-2013 巻号:Vol.1-35)
- Developmental Neuroscience. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Nov 2015)
- Developmental Psychobiology. (Wiley) (年月:1968-1995 巻号:1-28)
- Diabesity. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Diabetes. (American Diabetes Association) (年月:1952-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Diabetes. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Jul 2013)
- Diabetes Care. (American Diabetes Association) (年月:1978-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Diabetes Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1996-Jul 2013)
- Diabetes Dateline. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1997-Sep 2011)
- Diabetes Health Professional. (CINAHL) (年月:Jun 2011-Mar 2019)
- Diabetes Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2011-Jul 2015)
- Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1985-1994 巻号:1-26)
- Diabetes Spectrum. (American Diabetes Association) (年月:2000- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:13-(Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- Diabetes Spectrum. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Jul 2013)
- Diabetes Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2012-Current)
- Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews. (Wiley) (年月:1999-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.15-25,26(1))
- Diabetes/Metabolism Reviews. (Wiley) (年月:1996-1998 巻号:Vol.12-14)
- Diabetic Foot & Ankle. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Dec 2018)
- Diabetologia. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1997-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-1998 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Diabetologia. (Springer) (年月:1965-1996 巻号:1-39)
- Diabetology international. (PubMed Central) (年月:2016-(12 Months ago) 巻号:7-(12 Months ago)) Free: after 12 months. 日本糖尿病学会
- Diabetology international. (Springer) (年月:2010-Current 巻号:1-Current) 日本糖尿病学会 閲覧のみ(PDFの保存、印刷不可)
- Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Diagnostic Cytopathology. (Wiley) (年月:1985-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.1-37,38(1))
- Diagnostic Imaging. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1998-Dec 2010) 欠:01-Apr-2002--31-Mar-2007
- Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2005-Current)
- Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1983-1994 巻号:1-20)
- Diagnostic Molecular Pathology. (LWW) (年月:1992-2011 巻号:1-12,14-20)
- Diagnostic Pathology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Diagnostic Pathology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Diagnostic and Prognostic Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2017-Current)
- Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy. (PubMed Central) (年月:1994-2018 巻号:1-2018)
- Dialectical Anthropology. (Springer) (年月:1975-1996 巻号:1-21)
- Diario Médico. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current) 欠:15-Apr-2009--09-Jan-2012
- Dicle Tip Dergisi. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2009-Current)
- Digestion. (Karger) (年月:1896-2013 巻号:1-88) Archiv für Verdauungskrankheiten (1896-1938年) → Gastroenterologia (1939-1967年)
- Digestion. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1994-Nov 2015) 欠:01-Jan-1995--31-Dec-1995
- Digestive Diseases. (Karger) (年月:1983-2013 巻号:1-31) 継続前誌: Survey of Digestive Diseases (1983-1985年)
- Digestive Diseases and Sciences. (NII-REO) (年月:1934-1999 巻号:1(1)-44(12))
- Digestive Diseases and Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Digestive Diseases and Sciences. (Springer) (年月:1956-1996 巻号:1-41) 含: American journal of digestive diseases. N.S. (1956-1978年)
- Digestive Endoscopy. (Wiley) (年月:1989-1997 巻号:1-9)
- Digestive Surgery. (Karger) (年月:1984-2013 巻号:Vol.1-30)
- Digestive Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Nov 2015)
- Digital Biomarkers. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2017-Current)
- Digital Esthetics. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2000-Dec 2017) 欠:01-Jan-2003--31-Dec-2005
- Digital Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017
- Digital Pathology Blog. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2018-Current)
- Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2001-Aug 2007)
- Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing. (LWW) (年月:1982-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Jul 2002)
- Disability and Rehabilitation. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:19-Current)
- Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2006-Current 巻号:1(3)-Current)
- Disability & Society. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1998-Oct 2000)
- Disaster and military medicine. (BioMed Central) (年月:2015-2018 巻号:1-4) open access journal
- Disaster and Military Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2017)
- Disaster Prevention and Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1995-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Discharge Planning Advisor. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Dec 2011)
- Discover. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-Mar 2022) 欠:01-Feb-2001--31-Dec-2001; 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2014
- Discover Mental Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2021-Current)
- Discover Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2021-Current)
- Discover Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2021-Current)
- Discover Social Science and Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2021-Current)
- Discovery Phytomedicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Discrete & Computational Geometry. (Springer) (年月:1986-1996 巻号:1-16)
- Discrete Event Dynamic Systems. (Springer) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-6)
- Disease Management & Health Outcomes. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1998-Dec 2008)
- Disease Management & Health Outcomes. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2008-Nov 2008)
- Disease Models and Mechanisms. (Company of Biologists) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access journal
- Disease Models & Mechanisms (DMM). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Disease-a-Month. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1955-1994 巻号:Vol.1-40)
- Diseases. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Diseases of the Chest. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1935-1969 巻号:1-56) Continued as Chest
- Diseases of the Colon & Rectum. (LWW) (年月:1958-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Diseases of the Colon & Rectum. (Springer) (年月:1958-1996 巻号:1-39)
- Distributed Computing. (Springer) (年月:1986-1996 巻号:1-10(1))
- Distributed and Parallel Databases. (Springer) (年月:1993-1996 巻号:1-4)
- Diversitas. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Diversity. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Diversity and Distributions. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- Diving and hyperbaric medicine. (PubMed Central) (年月:2017-(12 months ago) 巻号:47-(12 months ago)) Free: after 12 months
- DNA Research. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1994-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access.
- Documenta Ophthalmologica. (NII-REO) (年月:1938-1999 巻号:1(1)-99(3))
- Documenta Ophthalmologica. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Documenta Ophthalmologica. (Springer) (年月:1938-1996 巻号:1-92)
- Doklady Biological Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2000-Nov 2018)
- Doklady. Biochemistry and Biophysics. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2000-Nov 2018)
- Dolittler [Dolittler-BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2009-Oct 2011)
- Dose-Response. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2011-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2015
- Dose-response : a publication of International Hormesis Society. (Sage) (年月:2003-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal. 継続前誌含む v.1-3(2)
- Douleur et Analgesie. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2017-Current)
- Dr. Cesar Rivera [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2019-May 2020)
- Dr. Gwenn Is In [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Jan 2019)
- Dr. Wes [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2018-Current)
- Drug and Alcohol Dependence. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1975-1994 巻号:1-36)
- Drug and Alcohol Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1998-Sep 2000)
- Drug and Chemical Toxicology. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:20(3)-Current)
- Drug Delivery. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2017-Current)
- Drug delivery. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:4-Current) open access journal
- Drug Development & Delivery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2012-Current)
- Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:23-Current)
- Drug Development Research. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.37-70,71(1))
- Drug Discoveries & Therapeutics. (J-STAGE) (年月:2011-Current) FREE
- Drug Discovery & Development. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2002-Jul 2018) 欠:01-Aug-2006--30-Jun-2014
- Drug Formulary Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Nov 2010)
- Drug Metabolism and Disposition. (American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics) (年月:(5 years ago)-(1 year ago)) 刊行後1年~5年の文献にアクセス可
- Drug Metabolism and Drug Interactions. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics. (J-STAGE) (年月:2002-2014 巻号:V.17-Current) FREE
- Drug Metabolism Reviews. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:29(3)-Current)
- Drug Safety. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2008-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Drug Target Insights. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Jan 2018)
- Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1963-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Drug Topics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1991-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2003--09-Oct-2006
- Drugs. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2008-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Drugs-Real World Outcomes. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2014-Current)
- Drugs & Aging. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1998-Jun 2015)
- Drugs & Aging. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2008-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Drugs and Alcohol Today. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2003-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Drugs in R & D. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Nov 2008)
- Drugs in R & D (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:May 2010-Sep 2019) 欠:01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2014
- Drugs & Therapy Perspectives. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2008-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:4-Current)
- Drugs; Education, Prevention and Policy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1998-Nov 2000)
- Duazary. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Current)
- Dusunen Adam. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2010-Current)
- DVM360. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1998-Mar 2020)
- Dynamic Medicine. (BioMed Central) (年月:2002-2009 巻号:1-8) FREE. Dynamic Medicine was discontinued in 2009.
- Dynamics. (CINAHL) (年月:Sep 2004-Dec 2014)
- Dynamics and Control. (Springer) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-6)
- Dynamics and Stability of Systems. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1986-1996 巻号:1-11) リンク先は継続後誌:Dynamical Systems : An International Journal
- Dysphagia. (NII-REO) (年月:1986-1999 巻号:1(1)-14(4))
- Dysphagia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2001 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Dysphagia. (Springer) (年月:1986-1996 巻号:1-11)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 和文誌
- E : the Environmental Magazine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1995-May 2013)
- E Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2013-Current)
- EAI Endorsed Transactions on Bioengineering and Bioinformatics. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2021-Current)
- Ear & Hearing. (LWW) (年月:1980-Current 巻号:1-Current) 継続前誌: Journal of the American Audiology Society
- Ear, Nose & Throat Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Oct 2018)
- Ear, Nose and Throat Journal. (Sage) (年月:1992-Current 巻号:71-Current) open access.
- Early Childhood Education Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Early Childhood Education Journal. (Springer) (年月:1973-1996 巻号:1-24(1-2))
- Early Development and Parenting. (Wiley) (年月:1996-1998 巻号:Vol.5-7)
- Early Human Development. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1977-1994 巻号:1-40(1)) 吸収前誌:Screening
- Earth, Moon, and Planets. (Springer) (年月:1969-1996 巻号:1-75)
- Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.25-38,39(1))
- East Asian archives of psychiatry. (Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Press) (年月:1991-Current 巻号:1-Current) Free. 継続前誌含む
- East Asian Archives of Psychiatry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 1991-Current) 欠:01-Jan-1992--31-Dec-1992
- East Asian Science, Technology and Society. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2010-Dec 2014)
- Eastern Journal of Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Current)
- Eastern Mediterranean health journal. (Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office of the World Health Organization) (年月:1995-Current 巻号:1-Current) Free.
- Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Eating Disorders. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2006-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- Eating and Weight Disorders. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- EBioMedicine. (Elsevier) (年月:Nov 2014-Current 巻号:1-Current) ScienceDirect
- Ebony. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1988-Dec 2008)
- EBRI Issue Brief. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1998-Current)
- ecancermedicalscience. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Echo Research & Practice. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2014-Current)
- Echocardiography. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2003-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- EcoHealth. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2004-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Ecological Chemistry and Engineering. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Ecological Monographs. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1994-Nov 2000)
- Ecological Processes. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2012-Current)
- Ecological Questions. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2013) 欠:01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011
- Ecological Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1997-Nov 2018)
- Ecological Review = Seitaigaku Kenyku. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 1975-Mar 1997)
- The Ecologist. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1999-Jul 2009)
- Ecology. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 1991-Dec 2000)
- Ecology and Evolution. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2011-Current)
- Econometric Reviews. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1982-1996 巻号:1-15)
- Economic Bulletin. (Springer) (年月:1974-1996 巻号:11-33)
- Economic Change and Restructuring. (Springer) (年月:1961-1996 巻号:1-29) 誌名変遷: Öst-ökonomi(1961-1962) → Economics of planning(1963-2004) → Economic Change and Restructuring(2005-)
- Economic Geography. (Wiley) (年月:1997-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.73-85,86(1))
- Economic Inquiry. (NII-REO) (年月:2000-2003 巻号:38(1)-41(4))
- Economic Inquiry. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1987-Oct 2008)
- Economic Theory. (Springer) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-8)
- Écoscience. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Oct 2018)
- Ecotoxicology. (NII-REO) (年月:1992-1999 巻号:1(1)-8(6))
- Ecotoxicology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Ecotoxicology. (Springer) (年月:1992-1996 巻号:1-5)
- ED Legal Letter. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- ED Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- ED Nursing. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Dec 2011)
- Edinburgh Journal of Botany. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2001-Jul 2020)
- Edmetic. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2020)
- EDTNA/ERCA Journal of Renal Care. (CINAHL) (年月:Apr 2005-Jun 2006)
- Education for Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1998-Current)
- Education for Health: Change in Learning & Practice. (CINAHL) (年月:Jul 1998-Dec 2006)
- Education for Primary Care. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:16-Current)
- Education and Information Technologies. (Springer) (年月:1996-1996 巻号:1-1)
- Education & Training. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2013-Current)
- Education & Treatment of Children. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1996-Nov 2019)
- Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- The Educational and Developmental Psychologist. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2011-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2001-Dec 2009)
- Educational Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1997-Sep 2000)
- Educational Psychology Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Educational Psychology Review. (Springer) (年月:1989-1996 巻号:1-8)
- Educational Researcher. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2001-Dec 2009)
- Educational Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1997-Nov 2000)
- Educational Studies. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 1997-Dec 2000)
- Educational Studies in Japan. (J-STAGE) (年月:2006-Current) FREE
- Educational Studies in Mathematics. (Springer) (年月:1968-1996 巻号:1-31)
- Educational technology research. (J-STAGE) (年月:1977-Current) FREE
- Educational Technology, Research and Development. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- The Egyptian Heart Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2019-Current)
- Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jan 2017)
- The Egyptian Journal of Bronchology. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2013-Current)
- Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2017-Current)
- The Egyptian Journal of Internal Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2012-Current)
- The Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2009-Jan 2019)
- The Egyptian Journal of Neurology, Psychiatry, and Neurosurgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2015-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2018
- Egyptian Journal of Neurosurgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2018-Current)
- Egyptian Journal of Obesity, Diabetes and Endocrinology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- The Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- The Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2019-Current)
- Egyptian Liver Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2019-Current)
- Egyptian Pediatric Association Gazette. (Elsevier) (年月:2013-2018 巻号:61-66) ScienceDirect
- Egyptian Pediatric Association Gazette. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2019-Current)
- Egyptian Rheumatology and Rehabilitation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- EHS Today. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Dec 2019)
- EJHaem. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2021-Current)
- EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and Chemistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2016-Current)
- EJNMMI Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- EJVES Extra. (Elsevier) (年月:2001-2014 巻号:1-27) FREE
- EJVES short reports. (Elsevier) (年月:2015-2020 巻号:28-46) Open Access Journal. ScienceDirect
- Ekológia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Current)
- El Farmaceutico Hospitales. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Jan 2020) 欠:01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2017
- Elderly Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1999-Jul 2000)
- Electrical Engineering. (Springer) (年月:1912-1996 巻号:1-79)
- Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1995-1998 巻号:94-107) 継続後誌:Clinical neurophysiology
- Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology. Electromyography and Motor Control. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1995-1998 巻号:97-109) 継続後誌:Clinical neurophysiology
- Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology. Evoked Potentials Section. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1995-1998 巻号:96-108) 継続後誌:Clinical neurophysiology
- Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:21-Current) 継続前誌: Electro- and Magnetobiology (1997-2001年) も利用可
- Electrophoresis. (Wiley) (年月:1999-2014 巻号:Vol.20-35)
- eLife. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- EMBO Journal. (NII-REO) (年月:2001-2003 巻号:20(1)-22(24)) 欠あり
- EMBO Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-Dec 2013)
- EMBO Journal. (Wiley) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:16-Current)
- EMBO Molecular Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2009-Current)
- EMBO Molecular Medicine. (Wiley) (年月:2009-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal
- EMBO Reports. (NII-REO) (年月:2001-2002 巻号:2(1)-3(12))
- EMBO Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2000-Nov 2013)
- EMBO Reports. (Wiley) (年月:2000-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Embryologia. (Wiley) (年月:1950-1968 巻号:1-10(2)) リンク先は、継続後誌: Development Growth & Differentiation
- Emergency. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1998-May 1998)
- Emergency Cancer Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2022-Current)
- Emergency Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 1998-Feb 2003)
- Emergency Medicine Journal : EMJ. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Emergency Medicine Journal : EMJ. (PubMed Central) (年月:2001-2007 巻号:18-24) 継続前誌もアクセス可: Journal of Accident & Emergency Medicine(1994-2000年)←Archives of Emergency Medicine(1984-1993年)
- Emergency Medicine News. (LWW) (年月:2001-2018 巻号:23-40)
- Emergency Medicine Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2013-Current)
- Emergency Nurse (2014+). (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2014-Mar 2021)
- Emergency Nurse (through 2013). (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1999-Dec 2013)
- Emergency Nurse New Zealand. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 2012-Current)
- Emergency Radiology. (NII-REO) (年月:1994-1999 巻号:1(1)-6(6))
- Emergency Radiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Emergency Radiology. (Springer) (年月:1994-1996 巻号:1-3)
- Emerging Health Threats Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jan 2015)
- Emerging Infections : an Atlas of Investigation and Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Jan 2008)
- Emerging Infectious Diseases. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) (年月:1995-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Emerging Infectious Diseases. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2020-Current)
- Emerging Microbes and Infections. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2012-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2021
- Emerging Themes in Epidemiology. (BioMed Central) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Emerging Themes in Epidemiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Empirica. (Springer) (年月:1974-1996 巻号:1-23)
- Empirical Economics. (Springer) (年月:1973-1996 巻号:1-23)
- Empirical Software Engineering. (Springer) (年月:1996-1996 巻号:1-1)
- Employee Benefit Plan Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1987-Current)
- Employee Benefits Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1998-Jun 2004)
- Employee Relations. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Employee Relations Law Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1987-Current) 欠:01-Oct-1997--31-Dec-2001
- Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1998-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal. (Springer) (年月:1988-1996 巻号:1-9)
- Employment Relations Today. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1994-Jul 2005) 欠:01-Jan-1997--31-Dec-1999
- EMS World. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2007-Current)
- EMSWorld.com. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jun 2017)
- Endocrine. (NII-REO) (年月:1995-1999 巻号:3(1)-11(3))
- Endocrine Disruptors. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2013-2016 巻号:1-4) open access journal.
- Endocrine Journal. (J-STAGE) (年月:1993-Current 巻号:V.40-Current) FREE
- Endocrine News. (Endocrine Society) (年月:2010-Current 巻号:2010-Current) FREE
- Endocrine Pathology. (NII-REO) (年月:1990-1999 巻号:1(1)-10(4))
- Endocrine Pathology. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Endocrine Practice. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1995-Dec 2020)
- Endocrine Research. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:23(3)-Current)
- Endocrine Reviews. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1997- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:18-(Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- Endocrine Today. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Endocrine-Related Cancer. (BioScientifica) (年月:1998- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:5-(Free after 12 months)) Free: after 12 months back to 1 Jan 1998
- Endocrines. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2021-Current)
- Endocrinologia Japonica. (J-STAGE) (年月:1954-1992) FREE
- The Endocrinologist. (LWW) (年月:1991-2018 巻号:1-20)
- Endocrinology. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1996-(1 year ago) 巻号:137-(1 year ago)) Free: after 12 months.
- Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Current)
- Endokrynologia Polska. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Current)
- Endoscopy. (Thieme) (年月:1969-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Endoscopy international open. (Thieme) (年月:2013-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal.
- Energy and Emission Control Technologies. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jan 2017)
- Energy & Fuels. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:10-Current)
- eNeuro. (Society for Neuroscience) (年月:2014-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open access.
- Enfermería Global. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- Enfoque. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2005-Jan 2019)
- Engineering in Life Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2016-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2017--31-Dec-2020
- Engineering with Computers. (Springer) (年月:1985-1996 巻号:1-12)
- ENT Infections : Atlas of Investigation and Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2010)
- ENT Updates. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2011-Apr 2020)
- Entomological News. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Sep 2019)
- Environment Systems and Decisions. (Springer) (年月:1981-1996 巻号:1-16) 誌名変遷: The Environmentalist → Environment Systems and Decisions
- Environmental Biology of Fishes. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Environmental Biology of Fishes. (Springer) (年月:1976-1996 巻号:1-47)
- Environmental Biosafety Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2002-Oct 2011)
- Environmental Control in Biology. (J-STAGE) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:V.43-Current) FREE
- Environmental and Ecological Statistics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Environmental and Ecological Statistics. (Springer) (年月:1994-1996 巻号:1-3)
- Environmental Geochemistry and Health. (NII-REO) (年月:1979-1999 巻号:1(1)-21(4))
- Environmental Geochemistry and Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Environmental Geochemistry and Health. (Springer) (年月:1979-1996 巻号:1-18)
- Environmental Geology. (Springer) (年月:1975-1996 巻号:1-28)
- Environmental Health. (BioMed Central) (年月:2002-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Environmental Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Environmental Health Criteria. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2019) 欠:01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2012; 01-Jan-2015--31-Dec-2018
- Environmental Health Perspectives. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2006-Current)
- Environmental Health Perspectives. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Dec 2012)
- Environmental health perspectives. (PubMed Central) (年月:1972-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Environmental Health Perspectives (Online). (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine. (J-STAGE) (年月:2001-2007 巻号:V.6-12) FREE
- Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Current)
- Environmental health and preventive medicine. (PubMed Central) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:1(4)-Current)
- Environmental Management. (NII-REO) (年月:1977-1999 巻号:1(1)-24(4))
- Environmental Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Environmental Management. (Springer) (年月:1976-1996 巻号:1-20)
- Environmental Microbiology Reports. (Wiley) (年月:2009-Current 巻号:1,15-Current) 2023年オープンアクセス化
- Environmental Microbiome. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Environmental Modeling & Assessment. (Springer) (年月:1996-1996 巻号:1-1)
- Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. (Wiley) (年月:1988-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.11-50,51(1))
- Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. (NII-REO) (年月:1981-1999 巻号:1(1)-59(3))
- Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. (Springer) (年月:1981-1996 巻号:1-43)
- Environmental Mutagenesis. (Wiley) (年月:1979-1988 巻号:Vol.1-12) リンク先は継続後誌 "Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis"
- Environmental and Occupational Health Practice. (J-STAGE) (年月:2019-2019) OPEN ACCESS
- Environmental Pollutants & Bioavailability. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1998-Current)
- Environmental and Resource Economics. (Springer) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-9)
- Environmental Science and Pollution Research. (NII-REO) (年月:1994-1999 巻号:1(1)-6(4))
- Environmental Science and Pollution Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Environmental Science & Technology. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:30(2)-Current)
- Environmental Science & Technology Letters. (Americal Chemical Society) (年月:2014-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Dec 2009)
- Enzyme Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jan 2019)
- The Enzymes. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1970-1992 巻号:1-20)
- Epidemiologic Methods. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- Epidemiologic Perspectives and Innovations. (BioMed Central) (年月:2004-2012 巻号:1-9) FREE
- Epidemiologic Perspectives & Innovations. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jan 2012) 欠:01-Jan-2010--31-Dec-2011
- Epidemiologic Reviews. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-1997 巻号:18(1)-19(2))
- Epidemiologic Reviews. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1979-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Epidemiology. (LWW) (年月:1990-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Epidemiology and Community Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1979-Mar 1979)
- Epidemiology and Infection. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2001-Current)
- Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2012-Current)
- Epigenetics. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2006- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:1-(Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- Epigenetics and Chromatin. (BioMed Central) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:1-Current) FREE
- Epigenetics & Chromatin. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Epigenetics Communications. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2021-Current)
- Epigenetics Insights. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Epigenomes. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2017-Current)
- Epigenomics. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2009-Dec 2020) 欠:15-Jan-2020--15-Mar-2020; 01-Apr-2020--30-Apr-2020; 01-May-2020--31-Jul-2020; 15-Aug-2020--15-Sep-2020; 01-Oct-2020--01-Dec-2020
- Epilepsia. (Wiley) (年月:1997-(48 months ago) 巻号:38-(48 months ago)) Free: Content older 48 months back to 1997
- Epilepsia Open. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2016-Current)
- Epilepsy : an Atlas of Investigation and Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2010)
- Epilepsy Currents. (PubMed Central) (年月:2001-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Epilepsy Research and Treatment. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jan 2017) 欠:01-Jan-2011--31-Dec-2011
- Epilepsy & Seizure. (J-STAGE) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:V.1-Current) FREE
- EpiNorth. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2010-Jul 2012)
- Episteme. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2012-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- EPJ Data Science. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2012-Current)
- EPJ nonlinear biomedical physics. (Springer) (年月:2013-2016 巻号:1-4) FREE
- Eplasty. (PubMed Central) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:8-Current) 含・継続前誌: Journal of Burns and Wounds (v4-7) 2005-2007年
- EPMA Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2010-Dec 2018)
- Equipment Services. (CINAHL) (年月:Jun 2004-Sep 2015)
- Era's Journal of Medical Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Erciyes tıp dergisi = Erciyes Medical Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2021-Current)
- Ergonomics SA. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2008-Dec 2017)
- Erkenntnis. (Springer) (年月:1930-1996 巻号:1-45) 誌名変遷: Annalen der Philosophie(1919-1921) → Annalen der Philosophie und Philosophischen Kritik(1924-1929) → Erkenntnis(1930-1939) → Journal of unified science(1939-1940) → Erkenntnis(1975-)
- ESC Heart Failure. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2014-Current)
- ESC Heart Failure. (Wiley) (年月:2014-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal
- ESHRE Monographs. (Oxford University Press) (年月:2002-2008 巻号:2002-2008)
- ESMO open. (Elsevier) (年月:2016-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open Access journal
- Esophageal Diseases : an Atlas of Investigation and Management. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Jan 2006)
- Esophagus. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2003-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Essential Drugs Monitor. (CINAHL) (年月:Sep 2003-Mar 2005)
- Estonian Journal of Ecology. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2010-Dec 2014)
- Estudos Tecnológicos em Engenharia. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Jul 2018) 欠:01-Jan-2016--31-Dec-2017
- ET Journal. (LWW) (年月:1977-1979 巻号:4-6) 継続後誌: Journal of Enterostomal Therapy
- Ethanol & Biodiesel News. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2004-Apr 2009)
- Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2005-Apr 2016)
- Ethics & Human Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Sep 2012)
- Ethics & Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2001-Oct 2020)
- Ethics, Law & Aging Review. (CINAHL) (年月:Jun 2005-Aug 2005)
- Ethnicity & Health. (CINAHL) (年月:Sep 1996-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- Ethnicity and Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1998-Aug 2000)
- Ethnicity & Health. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:2(3)-Current)
- Ethos. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 1999-Mar 2008)
- Eukaryotic cell. (American Society for Microbiology) (年月:2002-2015 巻号:1-14) Free
- Euphytica. (Springer) (年月:1952-1996 巻号:1-92)
- EurAsian Journal of BioSciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2020)
- Eurasian Journal of Emergency Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2010-Current)
- Eurasian Journal of Medical Investigation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2020-Current)
- Eurasian Journal of Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2010-Jun 2019)
- Eurasian Journal of Medicine and Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2020-Current)
- EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems. (PubMed Central) (年月:2006-2017 巻号:2006-2017)
- EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Sep 2017)
- EUREKA: Life Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Current)
- Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin. (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)) (年月:1995-Current 巻号:0-Current) Free.
- Europace. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1999-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open access
- European Addiction Research. (Karger) (年月:1995-2013 巻号:Vol.1-19)
- European annals of allergy and clinical immunology. (EDRA LSWR) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:40-Current) Free
- European Annals of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Diseases. (Elsevier Masson) (年月:Mar 2010-(12 months ago) 巻号:127-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化. ScienceDirect
- European Archives of Medical Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2019-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2020
- European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology. (NII-REO) (年月:1864-1999 巻号:1(1)-256(10))
- European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology. (Springer) (年月:1864-1996 巻号:1-253)
- European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience. (NII-REO) (年月:1868-1999 巻号:1(1)-249(6))
- European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience. (Springer) (年月:1868-1996 巻号:1-246) 誌名変遷: Archiv für Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten(1868-1983) → European archives of psychiatry and neurological sciences(1984-1990) → European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience(1990-)
- European Biophysics Journal. (NII-REO) (年月:1974-1999 巻号:1(1)-28(7))
- European Biophysics Journal. (Springer) (年月:1974-1996 巻号:1-25(1-2))
- European Biophysics Journal : EBJ. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Jan 2019)
- European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 1998-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 months
- European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. (NII-REO) (年月:1992-1999 巻号:1(1)-8(4))
- European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. (Springer) (年月:1992-1996 巻号:1-5)
- European Demographic Information Bulletin. (Springer) (年月:1970-1983 巻号:1-14) 継続後誌: European Journal of Population(1985-)
- European Diabetes Nursing. (CINAHL) (年月:Jun 2004-Dec 2014)
- European Diabetes Nursing. (Wiley) (年月:2004-2009 巻号:Vol.1-6)
- European Eating Disorders Review. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.4-17,18(1))
- European Endodontic Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2020-Current)
- European food research and technology. (Springer) (年月:1898-1996 巻号:1-203) 誌名変遷: Zeitschrift für Untersuchung der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel sowie der Gebrauchsgegenstände(1898-1925) → Zeitschrift für Untersuchung der Lebensmittel(1926-1943) → Zeitschrift für Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und -Forschung(1943-1996) → Zeitschrift für Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und -Forschung A(1997-1998) → European Food Research and Technology(1999-)
- European Heart Journal. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1980-(1 year ago) 巻号:1-(1 year ago)) Free: after 12 months
- European heart journal cardiovascular Imaging. (Oxford University Press) (年月:2000-(1 year ago) 巻号:1-(1 year ago)) Free: after 12 months. 2011年まではEuropean journal of echocardiography
- European Heart Journal Supplements. (Oxford University Press) (年月:2001- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:3-(Free after 12 months)) Free after 12 months
- European Heart Journal. Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2016-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- European Heart Journal. Quality of Care and Clinical Outcomes. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2016-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- European Journal of Ageing. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2008-Current)
- European Journal of Ageing. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2005-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2006--31-Dec-2006; 01-Jan-2008--31-Dec-2012 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- European journal of ageing. (PubMed Central) (年月:2004-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) Free. after 12 months
- European journal of anaesthesiology. (LWW) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:13-Current)
- European Journal of Applied Physiology. (NII-REO) (年月:1928-1999 巻号:1(1)-80(6))
- European Journal of Applied Physiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- European Journal of Applied Physiology. (Springer) (年月:1928-1996 巻号:1-75(1))
- European Journal of Arrhythmia & Electrophysiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2015-Current)
- European Journal of Biological Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2017-Current)
- European Journal of Cancer. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1992-1994 巻号:Vol.28-30)
- European Journal of Cancer (1965). (ScienceDirect) (年月:1965-1981 巻号:Vol.1-17)
- European Journal of Cancer Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2023-Current)
- European Journal of Cancer Care. (Wiley) (年月:1997-Jan. 2017 巻号:6-25,26(1))
- European Journal of Cancer and Clinical Oncology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1981-1991 巻号:Vol.18-27)
- European Journal of Cancer Prevention. (LWW) (年月:1991-2018 巻号:1-27)
- European Journal of Cancer. Part B: Oral Oncology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1992-1994 巻号:Vol.28-30)
- European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1996-(1 year ago) 巻号:10-(1 year ago)) Free: after 12 months
- European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation. (LWW) (年月:2003-2003 巻号:10(5)-10(6)) 継続前誌:Journal of Cardiovascular Risk
- European Journal of Cell Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2001-Jun 2005)
- The European Journal of Clinical & Medical Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2009-Sep 2012)
- European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. (NII-REO) (年月:1982-1999 巻号:1(1)-18(12))
- European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. (Springer) (年月:1982-1996 巻号:1-15)
- European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. (NII-REO) (年月:1968-1999 巻号:1(1)-55(9))
- European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. (Springer) (年月:1968-1996 巻号:1-51(1-4))
- European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2002-Dec 2007)
- The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:2-Current)
- European Journal of Dentistry. (Thieme) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current) Open access.
- European journal of dermatology : EJD. (John Libbey Eurotext) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:Vol.7-Current)
- European Journal of Emergency Medicine. (LWW) (年月:1994-2018 巻号:1-25)
- European Journal of Endocrinology. (BioScientifica) (年月:1997- (Free after 12 months) 巻号:137-(Free after 12 months)) Free: after 12 months back to 1 Jul 1997. 2023年よりOUP
- European Journal of Entomology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2004-Current)
- European Journal of Epidemiology. (NII-REO) (年月:1985-1999 巻号:1(1)-15(10))
- European Journal of Epidemiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- European Journal of Epidemiology. (Springer) (年月:1985-1996 巻号:1-12)
- European Journal of Forest Research. (Springer) (年月:1857-1996 巻号:1-116)
- European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology. (LWW) (年月:1993-2018 巻号:5-30)
- The European journal of general practice. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:3-Current) Open Access
- European Journal of Geriatrics and Gerontology. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2019-Dec 2019)
- The European Journal of Health Economics : HEPAC. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- European journal of heart failure. (Wiley) (年月:1999-(1 years ago) 巻号:1-(1 years ago)) Free: Content older than 1 year
- European Journal of Histochemistry : EJH. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-Jun 2020)
- European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy. Science and Practice. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2012-(180 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:180日
- European journal of human genetics : EJHG. (Nature) (年月:1998-(12 months ago) 巻号:6-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化
- European Journal of Human Genetics : EJHG. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- European Journal of Hybrid Imaging. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2019-Current)
- European Journal of Immunology. (Wiley) (年月:1971-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- European Journal of Inflammation. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2003-Current)
- European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.1998-2009,2010(1-2)) リンク先で継続前誌 Chemische Berichte (1996-1997年)にアクセス可
- European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2020-Current)
- European Journal of Law and Economics. (Springer) (年月:1994-1996 巻号:1-3)
- European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology : EJLST. (Wiley) (年月:2000-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.102-111,112(1)) リンク先で継続前誌 Lipid : Fett (1996-1999年)アクセス可
- European Journal of Marketing. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1992-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- European Journal of Medical Case Reports. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2017-Current)
- European Journal of Medical Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- European Journal of Mental Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2006-Current)
- European Journal of Nanomedicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Jul 2017)
- European Journal of Neuroscience. (Wiley) (年月:1989-1997 巻号:1-9)
- European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. (NII-REO) (年月:1976-1999 巻号:1(1)-26(12))
- European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. (Springer) (年月:1976-Current 巻号:1-Current) リンク先で継続前誌 "European journal of nuclear medicine"(~2001年)閲覧可
- European Journal of Nutrition. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2006-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 Months
- European Journal of Nutrition. (NII-REO) (年月:1960-1998 巻号:1(1)-37(4))
- European Journal of Nutrition. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 1997-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-1998 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- European journal of nutrition. (Springer) (年月:1960-1996 巻号:1-35) 誌名変遷: Zeitschrift für Ernährungswissenschaft (1960-1998) → European journal of nutrition (1999-)
- European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research. (Springer) (年月:1993-1996 巻号:1-4)
- European Journal of Organic Chemistry. (Wiley) (年月:1998-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.1998-2009,2010(1-3)) リンク先で継続前誌 Liebigs Annalen (1996-1997年)アクセス可
- European Journal of Orthodontics. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:18(1)-25(6)) 欠あり
- European Journal of Orthodontics. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1979-(1 year ago) 巻号:1-(1 year ago)) Free: after 12 months
- European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology. (ProQuest) (年月:May 1998-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2000; 01-Jan-2002--31-Dec-2007; 01-Jan-2009--31-Dec-2010; 01-Jan-2012--31-Dec-2016 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology. (Springer) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-6)
- European Journal of Pediatric Surgery. (Thieme) (年月:1980-1999 巻号:29-45;1-9) 1990年までは "Zeitschrift für Kinderchirurgie"
- European journal of pediatric surgery reports. (Thieme) (年月:2013-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal.
- European Journal of Pediatrics. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2012-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 Months
- European Journal of Pediatrics. (NII-REO) (年月:1911-1999 巻号:1(1)-158(12))
- European Journal of Pediatrics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1996-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- European Journal of Pediatrics. (Springer) (年月:1911-1996 巻号:1-156(1))
- European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine. (Edizioni Minerva Medica) (年月:1998-Current 巻号:34-Current) FREE. v34-43 (1998-2007年) は継続前誌 Europa Medicophysica
- European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1998-Jun 2010)
- European Journal of Physiotherapy. (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2013-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- European Journal of Physiotherapy. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2013-Current 巻号:15-Current) 継続前誌: Advances in Physiotherapy (1999-2012年) も利用可
- European Journal of Plant Pathology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- European Journal of Plant Pathology. (Springer) (年月:1895-1996 巻号:1-102)
- European Journal of Plastic Surgery. (Springer) (年月:1973-1996 巻号:1-19)
- European Journal of Population. (Springer) (年月:1985-1996 巻号:1-12) 継続前誌: European Demographic Information Bulletin(-1983)
- European Journal of Protistology. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2001-Apr 2005)
- The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Jul 2013)
- The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2014-Current)
- European Journal of Psychology & Educational Studies. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2015-Jul 2015)
- European Journal of Psychotraumatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- European Journal of Public Health. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2006-Current)
- European Journal of Public Health. (NII-REO) (年月:1996-2003 巻号:6(1)-13(4))
- European Journal of Public Health. (Oxford University Press) (年月:1991-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access
- European journal of radiology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1990-Current 巻号:10-Current)
- The European Journal of Social & Behavioural Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current)
- European Journal of Social Psychology. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2009 巻号:Vol.26-39)
- European Journal of Surgery. (Wiley) (年月:1998-2002 巻号:164-168) 吸収後誌: British Journal of Surgery
- European Journal of Trauma. (CINAHL) (年月:Feb 2006-Dec 2006)
- European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2002-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery. (Elsevier) (年月:1995-(12 months ago) 巻号:9-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化. ScienceDirect
- European Journal of Vascular Surgery. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1987-1994 巻号:1-8) Continued as European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
- European Journal of Wildlife Research. (Springer) (年月:1955-1996 巻号:1-42) 誌名変遷: Zeitschrift für Jagdwissenschaft (1955-2003年) → European Journal of Wildlife Research (2004-)
- The European Neurological Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Jul 2011)
- European Neurology. (Karger) (年月:1897-2013 巻号:Vol.1-70)
- European Neurology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-Sep 2015)
- European Oral Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Sep 2017)
- European Psychiatry. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2020-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- European Radiology. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2008-(12 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:12 Months
- European Radiology. (NII-REO) (年月:1991-1999 巻号:1(1)-9(9))
- European Radiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- European Radiology. (Springer) (年月:1991-1996 巻号:1-6)
- European respiratory journal. (European Respiratory Society) (年月:1988- (Free after 18 months) 巻号:1-(Free after 18 months)) Free: after 18 months
- European respiratory review. (European Respiratory Society) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:14-Current) Free site
- European Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- European Review of Aging and Physical Activity. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- European Science and Technology Review. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2007-Jun 2008)
- European Spine Journal. (NII-REO) (年月:1992-1999 巻号:1(1)-8(6))
- European Spine Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- European spine journal. (Springer) (年月:1992-2018 巻号:1-27)
- European Surgical Research. (Karger) (年月:1969-2013 巻号:Vol.1-51)
- European Surgical Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-Dec 2015)
- European Thyroid Journal. (Karger) (年月:2012-2013 巻号:Vol.1-2)
- The European Zoological Journal. (ProQuest) (年月:Dec 2017-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2018--31-Dec-2018; 01-Jan-2021--31-Dec-2021
- Europe's Journal of Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2009-Aug 2019)
- Everyday Psychophilosophy [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2018-Current)
- Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2011-Current)
- Evidence-Based Dentistry. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2000-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Evidence-Based Mental Health. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1998-(360 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:360日
- Evidence-Based Nursing. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1998-(360 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:360日
- Evidence Based Midwifery. (CINAHL) (年月:Aug 2013-Current)
- Evidence-Based Child Health: A Cochrane Review Journal. (Wiley) (年月:2006-2009 巻号:Vol.1-4)
- Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:2007-Current 巻号:1-Current)
- Evidence-based Complementary & Alternative Medicine (eCAM). (CINAHL) (年月:Mar 2008-Current)
- Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM. (Hindawi) (年月:2004-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access
- Evidence-based dentistry. (Nature) (年月:1998-(1 year ago) 巻号:1-(1 year ago)) 1年経過後Free化
- Evidence-Based Eye Care. (LWW) (年月:1999-2004 巻号:1-5) 継続後誌:Evidence-Based Ophthalmology
- Evidence-Based Gastroenterology. (LWW) (年月:2001-2008 巻号:2-9)
- Evidence-based medicine. (BMJ Publishing Group) (年月:2000-2013 巻号:Vol.5-18)
- Evidence-Based Ophthalmology. (LWW) (年月:2005-2011 巻号:6-12) 継続前誌: Evidence-Based Eye Care
- Evidence-Based Practice. (LWW) (年月:2013-2018 巻号:16-21)
- Evidence-based Preclinical Medicine. (Wiley) (年月:2014-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access
- Evidence-based spine-care journal. (Thieme) (年月:2010-2014 巻号:1-5) Free.
- EvoDevo. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Evolution Letters. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2017-Current)
- The Evolution & Medicine Review [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Jul 2018-Current)
- Evolution: Education & Outreach. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Current)
- Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews. (Wiley) (年月:1996-2010/1/31 巻号:Vol.5-18,19(1))
- Evolutionary Applications. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2008-Current)
- Evolutionary Applications. (Wiley) (年月:2008-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal
- Evolutionary Bioinformatics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2005-Current)
- Evolutionary bioinformatics online. (SAGE Publications) (年月:2005-Current 巻号:1-Current) open access journal
- Evolutionary Biology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2007-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Evolutionary Ecology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Evolutionary Ecology. (Springer) (年月:1987-1996 巻号:1-10)
- Evolutionary Human Sciences. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2019-Current)
- Evolutionary Psychology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2013-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2014--31-Dec-2015
- Evolutionary Systematics. (ProQuest) (年月:Apr 2019-Current) 欠:01-Jan-2020--31-Dec-2022
- EWMA Journal. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2008-Nov 2020)
- Exceptional Children. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 1991-Jul 2017)
- Exceptional Parent. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2006-Current)
- Executive Health's Good Health Report. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 1998-Sep 1999)
- Exercise & Sport Sciences Reviews. (LWW) (年月:1973-2018 巻号:1-46)
- Experimental Aging Research. (CINAHL) (年月:Jan 2006-(15 months ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:15 months
- Experimental Animals. (J-STAGE) (年月:1995-Current 巻号:V.44-Current) FREE
- Experimental Animals(v.27-43). (J-STAGE) (年月:1978-1994 巻号:V.27-43) FREE
- Experimental & Applied Acarology. (NII-REO) (年月:1985-1999 巻号:1(1)-23(12))
- Experimental & Applied Acarology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 1997-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Experimental and Applied Acarology. (Springer) (年月:1985-1996 巻号:1-20)
- Experimental Astronomy. (Springer) (年月:1989-1996 巻号:1-6)
- Experimental biology and medicine. (PubMed Central) (年月:2015-(12 months ago) 巻号:240-(12 months ago)) Free. after a 12-month delay (embargo)
- Experimental Biomedical Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2018-Current)
- Experimental Brain Research. (NII-REO) (年月:1966-1999 巻号:1(1)-129(4))
- Experimental Brain Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 1997-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-1998--31-Dec-2000 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Experimental Brain Research. (Springer) (年月:1966-1996 巻号:1-112)
- Experimental and clinical cardiology. (PubMed Central) (年月:2001-2013 巻号:6-18)
- Experimental Dermatology. (Wiley) (年月:1992-1997 巻号:1-6)
- Experimental Eye Research. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1961-1994 巻号:Vol.1-59)
- Experimental Gerontology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1964-Current 巻号:1-29,170-Current) v170よりオープンアクセス
- Experimental Hematology & Oncology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
- Experimental Lung Research. (Taylor & Francis) (年月:1997-Current 巻号:23-Current) Open Access: v49(2023)-
- Experimental Mathematics. (Taylor & Francis (NII-REO)) (年月:1992-1996 巻号:1-5)
- Experimental and Molecular Medicine. (Nature) (年月:1996-Current 巻号:28-Current) Open Access
- Experimental & Molecular Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Mar 2000-Current)
- Experimental and Molecular Pathology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1962-Current 巻号:1-61,129-Current) v129よりオープンアクセス
- Experimental Parasitology. (ScienceDirect) (年月:1951-1994 巻号:1-79)
- Experimental Physiology. (Wiley) (年月:1990-(12 months ago) 巻号:75-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化
- Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2012-Current)
- Experimental & Translational Stroke Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2016-Jan 2016)
- Experiments in Fluids. (Springer) (年月:1983-1996 巻号:1-22(1-2))
- Expert Review of Anticancer Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2001-Sep 2014)
- Expert Review of Anti-Infective Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2003-Sep 2014)
- Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2003-Sep 2014)
- Expert Review of Clinical Immunology. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2005-Sep 2014)
- Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2008-Sep 2014)
- Expert Review of Dermatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Feb 2006-Dec 2013)
- Expert Review of Endocrinology & Metabolism. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2006-Sep 2014)
- Expert Review of Gastroenterology & Hepatology. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2007-Sep 2014)
- Expert Review of Hematology. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2008-Aug 2014)
- Expert Review of Medical Devices. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2004-Sep 2014)
- Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics. (ProQuest) (年月:May 2001-Sep 2014)
- Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2001-Sep 2014)
- Expert Review of Obstetrics & Gynecology. (ProQuest) (年月:Sep 2006-Nov 2013)
- Expert Review of Ophthalmology. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2006-Aug 2014)
- Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research. (ProQuest) (年月:Oct 2001-Aug 2014)
- Expert Review of Proteomics. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2004-Aug 2014)
- Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2007-Aug 2014)
- Expert Review of Vaccines. (ProQuest) (年月:Jun 2002-Sep 2014)
- Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2001-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Extreme Life, Biospeology and Astrobiology. (ProQuest) (年月:Nov 2009-Current)
- Extreme Physiology & Medicine. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Jan 2018)
- Extremophiles. (NII-REO) (年月:1997-1999 巻号:1(1)-3(4))
- Extremophiles. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 1998-(365 days ago)) 欠:01-Jan-2000--31-Dec-2001 フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Eye. (Nature) (年月:1987-(12 months ago) 巻号:1-(12 months ago)) 12か月経過後Free化
- Eye. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2002-(365 days ago)) フルテキスト掲載延期期間:365日
- Eye and Brain. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2009-Current)
- Eye & Contact Lens: Science & Clinical Practice. (LWW) (年月:2003-2018 巻号:29-44)
- Eye on FDA [BLOG]. (ProQuest) (年月:Aug 2018-Current)
- Eye and Vision. (ProQuest) (年月:Jan 2015-Current)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 和文誌